• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 6,507 Views, 384 Comments

The Side Character is a Deer - Deergenerate

Johan is a displaced human stuck as a deer. Suffice to say, he doesn't have anything special going for him, which becomes all too apparent when his friend who was displaced beside him becomes the most special person ever. Jealousy arises.

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Chapter 4: Pony Town 2; Electric Boogaloo

Entering the town with the uncreative name was easy enough. Putting up with the stares of everyone - er.... everyhorse, less so.

From the moment Derek and Johan had entered the town, they couldn't help but feel like they had a target on their backs, what with all the stares.

Johan in particular couldn't help but pick up on what they were saying, they were talking about Derek mostly, phrases like; "Is that an Alicorn?" or "Do we have a new prince?" were common, but one particular sentence burned into his head the second he heard it.

"Why does that Alicorn have a pet deer?" a female voice said. His head whipped around towards where he heard that, but he didn't see who had said it.

Johan grit his teeth and continued following Derek, though, his mood had been understandably soured by that particular upset. The Deer let his head fall as he followed after the two alicorns, mumbling to himself.

Suddenly, his vision was filled with something pink, and his ears were filled with a loud gasp, loud enough to give him a headache. Jumping back, he saw a light pink horse with an extremely messy mane, which was a darker shade of pink mind you. She had a butt tattoo like all the other horses he had seen so far. Hers was of a couple of balloons of different colors. She was currently floating in the air after making said loud gasp... somehow, before falling to her hooves.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" She cried, prancing in place. "A new pony in Ponyville! I can't believe it!"

Johan's frown deepened. "Yeah, I'm here too by the way." He hissed slightly, but the pink... thing... was far too hyper to notice.

"I gotta set things up!" She cried, quickly zooming off in some random direction. A purple bubble enclosed her before she could get too far off, however, and slowly brought her back. She kept running inside of the bubble as if she didn't know she was even enclosed in one.

"Pinkie, they aren't staying," Twilight explained, her voice a little run down. Both Derek and Johan noticed her horn was glowing the same color as the bubble, rapidly piquing their interest.

Almost instantly, the pink horse deflated. Like... literally deflated. Her hair drooped and she dropped to the ground of the bubble.

"Awwwww...." She sighed. "Fiddlesticks."

"Don't worry, there is always next time." Twilight chuckled as the bubble dissipated and the pink horse dropped to her hooves and started shuffling away in a bummed mood.

"What was that?" Derek and Johan asked in unison, stepping closer to Twilight.

"Oh, that was Pinkie Pie. She lives here in Ponyville and really loves throwing parties. I'm sure you'll get to know her more while you are staying here." Twilight chuckled.

"No we mean...," Johan started before Derek stepped forwards and continued.

"What was with the glowing bubble?!? And the glowing horn!" He practically shouted, rapidly looking up to his own horn, then over to hers.

"Oh, that was magic, something Unicorns, and especially Alicorns, have a natural control over. If you want I can teach you how to use it." Twilight said with a warm smile, sparking Derek to let out an excited squee.

Johan on the other hand frowned. "Do I have magic?" He asked stepping in front of Derek and looking up at his antlers.

"I..." Twilight responded, raising an eyebrow. "I actually don't know. The only two races on the planet that I know about that for sure have the ability to use magic are ponies and changelings. And you aren't a unicorn and I don't think you are a changeling... maybe."

"Wait, why do you say maybe? What's a changeling?" Johan asked, growing concerned.

"They have the same body shape as us ponies, but they are insectoid in nature and have the magical ability to change their appearance at will. They used to be, like... really evil, but recently a friend of a friend became their king and they are good now." Twilight responded, gesturing with her head to follow after her as she continued walking. The two followed after her, Derek staring up at his horn with a stupid smile the entire time.

"Insectoid?" Johan asked with a raised eyebrow. "That sounds freaky. God, I hope I'm not one of those."

"Oh yeah, they used to be super freaky. They are super friendly now though. If Thorax comes to visit this month I might introduce you guys to him." She said with a smile. "But anyway, we are here."

The group arrived at the base of the massive crystal tree, a big door carved into it.

"Welcome to my castle, you guys are going to be staying here for the next month until the mirror is ready," Twilight said with a smile, looking up at her tree with pride.

"This is a castle?" Both of the humans replied.

Day 2 In Equestria

Derek and Johan stood in a park, intensely staring at some cans sitting on a table, both Twilight and her lizard assistant (as far as they could tell anyway) Spike stood off to the side, looking at them.

"Now then, to use magic, you have to focus. I think levitation would be a good place to start, it's one of the easiest spells around, and it is the first one most unicorn foals learn. First, you need to feel the magic inside of you. The warm feeling of goodness and joy inside of your heart, then, transfer it into your horn. Then, it's as simple as thinking about grabbing the cans, and reaching out with your mind." Twilight said with a smile, carefully directing the two the same way she was directed by her teacher, Celestia.

The two scrunched their faces and grit their teeth focusing as hard as they could. Derek's eyes widened slightly as, almost instantly, he felt some kind of connection form. A warm feeling flooded his system as he felt everything else fade out for a second. What first grabbed his attention was just how much magic he felt filling his body. It felt massive, like an ocean of energy. Though, something else grabbed it shortly after... as if there was another person or mind or soul or something, just underneath the surface. With a snap, he felt the magical energy flood directly towards his horn.

They were then alerted to a slight twinkling sound. Opening both their eyes, they saw the can on the left glowing in a golden aura of energy, Derek's horn shimmering in the same color.

"I did it!" Derek said, a massive smile forming on his face as he shook his head slightly watching as the energy followed after his horn. "I can't believe it! It was so easy!"

"Great job Derek! Now, think about lifting the can." Twilight said as both alicorns turned their attention back to the can on the table. "Since this is your first time using magic, I don't imagine you'll get it more than a couple of inches into the air, but don't worry about that because there is always more time to-"

She was cut off as the can went zooming hundreds of feet into the air in seconds, flying upwards until it was a glowing speck in the air.

"Sweet Celestia! That is amazing!" Twilight cried, clapping her hooves together and bouncing in place. "I've never seen a first-time magic-user do something like that before! I need to send a letter about this to the Princesses! Come on Derek, I have to study you!"

"Oh, sure!" Derek cried, quickly following after her as the two sped away towards the castle, leaving Johan and Spike alone.

"Wait! What about me?!?" Johan cried after them, but they didn't seem to hear. He let out a curt sigh and turned back to his can, his brow furrowing yet again. He would do this!

Before he had a chance to focus, however, something struck him in the head from above, knocking him to the ground and giving him an instant splitting headache. Glancing over, he saw Derek's can on the ground next to him.

He let out a pathetic whine as Spike nudged him with his foot. "You ok man?" He questioned in a concerned voice.


Day 6 in Equestria

Johan and Derek were walking side by side in the fields surrounding Ponyville, listening to the chirping of birds and that kinda naturist junk. This world was certainly way greener than their home. But then again, they were from Utah, so they basically lived in a desert.

"You know what Johan? I am really starting to like this place!" Derek said with a laugh, as he looked around.

"Yeah... I guess it's nice, sorta." Johan said as the two came up to a short bridge.

Just then, they heard the distinct sound of buzzing, and it was loud. Initially thinking it to be a bee, or some other kind of sting-y insect, the two quickly looked around, only for their eyes to lock on a small green hummingbird that had perched itself on one of Johan's antlers.

"Oh... that thing's kinda cute!" Derek chuckled, looking it up and down.

"Yeah well... get it off! Birds poop when they are perched, I don't want it on my head!" Johan grimaced, shaking his head harshly. The bird simply stayed on his head, letting out a series of tweets, which confused the two. They didn't know hummingbirds could even sing.

Then again, back in their world, hummingbirds randomly just keel over dead from over-exertion if they fly for too long without eating. And this was a world with magic... so anything goes they supposed.

After a couple of seconds of staring at the bird, who looked rather comfortable perched on Johan's head, the two were alerted to another set of flapping wings, and a soft voice calling out.

"Hummingway? Where are you?" The voice called out, and the two quickly turned towards the source, a yellow pegasus with pink hair and a butt tattoo featuring three butterflies. Her teal eyes slowly turned over, as if she was looking for something until she locked onto Derek and Johan.

"Oh my!" She said, her voice still soft. She quickly looked away from the two, hiding behind her hair. "Erm... hi."

"Oh, Hello!" Derek said with a smile, taking a slow step towards the mare with a smile. "Are you looking for someone? I'd be more than happy to help you look!"

The yellow and pink pegasus mumbled to herself as she quickly looked away from the two. "Oh um, no thanks... I'm goo-"

That's when the hummingbird on Johan's head let out another series of tweets, causing the yellow pegasus to quickly turn her head over to it, and let out a quiet squee.

"Oh my goodness! You found him!" She cried quickly closing in on Johan and yoinking the bird from the top of his antlers, pulling the happy-looking bird close to her chest. "Thank you so much! Normally he's nervous around ponies. Are you the new pony that came in recently? Everypony is talking about you... Everypony I know that is... I don't usually talk to a lot of ponies."

"Hey, I guess that's why he went for Johan instead of me." Derek chuckled, approaching her with a smile. "Yeah, that's me. I'm Derek, nice to meet you!"

"I'm Fluttershy. I take care of all the animals around town... the non-livestock ones." She said with a slight smile. She held out of hoof for Derek to take, which allowed Hummingway to slip free of Fluttershy's hooves and return to his perch on Johan's head, which sparked a frown from the buck.

"So, any idea why er... Hummingway here likes Johan so much?" Derek asked with a chuckle, cocking his head

"Er well... I do have a couple of deer at my animal sanctuary, and he loves to perch on their antlers while they are grazing, so I think he just conflated them and Johan here. I really should have brought Buckley or Fawna to help look for him... speaking of which, I know a lot about deer, and to pay you back for finding him, if you ever need help looking after your buck I will be more than happy to-" Fluttershy started, but she was cut off by Johan.

"Wait a minute, do you think I'm a pet?!?" He suddenly cried up at her, causing Fluttershy to very quickly whip around to look at him, her eyes widened in a mix of shock, surprise, and the slightest bit of regret.

"Oh goodness! I didn't realize!" Fluttershy replied, her face going entirely red. "I'm so sorry! I've never met a talking deer before..."

Johan sighed in response. "It's ok... Everyone here is always making that mistake anyway. You're certainly not the first person to call me a pet." He bemoaned, thinking back to what he heard the first day he got here.

"Back up real quick. Animal sanctuary? So you have a bunch of exotic animals?" Derek asked with a child-like smile, craning his neck towards Fluttershy.

"Oh yes, I certainly do. I have a bear, a giraffe, several exotic birds like hawks and eagles, otters, tigers, a cheetah and-" Fluttershy started, but she was once again cut off, this time by Derek.

"Oh my god! You have to take me there! I want to see these guys!" He cried out, practically prancing in place.

"Oh, sure thing! I have to take Hummingway here back there anyway. Feel free to follow me." Fluttershy replied, slowly flying in the direction of the forest, Derek excitedly following after her, leaving Johan be.

"I know I probably shouldn't ask this, but say I were to stay here in Equestria, is there anyway I could get one of those guys as a pet?"

"Oh yes, though not from the animal sanctuary. If you want to come to my house later at some point, I can help you pick out the perfect pet for you. It could be a dog, or a cat, or an eagle."


Johan scoffed and turned around, started his walk back towards the crystal tree castle.

Day 9 in Equestria

Johan and Derek were in the Ponyville Farmer's market, which was something they apparently did every Sunday. It was nice, quaint, and rather snug. Although... they couldn't shake the thought that they were being watched. Which they were.

There were plenty of eyes staring at the two, mostly on Derek due to him being an Alicorn and all.

The market was a kaleidoscope of good-smelling and good-looking foods. Bread of all sorts, pears, other farm-fresh foods, the works. The smell of baked goods wafted in from Suger Cube Corner, just down the road. Derek took a deep inhale and sighed contently.

"You know Johan, this place is really starting to grow on me..." He said with a smile.

"Oh, how could I ever guess?" Johan said with a roll of his eyes and a small smirk. "Maybe the fact that you've said that like five times since we got here."

Derek chuckled, this time it was his turn to do an eye roll. However, in so doing, he caught a glimpse of a market stall and a pony who instantly caught his interest. She was an orange one, of the earth variety. She had white freckles, was wearing a cowboy hat, and when Derek caught a glimpse of her cutie mark, it was three red apples. Speaking of apples, it looked like she was selling just that. Apples of all kinds. Red, yellow, green, and more.

With a smile, Derek approached her, ignoring Johan as he started talking about home behind him.

"You know... everyone back home must be really nervous about us man. I mean, we haven't been seen in like... nine days atleast. I wish I could like... send Ma a letter or something." Johan said, his words fading out behind Derek as he finally arrived at the stall.

"Well, mornin'!" She said with a smile and a very obvious western accent. "I don't suppose you happen that new Alicorn Twi' told me about?"

"Yep, that me!" Derek said with a smile, spreading his wings.

"Well, it's very nice to meet ya!" Applejack said, holding her hoof out, which he bumped with his own (having previously learned that handshakes are practically impossible in this world.). "Any friend of Twi is a friend of mine."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too ma'am," Derek smirked, looking down at her stock. "Those are some nice apples."

"Why thank you. I grow um myself." Applejack replied with a smile. "My family owns Sweet Apple Acres outside of town. We make the best apple's this side of Canterlot."

"Awww, dang." Derek sighed, visibly deflating.

"What's wrong sugar cube?" Applejack asked, slight concern in her voice.

"I don't have any money." He chuckled visibly perking up, a smile on his face. "Which is a shame, if these apples are as good as you say they are, it sucks that I can't buy any before I go."

Applejack laughed. "Well, if you need some money to buy some, I can always help you make some. We could use an extra pair of hooves down at Sweet Apple Acres, and I've always wanted to see how good an Alicorn would be at apple bucking. I'd be more than happy to pay you for your work. I'd even throw some apples in for free!" She explained, a smile growing on her face.

"That'd be great! Which way is Sweet Apple Acres?" Derek smiled, prancing in place. He was eager to see what he could do in regards of apple bucking... Whatever that was.

"I can lead you there." Applejack responded looking around real quick. "I just need to wait for Applebloom. She usually tends to the stall, but she asked me to cover for her in the morning. Something about cutie mark troubles."

Derek blinked twice, before quickly glancing back to his butt tattoo. "Cutie mark trouble? That can happen?" He asked a slight tinge of nervousness in his voice.

"Oh no, she's just part of a club that helps little fillies and colts find their cutie mark. I can't remember the last time an adult pony had trouble with their cutie mark." She giggled.

"Oh, that's good to hear... I only recently got it... no idea what it actually even does?" Derek said with a raised eyebrow looking to his rear tattoo, which, he noted, shimmered slightly when he did that.

"Hmmm... I ain't as good at this kind of thing as my little sister... but if I had to guess something involvin' fightin'? I dunno." Applejack chuckled, before looking around. "Tell ya what. Business is kinda slow today, so, I probably could stand to call it a day and we can meet her at her treehouse."

"That'd be great!" Derek said with a smile.

Just then, they heard a voice from behind him. "There you are, Derek. Sheesh, almost lost track of you." Johan said with a smile as he walked up next to him and looked down at the stall. "Ooh, apples. I've always been one for pears myself, but these look pretty good. How much?"

Applejack scoffed at that. "I beg your pardon?" She said, sitting up in her stand.

"Erm... I'd like to buy some?" The deer said, taking a step back.

"Sorry, but I don't sell to those who consort with pears. You'd best go on and get." Applejack said, looming over the Deer.

"B-b-but..." Johan stammered. Applejack merely groaned and stepped out from behind her stand, heading in the direction of her farm.

"Come on Derek. I'm gettin' out of here." She hissed, flicking her tail in annoyance.

Derek looked between her and Johan a couple of times before prancing in place for a second. "Oooooo crap, sorry Johan. I gotta go find out what this thing means," he cried, gesturing to his cutie mark. "I'll try to tell her she misunderstood you! Sorry man!"

And with that, Derek ran off after the earth pony, leaving him behind.

Day 15 in Equestria

"You ever notice how no one around here wears clothes?"

Johan blinked twice and turned to his friend. The two were sitting in the dining room of Twilight's castle. A plate of 'food' placed in front of them. It consisted of grass, raw hay, and two pieces of bread in the vague shape of a hamburger.

"What?" he asked as he absent-mindedly poked at his food, before pushing the plate away from him. He wasn't hungry enough to eat grass.

"Oh you know, everyone here is kinda naked. No clothes at all." Derek laughed, picking up his 'hayburger' and taking a bite. His eyes widened as he looked down at it. "Hey, this is actually kinda good!"

"I mean... yeah?" Johan replied, picking at his 'Prench Fries' and almost throwing up at how terrible of a pun that was. "I guess it's cool that I don't have to worry about what I have to wear before I go outside."

"I was just thinking the same thing." The Alicorn returned, with a full mouth as he finished up the burger. "It's actually kind of liberating ya know?"

Just then, the two heard a knock at the door to the room. The two looked at each other for a moment with raised eyebrows before turning back to the door. They were supposed to have the house to themselves today. Twilight and Spike were off visiting some people in 'Canterlot' today, and 'Starlight', the other person who was living at the castle whom they hadn't actually met yet, wasn't due back from her vacation to 'The Crystal Empire' for another week or two... There were too many places and person names to keep track of for Johan these days...

"Urm... Come in?" Derek said, glancing over at Johan.

"Don't let them in!" Johan whisper yelled. "What if it's a serial killer or a burglar or a... hobo or something. I don't think Twilight would want us letting some dirty gross vagrant in-" He started, but he was interrupted by the door slamming open and a white and purple unicorn strutting in. Her coat looked immaculately well pruned and polished as if she spent an hour every day cleaning it. Her hair was curled elegantly into beautiful locks that caused Derek's jaw to drop. Her sparkling rear tattoo was that of three diamonds,

"Oh hello darlings." She said in a posh, refined voice, which only caused one of Johan's eyebrows to raise and the other eye to narrow.

"I heard the news from Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy that there were two newcomers in town and I just had to come and greet you in person. I'm Rarity, owner of the Carousel Boutique it is so nice to meet you." She said as she walked right up to Derek, a welcoming grin plain for all to see on her countenance.

"Oh errr, hi." Derek said, a blush quickly coming to his face. He cleared his throat. "I'm Johan, and this is Derek... er wait. I mean I'm Derek and this is Johan."

Derek chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head with a hoof, before holding out the other one for her to shake, which she did happily. "It is always a pleasure to greet a new pony." She said with a smile.

"Urm, uhh, the pleasure is all mine," Derek replied, pulling his hoof back and looking at it. Then he threw a glance over to Johan, who was currently staring at the two with glazed-over eyes.

"What an interesting coat you have, I like the color. Somewhere between emerald and shamrock green." Rarity said, leaning forwards on the table. Said coat almost instantly turned a shade of red.

Johan, meanwhile, slammed his hooves on the table and stood up. "Yep, I'm out." With a quick turn, he started jogging towards the door, slamming it shut behind him.

"You see, I'm a fashion designer, and when I heard that there was an alicorn stallion in Ponyvile from my friends, I couldn't help but think about designing for them." Rarity said, her eyes sparkling with determination as she loomed over him. "Imagine that, Rarity, the first pony to ever design for a male alicorn!"

"Oh urm... yeah that sounds great," Derek stammered shaking his head, his blush dissipating. "So er... what is it you design?"

"Clothes of course!" Rarity replied with a bow. "You are looking at one of Equestria's greatest designers of dresses, suits and other such things."

Derek nodded along as she talked. "Ahhh.... you know, I really wasn't thinking that when you first came in here. I probably should of." He chuckled, scratching his head.

"So, if, at some point, possibly even today, would you be willing to come to my boutique at some point? Maybe today? I have to do a little tidying up, but I should be done with that quick." Rarity said, leaning towards him with a smile.

"Sure!" Derek said, sitting up. "Where's that again?"

"It's down the street from Town Hall, you probably won't miss it. It's the building that looks like a carousel." Rarity giggled.

"Great, I'll see you there!" Derek said, sitting up with a smile, and holding out his hoof, which Rarity shook again.

"It's a date." She winked.

Derek's face once again turned a shade of red before Rarity walked out of the room, leaving him be.


Day 26 in Equestria

Johan let out a hiss as he and Derek sat on a hill near Twilight's castle. Derek spent the entire time with his head turned to the skies, watching the pegasi as they flew back and forth through the air. Envy filled his head as he turned back to look at his own wings.

"It's a shame we are leaving so soon man." Derek sighed, sinking in place. "These things have been sticking out of my back for days now and I'm never gonna get a chance to use them."

Johan sighed as he turned to look at Derek with a deadpanned gaze. "I wish we could leave sooner." he hissed, equal parts poking fun at Derek, and seriously decrying his situation.

"I miss ma, and if you think the wings are bad, look at these!" He cried, pointing up at his antlers. "At least yours can use magic. Mine are just here to get tangled in branches and make it hard to go through doors."

Derek laughed, leaning back against the hill, Johan joining him with a grumble. "Hey man, don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll find something good here... you know, if that whole magic mirror thing doesn't work out."

Johan groaned. "Oh please don't put that thought in my head." He whimpered. Just then he noticed something coming towards them. It was fast. Superfast. And Rainbow in color.

"What the heck?!?" He asked, but just then it landed at high speeds shooting dust, grass, and small rocks all over the place, which practically buried the deer and alicorn.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh it's true!" A rough feminine voice said, the two turning to see a cyan and rainbow-colored pony said, practically prancing in place. Her 'cutie mark' was that of a rainbow-colored lightning bolt. "You really are an Alicorn! Oh my gosh, this is perfect!"

Derek pulled himself out of the dirt pile he had been buried in with a smile. "Woah Woah. Calm down. You've said 'oh my gosh' like... four times in the span of a couple of seconds. " He said, standing up and shaking off the dirt. "Maybe introductions are in order before anything else?"

"Oh right..." The rainbow-colored pegasus said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. "Hi, my name is Rainbow Dash, fastest pony around!"

"That's quite the boast." Derek chuckled.

Rainbow laughed. "Well, it's true. I've never met anyone else who can keep up with me, though, I've always wanted to try racing an alicorn. Now that I'm in the Wonderbolts, it's the only thing I haven't done on my bucket list." She laughed, a smirk coming to her face.

"Never raced an alicorn?" He returned, a slight tinge of confusion in his voice. "Are we really that rare?"

"Urrr... duh. Where have you been living all this time." Rainbow chuckled.

"Earth," Derek replied, deadpan. Rainbow blinked a couple of times.

"Can't say I've heard of that place." She said, before shaking her head. "Anyway, yeah, Alicorns are actually pretty rare. That's why I've always wanted to race one! The only Alicorns I know are Twilight, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna. Twilights a little... slow... to say the least, and I don't think it's actually legal to ask the princesses for a race... I might have to look that up."

Derek shook his head. "I mean... I'd love to help you with that, but I am going to assume you want this race to be of the flying variety, and to be honest with you..." he explained, before spreading his wings and looking back at them. "I have no idea how to use these things."

Rainbow blew a raspberry and shook a hoof. "Oh come on. That's an easy fix. I could teach you how to fly like a master... aka me!" She laughed, a smug but ultimately playful grin on her face. "I mean, I want this to be a challenge, after all, wouldn't want to race some beginner would I?"

"Doesn't it take like... months at least to learn how to fly?" Derek asked, eyes suddenly widened. "Twilight told me it took her almost a year to figure that out."

Rainbow shrugged. "Well, between you and me, Twilight isn't really the best source of knowledge on all things flying. Not very athletic." She said, stretching her own wings. "It's actually pretty easy really. You know how to cast spells right?"

"Oh yeah, I've been practicing that for a while," Derek said with a smile, looking up at his horn. He remembered what he was taught and, with a slight delay, his horn lit up in a golden aura. "Why?"

"Well, from what Twilight told me in her nerdy science talk when she finally actually got flying down, is that flying is just like using unicorn magic, except instead of focusing your magic on your horn, you focus it into your wings and flap them." She extrapolated, taking to the air with a couple of flaps of her wings.

Derek paused for a second, a smile slowly coming to his face. He cleared his throat and closed his eyes, focusing. Like before, Derek steeled himself and reached into his magical heart... or mana pool, or whatever it was called. A tingling feeling ran down his wings as if they were restlessly begging for him to move them as he pushed the magic in that direction. With a smile, he gave them a flap. Derek kicked off the ground, leaving behind a crater as he took to the air.

Johan had just finished digging himself out of the debris from Rainbow's landing with a snarl before another wave of dirt and grass buried him. He looked up, a feeling of forlorn grasping his soul like a knife as he saw Derek take to the air. He let out a hiss as he stood up, turning away from Derek and walking down the hill towards Twilight's castle, a sudden frown on his face.

Derek opened his eyes to see himself at least twenty feet in the air. He shot his hooves into the air in response, his wings flapping themselves to keep him stable on instinct. "Wooo! I'm doing it!" He shouted his voice carrying in every direction.

"Yeah!" Rainbow said with a smile, flying up next to him. "That was quick! Usually, it takes ponies a while to figure out how to do that."

"I can imagine why!" Derek said, whipping through the air to look for his deer friend. "Johan! Can you see me! What do you think!" He cried. A sudden look of confusion filling his face when he couldn't see him anywhere.

"Johan?" He asked, more quiet this time. He started to lower towards the ground but he was stopped by a hoof.

"Woah Woah, where you going, man? We are only just starting. You still need to know how to fly fast!" Rainbow said with a smile.

Derek looked between her and the ground a couple of times before shrugging. "Eh, I'm sure he's ok. Let's do this!"

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long yo. I wanted to release a long chapter for this, and I really ain't good at buckling down to write for extended periods of time XD.

I suck.

Probably the wrong chapter to advertise this, considering it's taken soooo long to get this out but; I got a patreon:


Please note, you are 100% not required to subscribe to it or anything, it's just there cause some people wanted to give me money and I shrugged and said sure.

The next chapter will come out sooner, I swear lol.

The Terrible Isekai/Displaced Anime Checklist!!!

The Beach Episode/Chapter:

The Tournament Arc that happens every single shonen anime:

Main Character who all the chicks (even married ones for some reason) want to screw:

Anime harem stupidity:

The inexplicable prophecy that the main character, despite having no previous connection to the world, fits perfectly:

An overpowered main villain that only the main character can defeat:

A female tsundere character breaking down in tears in the main character's arms because he saved her life:

The main character putting minimal effort into training and suddenly becoming super powerful:

Someone screams really loud and gets stronger:

Protagonist and their foes gain sufficient power to destroy things previously held to be indestructible:

A character having a super long flashback in the middle of a fight scene and then suddenly getting a massive power boost because important backstory triggers some kind of memory:

'Main' character can inexplicably read the ancient language:

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