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Graymane Shadow

“It’s terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other peoples’ expectations. They produce their worst work when they do that.” - David Bowie


Twilight Sparkle, Master of Magic.
Luna, Mistress of the Night.
Cadance, Princess of Love.
Celestia, the Lightbringer.

Of the Four Princesses, Celestia is the one that ponies believe they know the best. After all, they've known her longer than any of the others. That's got to count for something, right?

They couldn't be more wrong.

The follow-up to Cadance the Unbroken, and the second story in the Four Princesses, Four Demons series. Reading the prior stories is not required.

Featured from 2-3-2021 to 2-7-2021, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 46 )

You know this demands that you write Luna and Twilight's, right? 2 down. Why not go all the way?

Oh, they're coming, trust me. Twilight next, Luna last - I'm going in reverse order from when they left the portal. I'm not sure I'll keep up a weekly production schedule, but I'll try not to take too long.

Hmm...Lightbringer? As in Lucis Ferris?

Besides a few random caps that are just a little bothersome here and there, I feel like this was a good breath of fresh air after a lot of the same old same old from Celly fics.

It feels... Well, real feels kind of like an understatement when the closest thing to compare it to is Celestia from the show itself.

I guess you could say that this feels Authentic, closest to the original without straying from her character. Although I felt like a bit more could be compounded onto Celestia's problem.

A pony of her majesty and power would have already been through a lot even before the banishment of Luna. At least for a few centuries, she had been alive and had already been tested mentally and emotionally, I imagine.

Accentuate that with the fact that your closest individual that you could ever have a relationship with to keep up with your (seemingly) immortal self has been banished for one thousand years would be traumatizing enough to change anyone.

One thousand years is plenty of time to destroy and build up a beautifully flawed psyche...

This is incredible, dude! It goes to show just how powerful the alicorns can be, and how all of the princesses in the show are capable of dealing with their own personal demons.

Spoilers for "Cadence the Unbreakable" and "Celestia the Indomitable" below!
First, there was Cadence dealing with her own hatred and despair. Although we know very little about her powers in the show, it's not too out of pocket to assume she has control over empathy. Of course she'd be hardened to criticism over time, given her ability to feel the agony and sadness of all her citizens. She's seen and heard it all.
Then there is Celestia. Kind, benevolent Celestia, who hasn't raised a hoof against her loved ones since Nightmare Moon was first banished, dealing with the lingering effects of anger and hatred. Even the kindest of folks can become cold and cruel, but it takes incredible amounts of control to keep from letting negative emotions consume a person. The added detail of her citizens and her sister keeping her hopes high and her anger in control is beautiful. Everyone has a reason to be good selflessly, and Celestia is no exception.

I'm excited to see how you handle Luna and Twilight, since we've seen their plights firsthand. I know you're gonna knock it out if the ballpark!

Always love a good Badass Celestia fic and boy, you nailed her character to a T.

...But now you know you gotta do two more right? You know who.

You simply can't leave it at half of them.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Luna's inner demons are easy to figure out, her guilt and self-doubt over becoming Nightmare Moon and her attempt to assassinate her sister, Twilight's is a little less obvious.

Eroraf86 #8 · Feb 4th, 2021 · · 2 ·

Praise the Lightbringer, long may she shine upon us!

Ekhidna #9 · Feb 4th, 2021 · · 2 ·

Badass Celestia is always a delight to see.

A lovely insight into Celestia's mind. I do wish the fight had been a little more drawn out, mainly tenderizing the demon with bare hooves before a proper final strike. (I feel Celestia might have a bit of a berserker pugilist in her blood because she's so big; Hulk smash!)

Looking eagerly towards Twilight's scrap with the yet unknown demon. Seeing as how she's already tangled with a demon (Tirek) I have to wonder if she continued to study combat and knows even more ways to use weaponized magic? (That's silly, of course she studied) The pattern I'm seeing however is the demons are a foil to whom they face which leads me to believe whatever Twilight faces, might be similar to Tirek or old-Discord, an antithesis to magic or friendship, maybe both.

As for Luna. Hmm. Her character has been explored again and again in the various stories. That'll be a tough one to plan without falling in to one of the many cliches.

You forgot Flurry Heart.


I try to treat existing universes with...respect, I guess? Obviously, allowances have to be made for the sake of storytelling, but I don't like writing characters that are completely unrecognizable. People worked hard on this universe, and if I'm going to come in and 'play with it', I'm going to treat it with care.

Thank you for your comments, and agreed - Celestia's been through a lot. One consistent theme I'm keeping throughout these (which will be a little different for Twilight) is that, while it's not all bad, being a princess in Equestria isn't usually easy or fun. There's a lot of responsibility placed on their backs so that the other ponies can continue on in relative bliss, and Celestia's seen the brunt of it (though Twilight is quickly trying to catch up).


Luna definitely has doubts, but when it's her turn I'm going to swing things a little differently than many might expect. It won't be subversion for subversion's sake, but I don't plan to do a 'mopey Luna' fic where she walks around thinking she's a traitor, at least not for this.

Thanks for your comment.


Hah, one of my faint concerns here, especially with Celestia's 'rage' problem, was trying to avoid drawing comparisons with the Hulk (or Daybreaker). I think the Celestia here is tired, and rather than continue to listen to something that kept pushing her buttons, she decided a clean end was best.

The pattern I'm seeing however is the demons are a foil to whom they face

Yep, that's intentional. As for Luna, like I note above, I have something special in mind for her. Really, for these four stories, I'm trying to keep them in the same family while giving each a unique flavor, which is why this fic deliberately did not have any long speeches from Celestia, as Cadance gave one of those - though I know many expected another World of Cardboard speech.

To me, different princesses merit different stories and challenges.

Thanks for your comment.

And thanks to anyone else I might not have replied to!

EXCELLENT story! In my mind, I've always seen Celestia thus, having to always suppress her true power for the sake of those around her. It's nice to see her finally cut loose.

Dang why do I feel Luna's will traumatize her demon before killing him and Twilight is going to do something worse than kill the one fighting her? The Princesses going bad ass always is awesome. Last story I read where Celestia "pulled no punches" explain why pigs in Equestria aren't sentient... Any more. Of course the best fanfic "Alicorn Overkill" I've seen thus far is Twilight crushing a smart assed evil dragon into a singularity with gravity magic then sending the atom that was left to limbo.

I think a funny little flurry heart baby fic vs baby demon would be nice

The impression this story gave me was that Celestia is terrified that she would beocme Daybreaker if she didn't control herself. The chances of that actually happening are much smaller then Celestia believes but she has nopony to tell her that.

There aren't very many people who can write Celestia well. I think your of em. Great job on this :)
Id try to analyze it mire closely but Im about to fall asleep as it is.

Luna has every nightmare for millennia to act as inspiration. Twilight probably has Cthulhu on speed dial. one of those two demons is gonna survive and they'll frighten demon children with stories of the purple horse princess if they don't behave.

this story written by twilight sparkle president of celestia is best pony club

Keep poking the bear, and eventually it'll wake up. Keep poking the Celestia, and eventually she'll destroy you.

This was really well written! I think you really captured Celestia's character and how tough it is for someone of that level to hold back in a healthy manner.

But I 1000% agree with Skeeter... YOU STARTED IT AND WE WANT MOAR!!

Love how you portrayed Celestia here. Celestia isn't weak. In fact she is so not weak that you absolutely don't want to stand against her. The only problem she has is to stop holding back.

djthomp #23 · Feb 5th, 2021 · · 1 ·

Oh how I love a good unshackled Celestia story. Great work on this one too.

Well, I like the usage of the demon's representations so far.
Cadance, with deception, for love can be a deception at times,
And now Celestia, with despair and fear, for her past haunts her dearly.

Now I wonder what Luna's and Twilight's will be??

This is a keeper and it goes directly in my special folder of stories i reread from time to time.

Celestia is by far the most fascinating pony of the whole show, but sadly im in the minority and not much was revealed about her past.

Well done!!

Ah, I thought you were referring to "Lucifer".

Hmm...for some reason, whenever we write Celestia like this, I remember Queen Ming of Lost Odyssey. She ruled for 1000 years just the same, and was the hard ruler, the great equalizer, and the fair hand, all at once. To be fair, we only got 2 of the '1000 Years of Dreams' from her perspective, the least of any of them, but she is what I see when I think of Celestia like this, and you do her very well.

This story surprised me. It also lines up a lot with my own head canon for Celestia. Good stuff. :moustache:


I can see it now: a fifth demon comes through looking to make a name for itself. It goes bold and right for the Crystal Empire's palace.

Tears through the guard easy enough, only to get completely trounced because Flurry was cranky due to a soiled diaper.

Best part? The demon never sees Flurry and Sunburst or the nanny have zero idea there was even a demon around.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I like your choice not to invoke any Daybreaker imagery. This is Celestia's story, not hers.

Noice, love this depiction of Celestia. For canon I always figure Celestia in having a large amount of magical knowledge but her actual magic, while powerful, is trailered to the specific purpose of raising the sun. It’s why Twi was the one given all the alicorn magic in season 4, since she had the special talent to use every ounce of it.

Annoyingly in the out of u overs reason it’s, like you said, is cos the show demands it. Which would be fine if they didn’t keep on saying how powerful the princesses are every five minutes... like in the movie. Tempest takes out three then says “they have the power of a hundred armies”. So dumb

Sorry small rant over. It is always cool to see fics where alicorns, especially Celestia, are given an actual power scale compared to normal ponies. It’s always badass to see Celestia let loose, hopefully without it becoming over the top dragon ball Z like.

Great story, and I looking forward to the next two, if you plan on making them... and secret fic number 5 about flurry heart being doomguy lol

Great stuff, Celestia doesn't get nearly enough worldbuilding from people. Most like to pile on with the memes about how useless she is. Refreshing to see the contrary. :twilightsmile:

In my opinion it's hard to write Celestia, yet you did it perfectly.
Also for stories containing daemons, there can be only one soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm932Sqwf5E

Love this take. Daybreaker will never be a thing, because Celestia and Daybreaker have always been one and the same. I LOVE IT!!!

Watch the princesses walk in and they just end up with them becoming best friends and playing with blocks or something.

This is stunning work! Well done champ!

Very nice. "Speak softly, and carry a big stick."

Damn, nice second installment. Gonna go to Twilight soon.

"As I stare into the eye of the coming
Apocalypse I see them reaching for my soul
I cannot erupt, I must control
I cannot erupt, I must explode

Funny how the mind tries to sink me deeper
As the evil tries to turn me around
I will not falter, shout at the devil
As I bury them six foot underground
The hours trapped in windowpane
As it all locks me in chains
The heartless ride and happy
Thoughts of this crumbling world

You cannot kill me
I am Omega
You cannot kill me
I am Subhuman

You cannot kill me (I cannot erupt)
I am Omega (I must control)
You cannot kill me (I cannot erupt)
I must explode"

Moans and shrieks began to echo out of the cracks and pits in the ground. She watched, her lip curling in disgust, as misshapen pony-like creatures began to crawl upward, their forms black, all dripping some kind of goo.

G1 Smooze? Probably not...

To be peaceful, one must be capable of true violence. To hold the great capacity of violence and yet withhold it speaks volumes of your character. If you are peaceful only for lack of ability, you AREN’T peaceful, your harmless. Big distinction.

It’s better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war zone. And there is greater strength in, not taking life, but to spare it unless all options are exhausted.

I hadn't realized Cadence's story was the beginning of a series. Oh, this will be fun, especially going by the quality of this one. Great exploration of Celestia's past, character, and deep inner conflict. That last one is always fun to explore with her. Reigning for millennium means there's more than enough time of regret.

(That said, I can't help but imagine what would've happened if she'd just collapsed the abandoned mind around Jaarath's ears. Bit of an anticlimax, yes, but nothing shuts up a nettling schemer like a few thousand tons of rock.)

Celestia is evil only when needed.
Great fanfic, thank you.

I request a link to the story about the pigs.
Not Evil, for that is never needed. Violent only when needed.

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