• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 8,638 Views, 689 Comments

The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(1-3) Lunchtime Discussions

“Alex?” Hope said quietly next to me, putting a hoof in my mane. “I didn’t mean to wake you up, but there are some ponies here to see you… I would’ve told them to leave, but you’ve been asleep nearly all morning.”

“Mmrpf,” was all I managed to say groggily as I sat up, using my hooves to rub my eyes, yawning loudly. “What time is it? I didn’t think I’d be asleep so long…”

I watched her open her mouth to answer, however, she was interrupted by a pony calling out through the door in a gentle voice, “Alex? Are you there? I haven’t gotten to see you in a long time…”

“Fluttershy!” I automatically called to her eagerly, practically yelling as I quickly made my way out of bed to open the door, nuzzling her nose happily and placing my cheek against hers, hearing her giggle as I did so.

“Alex!” she responded back to me happily as I pulled her into a hug a moment later. “I’m sorry it’s been so long,” she apologized once I broke away from her, still smiling however. “I wanted to come and see you sooner, but I’ve just been so caught up at Twilight’s school. I hope you can forgive me.”

“It’s no trouble. I don’t want you to stop doing what’s important to you because of me,” I replied.

“How are you doing?” she asked me. “Are you feeling any better?”

“In some ways, yes, and in other ways, I feel like I’m getting worse… but I really don’t want to ruin your mood with that. You have such a nice smile, and I don’t want to see you lose that.”

I laughed a bit as she chuckled at what I said, then took a step away from her, my smile dropping as I greeted her companions. “Hello, Starlight,” I said politely to receive her awkward smile and wave. “Twilight,” I greeted the purple alicorn, more indifferently, she simply looking at the ground. My lack of a smile turned into a full on scowl at the other four, in particular, Applejack. I made sure to keep eye contact with her in particular as I intentionally said, “You three.”

“Don’t mind us,” Starlight spoke for them, nervously chuckling. “We’re just here to make sure everything goes… well. Or, as well as it can go, given the circumstances… but anyway! How are you? I mean, I ask cause I haven’t gotten to meet you in person and-”

“I’m doing well, thank you very much,” I interrupted. “Is there something in particular you were wanting? Because if it’s all the same to you, I haven’t seen Fluttershy in a long while, and would rather just enjoy her company for now.”

“Well, Twilight and I were actually thinking that you could have lunch with us and the girls and-”

“If it’s ‘us and the girls’ anything, it’s going to be a hard no from me,” I told her immediately. “As you’ve likely been told, I can’t say I particularly like those four, and would rather not interact with them if it’s not necessary.”

“Well, um,” Twilight started timidly, “we were just thinking we could discuss this whole… Cadance situation with you and-”

“What’s there to discuss?” I asked. “She’s going on trial for treason and crimes against pony kind. Anything that needs to be said will be said tonight.”

Starlight grimaced and Twilight flinched at that, the former starting, “What if it’s just you, Twilight and I? I know it’s really late and probably should’ve spoken with you sooner about this, but we really think it’s worth talking about. Plus, like I said, I haven’t actually gotten to meet you and wanna take the opportunity to get to know you.”

She smiled brightly when she finished, and I squinted back at her, considering for a second her offer before saying, “If you insist.” I really only took up her offer because I didn’t have anything against her in particular, as well as the fact that she was one of the characters I liked better when I watched the show.

“If you’d like to lead the way down to the dining hall? I’m sure you know where it’s at, Starlight… Hope? Fluttershy? Will either of you be joining us?”

“I’ll catch up later,” the former answered. “There are still ponies waiting on me to get back to the throne room.”


“I wouldn’t miss the opportunity,” she told me kindly, bringing a smile back to my face.

It wasn’t long before the four of us were sitting down, everypony settling into seats across from each other. I still had memories from the first time I was here, effectively as a prisoner, suffering under Celestia’s rage. But now, it was much more peaceful, Starlight and Fluttershy even wearing smiles as we sat and had our food brought to us. There was bright sunshine making its way through the windows, illuminating the room as we ate, and I couldn’t help but look outside to take it in, imagining that Celestia was watching us, watching me in particular.

“Is this what you wanted?” I silently asked her as though she could hear me. “For you and I to be in these positions? If you would have just helped me to begin with, then maybe…”

“So… you and Hope, huh?” Starlight started nonchalantly, chuckling a bit as she spoke. “I have to say, you two look like quite the pair to me. You gonna end up marrying her?”

I looked away from her and scowled, surprised by the question, blushing a bit from embarrassment. Of course, the answer was an undeniable yes. As well as absolutely not. I preferred to not think about it if I could help it, but just the fact that she ruled alongside me made the question always there at all times.

“It’s complicated,” I muttered, looking down at the table.

“Well, just from what I could see when I peeked in,” she continued, not reading the fact that I didn’t want to talk about it, “it looks like you two share the same bed, not to mention, don’t you two rule together? I bet she’s just waiting for you to ask her to be your wife.”

“I’m sure she is…” I trailed off, rolling my eyes, trying to make it clear that I didn’t want to talk to her about it, a tad shocked that she was talking to me as though I were any other pony and not the either scary ruler, frightening monster, or weird creature almost everyone else saw.

“Speaking of which, how is ruling Equestria?” Starlight continued as though talking to a friend. “Is it all it’s cracked up to be?”

“It’s just about what I’d expected,” I responded quickly, “and what I’m sure nopony else expected, seeing as all they’re all fearful of me. Not that I really expected anything else from them… I’m sure Twilight’s told you all about me already.”

“I’ll admit, she did,” Starlight confirmed, her smile dropping off into a look of sadness. “It sounds rough honestly… I wish there were something I could do to help you…”

“I can say I distinctly remember thinking about the fact that you could help me if you were there during my short imprisonment. I’m almost sure with as good as you are, you would’ve figured out the mess I created for myself in no time and none of us would be in the positions we are now.”

“Oh, I’m not so sure about that,” she replied bashfully. “Not that I wouldn’t have done what I could, but I think you’re overestimating me.”

“I don’t think I am,” I answered back, thinking about the fact that I watched her fight Twilight to a standstill in the TV show. “But that’s all in the past now. Nothing we can really do about it, honestly… I’ll just be a monsterish mess of a pony for the rest of my days…”

“You’re not a monsterish mess of a pony, you’re just…”

“I just feel as though I’ve both always been Sombra and always been Alex at all times, to the point where I can’t even tell Hope that I love her when I do, because it makes me hate her that much more.”

"Oh, I'm sorry," Fluttershy told me sympathetically. "That sounds terrible..."

“That… sounds like a split personality… am I right in saying that?” she asked. “That you’re dealing with two personalities?”

I finally looked back up at her and responded, “Yes, exactly that. Both parts of me are equally as dominant as each other.”

“I think I have a spell for something like that… or if not, maybe I could make one…” she said thoughtfully, looking up to the ceiling as she placed a hoof on her chin. “Although, if you and Sombra are both equals, neither of you would ever consent to having a spell like that used on you because neither one of you would want to be destroyed… I mean, even if it’s just one body, it sounds like they’re still two ponies in there from what I'm hearing.”

“Perhaps more like one and a half ponies, but you’re absolutely right,” I confirmed. “Neither part of me would ever let a spell like that be used on me… but if you’d look into it anyway, I’d greatly appreciate it. See what you could come up with, if anything?”

“I’ll certainly try,” she told me, leaving a moment of silence hanging in the air afterward as she frowned nervously. “But now, if it’s okay with you, Twilight and I would like to talk to you about this whole… Cadance business…”

“And what is it exactly you want to tell me about her?” I asked flatly, noticing Fluttershy looking at them with interest, curious about what they had to say.

“Well, Twilight and I just think… it’s just that… why don’t you do the talking, Twi?”

All three of our gazes turned to her as she swallowed anxiously, looking like she wanted to shrink away from the conversation.

“Well, I- we just think that… and we know it’s only a few hours away, but… we, I mean, Starlight and I, we think that it would be better if… you didn’t… have a trial for her…”

I stared at her, waiting for her to continue, and after a few moments of nothing being said, responded simply, “That’s not an option.”

“We’re not saying that she shouldn’t be punished,” Starlight broke in, “we just think that this whole trial thing is… unnecessary. I mean, you’re the ruler of Equestria for crying out loud! You could just hand out your judgment on her without one!”

“I could hand out judgment privately, I understand that, but I won’t. All of Equestria will know what she did and what she was planning during those days. I’ll make sure of it.”

“But is that really necessary?” the alicorn asked, chuckling nervously. “What’s- what’s the point of that? There’s none that I can see, honestly.”

I bit my lip and gave them a look, asking, “What isn’t the point? Tell me exactly why you think there shouldn’t be one.”

“It’s not anything, really. We’re just…”

“We’re concerned about... ponies' faith in the leaders of Equestria… and what will happen if all of this gets out… at its full extent… all those... details...”

“You both know that what happened is already out there, circulating through the public, correct?”

“Yeah but… what’s circulating through ponies circles are just rumors right now. Having ponies like Princess Luna and Twilight and Fluttershy going up to the stand and confirming those rumors won’t… be good for us, good for Equestria, in our opinion…”

“Not to mention, what happened with Princess Celestia…” Twilight added.

“Oh, it’s going out there,” I told them, an edge working its way into my voice. “Ponies will know, that much I can assure you. I’m not going to let them continue to believe that I-”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea…” Fluttershy quietly said.


“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt, but… I just… I think Twilight and Starlight… I don’t want to see my friends have to…”

“Fluttershy…” I spoke to her quietly, “you know those ponies out there are scared of me, right? They’re afraid of me. They think that I killed Celestia. It’s not fair to me to leave the truth untold. More than that, they deserve to know.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I just- I don’t want them to get in trouble. I don’t want ponies to… to hate them… to hate my friends. When they hear about what… what they were going to do when… when you...”

“If you don’t want that to happen, I won’t let that happen. As far as Luna told me, they were being manipulated by Celestia, who in turn was being manipulated by Cadance. We can even leave that part out entirely if you want.”

“Really? You won’t mind? Promise?”

“I promise. What I care about most is them knowing what Cadance did. Everything else is secondary to that for me.”

“Oh, thank you, Alex!” the pegasus told me happily, smiling as she used her cheek to rub mine. “You’re the greatest!” I smiled back for a moment, although made sure to notice the relief in Twilight’s eyes at what I said.

“Only for you, Fluttershy, I am,” I replied, thinking to myself, “I hope those five have the courtesy to thank you.”

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