• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 266 Views, 3 Comments

The Ghost of Coltistrano: Restless Peace - EthanClark

Canterlot's war of hatred is quelled, but the Ghost's enemies aren't done with him yet. Against his most lethal foe yet, and haunted by the sins of his mentor, the race has begun to rescue the Crystal Empire from a fury that would swallow it whole.

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Chapter 20: “I ran out of options…”

Never once had it occurred to Gilda her strength may be too much for ponies as she knocked another Night Guard away with a mighty strike, sending him hurtling toward his comrades like a ragdoll. In fact, it almost put her at ease. The Night Guard became almost fixated on the gryphon tearing through their ranks, with swipes of her claws and beats of her broad wings, escorting the white unicorn behind her whose magical fire only accentuated Gilda’s fearsome form.

Still, more of their enemy crawled in through the windows, poured out from the stairways, and whatever palace soldiers had managed to make it as far as the girls already showed signs of pain and wear. Again and again, Gilda clawed at the armor of the charging bat ponies. When a cylinder was thrown from behind the enemy ranks it was met with a clear blue bolt of power from Rarity’s horn, shattering the silencing rod and raining shrapnel down upon its source.

“Hot damn, Rarity!” Gilda hollered. “That was cool as shit! Now check this one out!”

“Gilda, it’s not a competi-!”

A flurry of feathers whizzed past Rarity. She could only watch as the shape performed a barrel roll, mid-flight, drilling into a squad of Night Guard like they were bowling pins. Gilda recovered and hoisted one over her shoulder to be thrown down the hallway.

“We have a mission, remember?”

“Well, we gotta get through, right? Alate’s gonna beeline to Shield Wall, so we ca- argh!

Fierce eyes turned to spy a fresh wound along her hindleg, a small bloodtrail leading to her assailant. Gilda’s claw squeezed his armed foreleg while the other came crashing into face. Rarity stepped to her side, charged her horn, and in an instant released a flowing wave of magic soon focused into several pointed thorns, landing against Night Guard armor and holding them in place while she escorted Gilda down one of the less-destroyed hallways.

“Lean here, let me look at it,” Rarity demanded as she took Gilda’s hindleg, prompting a hiss from the gryphon.

“Hey, ease up, it’s not that bad.”

“Wounded in a battlefield is one of the worst things you could be right now.” Rarity pulled a bandage from her saddlebag and quickly dressed the wound. “There, much better, thankfully it wasn’t that deep. Can you still fight?”

“Ha! ‘Can I still fight’, she asks. Can you find Alate in all this?”

“I’m not even sure I could find the way back, let alone a changeling, and given the state of things I don’t know how much time we have to figure something out.”

“Let’s get out of this mess, first.”

Gilda covered Rarity as the two slowly retreated farther down the hallway. Once they had reached relative safety, she turned to keep pace and travel deeper into the palace, keeping a sharp eye on the ceilings for any movement. Rarity’s horn was alight, their only reliable guide in the conjured patches of darkness that littered the palace corridors.

“Yo, answer me this,” Gilda whispered. “How’d you know it was Abby? I thought she and Silver were friends.”

“There was too much evidence against her, and her subtle clue about the express train to the Crystal Empire all but confirmed my suspicions, though to be frank, I had avoided the thought as much as I could. To think she, of all ponies, could be capable of this.”

“The only rich, well-connected pony in Equestria who was close enough to the case, huh?”

“Precisely,” Rarity sighed.

“That’s crazy, I thought she loved him. What even was the point besides whacking a few of Shield Wall’s goons?”

“Maybe she thought she was doing something good, or that her actions would somehow avenge her manipulations by him,” Rarity said as approached a corner, peering into the empty passage before continuing. “I suspect, though, she did it all to impress Silver, maybe even do his job for him.”

“Yeah, pretty obvious how Abby feels about Silver’s recent life choices… hey, lemme take point.”

Gilda stepped in front of Rarity as the sight of firelight came into view. Her piercing yellow eyes focused on the flame, and as they approached she watched as the streaks of fire scarring the floor travel to a much different flame. Green, wispy, emanating a subtle chill as they flickered in the air. Gilda growled.

“Dark magic. Not good.”

“The only source this could be is the horn, you don’t think…”

“What I think is we’re on the right trail. Stay close, alright? Silver would skin me if I let his squeeze get cooked.”

“His ‘squeeze’?” Rarity said indignantly, prompting Gilda’s sharp, airly laughter. “Really, Gilda, this is hardly the time for that.”

“I’m just glad you finally did it. Only took a full-on invasion to work up the courage, huh?”

“Another word and I’ll be the one to skin you.”

Rarity blushed, deeply, forgetting the danger around them for just a moment as they followed the putrid flames down the corridor. The trails arched around the walls, slicing through doors and tapestries and anything else in their path, even the conjured darkness. A scream pierced the silence. The duo hugged the way as tight as they could, frozen in fear, eyes lingering on the suspected source of the outcry. Another scream came, this time followed by the lifeless, shriveled body of a Night Guard soldier thrown against the wall.

A shadow approached the corpse. It was hunched, stumbling with each step, decorated by splotches of luminescent green across its form and face, culminating at the twisted shape atop its forehead. A few more steps and both Gilda and Rarity could see the distinct shape of rags fluttering along its body. Its victim let out a final, gurgling moan before it was silenced by a firm strike.

“Goodness… is that…?”

“Shit, she found us. Run!”

Gilda yanked Rarity away from the grisly sight and sped down the hallway. Her wings carried them both, beating harshly against the air and nearly scraping the walls beside them, but even Gilda’s impressive speed failed to escape the sudden rush of shadow that flew over her shoulder, landing at the mouth of the corridor. A putrid green glow decorated the horn and fired.

With only a split second Gilda tucked her wings, clutched Rarity to her chest, and forced herself onto the floor, barely dodging the blast as it set even the crystal alight with its verdant flame. When another came, Rarity pried herself from Gilda’s claws and sent a pale mass of power to intercept it. The collision burst into a wispy flash of light that singed the walls. Gilda groaned, but was pulled to her paws and stood her ground beside Rarity.

“Alate? Oh, sweet Celestia, what happened to you?”

“I ran out of options…” she said to Rarity, taking a step forward.

“Hey, hey, hey! No sudden moves, sister, or I’ll twist you into a knot.” Gilda lowered her stance, drawing her claw with a fearsome swipe.

“I’m the one you’re threatening? I’m the one you-” A stream of black left Alate’s quivering mouth, sputtering with each cough as the duo looked on in horror. “I… I don’t have time for you two. I have to find Shield Wall, so… step aside.”

“You know we can’t,” Rarity declared. “We both want Shield Wall’s defeat, but that horn on your head is dangerous. Please, turn yourself over to Princess Cadence, she’ll find a way to help you. We can even-”

“No!” A shockwave of green flame emanated from Alate’s hoof as she stomped, green blood dripping from her brow. “I stood by and followed her orders, leading you all on that stupid chase while Shield Wall kept killing, but Abby never wanted him dead as much as I do, and I am too old to wait any longer!”

“Alate, I beg you, we can stop Shield Wall and make sure he never hurts anypony again, but we need you to help us.”

“Help you? I watched Silver cower like a foal when given the chance to prevent everything around us. He’s the cause, and I’m done following orders from ponies who aren’t willing to finish the job!”

“It’s no use, Rarity, she’s starting to crack,” Gilda said as she readied herself.

“We all want to help you, Alate. Darrox would never want this darkness for you, can you at least agree with that? Please, with how much you love your brother, more than any of us, this is the time to show it!”

“Don’t try to help me… help yourselves.”

More jets of flame spewed from the crooked horn atop alate’s head, scarring the air and crystal around Rarity and Gilda. They were forced apart, hugging their respective walls to avoid being burned. Gilda moved first. She dug her claws in deep and yanked herself forward, wings narrow, headed straight for the corrupted changeling. Alate was quick to notice her, but not quick enough to dodge the claws that raked across her carapice. The blow stopped the spout of flame, giving Rarity the freedom to back up Gilda with thin bolts of magic, shaped like arcane needles, which flew against the wispy form of Alate as she tried to escape the barrage. Now, transformed into shadow, Alate sped off into one of the branching rooms.

“Stack up on me,” Gilda ordered, motioning to her side for Rarity to join. “We’re not gonna last long if she splits us up like that again.”

“We have to take that horn from her, she’s too dangerous with it on.”

“Yeah? Well, forgive me if I’m not keen on getting too close.” Gilda peeked through the open doorway, detecting the lingering scent of charred wood and rot.

They entered into a large mess area, a gorgeous dining hall decorated with banners on each wall, flanking the open windows from where shadow continued to leak in and spill across the floor. Many of the long tables were either shattered or overturned, obscuring their already limited vision. A rattle caught their attention. A banner matching the insignia of the Crystal Corsairs fluttered above them, followed by the clattering of wood in the far corner. Every few seconds came another noise that forced Gilda and Rarity’s eyes across the room in all directions, with nothing as their source.

“She’s screwing with us,” Gilda growled, prompting Rarity to step in front.

“Alate, we can get to Shield Wall faster if we work together. Every second we spend fighting each other is another he’s allowed to roam free, working to capture the palace. You won’t let innocents fall to his evil, will you?”

Emerald fire whizzed past her muzzle as Gilda pulled her out of the way. Rarity returned fire, locking on to the slithering mass that shot around the room, speeding up the walls and knocking loose the ornate paintings, sending them crashing onto the floor. Again, Rarity spoke.

“I don’t understand! Abby was ready to betray you, to use you as bait for us to follow and clean up her mess, so why are you still working with her?”

“I’m not!’

Neither of them were prepared for Alate’s entrance, slamming against the floor just before their hooves and releasing a stream of green fire, barely held at bay by the pale blue barrier erected by Rarity. Gilda beat her wings once, lifted Rarity, and retreated back behind a row of tables, kicking and throwing chairs at the changeling with brutal force. One cracked against her face and forced her back. Once Gilda had flipped an intact table onto its side they hunkered down as Alate regained her balance.

“That brat wasted too much of my time. He would’ve been dead by now, but all she cared about was Darrox’s apprentice.” She spat another glob of black ooze from her mouth. “Young love, I suppose, but Abby was distracted from the start. I only agreed because she was my only option!”

“Why not come to us, then? Silver loved Darrox, he would’ve done anything to help you.”

“Anything except what matters!”

There was a hiss, then Gilda clutched Rarity and dove as half of their cover was eviscerated by a wall of fire. She went on the offensive. Jets of fire shot around her, nimbly dodged with every lunge forward as a clenched claw rose up and crashed against Alate’s jaw, sending her stumbling back. Another, and another, and another blow landed with practiced form as Gilda clobbered the changeling with everything she had until her final strike caught nothing but air. A dark wisp flew past and materialized behind her, and Gilda screamed as the searing touch of dark fire met her hide in a brilliant blast. She fell to the ground, limp.

Rarity’s horn grew to a furious white glow and released a bolt so fierce it tore along Alate’s chitin, digging deep into her side. She stepped forward with every shot. Her magic was strong enough to hold back the dark magic for a while, but the sheer intensity of Alate’s power only grew as she closed in. When fire failed, Alate turned her horn to the floor, summoning a field of jagged crystals from below to entrap the unicorn, tightly circling her. Rarity struggled against their hold until a putrid vial dangled before her eyes, hanging in Alate’s power.

“Twenty years! My brother abandoned his hive twenty years ago, me and our family, so he could help your kind! So he could help the same nation that hunted us like vermin. The rest of the hive folk may have renounced his name, marked him as a traitor, but I’ve given everything so my brother won’t die in vain!”

“But that’s what we’ve done, Alate! Darrox affected all of us, Silver more than anyone, and everything we do is to honor him.”

“You never knew him, you only knew the Ghost!”

“And that was who Darrox wanted us to remember him as.”

“No!” Alate slammed her hoof into the crystal beside Rarity’s head, cracking it. “That cloak killed him, that life killed him, and because of that madness I’m still waiting for a brother who’s never coming home!”

Alate’s haunting visage was snatched away by a blur, and from her crystalline cage Rarity could see Gilda whiz by with a nasty burn along her back. The two collided against the far wall between two towering windows. Alate struggled to recover, but a thundering punch collided with her skull, and one after the other fell upon her as Gilda let loose a howl.

“Quit making excuses!” Gilda threw one final strike, sending green specs from Alate’s mouth across the window beside them.

The jagged horn glowed. Quick paws side-stepped away from the burst of magic that shot up against the ceiling, charring it’s masterful design, allowing Alate to stand. Another burst let off as she closed in and began grappling with the furious gryphon. The cursed power of the horn fueled Alate, enough to almost overpower her opponent in a frightening display of strength, until Gilda brought one claw around the changeling’s neck. Using her wing for leverage and a push from her hindpaws, Gilda tossed Alate effortlessly and slammed her against the edge of a table.

“Darrox is dead and you’re mad, big whoop! You think you’re the only one? We all knew him, and none of us like how you’re dragging his name through the mud to make killing people okay.”

Tarnished wings emerged from her stained rags as Alate charged, only to be grabbed again as Gilda snagged her head, drove her elbow between the two buzzing wings, and slammed her against the same wall.

“And I’m not gonna let you keep talking that shit! So either give up or buckle up, cuz I’m about to give you the flank-whooping of a lifetime.”

Alate stood, blood dripping from her lips, and glared at the indignant gryphon. With a quick hoof she launched a vial, crashing against Gilda’s guarding talons harmlessly, but gave Alate the opening she needed. Each strike landed against Gilda’s side with a grunt, leading up to the joint of her left wing, producing an audible crunch. When Gilda went to swipe Alate ducked, throwing her foreleg out to sweep the other claw. A fierce uppercut kept Gilda from collapsing onto the floor with its sheer force. Smoke fell from the horn, now lowered and almost touching Gilda as she stumbled back.

Alate gasped. A jolt of pain shot through her as Gilda’s firm claw seized the horn and twisted the still raw ring of flesh where it connected. Then came the first strike. Leathery claws clapped both sides of her head, the force echoing deep in her skull and sending her ears ringing. An elbow raked across her jaw with a crack. Alate, dazed, raised her hooves to defend herself but Gilda was already around her with a powerful beat of her right wing, and black talons soon found their way between the plates of chitin and into changeling flesh, summoning a terrible scream. With a final display of strength Gilda abused her newfound leverage and hoisted Alate high over her head before sending her soaring across the room and crashing against the piles of debris.

Strained wing flaps carried Gilda up to the banner of the Crystal Corsairs, where she tore it from its frame and bound it around Alate. Ragged breaths escaped her beak, along with a trickle of deep red blood. She dragged the changeling, who struggled limply against her bindings, to Rarity and began pulling at the crystal.

“Ooh! Gilda, my goodness, are you alright? I could hardly see from here but… well, you look awful.”

“Heh, yeah, you should see the other guy,” she sneered, snapping a piece of crystal loose with a grunt, allowing Rarity to squeeze out from her prison. “Come on, let’s get her back to Cadence. Can’t have much fight left in her.”

“What about Silver? Should we find him?”

“He’s got the pretty boy with him, they’ll be fine, but…” Gilda stumbled, falling into Rarity’s hooves as she caught her balance. “Yeah, I-I ain’t doing so hot.”

“Gilda, lay back, let me look at it…”

Limp eyes watched Rarity examine Gilda’s wounds, applying aid where she could, but Alate continued to struggle against the tight fabric surrounding her. Evidence of the battle echoed from down the hall, beyond the dining room she lay in, and with each clash of metal Alate struggled more. Ignoring the pain of her limbs and the throbbing in her skull she pushed and squirmed, but each effort took more energy from her, energy she knew she would need. She steadied herself.

Rarity was shook by the sudden burst of power and the violent, haunting scream that followed as the makeshift bindings burned away in dark fire. Alate immolated herself. The desperate act freed her, flames licking at the cloth and tearing it away, and with almost supernatural haste Alate charged out of the room. Her speed was barely enough to suffocate the flames, but the agony of her spell fueled her even more as she sped through the halls towards the highest levels of the palace, to her last and final target.

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