• Published 4th May 2021
  • 172 Views, 2 Comments

Most unstable horse - Coralr

Noteworthy helps screwloose solve the case of why she was in the hospital using his amazing memory skills.

  • ...

Craziest Cynophobe in all of Equestria

Author's Note:

Did you expect me to use Hasbro merch as a way to give these two plausible non-forced interaction?
No you did not.

The story begins with startled doctors as they found their top mental patient, Screwloose, is not in her hospital bed.
Which, well, looks more like a cage.
One of the doctors ordered a search. As multiple employees working in the hospital, and two guards flood the area, trying to find the missing pony.
"Oh great, not this again." The doctors thought.
For now, let's leave the hospital and see where Screwloose went.

A light blue pony with a pale-white blue mane roams Ponyville, barking as she tries to free herself of the collar around her neck. Her Barking gets louder as she approaches Noteworthy, a blue pony with a darker blue mane.
Noteworthy, unaware of Screwloose, is shocked as they bump into each other, falling.

"Screw... loose. That's your name, right?"

He said, dusting his coat as he gets up from the ground.
Screwloose barks happily as a dog would when hearing something it likes, then the happy dog expression shifts to confused.
Noteworthy had no time for this nonsense. He had work to do, helping ponies.
But then again, maybe Screwloose needs help too.

"Eh, maybe another day." He thought, he had no idea how to communicate with her, considering she only talks dog.
As Screwloose investigated the grass, Noteworthy trotted away. Screwloose noticed Noteworthy going away, so she walked after him, barking loud and clear. Noteworthy decided to walk faster. Then Screwloose walked faster, to the point it turned into a chase.
Noteworthy was already done with her and didn't sign up for any of this.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital!?"

But Screwloose caught up to him, pushing him to the floor again, as she barked angrily, although her face showed an otherworldly smile. Almost evil, perhaps.
It seemed he had no other choice but to help her, or else she'll be riding on his coat-tails until he does what she wants to do. Noteworthy reluctantly agreed, where Screwloose barked happily.

"I always wondered, why were you in the hospital anyway?"

Screwloose couldn't answer that question. Not because she speaks dog, but because she just doesn't know.
She barked in a low tone on emphasis of her helplessness, and slight stupidity.
Noteworthy deemed her incapable of answering, and decided to figure that out himself.
If it's to help her, then so be it.

Noteworthy and Screwloose trotted away to the first clue, as Screwloose suddenly barked loudly, where Noteworthy was scared of thinking up what she might do, then something caught his eye. Screwloose barks, as she was staring at a pet shop.
That's it, the first clue. Noteworthy, pondering about the pet shop, notices Screwloose is gone.

"Oh come on!"

He thought maybe she went into the pet shop, and, sadly, he was right. She was storming through every corner, every inch, nook, and cranny to find... Something. She was looking for the next clue, but could not find it.

"Excuse me.. Okay, She's looking for something really important, she's trying to figure out why she goes to the hospital."

"Mr. Noteworthy, I presume?"

"Yes, I need help figuring out what Screwloose wants."

"The helpful pony? Needing help?"

"Well, yeah."

Screwloose barks loudly.

"Did that pony just bark?"


"Then she must want dog food!"

"Huh? I thought it ran out three days six hours ago."

"Noteworthy, you memorious pony."

"Then, that means it's the next clue. The reason she's in the hospital is something dog related!"

"What do you mean by clue?"

But they've already left to find the next clue.

"I guess I'm cleaning this, then."

Noteworthy and Screwloose run off, Screwloose leads the way as Noteworthy follows.
Then they hear... running.
Screwloose's ears go down, as she recognizes one of the voices that were shouting.
Noteworthy looks towards the sounds, and sees doctors. Doctors, and guards, all looking for Screwloose who had escaped the hospital earlier. Noteworthy recognizes them, too.

"Dr. Greymare, Doc Top, Nurse Snowheart?"

Screwloose barks. Noteworthy stares even further into the group of ponies.
Then the final clue. A Dog. Applejack's dog, he presumed. Her name is Winona.
Screwloose cowers away from the dog, as it comes closer. The doctors follow.

"That's it! This whole time, I should've known! You bark, and you're scared of dogs, I can't believe I never thought of that. Let's go, Screwloose. The doctors want to see you."
Screwloose, hesitant to come closer to the dog, slowly walks over.

"There you are! Screwloose, why would you run off like that knowing there's dogs in this world?"

"It's alright, Dr. Greymare, She asked me to help."

"We can't thank you enough for finding her, Noteworthy."

"Actually, she's the one who found me."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, sure, I might be a helpful pony to others, but today, she taught me that sometimes, even the helpful ponies need help. I couldn't have sent her back to you if she hadn't gone out of her way to drag me all around ponyville to help her figure out why she ended up in the hospital."

"Oh, right. Well, if you were wondering why, she has a very severe case of cynophobia, fear of dogs."

"I might have guessed so. Anyways, Screwloose, You ready to say goodbye?"

Screwloose barks.

"Goodbye! This was kind of fun, keeping you at bay. I hope you get better in the hospital."

The doctors wave goodbye, Screwloose barks happily, Winona barks back, as Screwloose barks angrily back at Winona.
Noteworthy might have a good memory, but this day, is a day anypony can remember. Even a goldfish.
From that day onward, Noteworthy would not only help ponies, but acknowledge the fact that sometimes, even the helpful pony needs help, too. This was a fun quest that certainly was unexpected, but knowing he helped somepony made it worthwhile.

Meanwhile in the hospital, the doctors decided to start a training session with Screwloose, where she is told to play with a dog, and confront her fear. Still, that doesn't mean it's easy, knowing she can start a riot because of it.
At the end of the day, These two may seem an odd pairing, which is what I intended, or well, tried to do, but they did they best at interacting. They're probably never doing that ever again.

Comments ( 2 )

First of all, I suggest you either put two line breaks(the enter button) between your paragraphs or add a space to the beginning of each one. You do this for most of the story, but there are several spots where you seem to have forgot.

Next, you forgot some capital letters:

"The helpful pony? needing help?"
"Dr. Greymare, Doc Top, Nurse snowheart?"

Then you have an extra capital:

But They've already left to find the next clue.

Work on improving your grammar. I know it can be hard. It took me years to get where I am and only a week ago I learned another problem I had. But it is certainly worth it if you enjoy writing. Never give up, always strive to improve, and best of luck to you.

If I'd taken more time to actually write (I made this in 1 day) It could've been better, I was busy doing school things
but I'll try my best

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