• Published 19th May 2021
  • 934 Views, 18 Comments

Advice from a Princess - The_Chill_Author

Featherweight has always been mocked for having such tiny wings and big ears, one day Diamond Tiara hit a little too low for the young boy to handle. After going to sleep a certain Princess of the Night comes to comfort him.

  • ...

"We can help you."




I looked at Diamond Tiara, my bully for the past month and a half.

"...What did you say?" I asked her, my voice trembling, tears were forming in my eyes. I couldn't help it anymore, with such constant abuse I was bound to shed tears. It was only a matter of time.

"I'll repeat what I said since even with such big ears you couldn't hear me," Diamond Tiara spat, I flinched at the harshness in her voice. "You will never be able to fly, with such a big head filled with worthless knowledge and your big ears, you can never fly. Short wings." Cheerilee walked out of class to talk to Applejack and as soon as I wasn't protected. They bully me.

"Oooh, you got roasted!" Snips said, making my already bad mood worse than it already is and fueling fire to the flames.

"Leave him alone Diamond Tiara, that's goin' too dang far." Applebloom said, glancing at me as I gawked at Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon interjected and assisted her friend.

"Oooh you said a bad word, I'm telling Ms. Cheerilee!" Silver Spoon snarked, Applebloom's ears flattened.

"Hey!" Applebloom cried out, the voices of everyone flooded my ears. The voices wouldn't stop talking, every insult, lies, and every single offensive word that was told to me within one month flooded my mind.

"You're nothing but a failure to the whole Pegasi race, with those wings you'll never be able to fly!"

I sit down and I hold my ears to try to block out the voices, though it appeared it didn't work for I still heard them.

"Elephant ears!"

"Please..." I begged, wanting the voices to stop, though the voices mercilessly kept on beating me down like a hammer beating a nail.

"With those ears you can even hear ponies from Canterlot!"

"Stop it..." I said tears running down my face, I began to claw at my ears with my hooves.

"You have a big head but a small brain, what was the word called? Oh right, ironic."

"Please, I'm begging you..." I whimpered through my tears, I then began to go into a corner.

"You will neverbe able to fly, with such a big head filled with worthless knowledge and your big ears, you can never fly. Short wings."

The room became dark for me, though my eyes were open, I felt like the demons of Tartarus dragged me into their home.


The voices echoed, even in Tartarus I couldn't escape the voices. They won't stop!


I clench my teeth as I began to sob, this is too much for me, why is Faust doing this to me? Where did I go wrong?!

"Never be able to fly."

I started to breath heavy, my breathing became loud until that was the only thing I heard. Just breathing, though the words echoed in my mind, I began to feel wobbly as I struggled to stay on my feet.


I grunt as I remember the words, I held my head. My head began to pound like gongs from those fights my dad attends. Sweat shot down my face like a waterfall and my heart began to pound faster and faster. Was I having a heart attack?! I'm dying! I tried to speak but I couldn't, why couldn't I speak?

"Featherweight?" I hear somepony ask, I didn't realize who though the voice was distorted like I was having some sort of nightmare. I took two steps back and I saw all eyes on me, those judging eyes, those eyes filled with scorn. I then froze, all was silent and time stopped for me.

It was quiet.

Why was it quiet?!

I blinked once and there I was, I wasn't in the classroom anymore. I was... In a familiar place it was void of anypony, everything was purple and I saw mountains in the distance. It was night time, where was I?

"Am I... Dreaming?" I asked myself, I pinch myself to make sure and I felt... Nothing, I truly was dreaming. "But... Why am I dreaming?"

"That's the same question we were going to ask," I jumped at the sudden voice and I flinched, I close me eyes shut. "Do not fret young one, we do not wish to harm thou." I slowly open my eyes and was relieved and shocked that it was Princess Luna.

"How- How are you here? Why are you here?" I asked the Princess of the Night, she approaches me and looks at me in the eyes. Luna then inspects me and I back away from her.

"We are the Princess of the Night, it is one of our many duties as a Princess to watch over the dreams of the ponies of Equestria." Luna explained to me, she then stops and we look at each other. "To answer thy other question we felt a disturbance and we saw you, just standing here." Luna then lowered her head to get to my level, "What troubles thou?"

I gawked at her before shaking it off, "There's nothing wrong with me, Princess Luna, I just fell asleep in class." I lied to the Princess, what am I even thinking? Lying to the Princess? I could be sealed in stone because or that! Or even worse, sent to the moon!

"DO NOT LIE TO US, COLT!!!" Luna roared in her Royal Canterlot voice, I then let out an audible 'Eep!' before ducking to hide myself. Luna then realized what she said and looks down to me, "We apologize, we only wish to know why we feel the aura of death around thou."

"...I can't handle it, Princess, I can't handle the constant abuse that Diamond Tiara and her lackeys put on me. That school... Is Tartarus." I said solemnly, shaking my head.

"Haven't thou tried to tell thy teacher about Diamond Tiara's exploits?" Princess Luna asked, looking down at me with a sympathetic look. Why haven't I? Why haven't I?!

"You don't think I've tried?!" I snapped going to my hooves, "Every day I tell Ms. Cheerilee, 'Diamond Tiara is bullying me!' and when she asks the class a majority of them say they saw nothing! Zip, none, nada, nothing! They constantly put me down over and over again, now... I don't see it that I even belong to this world! Everyone would be better off if I died!" I snapped, at Luna, she reeled back in shock and awe. Her eyes suddenly head tears in them and she embraced me in a hug, I blinked.

"Thou was not the only one who felt that way," Luna whispered into my ears, I gasped softly and she let go of me. Wiping the tears from her eyes.

"But how? You're a Princess." I said, confused yet intrigued on why she felt that way at a time.

"Before we turned into Nightmare Moon and were corrupted, we raised the moon and saw everypony go to their beds. Ignoring our beautiful night, it felt like we weren't worth anything, like we were trash. Then we saw our dear sister, Celestia, raise our moon for the first time, revealing that she could raise both the sun and the moon. We were worthless, we were better off dead we thought, so we crafted a noose... A-and tried to hang ourselves. That noose broke and that was when we fell into Nightmare Moon's influence, we were slowly corrupted and were fed lies until we became a monster." I could only stare at Princess Luna in surprise, she... Was like me.

"Diamond Tiara said I could never fly because of my short wings, i-is that...?" I look up to Princess Luna, "Is that true?"

"No," Princess Luna said looking at me, "We met a similar colt like thou who could fly with such small wings, have thou ever heard of Bulk Biceps?" I nod and she chuckled, "Well he can fly and by Faust is he good at it, until he decided to become buff."

I let out a giggle, what? Boys can't giggle? "Maybe I should go to him for lessons," That made Luna chuckle.

"Thou are worth everything, young one, thy parents forged thou for a reason, and nothing can ever take away thy worth." Luna said with a smile, I smiled back as a tear of joy fell down my cheek.

"...Thank you," I said to the Lunar Princess, Luna then sighed.

"We must go, but thou know what thou must say to Diamond Tiara," I nod, "Good, farewell young one, and good luck with thy future endeavors!" Luna then flew up and gave me a wink before going through a portal, the portal then closes and I sigh.

"I know what I must do."

It was the next day and I spot Diamond Tiara, I then walk up to her with a smile.

"What are you doing here, Elephant Ears?" She taunted, I then flashed her an even bigger smile.

"I'm here to tell you about something on your face." I told the Unicorn, Diamond Tiara then checks her face with her hooves.

"What is it?" Diamond Tiara asked me, I then deck her in her face with the hardest buck I could muster.


Author's Note:

I know it's a little OOC, but come on, this is the result of constant bullying, bullying can mess up a child.

Moral of the story.
People; or in this case, ponies, are there for you. Even in unexpected places.

Comments ( 18 )

This story is so... Beautiful.

Featherweight's struggles are relatable for the teenager going through bullying. And what you did with Luna and Featherweight is amazing, Luna sympathizes with Featherweight's thoughts of suicide. The fact that Luna tried to commit suicide gives me Bruce Banner vibes. Good story.

It's nice that you love this story, I appreciate you appreciating it.

Wow, this is very sad

Very nice story, bittersweet can be good sometimes.

That ending too, HILARIOUS



The ending was awesome! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
It’s good to see DT finally getting what she deserves.
Well done, my friend! I approve!

Can I just say I am charmed that your wrote the moral of the story at the end?

No wondering. Though the themes were apprantent. Its still nice to see utter transperancy in a work of fiction.

Great job!

Loved the end.

Thank you, both of you, for enjoying my story. :)

This was a very good one-shot. I was bullied too but not that bad that I wanted to kill myself.

Thank you for the appreciation.

"I'll repeat what I said since even with such big ears you couldn't hear me," Diamond Tiara spat, I flinched at the harshness in her voice. "You will never be able to fly, with such a big head filled with worthless knowledge and your big ears, you can never fly. Short wings." Cheerilee walked out of class to talk to Applejack and as soon as I wasn't protected. They bully me.

"Oooh, you got roasted!" Snips said, making my already bad mood worse than it already is and fueling fire to the flames.

It’s funny how the same people that say these are the same people who are surprised when a suicide or school shooting happens.

"DO NOT LIE TO US, COLT!!!" Luna roared in her Royal Canterlot voice, I then let out an audible 'Eep!' before ducking to hide myself. Luna then realized what she said and looks down to me, "We apologize, we only wish to know why we feel the aura of death around thou."

God damn.

"I'm here to tell you about something on your face." I told the Unicorn, Diamond Tiara then checks her face with her hooves.

"What is it?" Diamond Tiara asked me, I then deck her in her face with the hardest buck I could muster.


Is it bad that I screamed yes out loud when this happened?

So why is Diamond a unicorn here?

I think it probably was a typo or error, could you show me where you found it?


It was down at the end.

"I'm here to tell you about something on your face." I told the Unicorn, Diamond Tiara then checks her face with her hooves.

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