• Published 29th Dec 2023
  • 130 Views, 2 Comments

The Cost To Know Everything - Thunder--Dash

Are our worlds really connected? How far will one girl go to have this question answered?

  • ...

The Cost

The room was dead silent. Our eyes were closed. Fluttershy started to sniffle. We didn't know what was going on and we hoped this wasn't all for naught. I had to shake off every thought of Kayla being dead. I concentrated hard, imagining Kayla's soul being transferred to the drawing. Fluttershy started cry softly, a tear running down her face and falling on to the paper. A soft wispy sound like a gentle tone produced by the wind was heard. I gasped softly. The noise died down. Then...there was a groan...like someone waking from a nap. I pulled the cover off...and there was Kayla...as a blue unicorn. Kayla slowly opened her eyes.

"Wh...what happened?" She asked groggily.

"It...worked! You're alive!" Fluttershy cried joyfully, springing forward, giving Kayla a tight hug. We all joined in the hug.

"We did it guys...we did it." I said happily as Kelsey blew out the candles.

"Did what?" Kayla asked.

I took one of the hand mirrors Kayla had in the room and aimed it at her. She gasped loudly, looking at her hands cover in blue fur and her mane and tail, which were the same color as her hair in human form: medium brown.

"No way!" I-I...I'm a..." Kayla started but stopped, feeling her forehead...rubbing her horn.

"I'm a unicorn! H-how?!" Kayla exclaimed.

I sighed.

"We have to tell her..." Lenny said.

"Tell me what?" Kayla asked.

"That ritual...channel infinity...the one you tried...it failed. You almost died...or you may have died for like 30 seconds...we had to perform this other ritual to save you...I'm sorry Kayla...but...you're a unicorn for the rest of your life." I said. Kayla gasped covering her mouth.

"That means...I...I..." Kayla started but stopped, realizing the terrible mistake she had made.

"I'm so sorry!" Kayla cried hugging me, starting to sob. I hugged Kayla tightly. The others gathered around us.

"You were right all along! I should've listened to you yesterday! I got so swept into wanting to know all there is about the universe...that I...I let my pride go...and now look what it's done!" Kayla cried, sobbing heavily.

"Listen Kayla...we forgive you." I said.

"Yea! We all get caught up in things...but we are in control of our own ego. We can't let ourselves fall into traps like this..." Lenny said.

"...and we certainly can't know everything..." Fluttershy said.

"Nailed it right on the head Fluttershy." I said.

"I'm just glad you're alive...even if you're not a human anymore." Jenna said.

"But...that means....I may...no...I will have to go back to Equestria with Fluttershy..." Kayla said. I sighed. It was tough...but this was the price Kayla had to pay for letting her ego running loose trying to seek out knowledge that was forbidden.

"But I think that's the best for you Kayla. We will miss you...dearly...but you get to experience a whole new world...make new friends...and tell them all about us and the world you came from." I said.

"Life is surely gonna be different without Kayla around." I said. Meanwhile Kayla was trying to get her horn to light up. She was grunting. I had to chuckle. Fluttershy giggled too.

"Aww Look! Kayla's trying to do magic!" Jenna said giggling. Kayla blushed at Jenna.

"Stop it Jenna you're embarrassing me!" Kayla said in a pouty voice, her grunting sounding more adorable. A spark crackled and finally after 10 more seconds of grunting and small sparks, Kayla was able to light her horn.

"Yay she did it!" Jenna said applauding. We all smiled and laughed.

"Grrr, why do you have to embarrass me like that Jenna?" Kayla asked in that same pouty tone.

"Honestly, you kinda look really cute when you pout as a unicorn." Jenna said.

"Hmph!" Kayla crossed her arms making a really cute pouty face. Fluttershy was giggling quite a bit.

"She makes pouty faces as adorable as my friend Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said.

"Alright alright everyone...let's chill with embarrassing Kayla now...and focus on...how in the world we're gonna get Fluttershy and Kayla to Equestria...and how to explain to the teacher why Kayla won't be coming back to school." I said. There was an awkward silence. By now, it was 11pm.

"Let's...wait for the morning for that..." Jenna said with a yawn.

"Yea...I'm absolutely exhausted from that rush." Lenny said scratching the back of his head.

"You all can stay you know...I don't mind." Kayla said. So we all tucked ourselves in and went to sleep for the night.

The next day, we woke up and went to church. Of course, Kayla had to dress up a little more, just to hide her horn and pony features. After, we all met at my house.

"Well...I guess this is goodbye for now..." I said.

"Surely this has been one heck of a ride." Jenna stated.

"...and it all started with those jump points...can't believe what has happened in the course of like 3 days..." Lenny said.

"G-got everything Kayla?" Fluttershy asked. Kayla was carrying her signature brown bag on her shoulder. She had her iPhone and other things in it.

"Sure do...wow...all of a sudden I feel the magic...in me..." Kayla said, feeling a little strange.

"Oh wait! Let's take a group selfie before you go!" I said.

"Right!" Kayla said taking her iPhone 11 out along with her selfie stick. She set it up and we all took a selfie. Kayla took a deep breath.

"Okay everyone...stand back." Kayla said. We all stood back as Kayla gathered her magic. There was a whirring sound and Kayla fired a bright beam out of her horn, spawning a portal back to Equestria. It would only last 15 seconds. Kayla took Fluttershy's hand as she walked forward. We all waved goodbye.

"Call me when you get settled!" I called out.

"Only if they have service in Equestria!" Kayla called back as she entered the portal with Fluttershy. The two disappeared within the light of the portal. The portal closed and it was all over. I looked at Lenny and Lenny looked at me. Jenna and Kelsey looked at the two of us.

"Now what?" I asked.

"I don't know...let's just...take some time and....meditate on what we just went through." Lenny said.

"Good idea." Jenna said. So we all went to my house and just...sat and thought, because thinking can lead to...something.