• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 1,267 Views, 14 Comments

Logic Falls - Arial_Dreemmurr

A pair of twins arrive at their new school and quickly catch the attention of the main 7. They grow a friendship but also soon discover they are no normal kids. Now they just need to find out why while things around them get weirder and weirder.

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Chapter 1: A pair of new people.

Author's Note:

Before you start, just know this is my first time writing Dipper and Mabel. I tried my best with this. Also, I just recently started watching, I'm in the middle of season 2 right now, so if I got something wrong, you know why. But I don't mind getting corrected. Though, the story I have in mind will stay the same :)

Now, good luck reading!

It was a morning like any other. Many busses from all corners showed up and brought the students of Canterlot High to their classes. That was, except for one pair who came in a slightly beat-up car.

"And remember kids, answer sheets are in the teacher's desks. Trust me, you're gonna need them." An older-looking man said to them from inside his car before speeding off.

Now, the pair stood at the sidewalk, looking up at their new school. "Woah! It's so big! Do you see that statue, Dipper! It's a unicorn!" The girl said before pointing at it and running towards it.

"Mabel, wait up!" The boy, Dipper, caught up with his sister. "I know it's exciting but we have to keep the focus on our mission." He looked back at her. "You still remember that, right?"

"Of course I do! But that doesn't stop me from having some fun! Now, I want to see the inside!" The girl ran off again. The boy followed as they made their way inside.

Mabel gasped loudly as they entered. "It's even better than the outside!" She noted as her eyes quickly scanned the area. "It looks almost magical!" The girl said as her eyes lit up.

Dipper nodded. "It does look really nice." He said before looking back at his sister. "But we should get going. The sooner we get through that tour, the sooner we can start what we came here to do."

"I can't wait to see more of this place! Let's go!" Mabel ran in one of the paths before her head peeked back out. "Uhm, do you know where we're supposed to go, Dipper?"

"Uhm.." Dipper thought for a few seconds. "My best guess is the principal's office. Maybe we can ask some of the others around here?"

Mabel nodded before running up to the nearest people she saw. "Hey there, I'm Mabel! And this is my brother, Dipper! We're looking for a way to get to the principal's office."

Dipper came to stand next to her. "Yea, all of that. We're new around here."

They just smiled and pointed to their right. "Follow that hall over there and you should see a door with that label."

"Thanks so much, kind strangers! Off to the principal!" Mabel smiled before getting Dipper's hand and walking off.

As they walked through the halls, they saw lots of students look their way as they come past them. Mabel happily waved at most of them as Dipper just kept a small smile up.

They eventually got to a door with the label they were looking for. "Great, we're here." Dipper smiled before quietly knocking on the door. It took a few seconds for the door to open revealing a tall woman with wavy hair. Dipper's smile soon turned shyer. "Uhm... H-Hey principal, miss. I-I'm Dipper and this is-"

"I'm Mabel!" Mabel soon cut in. "My brother's not good at introductions, but I am! We're new here."

Principal Celestia soon showed a smile. "Now that you say it, I was expecting some new students today. Welcome to Canterlot High Dipper and Mabel. I presume you two are here for the school tour?" Both soon nodded. "Then, I'll have principal Luna here with you both soon. In the meantime, you two can come in to pick up your school schedules and learn some of the school rules."

They entered the principal's office and after getting everything they needed, they soon started their tour around the school.

Having been through the first few classes, students finally had their lunch breaks at the cafeteria. So did a group of seven friends that were already together at a table. They were chatting and eating their lunch like usual when one of them noticed something. Or rather someones.

"Hey, who are those two over there with principal Luna? I've never seen them here before." Sunset spoke up before pointing at the pair at the other side of the cafeteria.

Pinkie's head looked up, clearly excited. "They must be new! We have to go greet them! I can't wait to-"

"Now, hol' up, Pinkie." Apple Jack stopped her before she could leave the table. "Looks like they're in the middle of somethin'. Maybe later."

Rarity nodded. "Yea, dear. It would be rude to interrupt them like that."

"Especially in front of principal luna." Twilight continued.

Pinkie sat down again but still looked excited. "You're right, but when they're done I'll be ready!"

They continued their lunch as Pinkie kept a close eye on the new students.

"And lastly, the cafeteria. It is currently lunch break so you two should get something to eat." Luna said before handing them both a tray and showing them the large desks with all kinds of food on them. "So, this should be it. If you have any more questions, you can ask any time. Now, enjoy the rest of your day." Luna smiled before leaving.

The pair looked down at the food in confusion and slight disgust.

"This is the food!? Wendy warned me about this but I didn't think It would be THIS bad..." Dipper said with his face matching the feelings he felt.

Mabel nodded. "Yea... But don't worry, bro-bro, I got you!" She got her bag and pulled out two lunch boxes.

Dipper quickly got his. "Oh, thank goodness you brought actual food with you! Mabel, you're amazing!"

"I know, I know. I do my research too, Dips!" Both laughed as they put the trays aside.

"Now we just need to find a place to sit," Dipper said as he looked across the many tables. "What do you think, sis?"

Mabel took a look at every table and saw one that she liked. "That one!" As she pointed at the table, she quickly saw one of the heads look up in excitement. "Look, they're already greeting us!"

Dipper got doubt on his face. "I don't know, Mabel... That's a full girls group. Maybe I should go sit somewhere else.." He tried to walk away to another table when Mable stopped him.

"No!" Mabel got his arm. "Who cares if you're the only guy there? I want to have my lunch with you! Now let's go sit with them!" Dipper didn't really have a choice in the matter as he was soon dragged along by his sister towards the table.

Once they got there, Mabel quickly showed a smile and introduced herself. "Hey there! I'm Mabel and this is my Brother, Dipper! Can we sit here?"

"Absolutely! Quick, take a seat!" One of the girls, Pinkie Pie, quickly smiled.

Both sat down, with Dipper a little more slowly than Mabel showing a more shy smile.

"You guys are new here, right?" Rainbow Dash said before receiving a nod from both of them. "Well, nice to meet ya. The name's Dash."

Pinkie Pie soon spoke up too. "And I'm Pinkie Pie! It's so super duper exciting to see new people here! I can't wait to befriend the two of you!" She said showing a big smile.

"B-Befriend?" Dipper quietly blushed.

Mabel's eyes soon lit up. "Yes! I'd love to be friends! All of you!" She said as a big smile

"Same for me! This is perfect!" Both girls now smiled excitedly with Dipper quietly sinking into his seat.

Sunset later silenced the two. "Yea, but let's tone it down a little.." She did a gesture towards to other students in the cafeteria only for the others to see they had all eyes on them.

"Aw, man..." Dipper muttered as he tried to avoid eye contact with the big crowd. But luckily for him, most people lost interest quickly and once they looked away, he sat up again.

Sunset smiled now, looking over at the two. "So, anyway... I'm Sunset Shimmer." She introduced herself. "Did you two move or?"

"Yep, We did." Dipper quickly responded, showing a smile. "We're from a small place called gravity falls. Not a lot of people know about it."

"Yea, there's like a whole enchanted forest with monsters and other magical beings! Oh, and a demonic triangle trying to destroy the world! But we stopped him!" Mabel added before she got a certain look from Dipper. "B-But I made that all up just now. None of that is real at all, right Dipper?" She looked over to see Dipper simply facepalm.

"Right.." Apple Jack broke the silence. "Well, welcome at Canterlot High. You're sure to like it here."

Dipper showed a smile as he responded. "Heh, nice to know. But we probably won't be here for long. Just for a little while."

Rarity looked over at him with a confused face, and maybe some blushing. "How so? How long are you staying here?"

"We just got in... Certain situations.." Dipper replied, looking to the side. "And we had to go here. This was the best school nearby so, yea." He finished before letting out a small nervous chuckle.

"You know, my brother's really smart!" Mabel looked over at Dipper with a smile. "At our last school, he was the top of the class! He still is!"

Dipper just got a small smile. "C-Come on Mabel. I'm not THAT smart.."

"Yes, you Are! You got that apprenticeship with Stanford and everything!" Mabel gave him a wink. "Just saying~"

"Well, I guess I am pretty smart. But I don't like to brag about it, you know that." Dipper said before receiving a quick nod from Mabel.

Twilight showed interest now too. "You mean that famous Stanford guy on the news who made a portal to all possible dimensions in the universe!? You know him!?"

Dipper returned a nod. "Yep, he's our Grunkle. But we've only known him for the past few years. It's pretty complicated..." Rarity quickly blushed before he continued. "But that's not important.. We'll only be here for a few weeks, anyway."

"Yea, that's really sad. Especially with so many new people, I'd have to say goodbye to..." Mabel said looking down at her feet.

Pinkie quickly cut in. "Don't be upset! You may not be here for long but that doesn't mean we don't get to have fun! We can have lunch and classes together every day!"

Mabel's smile soon returned too. "Sounds fantastic! I can't wait! It will be so much fun!"

They sat together at the table for the rest of the lunch break and ate their lunches before the bell rang.

"Oh, time for class! Dipper, do you have the schedules?" Mabel said as she and Dipper got off their seat.

"Yea, I got it all in my bag, don't worry." He pulled Mabel's schedule out handed it over.

Her smile changed into disappointment. "Aww, we don't have the same classes.."

"Yea.." Dipper looked down at his before showing her a smile. "But we can meet up at breaks. It's only a few small hours."

"I guess you're right.." Mabel put her schedule in her bag and turned to her new friends. "It was really fun with all of you! I'll be back next time for sure!" She then turned to her brother. "Now, I don't want to be late! Let's go Dip!"

Dipper followed her as they left the cafeteria. "Right behind you!"

As they left, Pinkie yelled towards them. "SEE YOU LATER MABEL!!!" She received a big wave from Mabel before the pair left. When they did, Pinkie showed a smile as she got her bag. "I like them! They're super nice!"

"Yea, I like them too. They're very interesting." Sunset smiled.

"Interesting indeed." Rarity sighed as she put a hand on her cheek, as a dreamy smile got on her face.

Apple Jack was the first to notice. "Ah know that look. You got a new crush don't ya?"

Rarity looked the other way, still smiling. "Maybe, but how can I not? He's like a perfect guy from my romance novels! Smart with a successful career, has a mysterious backstory and he's fairly good looking too~!"

"I can't take this seriously.." Dash said as she rolled her eyes at her.

"Can't either." Sunset agreed before getting her bag. "But if you like him, you do you. We should really get going." They all nodded as they packed up their bags and left for their next classes.