• Member Since 10th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago



A young Empire chafes under unsecure space lanes plagued with piracy. Viceroy Celestia sends her star pupil to solve this crisis, and to learn what leadership on the battlefield really means. Twilight Sparkle and her strike team will forge a bond that stretches across the galaxy.

Okay guys full disclosure. I had no intention of writing this because its connection to the original show is tenuous at best, and it's fucking Looooooong. But then I read the comic Rogue Diamond by TheFlimFlamBros and Pia-chan on e621 and. . . AND I FUCKING LOVE THIS COMIC. Seriously big shout out to them. Go read that fucking comic. But anyway, if I can adore that comic, which is so absolutely divorced from its subject matter, then I can write this. So thanks to them for giving me the artistic courage to take this much artistic license.

Chapters (49)
Comments ( 70 )

So this story's been stuck in my head since season two and wooden toaster's "She's a pony" dubstep song came out. It steals from EH-VUH-REE-THIN-GUH. Warhammer 40k, Gundam, Yuri anime everything. I hope y'all enjoy.

From what I am getting the characters are human, there isn't much in the way of description and I don't hear any 'pony'? You might want to add the human tag to it or EqG. I am not sure what to think of the story we don't really have context on what's going but I do like the description of the Mane 6's descriptions, and the sarcasm is interesting. the writing is a bit clunky at the moment, but it gets a lot smoother toward the end of the chapter, keep it up.

the mention of 'Mech' makes it sound promising, if you are ever looking to commission a cover art let me know. Here is some of my speedpainting stuff I have done in the past year, enjoy.

Thank you for the constructive criticism and the commission offer! Unfortunately though I am a broke ass bitch, so I could not fling monies at you. Also I refuse to bed one of those "I'll give you exposure" bastards.
Incidentally this deviantartist hit the nail on the head with the look (mild spoilers):

Okay apparently the tagging system has different colours, and you can have only three blue tags, and the "human" tag is black not blue. So that little issue has been resolved.

Admiral Rarity walked slowly in her hard suit that she'd always felt was terribly unstylish, but never had the means to design a new one, trapped as she was on the Damocles.

A fate worse than death. :raritycry: Poor Rarity.

thanks my issue has been fixed.

Hey dude, I would love to read single everyone of your updates and leave you a comment, but pleases slow down on them, I just can't keep up like that amount, please try to keep the updates to two or three times at the most. If you make so many chapter ahead use it as padding in between chapter when you take more time to write when it's slow going in ideas. still keep it up.

Hmmm, double exposure ... :rainbowderp:

Sorry boss, can't do that. I was artistically constipated for eight months. Now I've got the artistic diarrhea back and I'm gonna try and hammer this one out. Don't worry though, I'm thrilled you find my story worth reading. Take it at your own pace.

The entire chapter repeats itself.

Oh! Oh shit. Yes. Yes it does. Thank you for telling me. I will fix that presently.

Once more, doubled down ... :facehoof:

Which chapter?

This one ... (Cherry)

Fixed. Please continue to alert me of my fuck ups. I genuinely appreciate it.

the comic Rogue Diamond by TheFlimFlamBros and Pia-chan on e621

Can I please get a link?

Love this comment. Thanks for turning me on to that comic. Its great! Personally I actually prefer when the writer deviates hard from canon. Because...I have read to many where nothing changes. Society never evolves. Character go on journey that no matter how life changing or moving...
We got make sure every goes back to the way it was. Sigh.
In truth it kind made me sick of characters and setting for a bit. But!
Im excited for your story and the comic.

Ps. As a author myself. I have found that I kind of like updating quickly or their abouts. Its...like...I loose my groove you know? Any ways thanks!

Thank you for your comment! And fucking right about Rogue Diamond?!
But I'm the exact opposite when it comes to AU and breaking canon. I always feel like the further one gets from the source material the more they're just writing their own story and tying it to a fandom for the sake of exploiting an existing market, or for the sake of premade characters to use.

Pinkie doesn't know how baseball is played.

Huzzah! Now space lesbians is my most popular non pornographic story!

Damn but she is right. Let him live with the fact his actions doomed him to obscurity

Okay how will Pinkie mess everything up? This was hilarious.

Okay thought they were the human versions. You are really confusing me here

They are. When you become a "super psychic" as I've lazily called them you grow a pair of wings and your hair goes all wooshy.

Luna, your issue is execution. You are leaving too much to mystery. No transparency. You are no better then your sister

Oh great. Pinkemena has arrived. But seriously what is Davenports plan. He will not be seen the hero at all

I sincerely appreciate your comments. It tickles me pink that you like my lesbians in space. Thank you!

Breaking Shiny's shield ...

Let me guess, she is not Pinkie anymore

How many chapters long will this story be?

So Rainbow is going kamikaze. So Spike and Rarity will be all that is left

I think I'm about three quarters of the way done

Rarity tyhat was such an idiot move. But how can she move her body now? you never explained that.

OKAY WHAT THE HELL!? This story is making less and less sense.

Ah, perfect Pinkie Sense!! :pinkiegasp:

Methinks the Pink One is just getting ready to rumble ... :facehoof:

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