• Published 25th Jan 2021
  • 820 Views, 6 Comments

She is my World - Marina Stars

Fluttershy and Discord have been dating for over a year, and he wants to marry her. Theres only one problem, he's allergic to the animals she loves so dearly... Written for day Five of Fluttercord Week. Theme: Humans

  • ...

I Live for Her Truly

Downtown Manehattan, Equinox’s College of Science and Arts. The human world.

The morning had started sunny and beautiful, though clouds were slowly creeping in threatening rain for the evening. Side by side on a lovely and pristine campus lawn, sat two of the school’s best students.

Humming a lovely little tune as she brushed the fur of her favorite pet bunny was Fluttershy, a petite woman with creamy skin and a head of rosy pink hair. Her sweet smile lit up her face so brightly she could have been mistaken for an angel.

Across from her and leaning against a tree, sketchbook and pencil in hand, was her boyfriend, Discord. He had deeper tan skin and a chaotic mess of deep black hair. Ever the artist, he sat busy sketching anything that inspired him and for the most part, that was her. His sweet Fluttershy.

Every few moments he’d glance up at her as she focused on her task, drinking in the moment and desperately hoping to capture every last detail. From the gentle wave of her hair, to her smooth shoulders and every last detail of her green sundress including the little golden flowers at the hem of her skirt-and above all, her smile, and the sparkle in her tral eyes as she did what she loved most: taking care of animals.

Every now and then she’d glance up to find him staring distractedly at her and when she’d smile and blush, sometimes even giggle delicately, he’d quickly return to the sketch, his own cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

When she finished brushing her bunny’s fur she set aside the comb with her school bag and scooted closer to her lover bunny in arms. Resting her head on his shoulder allowed her a better view of the sketches he’d been working on.

“They're beautiful,” She whispered lightly in awe of the many nature scenes of her among beds of flowers and groves of trees. He had expertly taken real moments and added an air of wonder to them.

“Thank you my dear,” He sighed, “I had a beautiful subject,”

Heat rose in her cheeks as she watched him finish his main sketch and move onto doodles, petting her little bunny all the while, never knowing how often he’d glance down at the thing.

Fluttershy loved animals. She was studying veterinary sciences, afterall. It was the perfect calling for her. Him? Not so much… let’s just say he’d had a few deadly encounters with the creatures often kept as pets.

But hey, Fluttershy loved them. By the time he’d figured that out, he was in too deep. So, he’d grin and bear it, and enjoy every fur filled moment he could get in her company.

“Dizzy,” She chirped, turning to face him, concern in her eyes, “Are you alright… you’re sniffling again,”

His eyes flicked up to hers, pupils shrinking. Crap. “Am I?”

She nodded slightly and he immediately began to wave it off, “Oh it’s probably just the pollen, you know how spring is with the flowers and the littering of their little golden orbs of annoyance everywhere, guess I'm just not used to spring in Manehattan,”

She raised a brow as she listened to his hasty explanation, “Didn't you grow up in-”

“I appreciate your concern,” He cut in, scratching the back of his neck, not out of nervousness but rather because it was itching. Hives….

“You always are so thoughtful, but it’s nothing you need to worry over,”

He offered his best ‘it’s alright’ grin holding her gaze and hoping she’d believe him and not question it further.

“If you’re sure,” Hesitantly, she lowered her gaze, though she could see the little welts that had begun to spot over his skin. She took his hands into hers, “But Discord, if anything is ever wrong... just let me know. I’m happy to listen.”

He gave her hands a gentle squeeze, his smile falling into one more natural.

“I’ll remember that, love,” Lifting her hands, he placed a gentle kiss on each of them, “But, I’ll be alright,”

She nodded again, slowly breaking his gaze to move back beside him. Instead, he set aside his notebook pulling her in front of him so her back was to his chest. She giggled and relaxed into his hold allowing him to rest his chin on her shoulder, his breath tickling her bare skin.

“What a beautiful afternoon,” He sighed contently, ignoring how his hands itched when brushed up against the rabbits fur, “And what beautiful company,”

She blushed as he squeezed her tighter, and placed her own arms over his. Her concern hadn't vanished, but he always gave the same answers. She couldnt do anything if he wouldn't tell her. So, it was best to leave him alone on the subject. Perhaps it was just something he was embarrassed about, something that just happened and couldn't be helped. Whatever it was, whatever happened, she hoped one day he'd be brave enough to open up to her about it.

“Do you have any plans for tonight,” She wondered aloud.

“Sadly, love, I do,” He sighed placing a gentle kiss against her neck, just below her jawline, “An important dinner meeting I can't miss,”

“Oh,” her head dropped a little, “I was hoping… well, nevermind,”

“What is it darling?”

"There's a show tonight. A lot of my Friends are involved in the production… Rarity's doing costumes. Autumn Blaze is performing, Twilight and Pinkie helped design the sets, the list goes on, I was hoping to go watch the show with you,"

“That sounds so lovely,” He sighed into her hair, “If I could cancel my plans, I would, believe me I would,”

“I know,"

He hated to disappoint. He hated to miss a single moment with her. If he had known sooner he would have planned for another day. As it was, it would be bad news on his part to cancel with such short notice.

“How about this… I’ll let you know when the meeting is done, and you can come over. We’ll make crepes and cotton candy, and drink chocolate milk till our bellies ache,” He growled playfully hugging her tighter into him, tickling her sides just to hear her laugh, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise,”

“Okay, okay,” She cried between laughs till he relented. Fluttershy paused to catch her breath relaxing back into his embrace, “That sounds lovely,”

“Oh, I’m glad you think so,”

The evening, as predicted, had been overtaken by the gloom of rain clouds over the city. The light pitter patter of rain could be heard against the roof of the small cafe.

Despite it all the streets of Manehattan were busy as ever. Everyone always had somewhere to be. There was hardly a quiet moment in the city. And hardly a time when it wasn't rush hour.

The traffic was what worried him the most. Whether by car, train, or foot, though the latter was typically the fasterst option, anyone could easily get caught up in the congested crowds and quickly delayed on their path.

Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea after all. Discord sat quietly at a small table for two and alone with his inner musings.

Drumming his fingers against the table echoed the rythym of his anxious heart. He glanced down at the watch strapped to his wrist for the umpteenth time to find less than a minute had passed since he last checked. But, it was still ten minutes after the hour, their scheduled meeting time.

He should be here by now. Despite reassurances to himself that everything would be fine, that thought pestered him relentlessly, always managing to creep back into his mind no matter what he did.

Was he stuck in traffic? Did he forget? Did he decide not to come? Had something happened? He ran his hands through his messy black hair, crimson eyes focused intently on the table in front of him but to no detail in particular.

His thoughts raced as he struggled to calm them. As a distraction he reviewed his inner plan, mentally reminding himself of all the little details that needed attending to. Sit up straight. Be polite. This conversation was important. The most important conversation he’d ever have. Don't be afraid to… open up. But for the love of chaos, don't ramble. When the moment is right just simply ask-

Simple. Simple was not the word to describe it. Nothing about him was simple, neither was anything he ever did. But if he didn't do it, take the plunge, rip of the bandaid, however you describe it, he knew he’d regret it.

Do it for her...

The chiming of a bell drew his immediate attention. Discord's head snapped up to see who had entered the little corner cafe and, just as he had hoped, found exactly the man he was waiting for.

He stood so quickly his chair nearly fell over. Luckily for him, he saved himself from a sliver of embarrassment as he clumsily caught his seat.

By the time all four legs were back on the ground the man was nearly to the table. Discord quickly smoothed his brown sweater vest down to be sure it was free of wrinkles and regarded his dinner guest with a polite nod.

The man before him was an older man with hair white as snow and kindly eyes.

Discord extended his hand in greeting, "Good evening Doctor Buttercream, I'm glad to see you made it safe,"

"Of course, of course," His warm smile enunciated the lines on his face. Though he appeared older from afar, he was actually quite young. The only signs of age were the fine lines that appeared when he smiled, and of course the early graying of his hair. He couldn't have been much older than forty, "I can't express how happy I was when you reached out, Discord. And I was more than happy to accept your invitation to dinner,"

Discord returned the warm smile, "I'm glad to hear it, how was the traffic?"

"Same as always," He laughed lightly, "that's Manehattan for you,"

"Tell me about it," Discord laughed too though more strained due to nerves. He took a deep breath, gesturing for the Doctor to seat himself across from him.

"I'm sure getting up here was no easy task especially with the rain, I hope you didn't have to walk to far to get here,"

"Not at all," He assured the younger man while lifting the small menus that had been provided, "But thank you for your concern, Discord,"

With a nod and a hum, he lifted his own menu to look over the options the restaurant offered. Fidgeting with the cuffs of his yellow dress shirt as he debated his options.

Once the food had been ordered and the menus taken the older man turned to Discord with a sly smile.

"So, did you have something you wanted to talk about, or did you invite me out of the blue for no reason?"

Discord looked up surprised. He knew Dr. Buttercream as a quiet man of few words, the mischievous grin hardly suited him and yet it put him at ease all the same. Mischief was one thing he was good at.

"Truth is," Discord said fiddling with his straw, trying to keep his eyes up, "I did have something I wanted to discuss,"

"Go on,"

He lowered his hands to his lap, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

"I'm allergic." He blurted out.

The man across from him leaned back a bit, quirking is brow, "Pardon?"

"Doctor Buttercream, sir, I'm allergic," He said resolutely, "I'm allergic to cats and dogs and... bunnies… and every other animal under the sun. You name it, I am allergic to it,"


"Yep," Realizing he'd been drooping forward, he immediately corrected his posture, "Its not life threatening, but at the very least, uncomfortable"

Intrigued he began to ask, "How'd you develop such a reaction, under exposure? Overexposure? Was this something that developed recently?"

"Its always been that way," He admitted with a slight shrug of the shoulders, "See I was born prematurely. Two months early to be exact. For those first two months I was kept alive in an incubator. Doctors believe my isolation from allergens like that during that time are what caused it,"

Dr. Buttercream gestured for Discord to continue, though the amused smirk didn't go unnoticed by Discord.

"I see that sir. Your smirk. I get it. You probably think it's silly, maybe even phobic on my behalf. I think it's silly too. But I kid you not, I've had reactions so violent my lungs nearly collapsed! And it's been like that for forever. I'm allergic, and it's frustrating, and I wish I wasn't but…"

Stop rambling.

He sighed cradling his forehead in his palms, "Just bear with me, there's a reason for all this."

"I'm listening,"

"In allergic to animals. And it's crazy, and I never thought I'd consider letting myself near one again… but then I met Fluttershy… Fluttershy loves animals. Any animal-all animals. She takes them in, takes care of them. She's passionate about what she does- I mean she is studying Veterinary sciences, after all. Animals just make her happy, and it doesn't take a great genius to see that,

"Fluttershy is the kind of girl who would do anything for her animal friends, both at home and at the rescue shelter. She'll crochet these adorable little outfits for them, and sew them special toys for their birthdays! It's precious! And she loves doing it. Above all else, she loves her bunny, Angel,"

"Is that a problem," the older man leaned in closer.

Discord froze. The simple action was almost intimidating. Words. Words. What were words? He didn't want to seem like he was complaining or ungrateful for a girl like Fluttershy, but…

"I… I wish it wasn't. Before, when it was just angel bunny it was fine, but ever since the shelter started letting her bring home pets for the weekends… its pee and dander for days. I'm not kidding!"

Doctor Buttercream nodded in understanding, "I know you aren't,"

"I wouldn't mind it if I wasn't allergic. But I am. And as it is, whenever I go over I just feel the allergic reaction immediately. Its painful. The coughing and the wheezing. It's hard to keep from sneezing…" He frowned at the unintentional rhyme. Not starting that today. "I keep a secret stash of claritin wherever I go! And when it gets really bad I have to just pop them fast and hope she never finds out,"

Now he looked concerned more than anything, "If it's so harmful to you why not tell her? Or why do you still date her? Don't get me wrong, you're a nice guy, she's lucky to have you, but, why should you sacrifice yourself for her sake?"

"I've asked myself the same question a thousand times. I'm in too deep, sir. This is something I've hidden for more than a year, I can't turn back and tell her now,"


"Because she's caring, and sweet, and would put others before herself in a heartbeat. If she found out just how much her animals make me suffer, she wouldn't hesitate to give them away. And I can't Let that happen. I just can't,

"Fluttershy is my world. I live for her. She loves her animals, and I love her. If that means I sit by her side as she pets them, and loves on them, and tickles their toes, just to see her beautiful smile, I'd do it in a heartbeat,"

For a while Dr. Buttercream said nothing, just nodded along allowing Discord to say what he came to say. He remained patient through the young man's ramblings and that he was grateful for. But he really did need to get to the point.

"I'm afraid I've buried the headline here," Discord said solemnly, "The point of this story is a bit, well, murky. I know,"

"Only a bit,"

"I hope that I have shown you tonight, that I love your daughter with all my heart, my might, my mind and my strength," He confessed breathlessly, "I love your daughter with all that I am,"

Shakily, but with great courage, he stood from his seat, careful of the chair this time, placing a hand over his heart.

"I'm standing here now, humbly hoping and asking you for your blessing… asking if I may have your daughter's hand in marriage. I promise you that I'll take care of her, give her all the love she deserves in this world, please,"

When his eyes met the old Doctor's he couldn't quite pinpoint what he was thinking, but he was, at the very least, surprised, mabey stunned…


"That is quite a confession," he hummed thoughtfully. Silence hung thick in the air. The old man laced his fingers together, resting his chin on his hands. Then, to his surprise, he smiled.

"Discord, my boy, I thought you would never ask,"


"Oh I know you adore Fluttershy, it doesn't take a great genius to see that," he winked, "When you two are together, your love is clear as day, this day has been a long time coming I suppose," He clasped Discords hands patting them happily, "Every man hates to give his daughter away, but there is no one better I can think of. Of course you have my blessing, and Posey's too, she'll be so happy to hear the news,"

"Heh, Fluttershy hasn't said yes yet,"

"And yet I doubt she'll say no,"

"Thank you sir," he began to shake the man's hands, "and if we could… keep this between the two of us…"

"My lips are sealed," he made a zipping motion, "If you ever tell her, that will be your choice, but you have to tell her someday,"

"Someday," He agreed.

The following week Discord had invited Fluttershy on a romantic evening. He made a lovely candlelit dinner for two, took her dancing. Not at clubs or anything, but a nice little place on campus where couples could go and learn how to dance be it a waltz, a swing, or any sort of couples dance. It had been wonderful to hold him close as they swayed to the music, stepping in time together. She was surprised they'd never thought of doing so before. If she could, she'd go back with him again.

After a night of dance and little incident against their feet, thank goodness, he'd brought her to a quiet little garden just blocks away from his apartment.

It was gorgeous. And when she’d asked why he'd never brought her here before, hed said he didn't know about it until recently.

It was a haven amidst the chaos of the city with its beautifully paved paths, well kept trees and bushes, and gorgeous flora. At the center was a beautifully carved fountain that created a sort of ambiance to drown out the sirens and horns of the city.

It was perfect. They had decided to explore, walking the dim lit paths. The moon shone above head though the stars were invisible against the lights of the city. The place was empty save for the two of them and Fluttershy was content to simply walk hand in hand with him.

With a content sigh, she realised she hadn't stopped smiling all night. He'd created such memorable experiences for them not only that night, but whenever he could. Even little get-togethers like their late night Crepe party had been memorable.

When they'd met, he'd been so awkward, odd even, but so endearing. She couldn't help but be intrigued and want to spend more time with him. Turns out he was actually quite clever and suave, it just took certain people to bring that out.

Even so, he'd seemed off since they entered the garden. When they'd talked in hushed whispers to not disturb the peace his voice had been shaky, he was more fidgety than normal too, even keeping one hand constantly stuffed in his pocket.

He tensed and she couldn't help but notice it. She had been leaning against him, and his odd behavior was making her hyper aware of that sort of thing.

Then he pulled away, stepping back from her and releasing her hand.

She gasped, spinning around to question his behavior, but meeting his gaze stopped her.

He was nervous, that was clear, but his eyes shone with a plea and a promise that he had an explanation, just wait…


"Yes, Discord?"

He blinked and sighed "Oh good,"


"You said yes, right?"

"I mean, yes, but you didn't say anything… other than my name,"

"Shoot," he grimaced stuffing his hands into his pockets, "Sorry about that,"

Definitely nervous.

"What I meant… well.." He took another deep breath gathering courage to go on, "Fluttershy... when I left home for college, I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I never felt like I belonged or like I was where I was meant to be. I just, needed to find my own path. I wanted to find myself. And soon enough I thought my future was set in stone. And then I met you."

He finally brought his eyes back to hers, "I realized I’d only gotten more lost through the years. You were a guiding force that changed my path, my trajectory, and since then, our lives have been intertwined. Fluttershy, I’m at home with you. You make me feel like I belong. Like I’ve finally found where I was meant to be. I love you with all that I am.I am nothing with out you. You are my whole world, Fluttershy,

“So, please,” With another deep breath he knelt before her, lifting his his hands to the level of his heart drawing a gasp from her. She felt tears gathering in her eyes from the sweet words and the realization that settled in on her. Her hands flew over her mouth though she knew they couldn't hide her growing smile, “My love, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

“Oh, Discord,” She gasped finally catching sight of the delicate braided band he'd presented, but even more so at the lovingness in his eyes, “I-I,” She choked on her words, tears sliding down her cheeks, “Y-yes, absolutely yes,”

"Yes?" He repeated breathlessly, and received an enthusiastic nod back from her.

"Of course," she laughed along with her tears, "I love you, and nothing can ever change that,"

He nodded back, scrubbing his eyes with his hands. He'd been crying in relief, his laugh mingling with hers.

“I’m sorry, I don't know why I’m crying,”

“No, it’s okay,” She knelt down in front of him grabbing his hands gently and directing his gaze to her, “It’s nothing new,”

He laughed more heartily at the jest. He’d run from her living room many times unexpectedly. When she’d find him again he’d be bent over crying in the yard. She’d spent many afternoons comforting him. Of course this was a whole different situation, but they were at least able to be vulnerable with each other.

“I love you,” He whispered again, flipping his hands over to hold hers and slid the band up her ring finger.

When he’d finished, she threw her arms around him crying happily into his shoulder. This was the start of a new chapter of their lives. And she was happy it had been him. She was happy to have met him. No matter how awkward he had been, or how much he sniffled or wheezed-and she was sure she’d figure that out sooner or later-she loved him. He was sweet and good. And she loved him. Now to go home and tell Angel.

Author's Note:

So i forgot to submit this yeaterday... IDK how, it just sortof slipped under the radar. Anyways, I imagine this being in a world not quite like Equestria Girls, just a more normal human world, but however you imagine it being like it good.

As for the inspiration... back in the fall, (fall of 2020, lol, what a mess), my theater troupe did a production of The Theory of Relativity. (Honestly, that was a perfect Corona friendly show…) If you're not familiar with it, its a bunch of vignettes, people telling their stories, and they all sort of come together at the end. Its really cool.

And in it there's these two characters Julie and Paul, (Actually, when we auditioned Julie was actually my first pick, Amy with the Manicure Monolouge and Catherine in Great Expectations/the Cake monolouges were sort of tied for second. I ended up getting Catherine, but it was cute watching Julie and Paul in their scenes.) Paul has this song, Allergic to Cats, and its one of my favorites idk why, but its so cute and sweet. Go listen to it. And later you get Julie's Song. Again, really sweet. The 2021 prompt list came out during one of my Theory of Relativity rehearsals and the whole situation seemed perfect for the two. 

Discord doesn't have ultimate chaos powers in the human world. I think he'd be a bit awkward, weird, and idk giving this major weakness to the lord of chaos was a funny idea. Its ironic. Their relationship was the perfect set up! I was practically handed a golden opportunity for this story! How could I not write it!? And I love how it turned out.

Thak you for taking the time to read the story, and the note, and whatnot. I hope you enjoyed this Theory of Relativity inspired one-shot, I loved doing the show, I loved watching the two scenes that inspired this. Julie and Paul were seriously the cutest! Go listen to their songs! Listen to the show! And have a great week! I have one more story for Fluttercord week so stay tuned and lets hope I dont forget!

Comments ( 5 )

i can already picture the anime opening.

Wait. Nothing was resolved allergy conflict wise.

It wasnt supposed to be. Whatever happens next is up to the imagination :raritywink:

This was a nice story! It was sweet, and several parts of it made me smile and laugh. The two of them enjoying crepes and chocolate milk, having a quiet night out dancing and walking in a beautiful garden--they're sweet scenes, and it's easy to see the two of them doing it. The proposal scene was one of my favorites, especially this bit right before it:


"Yes, Discord?"

He blinked and sighed "Oh good,"


"You said yes, right?"

"I mean, yes, but you didn't say anything… other than my name,"

"Shoot," he grimaced stuffing his hands into his pockets, "Sorry about that,"

:rainbowlaugh: I love that part!

Though I've never seen the musical you based this on, I'd like to imagine that Fluttershy eventually figures out about his allergies (I mean, they will be living together), and takes steps to make sure their home is safe for him, though not giving up all her animals. Like, confining all the animals to one room, deep-cleaning the whole house, limiting how many animals she ends up bringing home, and so on.

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