• Published 6th Mar 2021
  • 373 Views, 16 Comments

Equestrian Monsters and how to deal with them - Zeitless

Tempest Shadow adventures through Equestria in a mission of making up for her past mistakes and fights Monsters threatening other creatures. On her way she makes a good friend.

  • ...

Afternoon Blues

"And then I said 'Go back te whence ye came from and don't return!' and struck the sandworm with my shovel," Rockhoof jumped up, spun swift strikes with his shovel in proficient fashion and posed heroically.

Captivated by Rockhoof's tale Tempest took another bite from a sandwich, her eyes bound to his spectacles. She didn't even realise how much she was engaged into the story until she leaned so far forward on her chair that her hindleg ached.

Albeit having asked with a tone of dismayal, pretty much only to prevent having to talk that much herself, Rockhoof put all his heart into his tale. And she had to admit it was quite a show. Even though she probably could have conquered something like a desert sandworm herself, the way his voice retold fear and courage and the style his entire body acted it out made it much more than a plain old story.

Nontheless Tempest recomposed herself and pretended to be nonchalant: "A sandworm, huh? Quite a tale."

Rockhoof returned to the table: "Ah! I'm happy you enjoyed it," and let out one of his whole hearted laughs, "Rare to have such good audience."

"Uh, Thanks?" Surprised by the compliment for pretty much doing nothing, Tempest wasn't sure how to react. She shrugged it off and continued: "So you're also an adventurer? Traveling from place to place looking for quests and monsters?"

"I used to be an adventurer like you, then a friend took a bad turn and we all ended up trapped in something called Limbo for over a thousand years." Rockhoof chuckled awkwardly, ridiculing his own words, "Now I'm still wandering around in a world I haven't seen in over a millenia trying to make sense of it all, you know.."
For the first time since she met him Rockhoof let his voice fade as he got lost in thought.

"Uh-huh," Tempest lifted an eyebrow and summarized in a mocking tone, "And I served an evil villain as chief of army, captured all four alicorn princesses and nearly overtook Equestria before snapping out of it and finally making peace with this." She lowered her head and signaled towards her broken horn, sarcastically adding "Glad to meet you."

She only now realised which words had run through her muzzle. Why did I say that?! Ugh. Way to ruin the mood, Tempest...

But to her surprise Rockhoof didn't hesitate at all. He grinned carelessly: "Ahm glad to meet ye too!"

After a moment of silence and having finished her hayfry sandwich, Tempest got up and Rockhoof followed suite.

"Well, I better get going," Tempest hesitated, "I've still got some stuff to do."

"So do I," Rockhoof spun his shovel and turned around, "Ah'll see ye around, uhm..?"


"What a strong name! Later, Tempest."

With a clear sky and afternoon sun shining down the streets were quite bright, yet also empty. Only few ponies went their way, a vendor's cart had parked on the side and the only source of noise was a triet of musicians playing their saxophone, bass and a set of drums disguised as upside down buckets.

The bassist sung a melody of mood and rain, her voice was quiet but hummed audibly even two blocks away.

Still limping on her hindleg a familiar yet bitter wave of frustration and anger overcame Tempest once again. She couldn't pinpoint as to what it was that bothered her so much but it just kept nagging, like a mosquito playing its violine while you're desperately trying to sleep.

'Seriously, why did I rush that? Why do I keep being so rude?!' She groaned, 'Why can't I just make a single friend?Everyone else finds their folks. It's unfair.'

Look at him. He's done his deed and got his story from me. And now he'll go back to his companions and share a laugh about that dumb mare who got herself buried alive - right?


Here's to hoping he won't keep bothering me. All the creatures I killed, those whose lives I ruined - I have to make up for it. Somehow.

Maybe then they'll forgive me.

She shook her head and let a hoof stroke through leaves of grass on the side of the road. It helped her find back to reality. Lifting her eyes she let them wander through the flowers and trees around her.

From some perspective her day went fine. Finally kicking up her childhood trauma had definitely felt good. She only nearly had died in the process, but after all she's been through Tempest was pretty much used to standing on the brink of death every other month.

But being rescued sucked. To be fair she knew she would've been lost without this random stallion appearing out of nowhere. 'What's his deal anyways? Just roaming around looking for a collapsed tunnel to maybe save some pony - Honestly?'

She halted and shook her head, preventing herself from getting absorbed into a monologue yet again. It didn't matter regardless. It was just one of many fleeting faces she had seen along her travels. She'd meet them, stay polite and get along, and eventually they'd forget she was there. Not like this time it'll be any different.

'What was his name? Rockhoof? Sounds stupid. Who names their foal like that? Almost as bad as- Well Tempest is a much better name than whatever my parents ridiculous thoughts were. Whatever...'

Continuing her stroll through town Tempest felt a sudden urge to return to the forest, track down the Major and kick some butt. But reliving their first encounter in her head made her shift her anger to her limp leg. The pain was the only thing stopping her from rushing off - at least that's what she kept telling herself

Thus she instead made for finding an inn to secure the night before heading into a tavern and probably drinking cider till it grew late enough to sleep.

What else was she supposed to do? Usually she'd go around and see if anypony needs assistance with just about anything, but since the streets were so empty and the only problem, a stray Ursa Minor roaming the fields, taken care of she couldn't find a distraction.

First thing in the morning I'll leave. Lets hope they let me kick some butt in the next city.

Ever since Princess Twilight had opened up her eyes and made her re-learn what friendship truly means, Tempest has put an effort to make up for all the horrible things she caused as soldier of the Storm King. It sort of was the only way for her to keep the nightmares to a minimum.

She'd wake up multiple times soaked in sweat. At least she had learned not to screa-

"Hello, welcome to Golden Springs Inn." A young stallion interrupted her train of thoughts. Standing behind a counter he greeted her with a nervous yet bright smile. "How may I be of service to you?"

He tried his best to be welcoming, noticably new to the job. Tempest gave herself a push to mirror his kindness: "Hello, I'd like a room for the night please."

"Sure thing. Here's the key to room seven, it's straight across the floor to the right," he signaled with his forehoof, "Uhm, that'll be fifteen bits please."

Tempest took out a pouch and counted off. After the truly lavish lunch there was barely enough left to pay for the stay, let alone drink cider in a tavern. She sighed, decided a roof over her head would be the more valuable decision and payed up.

"Welcome once more and enjoy your stay," he cheered and waved her off.

Walking along the corridor Tempest checked her surroundings. It was a simple place, rather small but well cared for. Besides the main entrance she found another turn leading to a backdoor. She found no other exits.

Nontheless with the building constructed of wood and stone it just felt like so many others. To be honest Tempest was relieved this village even had an inn, given how far it lied in the outskirts away from Fillydelphia.

Every here and there a wooden pillar ran through the wall. At one point Tempest was fairly certain she could even see a crack running through the planks, but she didn't make the effort to get a closer look. Now to her right a door with a large 7 engraved into it presented itself.

She was greeted by a faint smell of smoke. A small bed just big enough for her to lay on stood to her right, on the wall opposite of Tempest was a small round window with a view on the inns front yard and to her left a wooden table and chair were directed towards the lookout. And on top of the table a candle had burned to the tin coaster below.
It still had a dim red hue to its wick and the last few breaths of smoke rose as it neared its end.

A note on the table gave directions to a shared bathroom and breakfast times. She dropped her panniers and crashed on the bed.


As she opened her eyes again she found herself in her cabin atop one of the many ships the Storm King had to offer. Completely unannounced Grubber broke her restful silence.

"Knock! By the King. Knock before you come in!"

"Oh, right! Sorry." He dropped some papers as he hastily got out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Knock knock

"Not anymore you id- Ugh. Come in and keep it short."

"Uhm, yes." - He recollecte his papers and shuffled them into order.

"The westforces have successfully concluded our battle. We've established full control over the citizens and are awaiting your command on the captured forc-"

"As always, Grubber. Put em in prison and if they resist just get rid of them. You should seriously know the drill by now."

"Yes, commander Tempest."

Grubber bowed and walked out backwards.

"Close the damn door!"


This place really looked a lot alike that cabin. Even the candlewax smelled similar. She wondered what Grubber was up to nowadays. He always found his way with others. Even some of the stonecold soldiers had a weakness for his cake addiction.

He's probably out there somewhere eating cake. Must be easy being so simpleminded.

Her gaze drifted to the door she left open. Again she'd have to close it herself. Along the way she gave a glance out the window and realised the evening was still young.

So ultimately Tempest decided to go for a workout session, paying care to her hurting body. Eventually she opened the window before heading for a shower and finally went to bed early.

But just as she was about to sleep a nasty and ever-so-familiar violin began humming from one ear to the other.

This will be a long night.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading on! :yay:
I still have trouble writing long dialogues but I think I did fairly well this time.
Anyhoof, make sure to leave a nice comment and tell me about your thoughts and feedback! I always appreciate these :twilightsmile: