• Published 29th Jan 2021
  • 7,861 Views, 187 Comments

Hybrid Breakdown - Kyuubi325

The consequences of desperate measures sometimes outweigh the actual rewards.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Silphium... the city that acted as the capital of two warring nations, the descriptions from Rex didn't do it justice. Even from the great distance we approached, I could see the towering statue of its founder, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, The First Man. A veritable wonder of Equis, it towered over the tallest buildings, supposedly rivaling the Crystal Castle, despite its advanced age. The elderly figure held a Pilum in one hand like a walking stick while he held a variety of scrolls under the opposite arm, his toga spilled over him, seeming to be blown in a breeze despite being made of stone. His eyes cast over the great valley where his city presided, watching for eons as it prospered, despite the devastation beyond the mountains around it.

Aaron couldn't help but lean against the windows of the carriage as they passed the imposing aqueducts, impressed by the amount of detail afforded to the civil structures. "Impressive, despite their age, they continue to serve their city."

"Vitruvius wanted the founding city to last a million years; his careful planning has allowed us to flourish in these lands with minimal changes to his work." The robed figure nodded her head.

"It's hard to believe there was a war going on around this place," Aaron said as they passed sprawling wheat fields.

"Even as Diamondia and Fluoritia burned, neither of their armies would dare foul this place with bloodshed..." The said in a stern voice.

"Really? Those two nations have been wearing for hundreds of years; their royalty live in exile from their own capital. Neither side has seen fit to capture it?" Aaron said in disbelief.

The robed figure exhaled before leaning back in the seat. "A general from Diamondia once attempted to capture this place in hopes of his own glory to be remembered..."

"What happened?" Aaron raised an eyebrow curiously.

"He and his soldiers were slaughtered by the two warring armies and used as mortar for that Aquaduct we just passed." Their eyes steeled. "it's known as The Flumen Proditores..."

"The River of Traitors," Aaron mumbled as the figure nodded her head.

"You're familiar with the first language?" They asked.

"Yes, though I rarely used it outside of religious services," Aaron said, looking back at her.

"We are much the same; while still used in more rural areas, its use outside the Library has been declining for centuries."

"When did English become the standard?" Aaron asked as they passed over a canal where narrowboats could be seen being dragged along by Giant Starnosed Moles and their handlers.

"After the Last Man's arrival to gift us the blessings of your kind, Thomas Newcomen. His time with us was short, but his Atmospheric Engine allowed us to reach new depths into the earth. Many also believe it's the key to yet greater things." She said as they began to enter the city, even through the thick walls of the transport, the sounds of festive music penetrated into their eardrums. The surrounding architecture was predominantly Roman, but anachronistic designs from various eras and civilizations could be seen.

"It seems we've arrived in the middle of a festival..." Aaron hid his own smirk at the new information, the gears in the back of his mind already turning.

"They are celebrating your kind's return for the first time in centuries peace between the two kingdoms seems possible... Perhaps even reconciliation." They clasped their hands together over their lap.

"Rex explained the war to me, but it's still hard to believe that while sharing the same goals, the matter of methods would cause so much woe." He sighed as he sank back into his seat, looking somewhat overwhelmed by all the activity outside.

"Wars have been started for far less than disagreements over how best to spread civilization."
Luna sat on the wicker chair as she looked over the balcony of her abode. The rich sea air filled her lungs as she brought another deviled egg to her lips, chewing it slowly and swallowing before using her tongue to pick out the raisins left behind. The former princess of Equestria had done quite well since escaping her sister's shadow. Perhaps her role was not as grand sounding as princess, but the feeling of having something of her own gave her the fulfillment she always wanted.

Turning her attention to the ledger on the tea table, she levitated it to her face along with a freshly dipped quill. Her eyes glanced over the pages, occasionally making small changes before nodding her head. Setting it down, she cleared her throat; not long after, a robed gryphon approached. "Yes, ma'am?"

Luna tapped the booklet. "I finished looking over the ledger; while not stellar, the situation is far from unsalvageable. With the changes I've made, we'll break even for the first few years, then make a profit by year 6."

The robed gryphon raised an eyebrow, picked up the ledger, and began to flip through it. "That seems... presumptuous for a company that had just declared bankruptcy....." His eyes widened as he saw the revised shipping routes. "You can't be serious... Diamondia and Fluoritia?" He swallowed, trying to not look at her like she was touched in the head.

"I have a... contact that has promised me exclusive trading rights." She smiled, leaning in her chair.

"Prin-... Master Luna, trading with just one of those nations is impossible; the other always sinks the approaching vessels regardless of flag, trading with both... it's a folly of fools!" He swallowed as he began to imagine his future unemployment. "Fortunes greater than yours have been lost trying to break the blockades!"

Luna snorted in response. "That was because of the ongoing war; tell me... when was the last time you heard about the conflict?" She leaned forward, staring into his nervous eyes.

He opened his beak before closing it, seeming to be in deep thought. "I suppose it's been a while... most of the hearsay is about Equestria..."

"Exactly, every creature is too busy dancing at my sister's borders, daring the other to be the first to catch her wrath. They have blinded themselves to the opportunities behind them." She poured herself a glass of Hawken Brandy. "They are so focused on building their armies to secure the land they've forgotten about the future."

"The future?" The gryphon tilted his head confused.

"They started melting down cooking pots and silverware, and now they are smelting pickaxes and chisels, all with a single-minded goal to produce more weapons for the war effort." She hummed, taking a sip of the amber liquid.

"They're grinding the seed corn...Won't they just seize Equestrian goods to make up the difference?" He asked, following her logic.

"Because my sister is doing the same; the moment I left, she launched a recycling campaign in an attempt to secure war materials. They'll find only the crudest tools being used at the farms. I'd imagine with the aging workforce, substance farming is all they'll find."

"How can you be sure?" He looked uneasy but curious.

"Because agricultural production was already beginning to decline before I left. With the lack of metal ore, there are few other sources my sister can use." She smirked.

"Meaning the new tools will have to come from somewhere unless they want to farm by talon or hoof..." He nodded his head. "Or live in mud huts..."

"There's more to it; even when they secure the lands, it will be some time before they can properly use them. Farming is not a skill learned overnight. They also all have large armies to feed. Army's that vastly outstrip their ability to supply for more than a year."

The gryphon seemed to think. "The rationing has gotten stricter lately."

"Starswirl once said, a marching army consumes more in a month than a peaceful one in a year." Luna closed her eyes, remembering the elderly unicorn.

"And with the Gryphon army so desperate for food and the peasants in need of wares... you can name your price..." His eyes widened as he began to piece it all together. "But that all hinges on your contact and the peace with dogs lasting... how can you be sure either will last?"

Luna seemed to pause before looking back out to the sea. The gryphon would continue to stand awkwardly, expecting an answer one to see her wave his off with her wing. Bowing his head, he quickly took his leave; the sound of scrambling claws could just be heard once he was out of sight. The former princess watched the setting sun as it vanished into the waves on the horizon; only when she was sure she was genuinely alone did she finally crack.

A tear leaked down her cheek falling into the glass, which she quickly tossed into her throat as if attempting to drown her guilt. She would continue to rest on the balcony, watching her-... the moon rise, basking the seaside town in a dower glow. By the time the servant returned to check on her, the bottle of Hawken brandy would be found empty and smashed against the wall.
Celestia looked over the reports, sighing she sipped her tea, but despite the care put into the brew, it still tasted bitter. The last princess of Equestria would continue to skim the various scrolls before she was broken from her thoughts by a gentle knock at her door. "Come in." She mumbled tiredly as she continued to prepare herself for the upcoming meeting.

General Battlement trotted in, carefully shutting the door behind him. "The nobility has finally started to arrive, your highness." He muttered under his breath. "Fashionably late..."

"I see. Have you prepared as well? We have a lot to cover..." She set down her papers, taking a moment to shut her eyes to rest.

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." He steeled his eye, letting out a snort. "Even so, it doesn't matter how well-read we are if they aren't willing to do their part."

"I've agreed to hear and weigh their demands." She opened her eyes, feeling so worn down.

"But will you be willing to grant them? This is different from the past, where you could stall by saying you'll put it under advisement... They have the kingdom by reigns, and they know it..." He looked up at the princess with concern.

The princess didn't speak, only nodding her head in response just as the Canterlot bells rang throughout the palace. "The meeting is about to start; we best be on our way." She stood up from her cushion and walked past the elderly general.

The trip to the counsel chambers was long but uneventful, but she felt uneasy stopping at the vast doors. Steadying herself, she listened; the faint murmurs that once filled the halls were missing. Part of her wondered if they had decided to leave, ignoring her promise to hear their concerns. Pushing open the doors, she felt numerous eyes on her and the general; the silence was deafening, no talk between them; they acted as one. Her concern grew as she approached the center of the room, taking her seat.

Before she could say a word, Blueblood beat her to the punch. "Let the Council of Nobles convene." He stamped his hoof against the stone block.

"I am glad you have decided to return; we have much to discuss." Celestia ignored the slight from her once-adopted nephew.

Fancy Pants was the next to speak, his mane having long since faded into a silvery grey that framed his wrinkled muzzle. "Indeed, our demands are simple; should they be agreed to, we will fulfill our duties with dignity."

Battlement snorted, but a snap of the princess's tail made him bite back a retort. "What are the demands?" He quickly corrected himself, but his annoyance could be seen.

Fancy inhaled before responding as the ponies around him straightened their backs. "Since the attempted coup by Nightmare Moon, you have seen fit to centralize power while leaving this counsel to handle the bureaucratic matters related to your edicts. Regardless of our concerns about their effectiveness or necessity." He shook his head. "The consequences of your unvetted decisions are plain as the day you represent."

"I have ruled this nation for a thousand years; the peace and prosperity we have enjoyed speak in my defense." Celestia narrowed her eyes at the old unicorn, who met her gaze evenly.

"While our military has atrophied to the point that Equestria's very existence has hinged on the actions of a few untrained mares." He leaned forward. "I won't pretend to understand the cosmic forces behind the Elements of Harmony or why they choose those five mares and your mad student. But our dependence on this quasi-sentient and temperamental weapon has left us exposed."

"I see you've reread the Discord reports." She eyed the stack of papers on the stallion's table.

"Indeed, beyond that, you are more than happy to throw untrained civilians into dangerous situations without that vary MacGuffin." He rested his hoof at the bridge of his muzzle. "You sent an animal caretaker to face a sleeping adult dragon, that same mare who would later on nearly cause a Parasprite outbreak. Doesn't that speak well of her competency, to think all those bits wasted on pest identification campaigns?" He ran his hoof over his muzzle in disappointment.

"Then there was the Diamond Dog Reservation dispute, regardless of our previous concerns of letting them settle in Equestria. Rarity Belle repeatedly trespassed on their allotted lands, resisted arrest by the Alphas charged with policing the region, then was broken out by her friends while stealing yet more of their property. Please remind this Council of the reparations we had to pay in order to keep them from taking it to court, especially after you refused Extradition." Swan Song followed after pushing her glasses back up her nose.

Celestia listened to them continue to leave the once-heroes of their lands exposed to their mistakes and even went as far as to teardown their successes. Be it how Applejack's hardheadedness nearly caused a frontier town's destruction or how Pinkies handling of the Yak representatives nearly caused a war. Even Rainbow's service record was called into question, though she noticed they brought up the Wonderbolts more often than the mare herself in their review. She remained emotionless as they continued their tirade, waiting for a gap in the speaking before finally responding.

"Perhaps I have relied on the actions of an untrained few for too long. But that's not what this is about." Her eyes steeled. "What would you do now that I haven't already done? Hindsight is easy, but working with what you have at the moment is much harder."

Blueblood sighed, leaning forward in his chair again. "I certainly have ideas; we should begin stockpiling grain now while our agricultural economy is still viable." He met her gaze. "In the years to come collecting the needed food will only become harder. Even my own holdings have seen a decline in production, regardless of incentives."

"You would pull hay from the mouths of our own ponies?" She snorted, looking aghast.

"Don't pretend you haven't thought of it yourself, Auntie." He rolled his eyes. "You dance around the inevitable like the hordes at our borders. They may have less on their plate, but compare that to nothing at all if we are invaded, tell me which is the greater evil. A single marching army is like a cloud of Parasprites, but we have multiple salivating at the fat of our lands."

Fancy followed. "These hard decisions should not be left to an individual; we all must bear the responsibility." He looked over the scrolls before him. "Cuts must be made for national security, audits done of our forces, ponies must be held accountable."

"A reckoning is long overdue." Swan Song said, nodding her head.

"Do they speak for all of you?" Celestia asked, looking around the room, only to see those who remained quiet nod their heads as one. Celestia took a moment to weigh her options before sighing.
Aaron walked through the grand halls of the Musaeum of Silphium, statues of those who came before him staring back. It was hard not to feel small among the likes of Andreas Vesalius, Gemma Frisius, and Nicole Oreseme (the only ones he recognized). As he followed his guide, it was hard not to stare at the monuments. Philosophers, Artisans, and Military leaders from innumerable civilizations held their tools as they were surrounded by their works. Which even now were being carefully studied, copied, and theorized by the eery-robed Keepers. While they tended to their duties, he could just hear their faint whispers as he passed, further unnerving him.

"The elders say that visitors from your realm are rarely unimpressed by this place." They looked up, their veil long since removed, revealing a furless and flattened face of a Canid.

Aaron nodded his head as he turned his attention back to the marble floors. "It's a lot to take in, in a world without us, the idea we could mean so much is..."

"Surprising?" They chuckled with a faint smile. "When the first man came to us... we had little." She spoke as they approached a massive Atrium where odd yellow flowers grew around a great fountain. Sitting on its ledge, she motioned for him to join her. "Living in deep caves and tunnels, our earliest history was strife, struggle, and changing masters." She sighed, swirling her digits in the nearby water.

"It surely couldn't have been that bad?" Aaron sat down next to her frowning.

"We had brief periods of freedom, but lacking the magics of ponies or the ferocity of the gryphons whatever progress we made was quickly erased." She gazed at the blue sky above them. "Before The First Man arrived, it looked as if our destiny was to repeat the cycle forever... But then he appeared to us...aged and beaten by our oppressors... but unbroken ...he taught us tactics, strategy, and logistics, helping us push our old masters out. But he was never content; he continued to bless us with your gifts, teaching us agriculture, irrigation, and architecture. He gave us a foundation of rock which helped us truly become a civilization." She caressed a flower in her paw. "This garden was his final legacy to us... for which he named this great city for." She picked the flower and handed it to him.

"Silphium..." He said, his eyes staring at the supposed extinct plant.

"Even as he built the great city, it's said he obsessed over them; he had scarcely a handful of pods." She watched him inspect the flower closely. "For all the wonders he helped build, it was getting a few plants to grow that perplexed him... but he succeeded in the end."

"I don't even know where to start..." Aaron finally said as he ran his fingers over the stem.

"Perhaps a visit to the bathes will help clear your mind?" She smirked as she stood up, motioning for him to follow.

He tiredly nodded as he followed her deeper into the vast complex. He was so enraptured by the mosaics and statues he scarcely noticed the heat wafting up from the floors. The humidity also slowly made itself known, making him huff a bit as his thick robes stifled him. Thankfully they reached their destination, and he wasn't disappointed.

The bathes were vast, easily eclipsing an Olympic Sized pool countless times over, almost seeming like a small lake. The crystal clear waters were as smooth as glass, with a thick fog of steam rising up. Aaron seemed to focus on the waters, ignoring the various murals, statues, and columns rising to the domed ceilings. "It's been so long..." He muttered.

"Since you had a proper wash?" The Keeper asked curiously.

"A wash basin is not an ideal substitute..." He shook his head tiredly, reaching for his robes only for her to step to his side to help.

He was so desensitized that he didn't even flinch as his clothes were peeled off, revealing his deathly pale skin. Thankful the surrounding air was relatively balmy, he slowly approached the steps into the pool, sighing as he slipped into the waters. After letting himself acclimate, he dove under, swimming a few lengths before coming back up for air. He floated on his back, shutting his eyes as he allowed the waters to soothe decades-old aches and pains.
Discord exhaled as he watched his adopted home crumble in his spectral form. Farms that once dealt in abundance slowly atrophied as Equestrian families became increasingly insular. Shops lay bare as locals attempted to hock whatever remained of their wares. Approaching a dilapidated building that looked like it tried to mimic a carousel. He shifted his body through the walls peering around the dusty Ponyikins. Floating through the peeling walls, he approached the singular room with light, the faint sounds of a hoof-powered sewing machine just reaching his ears.

Rarity yawned as she punished the mismatched fabrics through the needle; once upon a time, such a clash of styles would have made her faint. Now, however, she was more concerned about making cheap winter blankets and tunics to sell. Shuttering her head raised from her work, her ear twitching before slowly rotating around the room. "Discord?" She asked in an oddly warm tone.

Discord blinked but sighed, slowly regaining his form behind her just as she turned around. "I still don't know how you do that." The draconequus fell onto her threadbare, fainting couch.

"Work as long as have in fashion you not only can tell when someone is watching you but also who." The aged mare stretched before working to her hooves. "Would you like some tea, darling?"

"That would be lovely." He gave her a crooked smile watching her set a kettle on her potbelly stove, which has its stove pipe crudely patched through an old window. "That's new." he hummed, watching her add a few more logs to the fire.

"It was too hard heating the entire Carousel Boutique; at my age, it's much easier to work from one room, especially with things as they are..." She frowned as she watched the kettle boil.

"I see; I suppose that's sensible..." Discord shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Rarity looked back at him with a blank expression before giggling, a genuine smile forming on his wrinkled muzzle. "Sorry darling, just hearing that from you of all creatures..." Discord seemed to think about it before nodding his head, chuckling along with her.

"So what brings you here? It's been a while since anypony has seen you..." Rarity poured two cups, bringing them over before sitting down next to him.

"After..." He bit his lip. "...you know who asked Fluttershy for her... help... we had an argument and.... took a break..." He shifted uncomfortably.

"Ah, I figured as much..." Rarity nodded her head, levitating a cup to his paw. "Twilight could be very persistent when she wanted to be..." She looked into her cup, watching the amber liquid swirl.

"I-I had it all planned out... even set up a picnic at that meadow she likes and then... then..." The Spirit of Chao stuttered and mumbled like a teenager.

"Twilight asked for her help and took her to the fertility clinic." She rubbed his back. "Fluttershy was never the type to refuse to help a friend..."

"...Yes..." He muttered, looking back at his cup before taking a small sip. "When she told me... that she let some... nurse use a baster on her like that... after we talked about having... h-having..." His eyes started to tear up.

"...after you left, she spent a lot of time here... pregnant mares are very sensitive, you know." Rarity looked up at a needle print on the wall of the two of them together, along with portraits of foals.

"Which ones are hers?" He asked curiously, seeing the two mares together in the various pictures with foals.

Rarity seemed to pause before setting the cup back down. "None of them..."

Discord froze. "What? She was pregnant when I-"

"The... treatment didn't take... she... miscarried..."

"Oh..." He noticed the mare shifting uncomfortably. "What happened after?..."

"Twilight... took her to the clinic again..." She swallowed. " and again... a-and..."

"She didn't... s-she couldn't..." Discord looked horrified.

"She burned down Canterlot just a few weeks ago." Rarity stared back at him. "Failure wasn't an option for her..."

"What happened after that?..." Discord clutched his tea.

"A little stagecraft..." Rarity ran her hoof over her belly.

"After all that, your saying Twilight..."

"Yes... made us tell a story ponies wanted to hear." She brushed her greyed mane back. "A story about heartbreak, perseverance, and a heartwarming ending." Rarity scoffed, shaking her head. "She was a wonderful mother... but after the foals grew up, she left."

"The Everfree Forest." It wasn't a question from his lips.

"Playing the role was hard on her... especially after she..." Rarity looked down, blinking away the mist in her eyes. "She said she needed time away..."

"I assume with what's happened, she won't be coming out again anytime soon...." He mumbled.

"No... I think she's had enough of ponies in general, I'm afraid." She rubbed his back. "She missed you..."

"I assumed she hated me after how... we left things." He leaned against her slumping down.

"You, of all creatures, should know it's not her nature to hate." Rarity smiled sadly up at him.

"You at least should hate me then." He glanced at her.

"Why would I?" Rarity tilted her head. "I'll admit, when you left, I was angry at first, but over time, I realized how much it hurt you. She was going to be your first... wasn't she?"

"I-I don't know what you mean. I've been with plenty of mares!"

Rarity gave him a knowing look to which he wilted under from embarrassment. "I know the look a colt gives when he meets his first true love. Intimacy never interested you before her, did it?"

Discord twitched uncomfortably. "Of all the Chaos I've caused and experienced, Lust was never one I considered. How did you know?"

"Sometimes, a mare just knows; when I figured it out, I knew you had truly changed. You were willing to leave your comfort zone for her, so the two of you could start a family. So when she refused because of her duty... it hurt you, didn't it?"

"Worse than the Elements." He mumbled.

"It was one of her biggest regrets, I assumed she knew what I did, and that was mine."

"It doesn't matter." Discord said tiredly.

"It does; she's still out there, you know."

"What do I even say? It's been decades." He looked back at the floor

"Hello is usually how you start a conversation."

"This isn't a joke." He snorted.

"And she's been waiting for you; please don't make her wait any longer."

Discord set the cup down, sniffing as he ran his mismatched hands over his face. "Where would I even look?"

"Just go to the Everfree; I'm sure her animal friends will tell her." She smiled, helping him up despite the size difference.

Discord stood up, taking a deep breath. "Thank you, Rarity."

"Don't be a stranger; a little company now and again can be the most generous gift."