• Published 29th Jul 2021
  • 1,600 Views, 106 Comments

Hotter Than Hell - totallynotabrony

Sunset Shimmer came to a new world seeking power and willing to make a deal.  The free leather jacket was just a bonus.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Sunset steeled herself to return the next day. To school, that is. It was becoming increasingly clear that she didn’t actually like the place, but she was reluctant to give up what little in her life she did control. She was queen of the school, and informal title or not, she’d earned it, finally something to show for her effort.

All the more reason to get the mystery of the Dazzlings figured out, continue bamboozling Twilight Sparkle, and plot what she was going to do next.

Part of that was already in motion. Silver, working however she could while grounded by her parents, had managed to get Twilight an apartment just down from Sunset’s. Though, Sunset decided for the moment to withhold her own address from Twilight.

“I can’t believe it, thank you so much!” Twilight gushed as Sunset handed her the key over lunch that day. “This is going to be perfect for us.”


“M-me. Sorry.”

A piece of information was only as good as its usefulness. Sunset leaned closer, voice lowering. “Hey, I heard you had a dog?”

Twilight deflated, but didn’t deny it. She glanced around and then unzipped her bag. “His name is Spike.”

To Sunset’s eye, the puppy inside didn’t appear too special, but the name Spike seemed somehow familiar. Either way, if he had come with Twilight through the portal somehow, then she should assume he was not a dog at all.

“Cute,” Sunset said, giving him a pat on the head. “But - I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble or anything - but pets aren’t allowed at school.”

“Yes, I…” Twilight looked abashed. “I just didn’t want to leave him alone.”

It was a liability for her, and maybe an opportunity for Sunset. “I could maybe take care of him sometimes.”

Twilight bit her lip as Spike turned to look at her. “He’s very important to me, but I don’t want to break the rules...”

It was almost adorable how innocent and naive Twilight was. How could someone like her have figured out the alicorn secret?

The makings of a plan began to come to Sunset, a way to somehow get the information out of Twilight, while simultaneously developing deeper cover for herself.

“I have to leave school early today,” Sunset said. “To help out some people. I could take him, if you want. I can drop him by your place afterwards.”

“Well, okay,” Twilight conceded.

“I admit being kind of selfish here,” said Sunset, laughing awkwardly. “I’ve always wanted a dog. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil him too much.”

That seemed to assuage Twilight a little, and the two of them traded Spike to Sunset’s backpack under the lunchroom table. He seemed curious and eager, but resigned to be zipped up inside.

Parting ways, Sunset headed for her locker and grabbed a few random papers. She found a folder to put them in and walked for the exit, scribbling a quick message on the back of one of the pages.

Skipping out of school just after lunch was pushing the limits a little, even for Sunset. Still, she'd done it often enough that she was confident no one would notice, or trust that she had a good reason.

Outside the building, she closed the folder and unzipped the bag to let Spike have some air. He poked his head out.

“Hang on, okay?” Sunset said, mounting her motorcycle and starting it up.

She couldn’t see Spike except in the mirror, but he seemed to appreciate the wind in his face and the speed. He looked like a totally normal dog, if a rather well-behaved one, but Sunset still had her suspicions.

After the ride to Silver’s house, she had to conceal him again. “Sorry little guy, but these parents are kind of strict.” After zipping the bag once again, Sunset went up to the door and knocked.

Silver’s mother answered. She looked Sunset up and down, nose already beginning to wrinkle in distaste.

“Hi, the school sent me to drop off some homework while Silver is grounded,” Sunset said, holding up the folder. “I wouldn’t want to intrude, but it’s important that I speak with her, to make sure she understands the assignment.”

“Well, come in then.” Silver’s mother stood back from the door.

Sunset knew where Silver’s room was, though she had never actually been inside the house before. She was led upstairs, and Silver’s mother knocked heavily on the door. “Silver? Someone from the school is here.”

Silver opened the door, a flash of surprise across her face before she concealed it.

“Hi, I have some homework here,” Sunset said. Fortunately, Silver’s mother turned away, so Sunset entered the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Silver read the message on the top page that Sunset had handed her. It was an update on the situation, as succinctly as she could make it. The Dazzlings, Twilight, Spike. It was a lot to take in, particularly since Silver had only just found out about magic and everything else.

While Silver read, Sunset glanced around the room. Rich girl. It wasn’t too flashy, but clearly well put-together, an echo of Silver herself. There were a few toys and trinkets leftover from earlier childhood, now disused and replaced, but not yet discarded. Sunset noticed a lavender-scented candle, and quickly put it in her pocket, seized with a sudden idea.

“Do you understand it?” Sunset asked, pointedly, turning back to Silver.

She nodded, but after a quick motion of Sunset’s fingers, said aloud, “Yes.”

Sunset started to turn, but paused. “Hey, I know it’s been hard on you being cooped up here. I probably shouldn’t show you this, but-”

She unzipped the backpack.

Though Silver already knew from the message on the paper, she still reacted with genuine delight as Spike popped out to greet her. “He’s so cute!”

“This is Spike. I’m taking care of him this afternoon for Twilight Sparkle, a new transfer student.” Sunset said. Silver knew this too, but keeping up appearances.

They both pet Spike for a moment. Sunset asked, “So do you know what you need to do?”

Silver became serious suddenly, though Spike was too enthralled to notice. “Yes.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sunset said, referring to the expiration of Silver’s suspension. Spike once again reluctantly went back inside the backpack for the trip out.

Sunset excused herself from Silver’s mother and left the house. Back on the motorcycle, she let Spike have the wind again. Starting the bike, she asked him, “Are you hungry?”


Sunset laughed and put the bike in gear. A fast food joint was just down the street and she ordered two cheeseburgers in the drive through. The cashier at the window gave Spike a headpat.

It was tough balancing the food on the bike, but Sunset managed long enough to get to the park. This was a chilly day for a picnic, but she didn’t think a dog would mind the cold too much. Off the bike, she found a bench that was free of snow and sat down, letting Spike out of the backpack.

“You’re so cute,” Sunset said as she began spreading out the meal, Spike nearly prancing in anticipation. “Don’t tell Twilight I let you have junk food.”

She unwrapped a burger and Spike practically dove for it, but Sunset held up a hand. “Wait, wait. I always wanted a dog of my own, but I never had the opportunity, so I need to make this perfect. Well, as perfect as fast food can be.”

She pulled out the candle and positioned it just so before unfolding the burger wrappers like placemats. She laughed at herself. “Well, it’s something.” A spark from her fingers lit the candle.

Sunset picked up her burger. Spike had gone slackjawed, staring at her. “You can eat now,” she said, purposely misinterpreting his reaction to seeing her doing magic. Spike seemed to remember himself and went straight back to acting like a dog, diving into the burger.

Sunset wasn’t actually that hungry, and when Spike was finished chowing down, she also gave him the half of her burger she hadn’t finished yet. He seemed to be on the way to regretting overeating, but that wasn’t her problem. She still took care to ride smoothly when they got going again, wary of where a vomit pattern would go down the back of her neck should he get sick.

Twilight was just getting to her new apartment when Sunset arrived with Spike. He had fallen asleep by this point and she gently handed him off.

“Oh, he must have been tired,” Twilight said. She mustered a smile for Sunset. “The two of us have had kind of a long few days.”

“I’ll bet, it can’t be easy transferring schools,” said Sunset. “Tomorrow’s another big day. I’ll let you get some rest.”

She made sure Twilight had gone inside and out of sight before going down to her own door. Sunset considered what she had accomplished today as she turned the key. If it all worked out, tomorrow would be a big day indeed.