• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 3,579 Views, 41 Comments

A Royal Fusion - Nineveh Orion

Twilight and Queen Novo get closer than either of them thought possible.

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Chapter 1

As she watched their new guests get used to their new forms, Queen Novo couldn't help but smile. It had been too long since new faces had come to Seaquestria. She was still upset that Skystar had forced her to show the Pearl like this.

But she was still glad to see new faces. And a new alicorn at that! If this had been another time and place, she would've asked Twilight Sparkle about all of that. But for now, she kept her counsel. Something told her that there was more to this.

"This is amazing! With this, we could transform everypony at home into something powerful enough to face the Storm King's army!" Twilight all but squealed in delight.

And there it was. Novo's face hardened. "Or it could end up in his greedy claws! We came down here to make sure that never happened."

Twilight's face fell. "But..."

Novo's expression softened as she lay a fin on the younger mare's shoulder. "Honey, I'm sorry about your home. I truly am. But my first responsibility is to protect my subjects. The pearl... isn't going anywhere."

Twilight frowned. "But we-"

Novo sighed. She was a stubborn one for sure. "Then tell me, Princess Twilight. What do you think you could do? If Equestria is lost, then you need to think about your subjects. Your friends. Your family. I don't doubt that you would never give the Pearl up or without a fight. I can see it in your eyes. But if I gave you the Pearl for the sole reason to fight, then ponies will die. Do you want that blood on your hooves?"

Twilight's heart sank like a rock, as she finally thought about it. What was she trying to do? She didn't have any kind of plan for this. She sniffed as her head fell. "No. I don't want any of that. Not now. Or ever."

Novo nodded, her heart dropping in sympathy. "That is why we ran so long ago. Could we have fought the Storm King's army on Mount Aris? Yes. But the cost in lives lost would not have been worth it in the end. And so I did what was best for my people. No matter how much it might have hurt to do so."

Twilight sniffed, as her tears began to fall. "It's not fair. None of this is right."

Novo smiled as she lifted the young mare's head. "No. It isn't fair. But life is not always fair. No matter what we may do." She looked to her side as Jamal swam over and whispered something in her ear. She smiled as she looked at all of Twilight's friends. "You may stay for as long as you wish. I will return you to your normal forms when you leave." Her face hardened. "But you will never speak of what you have seen here if you leave. Am I understood? Seaquestria has survived for this long because no one ever knew of it."

The girls and Spike nodded, for they could hear the threat behind those words if they ever blabbed about all of this. Novo nodded as she saw that they had gotten the point. "Then I'm off for my spa date!" Before leaving.

The girls watched her go with a worried look. "So that it? We left home for nothin'?" Applejack asked.

Princess Skystar's grin made Pinkie proud as she swam back over to them. "Oh, my gosh! Best... idea! Ever! You can stay with us! Forever!" She giggled at the idea. "There are so many things we can do! We can make friendship bracelets out of shells and... picture frames out of shells and... decorative wastebaskets out of shells... Oh, I have so many projects that involve shells, haha! Now that I have someone new to share them with! I mean, aside from my friends, Shelly and Sheldon. Right?" She picked up a shell from around her neck. "Shelly?"

Pinkie gasped in surprise, her own grin growing.

Skystar picked up another shell from around her neck. "And "Sheldon"?" She chuckled. "Get it?" She snorted.

The girls rolled their eyes, while Pinkie giggled. But the humor only lasted so long. "That does sound lovely, darling. But you must realize, we can't stay," Rarity finally said.

Applejack nodded. "We've gotta get back to our families."

All at once, Skystar's good mood and cheer fled, and it broke Twilight's heart. "Oh, no. Of course. Of course. Of course, you have your own friends back home. It's fine. It's fine. Heh." Her voice dropped to a whisper, but they could all hear it. "Shelly and Sheldon get jealous anyway. Heh. it's probably for the best." She sighed. Yeah, I'll just, um..." Her whole body slumped sadly. "I'll get Mom to, uh, turn you back so you can go home."

The group watched her go. "She... Really needs friends," Spike said glumly. "Like. Even more, than you did Twilight before we moved to Ponyville."

Pinkie looked at the others with a pout. "I know we have to go. but you guys saw how disappointed Princess Skystar was. Couldn't we stay for just a little longer?"

Applejack shook her head. "Pinkie, we just don't have time for-"

Twilight shook her head, getting into the middle of the circle. "No. Pinkie's right."

"Say what now?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight gave all of her friends a pointed glare. "This whole misadventure has been nothing but one disaster after another. All because none of us bothered to think!" Her glare grew by the second. "We were almost sold into slavery in Klugetown. All because you blindly accepted Capper's word that he was our friend with no questions asked!"

Rarity had the decency to look ashamed of herself for that.

Twilight turned on Rainbow, who shrunk under the glare. "And you just had to show off for Captain Celaeno and her crew, didn't you? We're lucky Tempest needs me alive." Rainbow also had the decency to look ashamed of herself for that little stunt of hers.

"So. What do we do now then?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight slumped. "We still need to come up with a plan to get back to Equestria, and not have Tempest catch us. A few minutes won't make a huge difference." She smiled as she wrapped a hoof around Pinkie's shoulders. "And if there's anypony who can cram a lifetime of fun into a blink of an eye, it's Pinkie Pie!"

Pinkie squeed in delight, shivering in excitement.

Twilight's smile grew. "So. Go ahead and show Skystar the best time ever!"

Pinkie saluted. "I won't let you down!"

Twilight giggled. "I know you won't, Pinkie."

The girls giggled as they swam off in the direction the princess had gone. Twilight watched them go for a moment, before sighing. As much as she wanted to join them, she didn't. She still had too much on her mind.

As she looked up at where the Pearl hung, she tried to think of anything that could save Equestria now.

Unnoticed, the Pearl began to glow.

Twilight wasn't sure how long she was in the Throne Room alone as she was. She could hear the sounds of what sounded like quite the party going on in another part of the castle, following a rather catchy song done by Pinkie.

As much as she wanted to join in on the fun, Twilight couldn't bring herself to do so. She still had too much on her mind. Even with time to think, she was no closer to a solution that could help save Equestria.

Occasionally, her eyes would look up at the Pearl suspended overhead. Several times, Twilight almost tried her luck and went to steal the Pearl. But she always stopped herself, slapping herself hard for even thinking of doing something so morally wrong like that.

Even if, by some miracle she had taken it, she had no idea of how to use the Pearl. But that didn't excuse the fact that it was wrong to do so. What kind of Princess of Equestria was she? What kind of Princess of Friendship would even think about doing that? While she and Queen Novo hadn't started off on the right hoof, they had grown closer during their brief conversation.

Twilight would not spit on her host like that. And so here she was, back at square one, no closer to a solution than when she had started.

So when she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to find a smiling Queen Novo looking down at her, Twilight wasn't sure what to expect.

"That you haven't tried to steal the Pearl speaks volumes to your character, Princess Twilight Sparkle. And it makes it clear that you are worthy."

Twilight blinked. "What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, Novo beckoned Twilight to follow her. Not sure what this might be about, the two of them swam up to wear the Pearl hung suspended in a web of seaweed and other undersea life.

In shock, Twilight watched as the queen undid the bindings holding the Pearl, before presenting it to the young alicorn, who looked on in shock. "You're giving me the Pearl?"

Novo shook her head. "I'm letting you borrow our Pearl." She sighed, as she looked down to the ground, where Twilight's friends and Princess Skystar waited anxiously. "Your friends helped me to open my eyes. Maybe we have hidden away for far too long. No longer."

Twilight didn't know how to respond to that, so she kept her mouth closed as she reached out a hoof to take the Pearl. But Queen Novo wasn't done yet it seemed, as her gaze hardened. "On one condition. My daughter, Princess Skystar, will go with you."

Twilight blinked in confusion. She hadn't expected that. Novo seemed to catch on, for she chuckled. "None of you know how to use the Pearl. Skystar does. She can show you all how to use it in a way that won't end badly. Unpleasant things have happened to those who've tried without knowing how."

Twilight gulped. She didn't like the sound of that, so she only nodded, as Novo handed it out to her again.

"And if by some chance you do lose it. The Storm King will be the least of your worries. Am I understood?"

Twilight nodded, her gaze unwavering. "You have my word. As a Princess of Equestria, I promise I will not let the Storm King get his hands on the Pearl."

Novo nodded, as Twilight reached out to take the Pearl. What happened next, no one ever expected.

As soon as Twilight's hooves touched the Pearl, the orb began to glow brightly, engulfing her and Queen Novo in a vortex of energy. Instead of being afraid though, they were comforted. Twilight and Novo sighed, their bodies relaxing. Novo pulled Twilight closer until they held each other close. They smiled at each other, as Twilight turned around so that her back was pressed against Novo's chest, their tails intertwining, as the Pearl floated to them, taking a position at the base of their necks.

Down below, nopony could see any of this and were all worried the more for it. "What's happening?" Spike asked, as the energy vortex grew and grew.

"Is it supposed to do that?" Rainbow asked Skystar, who was just as confused as they were.

"No, it's not. I've never seen it do this before," she replied, worried for her mother.

Soon the vortex began to descend to the ground below. Whatever it was, none of the group felt threatened by it. It almost felt calming in a way. Finally, the swirling energies began to disappear, revealing a single figure at the center.

"Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"Mom?" Skystar added.

"We are both Twilight and Novo. And yet we are so much more than who we used to be," the figure replied. Her voice, for she was definitely female, was a perfect fusion of Novo's and Twilight's voices speaking in perfect harmony, neither one trying to outdo the other.

When the light finally faded, everyone's jaws dropped in shock at the figure that was revealed.

The new seapony threw everyone for a loop. She, for the figure was definitely female, had a coloration that was a blend of both Twilight and Queen Novo's colors. Her twin fins at the end of her tail were split into each of their colors as well, as was her mane. Around her neck was Novo's frill, a light blue in color. On her forehead was also Queen Novo's crown.

What really threw the group for a loop though, was the Pearl of Transformation around her neck. They weren't wearing it. It had fused with them. Seemingly in the same way Novo and Twilight had. However that made sense.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Skystar asked. "I didn't think the Pearl could do this?"

The figure shook her head. "We don't know. But it feels right all the same. One thing is clear though This is not permanent for us. But how long it will last? We are not sure yet."

The group shared a look. That answered some of their questions, but not all of them. "So if you're a fusion of Twilight and Novo. What do we call you?" Pinkie asked. "Queen Seaglow?" She giggled. "You know? Since Queen Novo rules Seaquestria, and Twilight means the end of the day."

They all rolled their eyes at that. "If you must. Seaglow is as good a name as any," the figure responded. "We can't think of any that would be a good fit. And we do need a name."

Applejack shook her hate. "Hate to break this up. But we're still stuck. We still need to get back to Equestria, and then save it from the Storm King. This ain't helping that."

Rarity nodded. "Indeed, darling. And there is also the fact that Tempest is still out there. I doubt she's given up on finding us that easily. If she followed us all the way here as she did before."

Everyone shared a look but Seaglow seemed unconcerned. "That is true. But now we leave with something that gives us an advantage," she replied.

Skystar nodded, her smile growing. "Using the Pearl is actually pretty easy. Just think of anything you can think of, and it'll change you into that." She smiled sheepishly. "Doing it in a large group isn't so easy though, which is why I was going with you." She swam over and poked the Pearl. "Not sure about that now though."

Seaglow blinked. She had felt that. Not as Skystar touching the Pearl itself. But as if the Pearl itself was physically a part of her body. Strange. Just another question on her long list of questions. But that could wait for now. "The same still applies now. I can feel it. Though I'm not sure how."

"So now what?" Spike asked.

Seaglow grinned. "It is time to stop playing nice. Tempest expects us to run. That's what she wants us to do. But I say no. No more running. We need to get back to Equestria. I say we take her airship."

Rainbow looked excited at the idea. "How? I'm all for action. But it can't be that easy. We can handle the guards. But I doubt Tempest will be that easy." The others nodded in assent.

Seaglow's grin only grew. "Leave her to us. One broken horn unicorn will not stop us. She can try. But Tempest Shadow will learn the hard way why you don't piss off a princess and a queen. Especially after they've become one!"

The whole group shared a laugh at that. "Do we just go back the way we came in?" Fluttershy asked.

Seaglow shook her head. "There's a secret exit we can use. Only a few know about it. It will give us the element of surprise. And payback for all the pain and annoyance we've had to go through to get to this point.

The group couldn't argue with that, as Seaglow lead them away from the Throne Room and down a series of back tunnels and hallways.

As they swam down another tunnel, Twilight and Novo found themselves facing each other in their mind. Neither minded the effect. It was much easier to talk to each other this way.

"You know Tempest, don't you?" Twilight asked.

Novo nodded. "She came to Hippogriffia some years ago with that army of hers. She tried to steal the Pearl. But we managed to escape by becoming seaponies as you know."

Twilight nodded. "But why? What happened to her horn?"

Novo sighed. "I asked her the same thing. An Ursa Minor broke it off when she was a filly. Her friends abandoned her in fear, and she turned her back on Equestria. Blaming them for everything that had happened to her. Tempest believes that by helping the Storm King, he will restore her horn when he has all the alicorn magic."

Twilight blinked, before facehooving. "Oh for the love of..."

Novo gave a concerned look. "Can it be fixed with alicorn magic?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, it can't. Even if he got all the alicorn magic in Equestria, it still wouldn't be able to heal her horn. There is no magic that exists that can fix it. I have a friend who has problems with her wings. She asked me the same question once. I hated to have to crush the idea."

Novo's heart sank as she watched Twilight sniff. She quickly pulled the alicorn into a hug, one that Twilight was happy to return. They held it for a moment, but it felt like hours. It was something that Twilight desperately needed after everything that had happened.

Finally, though, they broke apart. Twilight looked down at the Pearl that was fused into her chest. The same as the one that was fused into Novo's. "So, um. What are we going to do when we get up to the surface? I know how the Pearl works now. A benefit of us being together like this I guess. But we need a plan. We're a team now. We do this together."

Novo nodded. "We can transform into literally anything either of us can think of. Though I suspect we need to agree on a form for us to become it. There is your normal alicorn form, Twilight, and I have my hippogriff form. But I know from experience that neither will do us much good in the long run. We need another one. Especially if we all make it to Canterlot."

Twilight nodded. She had expected that. For a moment, neither of them said a thing, before Twilight broke into a huge grin. "Idea! Tempest won't know what hit her. And neither will the Storm King if this works."

Novo was intrigued. "Do tell?"

Twilight whispered something in her ears. One that made Novo's grin as wide as Twilight's own. "Oh. That's brilliant! I don't know why I never thought of something like this back then!" She gave her companion a look. "Will it work though? It's a big risk if we do."

Twilight could only shrug, as the whole group came out from underneath the island and into the waters around Mount Aris. "I guess we'll find out soon."

Author's Note:

I admit that this is 100% inspired by the cover art. Probably not at all what was going on in it. But I decided to run with it. So here we are. I'm not sorry either.

Edit 1: First I need to thank TSPunk for actually coming up with Twilight and Novo's fusion name. I was having no luck. And then I need to thank Mutter Butter for the awesome new cover art.

The original artist, VenomTwT-ArtistOWO, did ask that I take the old one down. But never said anything about the story. So this story isn't ending anytime soon. Edit 2: Changed Twilight and Novo's merged form's name. Thanks to Proper-Noun for the suggestion.