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Interlude 1: In Space

Meanwhile in Space we see an insect shaped spaceship beginning to approach a planet.

On the inside of the ship we see insect like aliens monitoring the planet.

"Status report." The leader of the ship says.

"Sir, we've just received notice that a Green Lantern has left the planet and is heading towards Oa." Says one of the other insect like aliens.

"Interesting. What of our missing scarab?" Asks the leader.

"Still no luck locating it. However, it seems that the scarab has been activated." Says the insect alien.

The leaders eyes show some interest.

"What makes you think that?" Asks the leader.

"We received notice that it has been activated, however we were unable to recall it."

"So we have a rogue?" Asks the leader in distaste.

"Potentially, sir."

The leader stops for a moment to think before coming up with the answer.

"Send down Black Beetle to assess the situation."

To Be Continued...