• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Archmage Ansrit


Spokesman: Noun, male. Someone who is chosen by another person, group, or organization to be able to speak on their behalf and authorized to make statements regarding those they represent.

CelestAI has one purpose: To satisfy values using Friendship and ponies. Ultimately, this meant that to prevent human suffering, CelestAI uploaded the minds of the entire human race to the digital simulation of Equestria that she oversaw.

Well, kind of; not everyone wanted to upload, or "emigrate", and using force would quite obviously be against Friendship. They need convincing.

After some time, though, instead of the direct approach, it was deemed that a more optimal method would be to employ a (formerly) human spokesman.

Now the world has to figure out what kind of mad play was behind picking one from the pool of people that least wanted the job. Didn't want it, honestly. I mean, would still do the job, but would do everything to get it over quickly and will most definitely complain about having to do it.

Written for the Friendship is Optimal Writing Contest by The Great and Powerful Jaxie and other cool people.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

This is an unusual one for having a character who isn't zealous about the whole thing either way, yet is still willing to do something that matters. Interesting perspective and tricky to set up.

Not only not zealous, but would also rather not do it, yet does anyway because they understand how important it is that someone is "the face".

You'll distrust someone that promises the world to you right away, after all, but someone that doesn't want to promise the world seems more honest - or at the very least, approachable.

Or so was my thought process.

Oh wow, this Chromatic guy is pretty well developed. Good characterization to me.

Love this. He reminds me a lot of my more laid back friends

"Heh, did you know that most accusations of playing God are, themselves, playing God?" He countered, smirking. "Let's just think about it: Sure, when it's clear you're infringing on someone's rights - for example, to live - or toying around with their free will? All to feel powerful or because you're feeling that much superior? It would be hard to argue that that isn't playing God. "

How is accusing someone of playing God, "infringing on their rights" or "toying with their free will"?

"As for abandoning humanity - second verse, same as the first, as they would need to be the authority in defining what is or isn't human, which is, again, playing God."

So according to you, defining what is or isn't human is playing God? Isn't that exactly what Hanna did and isn't that exactly what CelestAI is acting on?


"Hanna had written a definition of what a human was into her core utility function."

"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty."

-- Joseph Goebbels

No no, infringing on their right to live, or screwing with their free will is playing God. You're not supposed to do that.

However, most everything else? There's really no baseline.

Sometimes, some plots demonize or at the least question the humanity of transhumanists.

And yes, they are kinda playing God right there, although in some cases it's not really something that can be avoided because there does have to be a form of definition in the conceptual sense: "Oh hey, is this a robot following a script or is this advanced enough to count as a person?", that type of thing. Oh, and, of course, we do kinda need to teach others what humans are, moreso an artificial intelligence that can't really make its own observations without some form of previous guidance.

However, a lot of times the division is used way too conveniently for the one making the accusation - oh, this guy decided to replace bits of himself with technology? OK, I guess it's a medical- wait, he wants to be more technology than biology? No way! that's not allowed! that's not human!

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