• Published 15th Jul 2021
  • 526 Views, 21 Comments

Indomitable Journey's End - Slendy

Many battles have be fought. Many mysteries have been uncovered. Only one remains unseen by Zen, for centuires Princess Celestia had kept a secret given to herself and Luna by their father, of a melody that brought disaster to Equestria.

  • ...

Chp. 3 - Rising Riptide

Across the stretches of Equestria, directly west of Canterlot, was a small seaside town of Lily. It was a quiet village with a small wall encompassing it, leading to sand-coloured brick houses reinforced with oak beams and pale-blue tiled roofs. However, some looked to be under reconstruction, replacing the thatch with these colourful tiles—renovations, I assumed. We drew quite a few heads, not often a bipedal wolf, a one-winged bat pony, an armoured human woman, and a Captain of the Royal Guard merrily strolled into town.

"You know, there's a joke about this scene..." I commented, arms crossed with my back against a post while waiting for the glowing Bat Pony beside me, her eye glossing over the many necklaces carved from coral and seashells. They weren't expensive but held delicate craftsmanship compared to some run-of-the-mill trinket.

"You think?" Her brow rose humorously, poking her wing against my side without looking. "When's the last time a bipedal wolf walked into town?"

"Valid point," I concurred, smiling nervously at all the staring. "Just... a little on edge about it." "I'm not used to this much attention..." My ears flopped, patiently waiting for Yui to move forward with our sightseeing; we had time. The tremors continued, but it seemed the ponies here didn't take much notice, their own issues tangible compared to mine.

"There, thank you," Yui gave a short bow to the clerk as she shuffled to stand before me; I kneeled to her height, seeing her hoof hold out what she bought. "I know it's not as 'fitting' as your old ruby, but... I never really thought about how attached you still are to it, what remnants of it remain, that is," She scratched her head under her hoof, keeping that fanged grin soft. "But consider it a good luck charm to keep you calm,"

I looked surprised, but given who I was speaking with, she saw through it wasn't hard to understand. Placed in her hoof was a black string for the necklace, the coral centrepiece triangular in shape, the deep-red tint lighter in tone due to the streaks of white that curled around its surface, forming a spiral. In the centre was a small hole. My expression of gratitude didn't do it justice as I leaned forward for her to link over my sensory organs and snout carefully. It dangled against my scarf, Yui leaning back with a bright grin. "Perfect fit!"

"Yeah... thanks, Yui," I winked with my thumb up. "An amazing treasure hunter's instincts are sharp, so I know it'll pay off."

Her cheeks turned a little pink at the praise, leaning to nuzzle my cheek. "Sweet talker for a monster hunter."

"Touche." I chuckled while her giggle swung my mood high again.

Our vessel for the trip was by the docks, a sizable ship with white sails stained with blue stripes, sailing the flag with a golden arrow crest. Far as what Topaz could tell me, its name was the Ambit.

Several guards helping me in moving supplies onto the ship, supplies, food and medical, armour included. Yui sat on the deck, inspecting her tools and magical artefacts to help cast Moon magic, gifted by Celestia herself. I had a few new remedies to mix later; certain ores and plant life from the Old World started to appear recently, so I wanted to experiment. It really bothered me since I had no clear answer for the evolutions undergoing in Equestria, hence the need for a Guild of sorts.

Topaz was directing the guards on where to drop the supplies, keeping things moving for Ren, who underwent a brief report with the ship's owner. "Guess that's the perks of being a Hunter; even sailing's a skill," I'm both impressed and jealous. "Feel a little useless..."

"I hardly think you of all people are 'useless'," Yui smiled while cleaning her tools diligently, sticking her tongue out the corner of her mouth. "We all excel at our own things; fighting monsters isn't exactly needed to prep a ship."

"I concede, you're right," Crossing my legs as I sat down in front of Yui, I let her work in peace, pulling out a small book I had in my own bag. It wasn't much, rough pictures to symbolize monsters and my knowledge of them if I ever needed to give any physical advice to anyone in passing. Plus, I catalogued how many I've hunted, a rift formed or otherwise. Now a new page remained blank at my claws, almost mockingly.

"Still drawing a blank?" Yui had scooted up beside me, leaning against my side to see my book. I held it out for her hooves, that pleased smile on her face as she flicked back over the previous entries. "It doesn't matter, you know? We've overcome unexpected fights before."

"Not with another Elder Dragon," I wished I could smile at the situation, but... "It's not like Blackveil, heck, we haven't seen another Elder Dragon since the Kirins, but this... something that can make the earth tremble is powerful... maybe even stronger than Safi-" Again, I felt something soft press to my cheek, Yui pulling away to flick my snout.

"I seriously have to spell it out for you, huh?" Yui stood up, moving to stand eye-to-eye with me, pointing her wing-tip at my nose. "Zen, even if it was that Black Dragon, Fatalis or whatever, I know you, and I know for certain you could beat it - you never needed to be the best, to know everything down to the last detail to prove to me that you are capable," Her fang poked out from her smile. "I think the person you are now is more than enough."

This mare... I sighed a lax smile, looking up at her. "How is it you're so good a pep talks today?"

She wrapped her hooves around my neck, nuzzling me back, causing my body to electrify. "I met a pretty strange human with a needless obsession with references."

"You love it." I snickered.

"Yeah, I do." She giggled back; though I wish I had a faint idea what we were up against, I didn't feel as guilt-ridden as before.

Out a sea, the wind was at our backs, proving to be a fortuitous occasion to make traction across the uncharted waters. Out on deck, with Ren happily at the helm barking shanties like a lunatic, Topaz sat with me and a map on the deck, the sun cast over our heads. "The island we're looking for is called Organ Isle; it's remote, hardly anypony's been there since... well, Princess Celestia went there once."

My brow rose. "And that was...?"

She slumped. "I'm certain my great-great-great-great grandparents weren't even born yet." There it is...

"So we're looking for a small island that no one's seen in centuries..." I blinked, shrugging. "Atleast it's a lovely day for sunbathing."

"I second that," Yui, who was lying on a towel, sighed. Her hoof rose to wave lazily. "If anything, it won't be hard to miss; no other islands are out here bar the odd dune formed from weathering and time."

"I've seen three so far," Ren appeared, dusting off her hands. "Might as well leave it to me less one of you guys wants to handle lookout from above?"

"Will do - wait," I froze, "Um, who's steering?"

She chuckled, waving a hand. "Relax, Wolfman, gotta love magic, like someone's keeping it on course for me, best ship ever." She caringly rubbed the mast.

"Magic runes are carved into the wheel," Topaz explained, drawing an invisible line with her hoof to the wheel and the ship. "They then connect to the sails, and other key devices that maintain a ship's ability to turn, adjust velocity, normal stuff - to put it simply, autopilot."

"Oooh," The three of us echoed,

"Not to call out this lovely vessel on its abilities-" Ren patted the mast again, tugging the rope that ran parallel to the beam. "-But I got one iddy biddy complaint." Ren held her hunting knife up.

"What's that?" I asked as she swiped it across the taut rope. With an audible 'snap' followed by a girly cry, a pony slammed into the deck with a groan, rope piling atop his spiralling eyes.

An ash white earth pony with a tussled, warm black mane and tail. His eyes were forest green. He wore the clothing of some bandit. Black coat with a high collar, a belt lined with pouches, and even a few hidden weapons now clattered around him.

"I think I see Canterlot..." He shook his head, blinking up with a nervous grin at Ren's devilish smirk, Topaz's scowl, and my confusion paired with Yui's. He sat up, holding a hoof up accusingly. "Now, that was very rude."

"A no-good stowaway," Topaz rolled her eyes. "I don't need this..."

"Ah-Ah-Ah, 'A no-good stowaway' would've been caught back at the docks, I'm a good stowaway," Then Ren poised her knife toward his muzzle, hooves raised in fright. "Woah, easy with the knife - I don't mean any harm, must've misplaced my ticket somewhere..."

"Really?" Yui asked, earning a deadpan from the stowaway.

"Seriously? I'm not even trying right now," The knife twisted closer. "Okay-okay, I'll spill, I was... procuring valuables from this lovely vessel of yours, honest! I don't even care why you're out here!" Now it was my turn to be suspicious of this pony.

"For a kid, he sure loves to lie at knifepoint," I summed up sardonically, his hoof pointed my way.

"Hey, I may be young, but in this world, things can get pretty rough, what with monsters roaming the land nowadays-" He froze, realizing who he was speaking with since fear shot through his body. "Y-y-you're... that wolf guy... ooooh, I really think this was above my paygrade."

"Do you even have a paygrade?" Topaz snorted.

"Nope! Just wanted to say something cool," He realized that the knife hadn't moved. "Ahem, the name's Blackjack; drop the first part, though, makes me sound like a girl."

"You sure scream like one," Yui giggled behind her wing, earning his deadpan and flustered face.

"Aren't you a laugh, clipped-wing?" That made Yui's aura turn pitch black.

"Ren, throw him overboard." Okay, she's lost sympathy for the guy, ouch.

"Hahaha, with pleasure," She yanked him by his collar.

"Woah, okay, bad touch I-I get that-" He started flailing, trying to reason with Ren while I ran to put my paws on her chestplate.

"'Let's not commit a war crime, please?'" I begged, wanting to spur the tension down a notch.

Out the corner of my eye, Jack raised his brow, tilting his head to the left a bit to peer over her head. "Um, say, anypony here read about red stars in the weather forecast?" He inquired, my speculation of his intentions shot instantly.

Rage slammed into my heart—the water below rippling against the hull sharply.

"'Get down!'" Yanking the pair away from the edge of the ship, we ducked, Yui hiding behind Topaz's amber barrier as a screaming whirl of wind slammed into the deck with a long, silver tail. The sails buckled, and waves of water shot high into the sky from the gust that flew past our heads.

Scrambling to our feet, Ren worked to bring the sails down, chuckling. "Oh, man, now that's an Elder Dragon!" I'd share her enthusiasm if a large body of water didn't surround us. The wind slammed into my fur, a shadow hovering above us with a piercing roar of metal from its beak. He followed us, my chest hot with the sheer swell of power radiating from its aura, droplets refracting in the sunlight. "Man your posts, ponies and Pokemon alike, and keep that thing clear of the sails!"

Valstrax released a jet of draconic energy, propelling himself vertically, sweeping through the open skies with devastating speeds. Sprinting to the right-hand side, starboard? I dunno - I rushed to the edge. I quickly erected Protect with my palms, holding it strong until a wave of hot wind slammed into me, shattering the barrier but effectively tossing Valstrax above the sails. At the same time, Topaz and Yui, alongside our stowaway, worked to fasten them down.

Shaking off my stupor, I dived to the bow, watching the glimmering comet readjust its course, honing on me specifically. Leaping onto the beam jutting from the bow, I spun around, my fur trembling with a crimson flurry of swords as I tossed two Aura Spheres to intercept. Valstrax tucked in his wings, performing a barrel roll between them, fanning out his metal wings with a squall. The scarlet glow gathered in his wing vents, both poised toward me like fingers.

Inhaling slowly, I brought my paws by my left hip, channelling a great deal of energy between them, much like my Aura attacks only with greater intensity, the ball of bluish light as blinding as the sun. "Focus Blast!" The sheer mass of the sphere pulled two arcs of water alongside it, colliding with Valstrax's dragon barrage, the contrasting energies expanding into an explosion between us.

Through the smoke and water vapour, I lunged with a howl, striking Valstrax across the cheek with an Ice Punch, the rime freezing sharply across his right side. Keeping the momentum, I had my left curled with yellow lightning at my knuckle, obliterating the ice, sending ripples of electricity through the dragon's body, releasing a pained wail. It tried to bite me only for my feet to press down on its beak, spinning into a roundhouse strike with Blaze Kick. The halo of embers tossing us both back through the tail nicked me, flicking me so hard I imbedded my back in the deck.


"Zen!" Yui rushed beside me, helping to pry my splintered ass from my own mess. "Are you okay?"

"Is Valstrax dead?" I dizzily asked, shaking my head with a groan.

"Um... does having red-tipped wings and eyes mean yes?" She squeaked.

"Nope, nope, he's a furious boy... or girl, I'm not judging," Rubbing the dust from my eyes, I could see the Elder Dragon flying closer to the ship, circling us. The exhausts of his wings were expelling a vast amount of dragon element now, turning crimson, the eyes left a contrail similar to a Nargacuga. If it decided to use its 'Around The World' attack on us now, we'd be swimming home. "We need to ward him off, now!"

"Okay, how do we do that?" Yui asked the fabled question, one I... kind had an answer to. She noticed my lighthearted expression and quickly struck my already painful chest. "Zen, no-"

"-Only way, can't risk you guys getting seriously hurt with no way home," Much as I too hated it, what other choice did I have? It's a powerful Elder Dragon, and it wasn't dumb or some manifestation. I winked. "You can scold me later, love."

"Wait - dammit, Zen!" Yep, she's peeved.

Standing evenly on the rocking deck, I brought my right arm back, feeling it graze my cheek until a cool, cyan flame erupted from my knuckle down to my elbow. It was hauntingly cold. I had one shot, mess this up, and I'll be drowning in the deep as a Worm God once said. "Final...!" Here we go, all-in!

Valstrax spun in a blitz, rocketing toward the bow, specifically, me.

Releasing that breath, I let out all my energy. "...GAM-"


A large, pressurized torrent of water erupted from the waves, striking Valstrax with enough force to send the Elder spiralling, using a nearby sandy dune to tumble until it hopped to its feet and took off again. The Ambit swayed to our left sharply, a large shadow swooping over my head as my power fizzled out in favour of staring widely at the unbelievable sight. Glimmering scales and colourful patterns of an aquatic-based monster levelled its posture to snarl at the approaching Elder, firing another jet-stream of water to force it around to the bow.

"'A... Mitzutsune!?'" I echoed my thoughts

"Heh, colour me impressed..." Wait, Jack knew about this monster?

The Mitzutsune squared off with the Valstrax, lunging to wrap its whole body around the flailing beast, spitting a volley of water into its face before slithering under to claw at the vents on its chest. The Elder's flight began to sway greatly, diving up and down into the dark depths below momentarily with the leviathan. Seconds later, Valstrax flew from the waves, raining saltwater atop us with a howl as another streak of liquid sliced across its neck, forcing it to fly back, the fox wyvern resting just below the waves, raising its head at... portside?

Each monster challenged the other with a roar, neither willing to back down while the stationary ship rocked in the middle of the turf war. Despite the insane events transpiring, the aura the wyvern gave off felt so familiar; its anger was directed at the Elder Dragon, a sense of protectiveness in its spirit.

"Rooooar!!" Valstrax gave us a very rude farewell, inhaling through its vents until it could propel itself high above the clouds, its presence fading with every nail-biting second I watched the skies. Soon, the roar of its exhausts left my eardrums entirely. The ocean gradually settled.

"So, not to sound ungrateful, but..." Ren slowly pointed her longsword at the wyvern staring down at us. "...what now?"

Sensing the threatening stance, Ren took the Mitzutsune hissed, bubbles beginning to pop around its scales. It dived sharply, specifically splashing Ren until it surfaced again with a fountain of water. When the large splash struck the deck, the wyvern had shrunk considerably. Then my heart thundered with glee.

Blinking, big, blue eyes stared back at us with a timid smile. "Hi, Mister Wolf and Yui."

"'Mira~!'" I beamed, tackling the little pony in a hug that she returned with a giggle, nuzzling my neck. Then I recoiled. "Ack, you smell like fish."

Her head tilted to the side. "Is that bad?"

Then Yui struck the back of my head. "Be nice - Mira, it's so good to see you!" Yui embraced the little pony, who cooed at the affection.

Ren then slumped, spitting water from her mouth. "Uh-huh, quick question - The Hell is this!?"

"You know something, I've seen monsters with swords for tails, dragons that absorb energy from the world, and much more, this-" Topaz pointed at Mira. "-is just par for the course."

Realizing the questions bubbling in their heads, I spun on my knees. "'Ahem, right, kinda forgot - so you know that wyvern I said we met back in some creepy temple, turns out it was really nice,'" The pair nodded as Yui, and I waved to the docile Mira. "'This is said monster- who, unlike me, can turn from pony to monster at will.'"

Jack clopped his hooves, "This is nice - why am I not surprised you'd be here, short-stack?"

This earned him a small beam of water to the face from the wyvern who gave the thief a deadpan. "Dirty Thief."

He threw his hoof wide. "Oi, I have standards! And the name's Blackjack, though drops the first part, please." He grunted.

"Dirty Thief Jack," She... gave a smug retort? That had Yui and me clutching our sides in laughter, my paw ruffling her silky mane.

"'I missed you so much, kid.'"

"Ditto." Yui winked.

"Yeah-yeah, laugh it up," Jack then blinked, throwing a hoof my way. "Say, Wolf, you doin' okay? Lookin' a little pale?" I am? Huh...

Clutching my forehead, I swayed a little in place. "'Huh, I think I... used to... much..." Soon, the whole world spiralled, and my vision slammed into darkness. "Ugh, note to self, don't cast move less I mean to..."

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Bit of action and Mira returns! (Hence the last story entry) with the thief she met called BlackJack. Valstrax seemed to be drawn in the same direction as Zen's group, but why? I hope you enjoyed, appreciate the support as always, seeya in the next chapter Hunters!

Chp. 4 - Origin
After a whole day of searching, the fabled Organ Isle is in sight. What the team will discover there may change their perception of Equestria forever.