• Published 31st Jan 2021
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Forbidden Places - Starscribe

A group of clandestine explorers stumble into Equestria, emerging from the portal in strange new bodies. Riches and fame await them, if only they can find a safe way home before the magic becomes permanent. It's not as easy as it sounds.

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Chapter 48: Ryan

There were probably more important things Ryan could be doing, more productive ways for him to find useful information. But the words "changeling embassy" had cemented themselves in his brain like a brand scoured on his shell. He had to investigate it for himself.

It would be so easy to lose himself in a city like this. Here he could vanish into the crowd of ponies, let their incredible emotions sweep over and drown him. With such strong feelings pressing in on him from all sides, it was easy to forget himself, and let someone else's emotions drive him. Most of what the ponies felt was positive—how hard would it be to work himself into one of those relationships, and forget he'd ever been anything else.

It was certainly tempting—give up his quest, forget about the world that wouldn't miss him anyway. He could let the others go back to their lives, they actually had them. But for him, this was better.

He might've done it, if it wasn't for one thing: Kaelynn. After a lifetime of disappointment, he'd finally been brave enough to do something right. Now he did have something to lose.

But now she was in trouble too, and refused to listen to him or anyone else. Nevermind that she'd held the same body for days now. She must be magically exhausted, yet she refused to reverse the spell.

Maybe the changeling embassy could give him advice about that too.

Getting to it meant passing through almost the entire city, which certainly wasn't a bad thing. It meant plenty of opportunity to take in the exotic architecture, built along the cliffside of a land-formation that could never have existed back home. He walked a little too slowly, wearing the disguise of a random unicorn mare he'd spotted loading crates on the dock next to theirs. Here in the city of ponies, it made sense to be as the ponies be.

But eventually he found the "high quarter" where many nations from across this other universe had their embassies. Most of them were as ancient-looking as the city itself, with great stone columns, fine glass windows, and gardens outside. Some were more rustic, like the one run by yaks.

Ryan needed no magic to lead him to the one he was looking for.

The "Free Changelings of the Outlands and All Nations" had a plot of land about the same size and on the same street as the fine redoubt of the hippogriffs and the elegant fortress of the griffons. But theirs was... distinctly changeling.

The building was constructed of a transparent green substance, somewhere between glass and slime. In it were chunks of stone, scraps of wood, basically constructed garbage. Ryan stopped to stare, stepping off the main road and letting his mouth fall open.

The embassy had been built with no central plan, like all these other incredible structures. Instead, it seemed that garbage had just been piled here, then it was hollowed and tunneled through to make whatever rooms were required, before securing it in place with cement. Nothing grew on the plot of land—there was only bare rock, with crude-looking sculptures that looked like they'd been carved by children.

There were no windows either, just a layer of slime stretched so thin it was transparent. From the look of the interior, it sunk deep into the rock, carving straight through the mountain under their hooves.

When it caught the light of the sun, the whole building seemed to glow with its own light, illuminating bodies inside.

It was without a doubt the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. There would be somewhere safe and warm inside, somewhere he wouldn't be looking over his shoulder. The people living in there wouldn't call him a bug and think they were being cute.

"Excuse me," said a voice, from not far away. It caught Ryan so completely off-guard that he jumped into the air, spinning to face the new arrival.

They came from within the compound, and hadn't exactly been sneaking. They wore a strange armor, like the shed pieces of exoskeleton had been collected together, hollowed, and cemented, just like the building.

Underneath, the creature looked like nothing he'd yet seen. The colors were garish and bright, but the eyes were insectoid. The voice reverberated slightly as well, as strange organs were used to make familiar words.

But one factor was strange enough that he'd been so frightened—Ryan sensed nothing from this creature, not even the presence of a mind. This was no dumb machine—it was another empath, one who had grown their entire life keeping their feelings carefully hidden.

"Sorry! This one did not mean to cause you so much discomfort. I just wondered if anyone had welcomed you yet."

Ryan straightened, acting as relaxed and comfortable as he could. Yet the body wasn't a very good match for him—it mostly made sense as a way not to attract attention. It had gotten him here.

"Welcomed me?" he asked. "I'm sorry. I don't have an appointment or anything. I just wanted to see it. I heard there were changelings in the city."

"We sure are!" said the guard, grinning. Though maybe that title was wrong—she didn't seem to have an actual weapon. Just the armor, which made her slow and clumsy in her movements. Nothing like the compound guards patrolling the other embassies. "It's a great day for bugs everywhere. If you have been searching for a place to be welcome, this is it."

He straightened, confused. "Hold on... you can tell?" He looked the creature over again. No, she didn't look exactly like he did, even without the armor. But there were some similarities. The basic body shape was the same, even if the colors were a little outrageous compared to his jet black.

"Of course." They reached out, patting him on the shoulder with one leg. "Your disguise is very good. I'm sure ponies are fooled. Very convincing. But you do not taste like one. More like a..." she trailed off. "Not my place. You should be made welcome, speak to the consulate. Are you in distress? He can help—if you are in legal trouble, or confused by this strange world of ponies. Every member of the hive is welcome, even if they were loyal to her. We were all loyal to the queens once."

Queens? Every word she spoke raised a dozen different questions. But he didn't have time to ask them all. We're supposed to get back together by nightfall. Then he would be going down into the crystal mine, back to searching for forbidden places. It was only early afternoon—he still had several hours yet. He'd have to use them well.

He decided to use them for a test. Ryan closed his eyes, then focused on letting go. Losing his form here was a risky move—Kaelynn was in poor health right now, and so could offer him only a small amount of whatever magical energy he required to live.

But today he wasn't feeling particularly wise. Today Ryan took a risk, and banished the illusion of his stolen unicorn body. In a flash of green magic, he was back to the body the Worldgate had given him, black shell and clear wings and all.

"Are you sure?" he asked, looking the not-guard right in the face. This was the moment he always expected harsh reactions. Even members of his own expedition had felt revulsion at his body, and needed weeks to train themselves to treat him like a normal person.

This guard didn't even flinch. If anything, she smiled, and he felt the first flash of emotion from her. A single second of it, like something shared with him deliberately. She was surprised, yes—but it wasn't unpleasant. "I didn't think there were very many left in this part of the world."

Around them, the streets had reacted very differently. Ponies that had been moving about on their daily business without much interest suddenly turned and went the other way, practically sprinting away from him.

A few gasped, dropped what they were carrying—someone even screamed. But Ryan didn't care about any of them. Someone wanted to see him.

"There weren't," he said. "You wouldn't believe where I came from if I told you. I don't... know what I need. Not somewhere to stay, I have friends, I have a crew. But I have questions, and no one who can answer them. Does it matter that I'm not really one of you? I'm false. I pretend."

She laughed, wrapping one leg around his shoulder in a light hug. Somehow, impossibly, he felt nourishment from it. That didn't make sense—if parasites could nourish each other, then couldn't they give up stealing from others?

Yet he felt it all the same. "That's what we are, brother. This one is... amused. You act as though you have not known another. The consul will want to meet with you right away."

He shouldn't. He might run late, his friends would worry. Yet just this once, Ryan let those worries melt away. He'd been doing things for them for weeks. He'd done extra shifts to let Jordan explore her dreams. He had to scatter when Blake decided he was mad and wanted to explode. Now Kaelynn didn't want to listen to him anymore.

He deserved this one thing, an opportunity he might never have again. What if he was trapped as a changeling forever, unable to return home? He needed this.

"And I would like to meet him."

The guard escorted him into the embassy—though embassy was probably not the right word for such a place. Like a living termite mound, it thronged with activity. Within seconds of stepping inside, a dozen other changelings appeared from nearby passages, studying him.

Without fail, they were emotional blanks to him. Rather than radiating their feelings at every moment, Ryan could close his eyes and finally feel a little privacy. His thoughts wouldn't get washed away in so many other feelings. Here at least, the voices could finally stop.

The interior of the strange building certainly wasn't conventionally beautiful. It had low ceilings, and passages that often required him to crawl to pass between them. The air inside was hot and damp, and after passing between a few small rooms, he was soon in total darkness.

Maybe he should be terrified, surrounded by smells he'd never known, and no visual way to identify where he was going. Yet when he looked up and realized he was crawling along a wall, he found he didn't care.

It wasn't the same guard who took him. The one leading him now wore no armor, but had a shell of swirling pink and red. She kept glancing back at Ryan, as though afraid she would lose him somewhere. That made him feel even safer.

"We're almost there!" she said, or maybe thought. Ryan didn't even know, and found he didn't care. "The consul's chambers are just ahead. He's already expecting you."

"I'll admit, this whole thing has me a little nervous," he said. He kept his voice low, though in the strange tunnels there was no guarantee it wouldn't echo to someone listening in the distance. "You've taken me inside as though I was someone important. But I don't represent anyone, I'm not here on official business. I'm not even from the same world as all of you. I'm a changeling by chance."

His escort didn’t seem to understand much of it, though for once Ryan felt blind in knowing for sure. He couldn't sense any of their emotions. Couldn't know if he'd said the right thing, or if he needed to change his attitude for maximum effect. Maybe that was a good thing.

"The consul may not see you for long," she said. "But every new changeling who arrives always gets their time to speak with someone. We are a scattered people, brother. Even before the failed attack on this city, we were scattered a great distance. Those of us who were separated from the hive all developed our own way. Maybe you know—it's easy to conform to expectations. It is harder to know what you should be when no creature is there to make such demands."

They crawled along for only a little further, until they passed up through another strange barrier. It felt wet, clinging to his body, yet he could push his way through. It sounded like sticking his fist into a tray of jello. As he passed through, it slorped closed behind him.

The space beyond was not in total darkness like much of the tunnels. Though what it was actually meant to be was harder to know. There was no furniture inside, though the walls were covered in drawings painted right onto the stone. There was a single awkward bookshelf up against one wall, looking fairly banged-up. Like it had been awkwardly dragged through the tunnels to get it here, with no regard for the fine wood finish being destroyed.

A pool of water bubbled and frothed near one side of the room, keeping the room pleasantly damp. It had even been scented, though Ryan had no word at all for the smell. Something like lifting a rotten log in the woods, and finding cockroaches had colonized its underside. Except the smell was welcoming, pleasant instead of repulsive.

"This is the newcomer," said a voice—a confident, male voice, more direct and forceful than anyone else he'd encountered in the embassy so far. "One of the old blood. He must have interesting stories to tell."

Ryan turned to face the voice, and found himself facing down a bug like none he'd yet seen. The creature towered over him by a full head, though all these bugs were bigger than he was. He had a rack of something like antlers on his head, though they were probably made of the same stuff that formed his shiny green exoskeleton.

"I think I do," Ryan said, hesitating awkwardly in the entrance. Like every other person he'd seen so far, this bug did not share their feelings with him. The confidence he projected was entirely a matter of body-language. "Am I supposed to bow? I don't know... anything, really."

The bug chuckled. "And so honest. I forgot what it was like." They grinned, advancing on Ryan. This creature might be taller and stronger than he was, but they weren't built like a warrior. Changelings didn't come in that flavor, no matter their weird colors. "You could start with your name. I am Pharynx, consul and ambassador to Equestria. I am also here to find and help every lost changeling who wanders in... like you."

"My name is... Ryan," he stammered. He couldn't sense it to be sure, but as he looked around Ryan could see that the room wasn't just the two of them. There were other scents, somehow softer and more welcoming. Female scents. Though what that meant among changelings, he didn't know. Did they have a queen? "Thank you for your time. I don't have much of it myself, but I just thought I should... I saw the signs. Heard ponies talking about it. I wanted to see if any of it was true. There really are changelings living in the open here."

"There are." Pharynx circled around him, with an eye somewhere between a doctor and someone about to auction a farm animal. It probably wasn't meant to be anything unfriendly. "You are in decent shape for a bug living out on their own. You must have hunting grounds of your own. Or..."

He reached forward, and before Ryan could get away, snatched at one of his wings with a hoof. He lifted, pushing the wing until it was upright. Somehow he knew just how to move it without feeling like he was yanking on the limb. This Pharynx knew what it was like to have wings, and how not to cause injury. "No, not hunting. You have a... willing relationship with another creature. Did you do this without hearing of my brother's rebellion?"

Maybe Ryan should've just stayed quiet and answered all Pharynx's questions. But he hadn't come this far just to answer other people without getting any information of his own. "I don't know who your brother is, or any rebellion. But please, what does any of that mean? You're right, I'm close to a pony, I have friends here... but why are we different?"

He took a breath, before vomiting out everything in a rush. "Your sign says changeling, you look and act a little like me, but you're also so different. The ponies outside were scared when they saw me, but they weren’t frightened of you. I can't feel anything from you, when I've been slowly going crazy from all the emotions washing over me, hour after hour, day after day... for months! I don't know how anyone can keep it straight! Sometimes I'm afraid I'll forget that I'm even alive anymore!"

Ryan looked down, and realized he'd lifted into the air as he spoke, meeting eye level with the creature. He settled awkwardly back onto the stone, looking away. A dozen different eyes were staring at him—not just Pharynx, but so many others lurking in distant corners of the room as well.

Pharynx watched him, silent and emotionless. Except—suddenly he wasn't. Suddenly Ryan could feel the warmth the leader felt towards him, and every other changeling. He was curious yes, he didn't understand where Ryan could have come from. But his worry was far stronger, accompanied with a deep resonance of personal duty.

Just as with the guard outside, the feelings lasted only for a second. Once deliberately shared, then withdrawn just as quickly. "That's a lot of questions. Why don't you get comfortable, Ryan? You can tell us about you, and we can teach you what it means to be a changeling."

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