• Published 7th Mar 2021
  • 3,063 Views, 64 Comments

End of The Line - WUBZ-_-Vinyl

Nero rests in his stone slumber as time moves on. The hunter makes a deal sealed with magic. Now he wants to have a few words with a certain sun Princess.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Waking Up (unedited)

Nero was brought to a little ravine 300 or some odd years ago by someone he called friend. In fact, it's because of her that he's in a stony prison.

This place, where it began all those years ago. Has stood unshaken by time as the years passed, until a lord of chaos; more commonly known as Discord flooded the forest with his twisted magic.

The forest was once known as Evergreen forest, it was home to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna until Discords chaotic nature wrapped its bony hands around the warm forest and turned it cold. Filled with sadness and entropy.

The royal sisters tried their best to contain the horrific magic that Discord imposed upon their home. Unfortunately their efforts were in vain because by the time they were ready to drive him back, their precious forest and castle were destroyed. And Discord flying away in the distance, giggling like a little girl while avoiding the waves of magic from the sisters. Magic that had no intentions on sparing your health, quite the opposite actually.

After his unflattering departure, both Princesses went to quick work with healing their beloved forest and home where they grew up.

The long agonizing hours of labor turned into days, and then weeks, months and lastly years. Despite their best efforts, the damage couldn't be undone; They stopped trying to fix the region and started looking elsewhere to call home as there was little point in trying to repair something that couldn't be fixed.

Both royal sisters; outraged and livid, gathered the elements of harmony and swore to each other that Discord will pay for his tyranny.

Discord roamed freely for a brief time and before long, he was cast to stone. Head held high and mouth wide open Guffawing to the heavens with a mismatch of limbs spread wide, as if welcoming any challenger that dared to challenge him.

History books were not too kind for the Chaotic Draconiquus. In fact, if you were to look for any information regarding Discord. All you would find is a general description of what he looked like, his mastery of chaos magic and what he's done to many ponies in regards of his cruel tomfoolery. What was left out however was his actions towards Greenwood forest.

In all honesty, there is no mortal alive today that knows about the historic forest and what the princesses sacrificed for it. The only beings that are aware are Celestia & Luna themselves, Discord and Nero (sorta).

Not much is known about the demonic hunter either other than that fact that he has a smartass mouth and he's really strong like REALLY strong, you really don't want to get on his bad side. According to legend, Nero had a nice side to him and he saved countless lives during the battle of the changelings.

Due to time passing, books and scrolls deteriorated; completely erasing any information about the already scarcely known young hunter. If a scholar truly wished to understand history from mere centuries ago, they would have to be a very powerful mage. Many scholars have tried various advanced magic techniques and nopony has ever managed to dig up any information about Nero, probably because there is no spell in existence that could rejuvenate dilapidated paper. Which would more often than not turn to ash even from the touch of a feather.

Lost in time and place, nopony would ever guess that the legendary Nero himself would be in the forest currently known as the Everfree.

Overlooking the small ravine filled with cracked stone, some broken glass and a funny smell. Nero stood tall, his sapphire orbs piercing the veil of moonlight shining upon his white haired head. Although you would never know due to the chalky white stone that he was imprisoned with, making it impossible to know for certain.

Nero being the impatient hunter that he is, was becoming increasingly desperate for freedom as time dragged its heavy boots. It was so bad that not even a year after his stony transformation, he went stir crazy after losing almost all patience that he had left. Even going as far as to pray to God despite not being a believer, the reply to his cries came in the form of bird droppings all over his chest and back. He didn't need a nose to know that he smelled appalling to say the least.

After year ten came and went; The only thing that could keep him even slightly sane, were the numerous thoughts of his best friend and lover; Kyrie.

This Auburn haired beauty was perfect to him in every way. Her personality, appearance, Hell; even the way she presented herself with decency was done gracefully. She could do the most mundane of tasks such as eating or sleeping but that didn't matter to Nero, it sent butterflies throughout his chest and made his heart skip a couple beats.

Because of the many years that have passed without smell, taste, touch or sleep. Nero has long forgotten the basic necessities of everyday life while screaming internal torment, wishing more than anything that he could eat once more; longing for that deep breath of crisp spring air to revitalize his dried out throat and lungs.

Out of all the things going through his head, there was one thing that he desired in his heart of hearts more than anything in the world. And that was Kyrie. Knowing that time has passed but never knowing quite how much time has passed, he pondered for many hours about things that could have happened. His marriage for instance, he pictured her in much vivid detail. From her face all the way to the dress she was wearing, including color and patterns. Nero personally fancied a simple white wedding gown with a ruby rose circlet resting atop her head. Why? because he saw no point to complicate things, his love for her was real and she didn't need to wear a specific outfit to be beautiful to him. He knew that the moment he first saw her, greeting him with that special smile of hers and waving.

And so, Nero awaited his freedom with a hopeful heart to see his beloved once again. Thinking of all the ways he could return back to the human world. Back to Kyrie.

Sadly this will never come to fruition for it is folly...

First Person POV


I don't care what anyone says, standing in one place for longer than five minutes sucks. Unfortunately for me I get to live the rock life...


Which means that I can't move, or smell, or sleep. Hell, I can't even move my damn eyes! Here's a suggestion, If you're going to turn somebody into a paralyzed vegetable. At least don't let him suffer! As much as I like nature, I would like to look at other things besides grass and the same tree that i've seen for the past 200 or more years. Lost count after year 204. Then the days went by much more faster after I stopped keeping track of time, not the greatest idea I know but at least I had Kyrie with me.



I miss her so much...

If I think hard enough, I can still sorta feel her in my arms. Smell her sweet cherry scent. At least I think I do.

Honestly I wouldn't even BE in this situation right now if it weren't for that.... that bitch Celestia!

Deep within the pit of my stomach, a miasma of rage bursts throughout my mind. Clenching a subconscious fist, thoughts counting by the thousands of her death gave my demons plenty of fuel to carry on. Most of them ending with a sword to the throat or a bullet in the head.

"Celestia... you're gonna get what's coming to you, I swear!"


During my self reflecting, I failed to notice that the weather changed drastically. Sunny and the occasional cloud or two turned into a full on thunderstorm. A storm which rage around me fiercely.

"Well at least I can get a shower now. It's been weeks since its rained anyway, might as well enjoy."

Two hours later

Second Person POV

As the storm raged onward, large pink clouds started swirling far in the sky before descending at a rapid unsteady pace towards the hunter. Who thought the clouds were weird enough, and now said clouds are spewing out chocolate milk.

Nero could swear that he heard the occasional laugh here and there during the rain, but he had no luck pinpointing its source. Thinking that he's losing it, he silenced his thoughts and chose to instead listen quietly with rapt attention. Training his ears to take in everything around him. The sounds of brittle leaves blowing in the wind, grass whipping back and forth and the loud booms of thunder that cast overhead were the only things he could hear for the longest time. At least until he heard that laughing again.

"I definitely heard that that time. Who the hell is crazy or stupid enough to mess around during a storm?"

Images of Dante; his uncle, holding a box of pizza in one hand and a strawberry milkshake in the other. Dancing while singing babyshark in the pouring rain, hair sticking to his face. Both food items getting drenched and becoming inedible.

"Heh heh heh, of course HE would. But that just makes him special. Damn Crazy bastard."

The boisterous laughter got much louder as a few clouds make their way to the ground. Nero could see it touching the ground, suddenly exploding and sending shards of pink fluff along the ground and even several feet around him.

What got his attention however was the Creature in front of him. He couldn't even tell what it was, just a mish mash of body parts varying from species to race.

Said creature continued laughing with its eyes closed, a large grin etched across his face.

"Yoohooo! I have returned my precious little ponies!" He sarcastically uttered. "Your new king is in need of a new throne stat! Celestias' fat behind has been sat there for far too long and unfortunately even a deep cleaning won't get that stain out!" Discord was used to the screams of terrified ponies, the squeals of little orphans and the shouts of angry soldiers so imagine his surprise when he found none of those things. Instead being met with silence and not a pony to be seen.

His mismatched red eyes looked around confused, not understanding why nopony was showering their new king with gifts, candy and virgin mares. Lifting his lion paw, he snaps his fingers. Summoning a tiny box full of infinite mysterious, otherwise known as Pandora's box.

"Hmm, why is nopony cheering for me? Actually, why isn't ANYPONY here?" His eagle talon and lion paw rummages through the box, idly pulling things out that should be possible. "No no no... this just wont do. Now where did I put that thing?" A squeaky doll gets pulled out and quickly tossed aside. Same thing with the rubber chicken after that.

After unloading dozens of random items, Including a blue whale (he had to use both hands and a leg for that). He took out a small device that beeped a couple times and inspected it with scrutiny.

"Well isn't that strange? I intended to make my entrance at ponyville but I guess I was a teeensy weeensy bit off, ah well; No matter!" his fingers snap and everything suddenly disappears, including the box and GPS.

"I shall make my appearance when they least expect it, might even teleport in some ponies house. Turn their candy into candy corn. Because who likes candy corn? Besides me of course bwahahaha!!!" He releases some magic into the sky, causing massive amounts of candy corn to rain down on them.

"Heh, what a jackass", Nero scoffed with annoyance and if he could he would roll his eyes. "Wonder what other surprises might come for me today?"

Nero fully expected this guy to go away and annoy somebody else, instead quite the opposite happened.

A furry brown ear twitches as if listening to something or someone and turned around, finally noticing the hunter in stone with a look of ire upon its face.

"Well well aren't YOU full of mirth today monkey boy. That wasn't very nice of you to say, I mean honestly. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth of yours you dirty ape?"

Nero was shocked immensely, how could this guy hear his thoughts word for word? He knew right then and there that he despised this creature greatly, his anger increasing the more this freak talked. Even more so when he flew up to the young mans face dressed like a 1950's soccer mom, red lipstick, eyelashes and everything.

"What's the matter hmm? Is the cat holding your tongue for ransom? Or are you over little ol' me?" The lord of chaos bats his long lashes at him, making a little kissy face. Much to the white haired demons annoyance.

"If you don't shut your goofy ass up, I'm going to take my fist and shove it up your ass and then i'll shoot you for good measure", Nero thought darkly before adding with a tone of ice; "Now get out of my face before you piss me off."

That should get his attention.

"Well I never!", Discord snaps his talon returning to his normal self with a poof of magic and turns around. Keeping his back to the hunter while crossing his arms with an indignant look upon his features. "And here I thought that even monkeys could be civil, but alas I was wrong! Oh that's such a shame... I would have liked to help you out of there but I guess not everypony likes freedom." He shook his head disappointedly, ear flicking slightly as he no doubt pushed the correct buttons.

Nero knew that the guy was most likely bullshitting him, however there was a small part of him that was curious.

"What are you talking about 'helping me out of here' for? It's not like you would be any help. Who are you anyway?" He inquired cautiously.

The Draconaquiis' eyes literally popped out of his head and rolled on the ground a few feet.

"Who? WHO AM I?! How could you not know who I am?!" he scooped up his eyes from the grass and polished them with his furry forearm before inserting the eyes back into their sockets with a loud POP.

Once his eyes realigned themselves, he continued.

"I am Discord the Lord and master of Chaos! God of War and son of Zue- Oh wait wrong franchise.", He shook his head before narrowing his eyes at the stony prisoner.

"And I'll have you know that I most CERTAINLY can help you out of there, but since you were just SO rude. I feel like you owe me an apology my dear boy."

Okay seriously, fuck this guy.

"How's this for an apology? Fuck yourself and choke on a meatstick at brokeback mountain. You cunt."

Being a lord of chaos and all, Discord anticipated an apology but instead got insulted again! And that is exactly why he's going to release the boy.

"You certainly do have a mouth on you, I have a little job to do and could use some shall we say.... assistance and it seems that YOU would be the perfect subject to help me with this riff raff." He explained with a teasing tone, mirth overflowing.

Betrayal and lies are what Nero knows best, especially since he's lived in the human world for a long time. Surrounded by thieves, rapists, murderers and just the worst kinds of people tend to make you a little bit more on guard compared to others. It's a good thing too because it's gotten Nero out of some shit that could have majorly screwed him over. He called it his personal sixth sense, while he's been able to get himself out of sticky situations before due to his sense. Never before has he been in a situation like this before, and never did he feel so off about such a thing. Unfortunately if he wanted his freedom then he would have to at least hear the guy out.

"Alright fine I'll bite, how can I help you out with YOUR problem? If you were this almighty God of Chaos then why would you ask for my sword? Couldn't you bother somebody else with your issues?" He asked with a hint of annoyance while crossing his metaphoric arms across his chest.

"I'm so glad you asked my boy!", Discord said ecstatically while flying up close to Nero. Talons clicking against the stone as he puts his arm around his shoulder. "You see, I have a certain...", He hums while searching for the correct word to use. Waving his paw around counterclockwise. "Hmmm complication I guess you could say that involves Princess Celestia and I dread to say it." He ends with an annoyed mutter. He leans in close to the mans ear and whispers. "The elements of Harmony." Just the sheer thought of those absurd elements gives him the willies.

"So... what you're saying is you want me to kill Celestia and the element bearers?" Nero questioned with slight annoyance.

Discord's eyes turn the size of dinner plates and his face turns pale. "O-oh dear heavens n-no!", He stammers and teleports back to the ground with a pop, and directly in the mans line of sight. "I simply want you to destroy the elements, not kill the ponies who hold them. After all I do have a reputation to uphold and I don't want an ape like you desecrating completely, I am the Lord of Chaos. Not the Lord of Death." He idly files his talons while speaking.

Ignoring the slight dig, Nero thinks for a moment before speaking. "Okay so let me get this straight, you want me to destroy the elements", he inquires only to be responded with a nod from the chaotic entity. "That I can do, but what does this have to do with the princess exactly?" The Draconiquus smiles gleefully at the question.

"That's just it, if you destroy the elements then Celestia will not be too happy about that. But what's even better is that she will never be able to turn anypony into stone ever again, and that includes you too my bipedal friend." Discord conjures up the elements and Celestia, promptly illustrating what would happen as he explains to the hunter. The magic show ends with the elements shattered and Celestia with steam coming out of her ears, her sister in a much similar state.

Nero thought about it over and over, he just couldn't believe what he was hearing. A second chance at being free, a chance to get back to her. Hell, a chance to crumble her world completely at the drop of a hat? To make her know the feeling of hopelessness and defeat? All this sounded too good to be true for the devil hunter. Usually Nero would ignore these types of offers because of how perfect they sounded but this? He absolutely HAD to be sure this wasn't a trick of some kind.

"Let's just say that I agree to this little deal, What exactly would that mean for me? A deal like this always comes with strings attached and I don't do well with strings included." Nero said with slight suspicion.

Discord just gave a hearty laugh.

"Ha! Oh don't you worry about strings..." He looked at the name engraved on the flat surface underneath the devils feet. "Nero", He continued. "I might be extremely chaotic and a bit nutty at times but I ALWAYS honor a deal despite what others may say." The Chaos lord ends with a humble little bow, eyes closed with his eagle talon behind his furry brown back.

Nero felt overwhelmingly suspicious about this but somewhere deep inside of his core, something was screaming for him to accept the offer. And he knew when to listen to himself and when NOT to. Plus he wanted more than anything to get back at Celestia for what she did, so it's a win-win.

"Alright Discord, I accept. But I'm going to say this first. If you do anything to screw me over or if you set me up, I WILL kill you. Nothing will ever stop me from pounding you into the ground until you're a puddle of your own paste. I will not stop hunting you down until you are dealt with, so don't fuck with me. Are we clear?" He says with an icy tone, even sounding similar to his father (although he doesn't know that).

Even the level headed Draconiquus swallowed the lump building in his throat after hearing that threat- no. That promise.
He nodded fervently and clapped his hands together. "Wonderful! Now let me get that for you my boy, Oh and enjoy your freedom! Mwahahahah!!" Snapping his fingers, he disappears with two talons crossing over one another. Luckily the hunter didn't notice.

"Thank god I don't have to hear his voice anymore, that shits annoying."

After waiting a few minutes, Nero was quickly noticing that nothing was happening. And that irritated him greatly.

"I fucking knew it! I knew I shouldn't have trusted him, and here I thought that I could be out of he- wait, what?"

Sounds of rock breaking apart reached his ears, but what he couldn't understand was why his entire body started to heat up. It wasn't just an overheated type of hot either, it was fire melting your blood hot and it was only getting worse.

Being too caught up with the burning, Nero failed to notice that tiny sapphire blue flames were flickering through the cracks of stone. Also failing to realize that the moons rays of light were focusing evermore onto him with each passing second.

Night's silence and tranquility comes to a staggering halt as screams of pain resonate throughout the forest. The moon brightens tenfold and shoots a beam of energy down onto an individual, further increasing the pained cries.

Feeling his body start to move centimeter by centimeter, Nero could feel impatience building faster than before; And so he pushes against the stone harder and harder, building more and more tension. Letting out a growl of frustration, he clenches his muscles and gives it everything he has. Millions of pieces of rock shatter everywhere and the white moon beam turns into a light blue one made of fire that shoots up into the sky. Causing parts of the sky to chip and shatter like a mirror.

Nero's devil bringer burns bright blue, thirsty for power.

And so the hunter takes his first breath of freedom.

Author's Note:

Hello! I'm glad to bring you this story, especially since it's been a while since my last upload. Sorry about that! I can be very lazy and plus i've been putting if off for a while. Simply haven't been in the mood. Thankfully I was able to scrounge up some creativity with this chapter. YES I am completing this story, NO I don't know how often I will upload but rest assured this story isn't dying.