• Published 31st Jan 2021
  • 4,290 Views, 219 Comments

The End of All Things - Boltstrike58

Grogar's return, aided by the all non-reformed enemies of Equestria, threatens all that Twilight Sparkle holds dear.

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Chapter Eight: Regrouping

The Crystal Empire was, just the like the rest of Equestria, in a state of deep panic. Grogar's chilling announcement had brought fear and unease to the Crystal Ponies. It had gotten so bad, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor had deployed the Crystal Guard to restore some semblance of order. They'd been reasonably successful, convincing ponies to stay indoors where it was safe, not to mention reminding everypony that the power of the Crystal Heart still protected them, but there was still an aura of terror hanging over the empire. Ponies felt as though this was the end of everything they held dear, which wasn't altogether unreasonable.

The ponies who were the most capable of ensuring that Grogar's vision didn't come to pass were inside the Crystal Palace, strategizing. Well, perhaps strategizing was too strong a word, given everypony's current condition. The former bearers of the Elements of Harmony had all had their physical wounds seen to by the Empire's best medical unicorns, but no magic could do anything about the mental scars. Especially for one pony in particular

Tempest Shadow trotted out of the spare bedroom, closing the door behind her. She moved slowly, her head lowered in something that might've been shame, before she finally reached the throne room. Gathered there were Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Spike, Sunburst, Starlight, Trixie, Flurry Heart, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

"So how is she?" asked Rainbow, walking over to Tempest.

"Still unresponsive," replied the scarred unicorn. "I tried everything I could think of, but nothing got to her. At this point, all I can suggest we do is give her time, but—"

"Sugar cube, we ain't got time!" Applejack exclaimed. "Grogar's gotta know we'd run here, and he could be coming as we speak! Not to mention he could go for Ponyville, Appleloosa, or anywhere else in Equestria to try and draw us out! We need her up and running now!"

"I was just about to say that, but thank you," Tempest snorted.

"I'm not surprised she's acting like this," said Shining Armor. "Twily's always had trouble dealing with defeat, and this is easily the worst one she's ever faced."

"No one is denying that," said Rarity. "We were beaten, and beaten badly. We didn't even get a chance to try the Elements of Harmony against Grogar. Discord, our best backup, fell like a chaff in a windstorm. But we can't simply sit around moping."

"I don't know what good it would do to attack Grogar," said Fluttershy. "Sure, we wouldn't be caught off-guard again, but we don't have any more power than we did in the Everfree. They'd probably just defeat us again."

"Even if that's true," replied Pinkie, "we can't just let that meanie Grogar have his way with the world! We have a responsibility to at least try!"

Celestia, meanwhile, kept her forlegs folded, resting her chin on her hoof, deep in thought. The conversation continued, with everypony suggesting various ways to try and bring Twilight's spirits back up. Finally, the solar alicorn got to her hooves.

"Let me speak with her," she requested. The others, having no other substantial ideas, all shrugged in agreement.

Celestia's golden magical aura lit up the doorknob, before she pulled open. She moved slowly, not wanting to disturb Twilight more than absolutely necessary. She looked around, finding the room to be relatively undisturbed. The only exception was the bed, where Twilight sat, facing the window, not even bothering to try and pull the covers over her body.

Celestia winced at the sight. There was no denying the obvious truth: her former student was a mess. Twilight's mane was frazzled and messy, and the feathers on her wings were ruffled and uneven. Her face probably didn't look so good, either. Celestia swallowed as she stepped over to the bed.

"Twilight...?" she ventured, reaching up to touch the purple pony on the shoulder with one hoof.

Twilight made no sound, but slowly rolled over to look her former teacher in the face. Celestia tried to prevent herself from cringing at her appearance. Twilight's face was all wet from crying, and her eyes were red. Her nose had clearly been running, as the skin was all chapped. Her expression was stuck in a permanent state of despair.

"Twilight? Are you alright?" Celestia asked, then mentally kicked herself. As if the answer to that question wasn't obvious enough.

Twilight's only response was a mumbled "I'm sorry." She didn't even bother trying to get up from the bed.

Celestia apprehensively reached for Twilight's shoulder. "Twilight, it's okay," she insisted. "You didn't do anything wrong."

She shouldn't have said that. Twilight eyed began to water, and she burst into tears once again. She covered her face with her hooves, as though she were ashamed to have Celestia see her in this state. Celestia flinched back at the sight, unsure of what to do.

"Of course I did something wrong!" Twilight wailed. "You trusted me to be good enough to rule Equestria, and I failed you! I let the Tree of Harmony get destroyed, costing us the only things we could've used to stop Grogar! We can't defeat him now! Even Discord couldn't stop him! Equestria is doomed and it's all my fault!" She buried her head in her wing. "You trusted me, and I failed you...I should never have been made a princess...I'm so sorry..."

Celestia's heart was filled with empathy and guilt as she looked down at her former student. She reached forward again, managing to successfully touch her this time. Twilight ceased her sobbing for a moment, looking up at the solar alicorn, even as her eyes continued to drip.

"Twilight," she began, "the entire time I have known you, you've never let me down. Even when you used the Want It, Need It spell, that was because I failed to adequately inform you of the details of you friendship studies. I did not take into account your anxiety. If anypony is at fault in our relationship, it is me." Celestia looked down somberly. "I didn't believe you at your brother's wedding. I made myself such a distant authority figure that your greatest fear was me abandoning you, which Sombra exploited when you first visited the Crystal Empire. I didn't even tell you about the Elements of Harmony when Nightmare Moon was returning. I was an awful teacher. I thought I was teaching you to be self-reliant, but my methods were wrong."

Twilight opened her mouth, presumably to object to Celestia's self-assessment, but the solar alicorn continued. "Yet, in spite of my failures, you still managed to rise to the occasion every time. You found the Elements all on your own, and found the perfect friends to embody each one. You figured out how Star Swirl's final spell worked, when even I had no clue. You saved Luna and myself when the Tree of Harmony was dying. With Discord's help, you figured out how to unlock the chest from the tree. Nopony understands the power of friendship more than you." She looked down at Twilight, and now there were tears in her eyes. "I've always been so proud of you."

"But—" Twilight started to respond.

"It wasn't your fault that the Tree was destroyed," Celestia insisted. "Grogar has been observing Equestria from the shadows, gathering power, planning this attack for a very long time. He caught us off-guard, but we still live. That means there is still hope."

"Yeah, and we're gonna kick his sorry butt!"

Celestia and Twilight turned to look at the entrance, the former having an annoyed look on her face. Gathered at the entrance of the room were Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike, Tempest, Starlight, Luna, Shining, Cadence, and Flurry.

"Uh...sorry," continued Rainbow, scratching her head. "We just....we wanted to support Twilight."

Twilight sniffed, wiping away her tears with one foreleg. "But we tried to fight them," she wheezed out, "and they completely destroyed us. Plus, they have Discord's magic divided between them. How can our friendship win against that?" She trembled and looked down at the ground. "What good is friendship when the world is ending?"

"Twilight, darling," Rarity interrupted, "our friendship is everything. It was friendship that led us to follow you into the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony. It was friendship that drove you to restore us when Discord corrupted us. It was friendship that made you give up the alicorn magic to Tirek, which ended up saving us. I'd say friendship counts for a lot more than you're giving it credit for."

"If it weren't for my friendship with all of you, I never would've been brave enough to help save Equestria," added Fluttershy.

"Friendship stopped me from being consumed by greed and destroying Ponyville," said Spike.

"Friendship is what brought us together to save Equestria in the first place," said Applejack. "And nopony understands the power of friendship more than you, Twilight."

"It was friendship that brought me back from the darkness," added Luna.

"Same here," said Starlight, "and I wasn't even corrupted by dark magic, I was just delusional."

"You've gone up against impossible odds before," said Tempest. "From what you've told me, you had nothing on your side those times, too."

Twilight seemed to gain a little of her strength back, climbing out of the bed and standing on her hooves. Her face remained unsure, however. "But what if this is the time that breaks the pattern?" she asked. "What if...this time, we lose?"

Pinkie Pie trotted up to Twilight, placing a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "Then we'll do that together, too. Like we've done everything else," she replied.

Twilight swallowed, closing her eyes and wiping away the last of her tears. Her vigor seemed to come back to her, bit by bit, as her posture shifted, standing taller. Celestia could've sworn that her coat looked a deeper shade of purple than it had a few minutes previously.

"You're right, everyone," she replied. "Like Rainbow Dash said, if we're going down, we're at least gonna be able to say we went down swinging. We're gonna need a plan."

At the top of Tambelon Castle, Grogar continued weaving his dark magic. After the message he'd delivered to Equestria at large, ponies were terrified and hiding anywhere they could, cowering and crying, as though it would bring their precious princesses back. Grogar smiled wickedly. The despair of this pathetic race was the most amusing thing he'd witnessed in millennia.

Just above Tambelon Castle, the swirling portal of darkness remained. Grogar's plan to call forth the beasts of Tambelon, which would then proceed to lay waste to Equestria and the rest of the planet, was coming along very nicely. Of course, there was still the matter of Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and the other princess to eliminate. The ram angrily stomped his hoof, recalling his frustration after the ponies had managed to escape, ruining his plan to force them to watch as he destroyed everything they loved. Still, he supposed it didn't matter. After his speech, he knew that none of the creatures they'd fought so hard to protect would lift a limb to help them. If they did manage to rally after the humiliated defeat he'd handed them, they'd be alone. No Elements of Harmony, no allies, no Discord, no nothing. They'd never win a rematch.

However, Grogar was never one to shy away from stacking the odds in his favor. And there was something he could do right away to achieve that goal.

Grogar rang his bell once more, and the portal began to shift. From withing the swirl of shadows came a long, snake-like tendril of darkness, which descended towards the earth, only stopping once it rested right across from Grogar. Inside the mass of darkness, two blood-red eyes opened, staring into the eyes of their master.

"Your wish?" hissed the creature in a cold voice.

"Gather the knights," said Grogar, "and prepare them for battle."

Back at the Crystal Empire, Twilight and the others had all gathered in the throne room to discuss how to challenge Grogar. Internally, Twilight still felt a fair amount of terror at the prospect, but the others were right. Even if Grogar did win, they had to at least try to fight back. They couldn't let Equestria go quietly into the darkness.

"Okay, so Grogar created counterparts to the Elements of Harmony," said Celestia, "which he used to destroy the tree. Do we have any idea what element each one of his goons represent?"

"We don't even know what the Elements of Disharmony are," replied Starlight. "How are we supposed to figure out who has what?"

"Well, I'd say it's a safe bet that Tirek's element is greed," said Rarity. "After all, what's greedier than wanting to take all the magic in Equestria for yourself?"

"Yeah, and he came after you during the fight," Applejack added. "I'm guessing that's because it's the opposite of your generosity."

"Hey! Chrysalis came after you too!" Rainbow suddenly chimed in. "And her element's gotta be deceit or something like that. What's more opposite of honesty than deceit?"

"That would explain why they attacked who they did," said Twilight. "So if we go from there..."

"I fought the Storm King," Rainbow continued.

"And your element is loyalty," Tempest replied. "And the Storm King...you remember how he betrayed me as soon as he got what he wanted?"

"That would make him the Element of Betrayal," Twilight continued. "Pinkie, Fluttershy, you fought Sombra and Cozy Glow, right?"

Both mares nodded.

"Sombra plunged the Crystal Empire into a state of despair, and that's definitely the opposite of laughter, which is meant to bring joy. Cozy tried to eliminate all the magic from our world for power, which was a very cruel thing to do. Cruelty is the opposite of kindness."

"So that leaves Grogar," said Shining Armor. "If he's the opposite of the Element of Magic, what does that make him?"

"Doom..." Twilight whispered, feeling more terror at the thought. She remembered the power the Element of Magic alone had unleashed in the dimension Sunset Shimmer now called home, and the idea that there was a pure evil version of that unnerved her.

"Well, okay, we know what element they each have," said Applejack, "but how does that help us? They're just gonna go after the same ponies they attacked they first time."

"Well, if they work anything like the Elements of Harmony," said Fluttershy, "don't they all need to be together to work properly?"

"Not necessarily," replied Celestia. "Luna and I originally wielded three elements apiece, but when she became Nightmare Moon, I was able to temporarily use all six, though not at full power. It's possible Grogar could do the same."

"But the Elements of Disharmony would be weaker then," asked Twilight. "Maybe if we separate them, they'd lose the power of their best weapon. That would at least give us a fighting chance."

"Might work," Tempest added. "And if we all join together, we would outnumber them, though not by much."

"Well, we can't all go," replied Twilight. "Cadence and Shining Armor have to stay here to protect Flurry."

"No, we can leave her with Sunburst," said Cadence. "I'm a princess of Equestria just as much as you. I'm going to fight for it, just as much as you are."

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute!" interrupted Trixie. "What's this all of us business? Trixie never agreed to—"

Starlight lit up her horn, telekinetically closing Trixie's mouth. "Trixie, we need all the help we can get. Besides, you fought the changelings to save Equestria. Why should this be any different?"

Trixie opened and closed her mouth several times, as though trying to come up with a response that would get her out of this adventure, but she found nothing. Eventually, the showmare closed her mouth and sat down on her rear end, looking defeated.

Twilight swallowed again. This would be the fight for the future of Equestria, and they were going in without the Elements of Harmony, or anything like that. She wasn't sure she liked their chances. But if they didn't fight, those chances dropped to zero.