• Published 15th Apr 2021
  • 1,923 Views, 26 Comments

Green With Envy - Thesmokinguy

Trouble is brewing. Either Starlight gets to the bottom of it in time, or she could lose Trixie as a friend... Or worse yet, she could lose two friends at once.

  • ...

Potted plants scream desperation

Normally, on a daily basis, Starlight would wake up to the morning sun leaking through her window. Then, she would get her things ready for another day as student counselor, and wait for Spike to bring her breakfast. After taking her time enjoying it, she would be off to school. All nice and slow.

This wasn't one of those days.

The moment Starlight, barely awake, laid her tired eyes on the clock and figured out what time it was, she felt a sudden burst of energy take over her body. She bolted out of bed, throwing the blanket in the air in the process. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for two specific items, turning around when she remembered that she left them on top of her nightstand. Wasting no time, she caught the bracelet around her horn, and the bouquet of lavenders with her mouth. Two seconds afterwards, she was outside her bedroom, and shortly thereafter she made it halfway down the stairs.

The sparkle of the crystals composing the walls welcomed her to the lobby of the castle, and despite being blinded at first, she kept dashing towards the doors, rushing by the Cutie Map. The only thing that stopped her was a purple dragon with a white apron standing in her way.

"Starlight, isn't it a bit too soon for- AAAAHHH!"

Before the collision would happen, however, Starlight slammed her hooves onto the crystal ground, managing to bring her run to a skidding halt mere inches from spike."Phew. Good Morning to you too, Starlight. Also, doesn't the school open in like, twenty minutes? You probably want some breakfast first."

"There's no time for that, Spike — there's somewhere I need to be before the school opens, and I'm already late because I slept in!" exclaimed Starlight, taking the flowers out of her mouth with her magic. She then circled Spike and resumed her trotting.

"Hm, that would explain the flowers. But can't you just teleport to wherever you need to be? Y'know, with your horn."

Once again, Starlight stopped in her tracks when she was about to open the doors. With a loud groan, she lighted her horn, and teleported away.

As expected from her rediscovered teleportation spell, she was now at the bottom of the steps that led to the interior of Trixie's provisional stage. Starlight took a moment to cherish the memories that the stage brought back; some great, like their performances together as her assistant, and others not so great, like the time when she thought their friendship was a lie. Pushing those memories aside, she began to make her way towards the backstage entrance. That's where she knew she would find Trixie rehearsing, as she always was days before a show.

Starlight was about to knock, but she thought against it. She wouldn't want to distract Trixie and potentially spoil one of her ongoing tricks; thus she resolved to sneak in from the back instead.
But as if destiny listened to her, she was unable to stealthily open the door. Instead it busted open, and Starlight butted heads with a hurrying Trixie, both rolling downstairs onto the grass. Shaking her head, Starlight looked up to see Trixie in front of her, retrieving her props from the ground.

"Talk about timing right? I was just about to surprise you while practicing your tricks, but I guess I accomplished that. Tadda…?" Starlight smiled awkwardly.

Trixie, on the other hoof, wasn't amused.

"It is a surprise to see you here indeed, Starlight. But unfortunately, Trixie is done for the day. In fact, Trixie was just heading out."

Starlight, taken aback by her tone, could no longer mask her disappointment with a smile. She missed out on seeing Trixie after days of being too busy to do so. Still worried about Trixie being upset, she spotted the Lavender flowers on the ground next to her, and enveloped them with her magic. "Well, I hope it's still okay to give you these. Courtesy of Luna’s garden"

She brought the flowers to Trixie's face, offering them to the shocked unicorn, who blushed red at the gesture. Starlight, relieved to see that her move was successful, smiled at the sight.

Sadly, the moment was short lived.

"They are, wow…" Trixie’s wide open eyes narrowed in a frown. "It’s a shame Trixie is not very fond of plants these days. But I guess I can bring myself to accept them." She took the flowers with her magic, carelessly stuffing them inside her hat.

"Is there something wrong? You don't like the flowers?"asked Starlight, surprised by such poor reception. "I can always ask Luna for—"

"Trixie appreciates the gesture, she really does. There's nothing wrong, I assure you that. Nothing so trivial can come close to faze the great and powerful Trixie, never."

Something was obviously wrong with Trixie, but Starlight couldn’t put her hooves on why. Whatever it was, she had an idea to add some levity to her day.

"Are you quite sure you’re finished with your rehearsal? And that you wouldn't prefer to have your great and powerful assistant at your side? Take a sneak peek at one of your latest tricks perhaps?"

Trixie's face instantly brightened up.

"D-do you have time? I mean, how could I not let my great and powerful assistant in one of my soon to be greatest tricks! Such as…"

A bleeping prevented Trixie from listing any of her tricks, as well as prompting a panicked gasp from Starlight.

"School! I completely forgot about it! Trixie, you are gonna have to excuse me, but I need to go! I’ll see you around, ok?"

Trixie’s excitement faded away as quickly as it came - now it was her turn to be disappointed.

"I’m sure you will." Trixie whispered sarcastically.

Starlight watched her leave, feeling remorse welling up inside her. After a few moments, she sighed and turned around towards the school, soon breaking into full sprint. She didn't make it far until she stopped, grunting loudly in frustration. Forgetting about her teleportation again was the least of her worries.

"... On one hoof, the day the pairings for the project were announced, Smolder just came to me and said, 'I'm sure a star student like you will do just fine'. Fast forward today, I haven't heard of her…"

Unfortunately, November Rain had lost Starlight a while ago, whose eyes were darting from the student in front of her and Phyllis, desperately trying to keep her focus. Her mind was still lingering on what happened moments ago, along with a gut feeling that was trying to tell her something she couldn't decipher. There was something about Trixie that wasn't… Trixie.

Starlight would blame herself for failing to show up on time - if Trixie was actually expecting her at the rehearsal this morning. Maybe Trixie was just having a bad day. But it didn't feel like that either. Even for Trixie, this felt... Unusual.

Now that she thought about it, the few times she was able to see Trixie this week, the magician had behaved oddly around her. Colder, harsher, more awkward. All that usual confidence, and her flippant attitude that made her both endearing and obnoxious at times… Starlight was starting to miss that. As if it all just vanished the moment Trixie was around her. As if she was no longer interested in being her friend.

Hold on.

The blushing when she gave Trixie the flowers, her excitement before Starlight had to leave…

Could it be…?

Starlight, noticing her cheeks burning, shrugged off those thoughts. Somepony like Trixie should have been used to getting flowers, right? And her excitement was understandable —Starlight could rarely hang out with her these days. That's not the way ponies usually expressed what they felt anyway.
Then again, Trixie was not like other ponies.

That’s what Starlight liked about her, after all.

It was too soon to jump to conclusions. Plus, now that she thought about it, Trixie might have just been upset because Starlight didn’t have that much time for her these days. Be as it may, she couldn't sit idly and wait until their relationship fell apart. She had to find out — but how? How could she make Trixie great and powerful again? To recover the Trixie that would get all excited over performing a teacup spell successfully, the Trixie whose showmareship was always a sight to behold, with such dominant demeanor that always made Starlight wonder how she would perform in her b—

"... But if it turns out that she was genuinely counting on me and not leaving me all the work, I will let her down! What should I do?"

Being brought back to reality, her reverie disrupted so abruptly, she tried to regain her composure.

"Huh… oh! Uhhh… em… Blue!" She blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"What?" Asked November.


When Starlight processed what just happened, she cleaned her drool with one hoof, and facehooved with the other. She just had the worst possible slip at the worst possible moment.

"Hmm..." November Rain was now pondering. "Blue, like water, rain, or the fountain at the entrance. Oh! Or the lake nearby! I think I got it Starlight! We need some intimacy so Smolder and I can talk it out, isn't that right? Although it may give the wrong idea, as if I am trying to ask her out or something, which she may not take that well…"

The inner cogwheels on Starlight's brain began to move until the light bulb activated. An idea had come to her.

"Yes. YES. That's it! That's the answer! November, You are a genius!"

"Am I?"



Now that she had something to work with, it was time for her to get down to business, to save their relationship, and to finally discover what was going on with Trixie once and for all. Starting tomorrow.

"Thank you counselor Starlight! You are the best!" Said November Rain before disappearing behind the office doors.

"Uhh.. Sure! You know you can rely on me! Always here to help." Starlight laughed nervously as she waved him off. With that out of the way, now she had to plan how she was going to proceed with Trixie, how tomorrow should unfold—


Or maybe she should leave that for later when she wasn't attending students. Or pretending at least.

After the last student left her office, she scurried over to the door to peek outside. Nope, no student on sight. The coast was clear.

Starlight went back inside, and closed the doors behind her. The end of her shift finally came, earlier than usual. When she had asked Twilight about it earlier, the princess was somewhat reluctant. Not because her student counselor needed a break, but what the cause of that break was. Or rather, who. The alicorn wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of Trixie taking her pupil away from her friendship lessons at the time, and neither with the magician doing the same with Starlight's work now. But after a round of explanations as to why it was so urgent, Twilight, being the princess of friendship, understood — something that Starlight was grateful for. So she had to make the most of it.

She had been more worried to ask Trixie though, not knowing how to approach her after the previous day. As expected, Trixie was still upset, but all that coldness melted away the moment Starlight asked her about having a picnic together. Despite the initial and visible change in Trixie's attitude, she still showed a hint of scepticism, asking over and over if only it was going to be just Starlight and her. Starlight, who paid no mind to how weird that inquiry was, merely promised Trixie until she was satisfied, expressing her excitement by prancing and giggling around the place. An excessive reaction, maybe, but that's how Starlight liked her Trixie.

"Okay, so, this is how it's going to go. First, she's gonna be happy to see me, which will make me happy too. We are gonna sit, unpack the food, roll out the blanket, and do some catching up of her latest doing in order to easen her. Then, she will get all shy and meek, which will be my cue to reassure her and help her open up, and that's when she will finally admit her true feelings all along."

Starlight cleared her throat as she looked at Phyllis.

"Sorry, got carried away. You are right Phyllis. No rushing things. Just let the dat— err picnic unfold naturally. Whatever happens is gonna happen. The point is to find out what troubles her. Whatever it may be," she said, almost waiting for an answer, and the office remaining in understandable silence.

"And to ensure that this picnic goes the way it should, I bought a couple of goodies!" Starlight opened her saddlebag, and took out four items that hover above her head. "This is the perfect opportunity to introduce Trixie to the underrated delight that is pineapple pizza." She shoved the pizza box back inside.

"Of course, tea couldn't be missing today, alongside some teacups from Twilight's now larger-than-ever pile. And how can I forget about the peanut butter cake? Her favourite! She's gonna be ecstatic when I show her this! Also just in case the pizza fails." Soon, the rest of her items were inside the bag again, which she grabbed and put on her flank.

"Alright Phyllis. I'm good to go. Let me just water you before I leave." But before she could get a hold of the watering can, she took a good look at Phyllis. Besides the heavily patched pot, there were various signs that made Starlight think that Phyllis was not looking good at all.

"Everytime I leave you alone in my office, you always appear either on the edge of the desk at the brink of falling, or in the paper bin. Either you are more alive than what I thought, or there is someone out there with a strong dislike for potted plants." She pondered for some seconds, before coming up with an idea.

"I know! Why don't you come watch over me? You are always good company. Plus, you could probably do with more sun."

Making room for her companion in her saddlebag, she checked the time. This time she would make sure to arrive ten minutes earlier, so as not to mess it up like the other day. With everything ready, she was gone with a twinkle of her horn, leaving her counseling endeavors behind for the day.

But all that excitement made her forget about a certain part of those endeavors that remained with her.

When Starlight teleportation spell took her to the top of the hill, she was expecting to land on grass. Instead, she felt the fabric of an already extended grey and blue blanket. To her surprise, Trixie was already there, sitting at the other end. Cupcakes, a basket full of apples, and a kettle all laid out in front of her.

"Starlight!" she squealed, trotting over to her. "You made it!"

Trixie pulled her in a hug, which Starlight returned with a subtle blush on her cheeks. No matter how many of those she got from Trixie, they would never be enough. "Wow Trixie, I didn't expect to see you so early here. Or to prepare everything in advance."

"Is that a surprise?" asked Trixie, pretending to be offended.

"You are known for a lot of things Trixie, and punctuality is not one of them."

"Oh please, a showmare worth her salt never keeps her audience waiting, moreso when it's an audience of one!"

She made a dramatic pause.

"And this show is one of a kind, for I finally get to have you all by myself."

Starlight felt her face getting a few degrees hotter.

"So shall we begin?" Trixie pulled a kettle towards her.

"Sure! But, you didn't bring any teacups- oh wait." The moment she saw Trixie smile grow, she knew what was coming.

Trixie whipped her horn backwards, and shot a blast of magic at one of the cupcakes, which, upon receiving the blast, transformed into a pink and white teacup. While Starlight normally would have groaned out of annoyance at what had become an inside joke between them, she couldn't help but chuckle instead. It was so good to have Trixie back to her normal self again.

"That should do the trick." said Trixie sporting a confident grin, while filling Starlight's cup.

"You really love that spell, don't you? Alright, just let me unpack my stuff." With her magic, Starlight opened her saddlebag, grabbing its contents out one by one. "I brought some tea myself, but I'm pretty sure we got enough of that. I also got a box full of pineapple pizza that you need to try out, and Phyllis, but that's not on the menu. And most importantly—"

She couldn't finish her sentence as she heard a strange sound coming from Trixie, who was now glaring at her direction.

"Trixie, did you just... hiss?" sSaid Starlight with a raised eyebrow, but then it hit her.

"Oh I get it, not a pineapple on pizza fan, alright. It was worth the try."

"The pizza is fine Starlight," Trixie said icily.

Starlight face lit…

"Well as fine as pineapple pizzas can be."

… just to fall again.

"It 's just…" Trixie ended the sentence with a sigh.

"Maybe this could cheer you up from whatever it is?" asked Starlight, a hint of insecurity in her voice, as she levitated the peanut butter cake, her last resort, towards Trixie.

"Let's just get this picnic over with."

The harsh tone of Trixie, reminiscent of previous days, was back, and this time it managed to sink Starlight's heart for good. For reasons unbeknownst to her, she was back to where they started. But Starlight had had enough of it. She needed to know. Now or never.

Before she could try to get some answers however, a familiar bleeping interrupted her course of action, making Trixie turn around in the process. If looks could kill, Starlight would have been a goner by now. She tried her best to suppress her own annoyance too. This was supposed to be the day, yet everything kept going wrong. Seizing the opportunity to think of something while addressing… whatever it was that required her assistance, she excused herself to a fuming Trixie, and teleported back to her office.

Once there, the first thing she heard before she could flip the lights on with her horn, was loud banging noises. Wasting no time, she walked towards the doors, the source of the noise. When she pushed them open, she found the blue colored unicorn from the previous day.

"You are lucky I forgot I had this bloody thing on me, otherwise I wouldn't—"

"Counselor Starlight! I know you were supposed to be on break, but something went wrong with your suggestion! I need your help, or a place to hide!"

"My suggestion? Wait, what?"

"See, when we were alone on the lake, I may have..."


"... Misinterpreted some signs. So I accidentally kissed Smolder."

At this point, Starlight was no longer simply annoyed. Now she was barely keeping it together. First, Trixie expresses her disgust for one of her favourite foods. Second, she gets upset at her for no reason. And then, her horrible date just got spoiled even further by being called for such a reason she held no responsibility over? And during her break, no less?

That was it. She was going to go back to the picnic and settle things with Trixie once and for all. But first, she had to do her last counseling deed for the day.

"Look, November. I know I did say doors were always open for students in need. But dealing with love related issues is above my paygrade – I can barely help myself! Plus, you have to learn to make choices for yourself! You are a genius, I know you will figure something out."

"B-but Smolder, she is going to fry me like a marshmallow!"

"No she won't! Not if you go there and let her know how you feel."

"This is not a love problem anymore! All I can do is run! I can't even explain what I feel to her!"

"November – as your student counselor, the best advice I can offer to you right now is: believe in yourself."

"But... what if I am not the genius you think I am?"

"Ughhh! Just get inside my office, and stay there!" Starlight patience had finally run out.

The blue unicorn, too happy to oblige, immediately rushed inside using Starlight's desk as a cover. Starlight closed the doors before the flapping of Smolder’s wings could get any louder. She hoped the door was sturdy enough to endure an angry dragon’s onslaught.
With that thought, she was gone, leaving her wristband and a trapped November behind as her trace.

Back at the picnic, Starlight braced herself for the impending storm that awaited her. Instead, the scene she arrived at made her heart skip a beat. Trixie, her horn glowing, pointed with malicious intent.

Specifically, at her plant Phyllis.

All Starlight’s bottled up determination faded away, quickly replaced by the horror that came with the realization.

"And now, it's time to make a lousy plant, disappear!" Trixie said, her voice a mixture of anger and joy.

Although Starlight didn't know what spell that was, she was not willing to find out. As Trixie was done charging the spell, Starlight calmed her racing heart, hurried and caught the closest object nearby with her magic. The transformed teacup would do - more replaceable than Phyllis at least. Using a swap spell, she changed positions of the teacup and her plant.
The magic beam hissed through the air a second later. It enveloped the item in a painful glow, fading away to reveal the very same teacup, colored in lilac with purple and teal thin stripes.

Classic Trixie.

Starlight sighed in relief and put Phyllis down, running a hoof through the plant's petals while muttering words of comfort. Then, she turned to Trixie with a stern look on her face. "Have you lost your mind?"

"Get out of the way, Starlight, this is between her and Trixie."

"Her? Phyllis? And you? Wait, what—?" The bedazzlement took over Starlight. "So you have been the one harming Phyllis all along? What could have she— Phyllis, done to warrant getting destroyed, or teacup'd?"

"You don't understand Starlight! That plant, that smug, hideous plant of yours, Trixie knows what she's trying to do..."

"Yeah? Apart from sprucing up my office?"

"Starlight I'm not kidding around!"

"Then just tell me already!"

"She's trying to take you away from me!"

Silence filled the air. Starlight couldn't find the words to answer this reveal. She wasn't sure what it was, whether the implications that made her stomach flutter, or the raw, emotional tone on which Trixie said it, that led her to think that this wasn't just another one of her shenanigans.

Trixie was genuinely jealous. Because of a plant.

"I was happy for you!” Trixie blurted out. “At first, when you got the job as a student counselor — you could make use of what you went through to guide others. But when it began to get in the way of our friendship…” She paused, looking at Starlight beseechingly. “I feared that you would... move on with your life, and I’d be left still having a work that is not even taken seriously.” She bit her lips, and closed her eyes, continuing: “And then, it just got worse — when you got that green aberration for your office, to give you the company I couldn't give to you. So I am sorry if I'm jealous because of Phyllis, if I can't stand the thought of a plant one upping me on giving the mare I love the attention she deserves! And I'm sorry that it makes me feel more of a failure!"

Ending her rant with her voice cracking, Trixie averted her gaze from Starlight, staring at the ground below her. Starlight, however, just stood there, dumbstruck, not knowing exactly what to say, trying to process everything at once.
She could have felt bad for Trixie, and apologize for not taking her into consideration enough. To wrap a foreleg around her and share the misery together. But instead, her lips curled into a smile that did but grow as seconds passed. Oh Celestia, the sweet irony, the cheer that Trixie's words brought, and Starlight relating to and knowing what she was going through… the happiness that she shouldn't have felt, was overwhelming.
Especially since she knew what she could do about it.

So she laughed.

Trixie looked up only to find Starlight exploding in laughter, probably at her expense. She never had felt so humiliated before, not even the ursa minor aftermath hurt this much. Tears began to form on her eyes as soon as the sobbing did, until an aura of magic hugged her, bringing the warmth only a friend's hug could bring, as she was gently pulled forward.

Both the laughing and the despair stopped as her lips landed on Starlight's, sealing their lips together.

The sweet taste of Trixie's lips sent a shiver down her spine, accompanying the butterflies dancing in her stomach. Nothing that she could have ever imagined came close to it. Starlight's tongue eagerly made its way throuTrixie's mouth, as she instinctively let Trixie fall from her magic's grasp and into an embrace of her hooves.

Between her moans, she could hear Trixie's heart beating as if it was going to burst out of her chest. The magician's body felt stiff too, as she awkwardly partook into the kiss. Slacking the pace, Starlight snapped her tongue out of its frenzy and pressed Trixie against her, gently caressing her white silky mane. Soon, Trixie's body loosened and her heart slowed down. Starlight felt a pair of hooves around her neck, as Trixie slowly melted into the kiss. Both mares went into a trance, the world disappearing around them. There was nothing but the two of them. And it was perfect.

Or that's what it should have been.

Starlight was enjoying the feel of Trixie's mane on her hooves, and the taste of her lips, both equally soft. She was enjoying finally getting to hold her so close. And still, she was unable to fully enjoy the kiss. There was a thought lingering on her mind, that told her that this was wrong. And now that she stopped to think about it, she finally realized what it was.

Trying to break the kiss, she retracted her hooves and used them to push Trixie off, but the magician was stronger than expected, probably as a result from having to pull her wagon everywhere. Involving Trixie with her magic, she struggled to pull her away as she continued to cling onto Starlight.

Finally, Trixie gave in and parted lips with Starlight, her back hitting the grass in the process. Starlight opened her eyes as she saw the magician getting back up, both mares panting in unison.

“*huff* w-wha whe- *huff* w-w-whoa. S-s-starlight” Trixie barely managed to articulate.

“Sorry for cutting it so abruptly” Starlight said, having recovered her breath “but there´s something that-”


At first, Starlight blinked perplexed, but it wasn't until she heard a soft whimpering replacing her huffing and saw Trixie´s watery eyes locked onto hers,when it hit her, her eyes widening in turn.
She had thought that Trixie would forget due to the kiss.

“That wasn't what it looked like! sure, I was laughing, but it wasn't at you, but because of you. No wait, that didn't come off as I wanted. More like about what you said. Let me explain myself.”

“That's not what I meant.”

Starlight gave her a quizzlied look, unsure of what else she could mean with that.

“Why did you stop?!”

“Trixie wait!” Upon Trixie launching herself towards Starlight, she held the unicorn back with her magic.

“As I was saying, before we continue the kiss, there's... something that I need to get off my chest. Think you can give me a minute?”

Quitting the useless rattling of her hooves against the grass the moment the magic disappeared, Trixie sat on the ground with her forelegs crossed.

“Hmpf, fine. But make it quick.” Trixie pouted.

Taking a deep breath, Starlight began.

“To answer your question, I just couldn't continue the kiss. Something was off. It felt wrong.”

“It was me wasn't it? Just say that I wasn't good enough.”

“No. I mean, yes! you were amazing, and that's why I should have enjoyed the kiss, but somehow I didn't, and it had nothing to do with you. It was all on me.”

“To be more precise, it felt unearned. I made you feel replaced, and all because of my own negligence as a friend. And even worse, it took me so long to realize it. If I can't even be a good friend, how am I supposed to take care of you as a marefriend?
That's the reason why I couldn't continue the kiss, because first, I had to set things right.”

She made a brief pause before continuing.

“I owe you an apology, Trixie, for letting you aside for so long, and for not tackling that problem sooner. Honestly, After this, I don't know if I even deserve to be called your friend.”

With that, she stared at her hooves, feeling too ashamed to look at Trixie directly. While she felt like she just took a huge load off, the fact that she admitted her faults towards her loved one in front of her, was still embarrassing. Maybe she wouldn't want to be friends anymo-

“It 's alright. Trixie accepts your apology, it's not like you can ditch your work after all. And to be fair, Trix-I, often wonder the same when I mess up, like trying to destroy your plant for example. Sorry for that.”

“Well, " Starlight perked up " having in mind that I almost destroyed equestria during my crusade against the cutie marks, I can't say that I don't know what it's like.”

The two of them shared a laugh.

“I take that means we are good, right?” Trixie asked.

“Trixie, I like you, I really do, and no amount of your shenanigans will change that.”

Trixie looked like she was about to say something, but her words died on her throat as she averted her gaze from Starlight, who immediately took action, and pulled her in an embrace.
They stayed like that until Starlight broke the silence.

“I'm still not letting you get close to Phyllis within a ten meter radius though.”

“Fair enough, it's not like I'm going to miss the sight of that plant after this debacle anyway. Seriously, between the pizza and Phyllis, I never pegged you as somepony with such poor taste.” Trixie said letting go of her.

“Says the crazy mare lover?” smugly retorted back Starlight.

“Funny, the same could be said about you.”

“What was the saying? It takes one to love another.”

Trixie was unable to think of any snarky comeback, blushing furiously and playing with her white strand of hair instead.

“We do deserve each other.”

Barely containing the joy, Starlight nodded slightly, a warm smile on her face. The words she had been longing for so long, finally arrived at her ears. And this time, she truly felt like she deserved it. She earned the right to love Trixie. Going through all this to see her genuinely happy was worth it.

For a few moments, nothing was said. The mares just looked into each other's eyes and read all that was written in that affectionate gaze.
Starlight could stay like that forever.

If only she really could.

“Soo…” Trixe leaned forward, approaching her slowly with a lustful look “Now that you came clean, how about we pick it from where we left it?”

“Hehe, well, actually… Trixie, if you really love me, promise me you wont kill me for this.”

The seductive and eager Trixie became the pissed and serious Trixie upon hearing this.

“There is still one loose end left. More specifically, a pony trapped inside my office that requires my help, before he becomes Smolder' s new punchbag. It's another problem caused by my negligence that I need to fix. It won't take long, I promise.”

Her left eye twitching like crazy, Trixie looked like she was going to either scream at her, have a mental breakdown, teacup her, or all at once. Just when she was about to burst and unleash all hell on Starlight, something extended in front of her prevented that. A lilac hoof.
Looking up she saw Starlight, who was giving her a warm smile. Trixie understood, and calming down, she wrapped her own hoof around it.

“Ready?” Asked Starlight.

“As always.”

Starlight grinned and focused. A magical sphere formed around them as they embraced. Trixie closed her eyes and smiled - a second later, the bubble collapsed into nothingness, carrying its occupants far, far away.

Comments ( 26 )

Gotta love the Starlight Glimmer and Trixie interaction and relationship.

I helped :D

Really glad to see this up, Smokey! A great StarTrix story from a truly sicccccccc writer. :heart:

Yeaaa boii
No longer fimfic virgin amirite??
Didnt know it would feel so good
*insert excited tavi here*

Aaayyy you finally comment on stuff of mine. Now i know how you feel, and it's amazing.

A great StarTrix story

I learned from the best :ajsmug:

Huzzah! Glad to see this up :twilightsmile:

"They are, wow…" Trixie’s wide open eyes narrowed in a frown. "It’s a shame Trixie is not very fond of plants these days. But I guess I can bring myself to accept them." She took the flowers with her magic, carelessly stuffing them inside her hat.

Ugh, such great Trixie. Love her!

"And now, it's time to make a lousy plant, disappear!" Trixie said, her voice a mixture of anger and joy.

As I said before, I do love this mental image of Trixie being arch-rivals with a plant

Great to see this up, Smokes!

D'aaaaawwww this was so funny and so in-character that this is canon for me now :heart:

1000 coins says they did it in Twilight's room.


Ugh, such great Trixie. Love her!

How could you not? :smug_octavia:

Glad that this fic made you laugh! That's the least I can offer to my faithful readers: happiness.
Because you deserve no less :twilightsmile:

In exchange of this flattering comment, you can have a cute startrix as wonderful as you are.
Now, feel flattered


Wait! I forgot that Spike and Gabby were snogging on Twilight's bed a few weeks ago.

It hit my heart in all the right strings

This fills me with joy
My readers happiness
Is my happiness
Thanks for reading!

I rate it... 🍵/10

I promised I'd read this, and now I finally have!
Now, for the review.
Just... I was laughing at so many occasions, nearly fell off my seat once!
I thought it would be some form of drama or something! But in the end, the thing Trixie was jealous of was.... A BLOODY POTTED PLANT THAT WAS A NAMED CHARACTER!
Silly Trixie, don't you know that named objects are immortal?!
That ending though... implications abound. Heh, spicy.
It was a fast-paced read, but that's okay. Nothing wrong with a quick read. Makes me wonder why I didn't just take the time to read it up until now...
I always liked the pairing of Trixie and Starlight. There's some real chemistry between them in the show, and this just hilariously became something that I can totally see happening in the show. The sheer... absurdity of Trixie being jealous of Starlight over a plant... Yeah, I think it can fit in the ridiculousness that is MLP FIM.

Hello, a review to your story has been posted. I hope you find it helpful. :raritywink:

Howdy, hi!

A review from the mansion to you!

I have reviewed this story over at the Reviewer's Mansion!

“I'm still not letting you get close to Phyllis within a ten meter radius though.”

Forbidden romance sequel pls

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