• Published 31st Mar 2023
  • 1,220 Views, 7 Comments

Fun Time Pranks - AmethystMajesty25

FTR’s annual prank-day contest becomes a battle between boys and girls.

  • ...

Chapter 1

In the outskirts of Appleloosa, the residents were having a big party. A short distance away from the town, a man in a cowboy hat and poncho with a rubber chicken in his holster.

“Well Boneless, looks like our work here is done,” He walked away and continued in his deep voice, “Yeah, those guys never partied so hard thanks to me. Cheese. Cheese Sandwich.”

Cheese then started to have a strange sensation in his body, causing his hat to fly off until he jumped up in excitement. “Woohoo! That was a doozy.”

As he put it back on, he remarked, “Well Boneless, looks like our next destination gonna be in Canterlot.”

On a bright, sunny morning, Mind Tempo was at the park, observing some banana slugs on a pile of bananas on a plate.

He contemplated in third person, “Mind Tempo is about to witness the rare, once-every-three-years mating ritual of the Canterlot banana slug.”

Tempo played the radio and observed the two banana slugs meeting each other from his magnifying glass until his phone vibrated. The text said, “It’s time.”

“Gotta go.” Mind Tempo said and he ran off.

As for Diamond Glow, he was having a picnic date with Blueberry Cake. She said, “And for dessert... I thought we could...”

The two were going to kiss until his phone vibrated, stopping their moment. Diamond Glow looked at his phone and told her, “Maybe next time.”

Diamond ran away as Tempo followed his friend while stepping over Blueberry’s picnic area, alerting Diamond, “It’s time, it’s time Diamond.” Blueberry Cake became upset after that.

Meanwhile in the food court of the mall, Cloudburst was going to have a delicious meal of corndogs until he got the text and ran away, leaving the corndogs behind.

“Oh, it’s so time!” Cloudburst exclaimed.

Minutes later, the boys bursted through the door to Tempo’s house next to the mall and sat around the table with Beryl Fury waiting and standing still.

Beryl announced, “Gentlemen, it is time to find out who will be crowned the next sir high King Lord of,” He presented them a custom-made crown made out of arts and crafts props with the words ‘KP’ on it, “... the Pranks.”

The boys looked at the crowd with awe, dreaming that they will be crowned as the King of Pranks for this year.

“The time of pranks is upon us.” Mind Tempo said.

“And as last year's victor, I must now let all yee competitors challenge me for yonder crown.” Beryl announced with a knightly accent.

Cloudburst sighed, “Ahh, it seems like it was just yesterday that we made that crown in our art class back in Vanhoover when we were kids.”

Beryl brought out the rulebook and put it on the table. Diamond reminded them, “The rules are simple. ‘If ye is pranked, ye is out.’ The last man to go unpranked becomes Lord High King, and wins the crown.” He said before Beryl pointed himself.

Suddenly, Virtue, Mind Tempo’s appeared under the table and told them, “And this year, I am playing.”

“Playing? This isn’t a game, Virtue.” Cloudburst told her.

“You’re too young and too girl.” Diamond added.

Mind Tempo nodded and presented her the rulebook, “Yep. And no girl shall play, so sayeth Lord Prankerton’s Book of Rule.”

Sweet Bolt told the boys, “Guys, you made this whole thing up in middle school, and that’s a picture of Sir Neighsay.”

Diamond, Tempo, and Cloudburst shouted in unison, pointing fingers at Virtue, “Blasphemy!”

Tempo gave her advice, “Sis, this competition can get very ugly, and if you get hurt, mom will kill me.”

“This is not over.”

“Very well. Each competitor gets two hours to prepare for the pranking commences at,” The boys looked at the clock until Beryl finished, “Noon.”

The boys ran to the door except Tempo. He told them, “Oh you know what? You guys go on ahead. I've got to call my grandma.”

“Your loss,” Cloudburst said while Diamond and Beryl shrugged before they exited his house.

After they were gone, Tempo smirked and contemplated, “And by "grandma," I mean "I will be the Lord of the Pranks."”

Meanwhile at Golden Rock Records, Shelly Shores march towards her manager and told him, “The guys are late and they're not picking up their phones.”

“Oh, that's 'cause I gave them a day off for pranking,” Golden Rock answered.

“WHAT? We've got a ton of work to do.”

Golden Rock put down his music magazine and told her, “Shelly…pranks are a rite of passage for the young male.”

“Really? I can't wait to not hear anymore of this story!”

“Fine, now please be useful and get me some sugar for my coffee,” Golden Rock ordered, tapping the lid of his cup.

Shelly gave an "ugh" look and turned around.

“Thank you.”

The assistant manager walked over to the cupboard, put her papers down and opened the door only to have lots of sugar packets falling on her. Golden Rock watched in amusement as she falls to the floor.

“The sugar packet pile-on, a Golden Rock classic.”

Shelly stood up and spat out the packets from her mouth.

“You got pranked,” Golden Rock pointed at her while Shelly glared at him.

Meanwhile at Tempo’s house, Mind Tempo was planning his strategy to prank his buds with some experiments: two cups of smoothies, straws, scissors, and a balloon filled up with a substance.

“When the guys return at noon, they'll seek refreshment. They'll see my free smoothies, but what they don't know is that in each smoothie is a balloon with 120 pounds of pure nitrous oxide pressure. Then they'll pick up the needle-sharpened straw, push the straw down into the smoothie, and then boom the crown will be mine.”

He experimented his prank until it backfired on him, splattering Tempo with the smoothie and pure nitrous oxide from the smoothie.

“AHH! AHHH! AHHH! AHH!” He screamed in pain.

Then, his mother heard his son screaming and ran by to check on him. “Is this about that the stupid crown you guys made in middle school?”

“I can't see! I can't see! I can't see!” He cried in pain.

His mother sighed, “Come on. I'll take you to the doctor.”

Meanwhile, the rest of Mind Tempo’s friends carried some items for their pranks while a cockroach was watching them from the shadows.

Diamond Glow commented, “Bear suit, interesting.”

Cloudburst said, disguised in his bear suit, “The crown will be mine!”

Then all of a sudden, the boys were stopped by Virtue along with Watermelody and Shining Star, crossing their arms.

“What's this about girls not being good at pranks?” Watermelody and Shining Star questioned in unison while Virtue twiddled her fingers.

“We never said that,” Beryl said as the bear waved "hello". “I just said it could get ugly, and girls could get hurt.”

Then, the Rainbooms showed up after hearing their conversation, crossing their arms. Rainbow asked, “So you're saying girls are not as tough as guys?” Shining Star pointed out.

“Heh, have you seen the bear standing next to me?” Diamond Glow chuckled. “This competition gets scary.”

Cloudburst, disguised as a bear, pretended to act scary while the girls were not intimidated by it.

Fluttershy stated, “We all know that's Cloudburst. Also, that's insulting to my bear friend, Harry.”

“Sounds to me like you guys are scared of getting your butts kicked by a bunch of girls,” Applejack stated.

The boys gasped, “Nah uh!”

“Yeah huh!” Rainbow countered. “You know we'll win because we're better at pranking than you!”

“Lies and deceit!” Diamond said.

“Baloney and hogwash!” Twilight argued.

“We are not scared of losing to you girls!” Beryl stated.

“Then prove it!” Sunset snapped her fingers and some more girls showed up on their side: The CMC, Trixie, Lyra and Bon Bon.

“Boys vs. Girls!” Shining Star proclaimed.

The three boys were surprised by the number of girls on Virtue’s side as Cloudburst took off the head of his bear suit. “What, sixteen against four? Yeah, that's fair.”

The girls smiled until more boys showed up on FTR’s side: The Diamond Dogs, Flash Sentry, Sandalwood, Micro Chips, Timber Spruce, Big Mac, Zephyr Breeze, Spike, Snips and Snails. The rest of FTR’s team said in unison, “We're in.”

Twilight became surprised and said, “WHAT? Spike, get back here on our side.”

“Not a chance, Twi. Because today, I will be the first dog to win this prank competition.”

“Fine. Have it your way,” Twilight sighed.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…” Diamond Glow counted the number of men on their team until, “Hey, you know, we're still one short.” Diamond informed Beryl until Feather Bangs entered the room.

“I'm in too.” Feather Bangs said while Cloudburst put the bear head back on.

Beryl was surprised to see his rival and Feather told him, “What? I don't like you, but I will defend my gender.”

“Boom!” Cloudburst said and fist bumped Feather Bangs.

“So be it. As reigning Sir High King Lord of the Pranks, I now declare this a megapranketition,” Beryl announced and everyone cheered until the clock chimed at noon. “Bug out!” Beryl signaled and everyone spread out until the Diamond Dogs fell on the floor together by having their shoelaces tied together.

FTR saw what happened and the prank was pulled of by the CMC. The rest of the Rainbooms stood beside them and they were impressed.

“Laces tied together, classic,” Scootaloo smiled.

Applejack said, “So, that's three boys down…”

“And three to go,” Rainbow finished her sentence while FTR were scared.

The girls spooked them in unison, “Boo.”

Fun Time Rush dropped their stuff and retreated to find cover while the cockroach followed them.

“Don't worry!” Rainbow called. “When we beat you guys, we won't totally rub it in your faces!”

“Too much!” Applejack finished.

“Come on, girls,” Sunset said in determination. “Let's show those boys who the superior pranksters are!”

“Yeah!” The girl's all cheered and ran off to do their pranks.

“Yeah...” Pinkie said, unenthusiastically. She liked pulling pranks, but she didn't really like this whole prank war idea.

Meanwhile, in New York City, the Ninja Turtles, Casey, and April were watching everything through Donnie’s Spy-Roach.

Leo scoffed, “Can you believe these guys? Starting a prank war over something so petty.”

“I know... I'm rooting for the boy's squad. Woohoo!” Mikey cheered.

“Same here, dude.” Casey added and high-fived Mikey while Leo and the rest gave them a glare.

“I never thought the Rainbooms would so easily be offended by something like that,” April sighed.

Raph told her, “Come on April, they're just defending their honour. Let them have this fight.”

April replied, “Okay... but only to support our friends.”

While Fun Time Rush ran back to Tempo’s house, Donnie checked footage of Mind Tempo's prank backfiring on him.

Donnie informed everyone, “Well, the boys are already down another one member.”

“I'll go get the popcorn,” Mikey announced and went to get some popcorn.

Meanwhile, Tempo was at the patient room with the doctor as he unwrapped the bandages around Tempo’s head, covering his eyes.

The doctor told him, “There, all better.”

However, it was not better as Tempo opened his eyes and his eyesight became pink.

Tempo freaked out, “Ahhh, everything looks pink.”

“Don't worry, I can fix this. 'Cause I'm a doctor.” The doctor took the eyedrops from his back pocket and gave them to Tempo.

Tempo opened his eyes and his eyesight became blue. He groaned, “Ahhhh, now everything looks blue!”

“Well, what color do you want?”

“Oh, I don't know, ALL OF THEM?!?!?!” Tempo answered angrily.

The doctor sighed and went to look for another vial of eyedrops in the room until he realized he had another one in his lab coat and grabbed it from the right pocket. He gave it to Tempo again and Tempo’s eyesight was back to normal.

Tempo smiled, “Oh, there we go.”

“Better?” The doctor asked.

“Yep, much better.”

The doctor put his hand on his patient’s shoulder and told him, “Okay, bye.”

Tempo felt something was off and questioned him, “Aren't you gonna prescribe me some saline drops to soothe my itchy and irritating eyes?”

“Tempo, have you ever thought of becoming a doctor, because you look and talk like a doctor,” The doctor crossed his arms.

Gloria entered the patient room and chimed in, “Oh, he's always wanted to be a doctor.” The two men turned their attention to her, “But more importantly, did you know that a daily 20-minute walk increases weight loss, eyesight, and mutant powers?”

They understood Gloria while she went to grab some more magazines until the Diamond Dogs entered the room with their shoelaces tied together. The trio said, “We have first-degree rug burns.”

“Ooh, I got just the thing,” The doctor said while Tempo gave them a thumbs-up. The doctor grabbed an electric saw and turned it on, making the Diamond Dogs looked scared.

“Woah!” Tempo got up and stopped the doctor, turning off the electric saw. “Shouldn't we just untie them and give them some topical cream for the abrasions?”

“Yeah, that will work too,” The doctor sighed while the Diamond Dogs nervously nodded.

Back at Golden Rock Records, Golden was in his office and shouted, “Shelly, Filthy Rich is coming to get these contracts. Where is my pen?”

Shelly entered his office and answered, “Check the upper right hand drawer.”

Golden opened the drawer and his face was immediately splattered with powder while Shelly smirked.

“Well-played,” Golden said. “Let's end it now while it's even.”


The two shook hands and shook hands to avoid pranking each other.

Ten minutes later, the agreement did not last long and it was a mess in the hallway thanks to Golden and Shelly pranking each other… again. Shelly sat down on the couch, looking all messed up while Golden was wrapped in duct tape.

While Big T stood still, Filthy Rich was not happy with their childish pranks. Filthy Rich told them, “Here at my company, we have a strict no-pranking policy. Golden mumbled but his mouth was taped shut while Shelly looked worried.

Filthy Rich continued, “I can't understand you, Golden, because your mouth is taped shut.”

Golden Rock groaned.

“Which is why I'm going to stay here and help you stop your pranking ways,” Filthy Rich ordered while Golden and Shelly complained.

Meanwhile, Rarity was at the pool carrying a hair blower while Sweetie Belle carried a box full of marbles. Then, a female receptionist was sitting on her table of lip balms and signs said, “Free Samples!”

“Lip balm,” The receptionist announced. “Free liptastic samples?”

“Ooh, free samples,” Rarity dropped the hair blower and she went over to the table.

Sweetie Belle warned her, “Uh, Rarity. I'm not sure if this is a good idea to do that now.”

Rarity assured her, “Don't worry, Sweetie. Once my lips are fresh and clean, we'll resume our pranking duties.”

Sweetie rolled her eyes and Rarity put some lip balm on her lips while the receptionist smiled. One minute later, Rarity’s lips were tight shut and she couldn't speak at all, making her panic. Sweetie Belle ran up to her and asked, “Big sis, what's wrong?”

Rarity pointed her fingers at her lips, telling her sister that she cannot speak.

Diamond and Beryl popped up from the table and Diamond said, “Ohh, did someone put fake labels on glue sticks?”

Rarity covered her mouth in shock while Beryl continued, “Yeah, nontoxic, of course.”

The female receptionist laughed and stood up until the mask off, revealing to be a disguise worn by Cloudburst.

Cloudburst warned the two girls, “Ha! We warned you this could get ugly.”

“MMPH!” Rarity grumbled and stomped his way out of the pool.

Sweetie Belle told the boys, “This is SO far from over. I'm taking Rarity to the hospital.”

After Sweetie Belle exited the building, the FTR boys high-fived to each other until Cranky entered, covered with toilet paper.

FTR looked in horror as Cranky interrogated them, “Why is my front yard covered in toilet paper and my butt covered in eggs?”

Beryl immediately answered, “We have no idea, Mr. Cranky Doodle, sir.” The boys chuckled and said, “Bye.”

They ran off quickly while Mr. Cranky said, “I know you're up to something.”

While Rarity and Sweetie were heading to the hospital, Zephyr stopped by and said, “Whoa, you got pranked…” He played his guitar and sang.

[Zephyr Breeze]

You got pranked

You got pranked

(Rarity and Sweetie Belle crossed their arms, looking angry.)

You got P-R-A-N-K…

Back at New York, the Ninjas watched Rarity smashed Zephyr Breeze on the head with his guitar.

The gang winced, “Ooooooh!”

“That's gotta hurt, yo.”

Minutes later at the hospital, Zephyr got his head stuck on his guitar.

“I think I can solve this problem,” The doctor adjusted Zephyr’s guitar and strummed the strings. “Perfectly tuned.”

Tempo and Zephyr were perplexed by the doctor’s decision. He suggested the doc, “Uh, don't you think we should unwind the strings and remove the guitar from his head?”

Zephyr nodded and the doctor told Tempo, “Tempo, you have a gift. How would you like to stay and be my assistant for the day?”

“That’s great, but I don't have a medical license,” Tempo answered.

The doctor shrugged, “Then I'll deputize you.” He grabbed a lab coat and a stethoscope for Tempo to put on. “You are now a deputy doctor.”

Tempo exited the room and Gloria was still in the waiting room reading tons of magazines. He called her, “Hey mom, do you mind staying here for awhile?”

“Are you kidding? I am in magazine heaven. I just learned how to give my feet a facial,” Gloria showed her son her foot covered in cream and slices of cucumber between her toes.

“Hmm. Good for you, mom. See you in a bit,” Tempo went back to help the doctor while his mother resumed reading magazines.

While Golden and Shelly crossed their arms feeling angry, Filthy Rich sat on Golden’s chair in the desk of Golden Rock’s office to teach Golden and Shelly a lesson while Big T watched.

“Because you have no respect for each other's jobs, I'm recommending the role reversal method, the classic corporate exercise that teaches mutual respect.”

Shelly commented, “So I have to do all day is write songs with the word "girl" in it and scream a lot?”

Golden replied, “Oh, yeah, well, I don't even know what she does.”

“I DO THIS!” Shelly slapped Golden on the backside of his head.

“Ohh, no, you didn't!” Golden said and the two argued again.

Filthy Rich had enough of their bickering and said, “Mandatory. The role reversal is now mandatory.”

Shelly and Golden stopped and decided to role with the rule.

“Fine,” Golden took Shelly’s binder and continued in a weird girly voice, “Oh, Golden, Filthy Rich wants his demos now. And blah, blah, blah, blah.”

While Filthy smiled, felling satisfied with his rule, Shelly took Golden’s shades and acted pretty bossy. She demanded, “Shelly, go get the dogs. I've got work to do.”

“AHHHHH/BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!” The two shouted at each other’s faces.

“See? Isn't this better?” Filthy Rich smiled while Golden and Shelly were not pleased with the rule.

Meanwhile at the hallway of the community center, Watermelody, Virtue, and Shining Star set up a catapult with a big piece of creamy pie on it and a hidden wire. Plus, Donnie’s Spy-Roach was watching them.

Virtue explained their trap, “The Pie-A-Pult. The guys get off the elevator to rush the apartment for shelter…”

Star continued, “They'll trip on the wire and get a face full of creamy defeat.”

Watermelody laughed, “Boys are stupid.”

Raph commented, “What? How dare she called us stupid.”

Leo told him, “Raph, relax. It's just a contest.”

“And I'm pretty sure she was talking about Fun Time Rush,” April added.

Donnie observed, “I have to admit, that is a pretty clever trap.”

As they all high-fived to each other, FTR used a mirror attached to a hockey stick to spy on the girls.

Beryl whispered, “The Pie-A-Pult? That is stupid.”

“Brilliant,” Diamond commented.

“I know,” Beryl agreed.

Cloudburst suggested, “Okay, but now we turn the tables on them, and then the prankers become the prankies. Let's go.”

Diamond and Beryl agreed with all their friend’s idea and they left their hiding spot.

With the trap set in place, Virtue stated, “Now all we have to do is hide and watch the show.”

“Boo!” FTR suddenly surprised the girls, making Watermelody hit the wire and the catapult launched the creamy pie onto her face.

“Gotcha!” Cloudburst laughed.

The boys celebrated until Watermelody started crying and ran away. Virtue and Star turned their attention to FTR, glaring at them.

Cloudburst reminded the girls, “Hey, we told you that pranking was dangerous.”

Star furiously suggested, “Well, does your Lord Prankerton say you're not allowed to make sure someone is okay?”

Diamond sighed, “No, he does. It's called the Tempo Amendment.”

“Let's go,” Beryl said and FTR left the area.

“Now that is just harsh,” April commented while watching TV.

Karai replied, “Well, it is what it is. I just hope their contest ends with a pity party.”

Donnie’s Spy-Roach and FTR arrived at the park to find Watermelody until they found her sobbing on the bench.

“Watermelody, are you okay?” Beryl asked her.

However, Watermelody’s sobs turned into laughs, fooling FTR into thinking that she was hurt by their little stunt.

FTR backed away and Diamond alerted them, “She stopped crying.”

Watermelody stood up and explained, “It was my idea to sacrifice one of us so we could take out all of you.”

“Wow, she really planned this out before she got eliminated. Impressive.” Shini nodded with a satisfied look on her face.

Mikey cried, “Yeah, but FTR is about to get a pie on their faces. Look!”

The Ninjas continued watching the television as Virtue and Shining Star showed up with pies on their hands. Then, FTR were surrounded by Lyra, Bon Bon, CMC, and the rest of the Rainbooms with pies on their hands as well.

“Yep…” Cloudburst said.

FTR continued in unison, “We're doomed.”