• Published 15th Apr 2021
  • 1,084 Views, 9 Comments

Of Stars and Comets - ATasteOfYellow

An ambitious human reincarnates as an unicorn, in search of knowledge about magic, enjoying a normal pony school life. Set before the banishment of Princess Luna

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Chapter 2

I have a mouth, and I have to avoid using it...but the urge to scream is strong in me.
The first day of school sucked, all the other foals are spoiled rot, and the teacher clearly already has favourites.
I should have imagine something like this would have happened, I really should have,we are in a period of time where unicorns are consider as sort of nobility, of course their foul spawn will be stuck up idiots.
I already had to decline three times a foal by the name of Azure Sky the 'honor' of me being his slave in all but name.
No I am not going to carry your toys around Azure, get lost.

The teacher, at least doesn't have an annoying voice, but I am ready for the other horseshoes to drop at any moment, Strict Lesson is not a name that makes me wonder as to how he'll be in our lessons.
Unless he is getting payed by some of the nobles parents to leave their foal do what they want.
Something that I have noticed in my class is that there are already groups -herds?- formed, and each of them glance between one another like they expect a war to start.

I, of course, distanced myself from such nonsense, which will probably gain me some notice by the 'Bullies' of this class, but what they are gona do? Call me a Blank Flank?
As an ex human, insults and intimidation in general from ponies don't really work, I mean how can you take someone seriously when they look like colourful marshmallows? So yeah, they can try but they will be in for a rude surprise.
And, if they get physical, I'll simply go cry to the teacher or something, because no way I am laying a hoof on the precious child of a noble.

Glancing back at the blackboard I can see how they have reached the letter 'H' which looks almost the same save for the fact that it's made out of wooboly lines.
The Equestrian language is a bizarre one to be sure, the majority of it looks like random doodles, but in reality they do have some sense. To distinguish a letter from another you just have to look for a flat part of line, seeing as each letter can be best described as long wobbly lines...which makes them a pain to write, and also an incredible waste of paper, which while not as expensive as someone would expect, is still pricey.

Oh, look they have finally reach the 'Z' praise be done to Celestia.
Mmmm, I wonder if Celestia can actually feel the prayers of ponies? I am not sure, but if that's the case
'I pray for another beautiful night, Princess Luna'
There, now I feel less like a douchebag from this random act of nonsense...if she can actually hear me then I may have made a mistake...nnaahhh.

I watched as the teacher got up, took out a bell from under his desk, and started ringing it while smiling.
Of course I can see as basically everyone transfix themselves upon the shiny bell, probably wondering what it meant.
"It's time for you all to go out and play, have fun!"
With that the guy basically zoomed out of class -no seriously he literally formed a cloud in the shape of his body behind-, the door on the other side of the room opening up to reveal a lush garden for us to stay in.
Of course all the other starts shrieking before launching themselves towards their playground...animals- oh, wait is that racist!?
I-I don't actually know? I mean there are animals in this word but they usually call them critters...okay I won't risk saying such word, for all I know it could be the same as horse- which means whore in here...that had not been the best moment of my life.

Trotting out the door, I took in the sight of my classmates playing tag, rolling on the ground...and nope, I'm out of here.
I draw the line at that, not going, eenope.
Making a 180° turn I cloped towards one of the shelf's on the walls of the class, where juicy books awaited me.
Pursuing my lips I read the tittles of the books.
'Tale of two princess'
'Rain Rain go Away'
'101 ways to pleasure your mare'
Levitating the dirty book up to me, I look around the room to try and see if I can spot a safe place to hide it...
A grin split my face as a rather mischievous idea came to me, happily trotting up to the teacher desk, I open one of it's drawers before tucking the book in, putting it in the same place as the bell, I closed the compartment and left...I am evil! muahahahhaha
...I really need to get a life.

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The rest of the day was spent with me silently snickering to myself after seeing the face the teacher made when he saw what was along side the bell.
I had never seen a pony turn red , but now I am glad I did.
The others were giving me weird looks, and one of the guys near me slowly started leaning away from me.
And I don't know why?! Is it because of my delighted giggles of amusement? They can't be that bad!
...No scratch that, I actually listened to myself, I sound about ready to kill someone while announcing how much I love them.
Shutting down my fit, I took a careful look around, yep they are still looking at me, as well as the teacher.
"Little Mister Comet, may you tell us what you find so funny?"
Well he asked, smiling I replayed with a giggle "W-well, Mister Strict y-you turned red like a tomato!"
Some of the children joined in my fit of giggles, and the teacher looked uncomfortable...I wonder why?

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School ended without much fanfare, everyone got up, left, and went back to their parents.
My Mother was there waiting for me, trying -and failing- to hold a conversation with one of the nobles, the mare not even bothering to look at her.
"Hi Mom!" I gave her a big smile before turning towards the noble mare "And good day to you to madam"
The snob just gave a look before ignoring me....you will pay.
Shrugging I turned towards Mother, who looked a bit uncomfortable before she focused back on me and smiled back "Hi honey! Let's go back home"
I happily nodded at that, and slid to her side.
She turned and started to clop away, but not before slightly leaning towards my ear and saying "wouldn't want to catch whatever she as"
I snickered at that, yep, stupidity and bigotry can be contagious, especially for children like me!

The walk back home was rather quaint, the first few minutes of it being filled by my happy retelling of my first day -without the mention of the book, of course- at school, Mother listening in and complimenting me for how smart I am -Yes praise me!- before chiding me about not having made a friend...buck them, I don't need them.
The rest of the trip was filled by my Mother soothing hums, a song which I didn't know the title softly being spoke by here.

We passed by an orange vendor, a friend of my mother named Orange Peel who greeted us.
Sadly we didn't buy anything -I love oranges, even if I like more lemons, I have a tooth for sour things...a sour tooth?
So, we kept on going, sometimes mother stoped to check on what was being offered, but ultimately she didn't buy anything...though I saw her eyeing one of the candies placed on display.

Which brings me to another topic, technology is weird here.
For being in such period of time, ponies where both advanced and backwards, if that makes sense.
They have lamps powered by magic, but a fridge? No sir, apperantly a box full of ice to preserve food is too much.
*ahem* So, yes, ponies are weird, end of the discussion.

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Going back inside -your mom- my house, I was greeted by the sight of my busy father, looking over some documents.
My father had a bright white colored fur, a inky black mane, and two deep blue eyes.
He was leaning to read his documents, which would be an odd sight, because to properly lean to look them in full, he has to stand on his hind legs on the chair while holding himself steady by placing his front hoof against the table, a very odd sight indeed, seeing as he could use magic.
But my father was weird like that, sometimes he used magic too much, sometimes he almost seemed disgusted by the idea of using it.
Why there was one time where-
"Ah! My son, my love welcome home! Did you two enjoy a nice day?"
I was cut off from my flashback by my overly cheerful father, who, despite having possibly worked all day long, still had steam in his engine to act like a water down version of Pinkie Pie.
"UMM, school was kinda boring to be honest"

"Oh oh! Of course school would be boring for a bright foal such as your self! Why, I could not expect less from my shining Comet!"

I cringed a bit inside for that, it's not that I am a genius, it's just that I have 17 years of experience rolling inside my head like a ball.
My mother smiled before walking up to father, and planting a kiss on his cheeks saying right after "As always, today as been a busy day, but I managed"
She trotted away, probably going to the kitchen to start cooking, I couldn't wait for it.
My father was a bit out of it, having that loopy smile of his when mother would kiss him, so to help him out, I kicked his shin-fetlock.
With a yelp he returned to the lands of the living, before looking down at me.
"Ah! I must have started daydreaming! Thanks for the help son...now come here!"

Comments ( 7 )

Excellent story keep up the good work

This is hilarious! I really like the character and how he thinks. I can't wait for more!

I can't wait to read more :-)

Nice story, hope to see more.:twilightsmile:

Hope to see more


Wow. Great. Next?

Good story so far. Would like to know if/when it gets updated.

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