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Chapter 2: Settling in

After a long conversation with Twilight, Celestia, and Mayor Mare, Vandline was allowed to wander freely around Ponyville so long as she doesn't do anything drastic or cause too much trouble. Agreeing to the terms with slight conditions, she decided to stay with Twilight and, agreeing to explain where she comes from and what her world is like, Vandline would get knowledge about Twilights world as well.

Over the course of a week, Vandline had some conversations with the Mane six, starting with Pinkie Pie and explaining to the mare why she can't enjoy the confections at the bakery, Sugercube corner. However, she told Pinkie that she will still eat anything that Pinkie makes even though she can't taste the sugary sweets.

After the conversation with Pinkie, she proceeds to see Rarity. Although she prefers to stay in her armor at all times, Vandline does need to apologize to the dressmaker for her comment at the castle. That apology soon led to a conversation where Vandline explained what her people normally wore for social parties and casual wear. Rarity, amazed at what she was hearing, requested that Vandline give as many detailed clothes that the common Blood Elf citizen might wear.

Following the route she wanted to take, she proceeds to find Twilights assistant, Spike. She was amazed that Twilight had hatched a dragon egg while she was young, so Vandline wanted to speak to him to learn what he knows and tell him that there are dragons on her world and that they were protectors of sorts. When she got to the tree library, she was just a little disappointed about the knowledge, or lack thereof, of the dragon species in this world, but that didn't stop her from telling about what she knew about dragons. Spike instantly became a fan of the Death Knight, and whenever he could, would ask about the Dragon Aspects.

Next on the list of ponies to talk to, she wanted to find Rainbow Dash; however, whenever she asked the residents about her location, they were always vague. Eventually, she found Rainbow and proceeded to ask her various questions like how she could command the weather and all that easily. Rainbow Dash wasn't the best teacher, so she explains as much as she could. What was surprising to Rainbow Dash was that after the conversation about weather magic, Vandline asked her if she wanted to be a sparring partner every once in a while. Rainbow was hesitant at first, but she accepted the challenge and was pleasantly surprised. Although Vandline wasn't as fast as Rainbow, she was very observant and could counter Rainbow's attacks at least eighty percent at the time.

After the sparring match with Rainbow, Vandline walked to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack introduced Vandline to the oldest sibling of the apple family, Big Mac. She did mention a little sister and a grandmother. Still, due to Applejack not wanting her to meet them, Vandline was glad to see what Big Mac and Applejack do for a job.

On the seventh day at Ponyville, Vandline was about to talk to Fluttershy when a white rabbit intercepted her with a carrot for a weapon. Understanding the situation, Vandline had a one-sided conversation with the rabbit and said that she wants to apologize to Fluttershy for being aggressive and wanted to ask her for something. After the conversation, the white rabbit, who Vandline later learned was named Angel of all things, Vandline was able to have a pleasant conversation with Fluttershy over tea. After tea, Fluttershy was shocked at first with what Vandline was asking of her. However, with a bit of persuasion and a little convincing, she agreed to let Vandline have a sparring match from time to time with Harry the bear.

With her conversations with the mane six done, Vandline went to the library and see what she can learn about the world she is currently on. About two weeks have passed since she started to learn of Equestria and the planet named Equis. She was on her way to return some books to Twilight when Vandline saw Applejack, Twilight, and Spike carrying baskets full of apples. However, it seemed like Spike was throwing some of the apples to the ground. Deciding that she wanted a conversation, Vandline walked up to them when Spike had produced a good-looking apple and ate it.

"Spike!" Twilight said a little angrily. "What?" asked a very confused Spike when he burped a small fireball and a scroll bearing Celesitas royal mark, formed to which Spike proceeded to read off what it had to say.

"Well, that sure is an interesting way to get mail," Vandline said with intrigue.

"It's a letter from Princess Celestia," Twilight said

Spike began to say, "Hear ye! Hear ye! Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital of Canterlot on the twenty-first day of..." Spike proceeds to trail off as if it wasn't all that important "Cordially extend an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest" Spike finishes

"The Grand Galloping Gala!" exclaimed both Applejack and Twilight repeatedly.

"Grand Galloping Gala? Is it some formal ball?" Asked Vandline

"Yes, and it's held annually by Princess Celestia," Twilight said, still bouncing around.

Spike looked a little unhappy and made a pretend gagging face when he suddenly burped out two gold tickets to the event. "Look! two tickets!" Spike said

"Wow, great! I never been to the gala! have you spike?" Twilight asked

"No, and I plan to keep it that way its all girly frou-frou nonsense anyways."

"That's not entirely true, Spike, for formal events like this Gala is a way for the social elite to exchange word around the city, make alliances with other elite members, and to see if they can get favors from successful business owners or, although very rarely, from the leader of a nation."

When Vandline said that, both Applejack and Twilight were shocked that Vandline knew such things. "Wow, so did you go to any parties, Vandline?" Twilight said

"I never got the chance to attend such parties. I would ask around Silvermoon whenever I visited to get the latest Intel on such things before proceeding with my missions." Vandline said.

"So anyway, Twilight, who you are gonna bring to the gala?" Asked Applejack

"Well, I was thinking that..."Began Twilight she was interrupted when everyone heard what sounded like Rainbow Dash falling from the sky when in reality, she fell from a tree she was napping on

"Are we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?" Asked Rainbow Dash as if she didn't just cause a crash

"Rainbow, you do realize that you just crashed into your friends, yes?" Vandline said, crossing her arms

"Not important! What is important is what I'm going to be doing! I'm going to impress the Wonderbolts!"

"Who are the Wonderbolts?" Asked Vandline, and before Rainbow Dash could give a snarky remark, she said, "Let me remind you that I am not from here, so whatever snarky remark you were going to make, I would think twice."

"Right," Rainbow said, chuckling a little "The Wonderbolts are these awesome aerial acrobatic team that performs stunts and shows for ponies who wants to watch them."

"Not only that they are also special forces for when Equestria is at war, but they haven't been needed for quite some time since we are at peace," Twilight said

"Oh? so they sound like SI:7 mixed in with members from the Darkmoon Faire interesting," Vandline said. "Anyways, Twilight, I'm going to head to the library and continue reading up on some history, so I'll catch you all later."

"So long, for now, Vandline," Twilight said

"Take care now," Applejack said

"See you in our next sparring match!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash

Vandline waved goodbye for now to the three mares and proceeded to walk to Ponyville. On the way there, she met various ponies, including Mayor Mare, a mint-colored pony, a pony with interesting eyes. She was walking past Sugercube corner when Twilight and Spike appeared behind her.

"Oh hello again Twilight, Spike," Vandline said

"Hell..." She couldn't talk anymore when Pinkie crashed into Twilight, and the tickets landed on Pinkies snout

"AAH! BATS! Oh, hey, Vandline! BATS ON MY FACE!" Pinkie said when the realization hits her, "Wait! are those?"

"Tickets to that Grand Galloping Gala? Yes, they are Pinkie," Vandline said. "You two can sort this out on your own"

Vandline continues to walk around town until she eventually reaches the tree library to which she enters the building and pulls out various books on things such as the Tale of Two Sisters, Elements of Harmony reference guide, and other various books and proceeds to read them for several hours until it went dark outside.

"Hmm, guess I better take a break," said vandline, and just as she got up, the door opened, and Spike came running in. "Bal'a dash, Spike, you sure came in a hurry did something happened?"

"Nah, just needed to get away from Rarity she was trying to get me to dress up for that girly Gala junk," Spike said

"Ah, although I'm sensing that something else is happening, how fares Twilight?"

"Um, excuse me," said a meager voice, and it would have gone unnoticed had Vandline not known immediately who it was. "Ah, Fluttershy, what brings you to the library," she said

"Oh, I'm just here to help clean up the library for a bit," Fluttershy said until Angel lightly tapped her head to correct her. "Oh, I mean, it's for Twilight so that she can invite me to the Gala."

"Ok, now I'm seeing the reason for running Spike," Vandline said, and while Fluttershy proceeded to clean around the library, Vandline decided to talk continue to talk.

"Ok, I think I know what's happening and this is giving Twilight some very not needed stress," she said

At that moment, Twilight came into the library to see that Fluttershy, as well as some of her bird animal friends, were cleaning the house, and Fluttershy was humming a nice little tune.

"Oh Fluttershy," said a depressed Twilight, "Not you too!"

"Unfortunately, it is Miss Sparkle," Vandline said, "but don't worry, I know how to let the others know that you still need to decide."

"Don't hurt anyone," begged Twilight; just then, the door opened, and Pinkie, along with some resident of Ponyville, pulled Twilight in for a song.

"I don't even know what to say about this nonsense," Vandline said. "Spike, you have communication with Celestia, yes?" when she received a nod, she said, "prepare to write down Twilights friendship report in about five minutes while I prepare my own letter" when spike nodded and went out to help Twilight, she went to gather some paper writes a letter to Celestia and then proceeds to set up for the confrontation when she returns to the library. Exactly five minutes a small explosion was heard, and Vandline saw that it was Twilight and Spike.

"Greetings, Twilight I brought everyone here and had a very stern talking to about the tickets," Vandline said to which everyone then proceeds to apologize to Twilight about their behavior and the whole ticket situation.

"Spike, take a letter!" Twilight said and mentioned the Friendship lesson she learned today. After finishing the letter, Vandline handed Spike her own letter to Celestia, and both were sent via dragon fire. "Well, now that this whole nonsense is handled, I'm going to wait for Celestia to respond to my letter."

"You wrote your own letter? what did you ask?" Twilight asked when Spike burped up a scroll.

Spike then read what Celestia had responded to Twilight's letter "My faithful student, Twilight, Why didn't you just say so in the first place?" six tickets then popped out, and spike held them up so Twilight and her friends can see them. Everyone gasped. "Well, now we can ALL go to the Galloping Gala," Applejack said, and just then, everyone heard what sounded like a stomach growling and looked to the source. "Hehe, guess I'm still pretty hungry," Twilight said

"Allow us to treat you to dinner then," Rarity said, and everyone went outside grabbing one ticket each. Spike holding one last ticket was disappointed when the last one left his hand. "How come I don't get a ticket to the Gala?" At that moment, Spike burped out one last time revealing to have two scrolls, one for Spike and one for Vandline. Spike said, "And one for you, Spike," where two more tickets fell out. "Oh, who is this extra ticket for?" he said.

"I do believe that one will be for me as well as that extra scroll you have," Vandline said, where she retrieved both the ticket and the scroll. Spike then went to join the others for dinner. Meanwhile, Vandline was reading the response from Celestia about her question for a certain subject. "I'll be seeing you soon Celestia" she said

Author's Note:

Another chapter done and a mystery beginning to form just what does Vandline have to say to Celestia? Only time will tell so stay tuned! remember to leave a comment if you want to see improvements to the previous chapters or just have something to say and I'll see you all in the next chapter of "A Death Knights journey"