• Published 4th Jan 2021
  • 1,213 Views, 10 Comments

Friendship Beyond - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Storm King seeks to take over Gotham City. It is up to Terry/Batman to stop the villain before it’s too late.

  • ...

The Storm Ceases

As the portal remained open behind Batman, the Storm King angrily tackled him until they both accidentally entered therein. Tempest followed them before it closed.


Dozens of chained ponies were standing in front of the castle with many Storm Guards surrounding them; they pointed their spears toward them while Grubber stood before them.

“So let me get this straight. You ponies thought it was a good idea to sneak your way out of this kingdom while we weren’t looking? What were ya gonna do? Call for help? Plan a counterattack?” he taunted.

“You don’t scare me, you little creep. You think I’m gonna beg for mercy? Get lost,” a mare defied.

“Oh, come on! Can’t you see I’m the one in charge now?! Spears are pointing at your necks, and this is how you’re gonna talk?! Just scream already!” Grubber chided.

“You would be intimidating... if you were taller,” she smirked.

Seething in rage, the hedgehog climbed on top of a guard. “I’m giving you ten seconds to admit I’m very scary! Otherwise, I’ll have these guards execute you on the spot! I’m not joking!”

“Ha, like that will ever work,” she muttered. “Fine, I admit that you are very scary... scarily pathetic. No matter how many times you try to threaten our lives, we’ll never surrender. Plus, a dung hill and a donkey are far more menacing than your meaningless idiocies. Spray yourself with a skunk then maybe we can talk.”

“THAT’S IT!! EXECUTE THEM ALL!!” Grubber yelled.

Suddenly, a blue portal opened up in the dark sky which caught every one’s attention. Three beings fell out of it and descended toward him.

“AHHHH!!!” the hedgehog screamed until they crashed on him. All the guards instinctively backed away while the prisoners stood in awe at the sight of the arising black figure.

Batman kicked off the Storm King before he punched Tempest in the face. The king then tried to grab back his staff, but the hero kept holding on to it. “This... is... MY staff!! Let it go!!”

“Never! I won’t let you hurt people with it!!” Batman grunted.

“Normally, I enjoy tug of war, but not this kind! Tempest, finish him off!” Storm King commanded.

“With pleasure!” Tempest complied. She tried to zap Batman with her lightning magic, but the bolts deflected off his suit.

“If you’re gonna try to fry me, find a new plan,” he said. He flipped over her and flew in the air until he delivered a drop kick to her face. He smote her several times and kicked her down.

Tempest blocked one of his kicks, grabbed his leg, and body-slammed him on the dirt. It caused him to drop the staff; before he could retrieve it, Tempest pounded his head with her hooves.

“Yes... the staff belongs to me again!” Storm King grinned, retrieving his prized weapon.

“Now that our enemy has been subdued, will you now seek to restore my horn, my lord?” Tempest asked, bowing before him.

“Hahahahaha! Sorry, Tempest, no can do.”

“What?! But... but we had a deal!!”

“Did you really think I would do anything for you? I used you! It’s kinda what I do,” Storm King casually admitted.

“All this time... I was—,”

“A TOOL! You finally figured it out! Bravo! So I am sorry but not so sorry to say... you are no longer of any use to me,” he glared. He grabbed his Obsidian Orb and threw it at her.

The terrified unicorn could only look on as her body began to petrify in stone. She screamed in terror before her head was covered in stone, silencing her voice. The guards, prisoners, Grubber, and Batman stood in shock at what he did to her.

“Whoa...” Batman muttered.

“Now, where was I? Oh yes! You...” The Storm King pointed his staff right at him.

“You do realize your magic staff doesn’t work on me, right?” Batman reminded.

“Oh right, uhhh... ah-ha! This will do the trick!” he said as he pulled out another Obsidian Orb.

“So, bat creature, any last words to share?” he asked.

Batman activated a batarang in his hand while making sure no one was looking. “Yeah, I got some words for ya, pal: Game on.” He threw it toward the staff, knocking it off the villain’s hand.

“Oh no you don’t!” Storm King yelled, throwing the orb at his opponent.

Then Batman ducked below the orb which struck Grubber and the guards instead. “NOOOO!!!” they screamed as they instantly got petrified.

Once the satyr was distracted, Batman kicked him straight in the face and launched more batarangs at the chains of the prisoners. The discs sliced them off, setting them all free.

“Go, now! Get to safety!” he ordered. They did so and ran back to find shelter. “Hmmm, so there are more equines almost like that Tempest horse. Interesting...”

“You... will not defeat me that easily, bat psycho!” Storm King growled.

“Give it up, monkey man. Leave my world and this place alone, and you won’t get your butt kicked. Or even worse for you, be sent to prison.”

“I AM NOT A MONKEY! I am... THE STORM KING!” he shouted.

“You’re also a manipulative, sadistic, power-hungry, and yet very stupid villain. Anybody can see that,” Batman said, smirking.

“You’re calling me stupid? I am anything but stupid!”

“Yeah? Then how come you’re losing?”

“Well... I—I... I’m always.... j—grrrrr, ENOUGH MIND GAMES! I will destroy you once and for all!” Storm King bellowed. He jumped into the air and tackled him once more. Batman delivered his blows before Storm King gave him his blows in retaliation.

Then the tyrant lifted him up and threw him against the wall of the castle. Groaning in pain, Batman got up and tried to regain his balance. As he opened his eyes, he noticed several statues of ponies all over the city. “There’s more of them? Looks like they got petrified as well.”

Storm King grabbed him by the throat and body-slammed him on the mud repeatedly and threw him against the gates of the castle. Thus, he rested his foot on Batman’s body and nearly impaled the tip of the staff on Batman’s arm. “You have got to be the bravest yet sassiest creature I’ve ever encountered. At least now, you have earned some decent level of respect from me. Haha, imagine being killed by a king. That will surely become a tale worth retelling over and over!”

“Although I enjoy fighting you, I really do hate your guts. So... yeah. Bye-bye! (Whispers) See you later,” he evilly smiled.

As the Storm King prepared for the final blow, Batman head-butted him and snatched his staff from his grasp. He then blasted him with the magical beam, sending him flying in the air.

“AHHHHH!!!” Storm King screamed. He crashed against a building and fell hard on the debris.

“Why didn’t I... see that one... coming?” he muttered before falling to unconsciousness.

The imprisoned ponies celebrated Batman’s victory which caught him by surprise. “Thank you, bat creature! Thank you for saving us!”

“Wow... he was that cruel of a tyrant, huh? Heh, I never imagined beating a conqueror like this as opposed to beating street thugs all the time,” he said.

He looked up toward the castle with curiosity. “Hmmm, I wonder if this world’s ruler has any idea how to fix this mess, and... see if Tempest can get the help she needs. She didn’t deserve such a betrayal.” He flew up to the balcony and entered inside the throne room.

As he got inside the throne room, he saw in the midst thereof four alicorn statues in a circle. “Whoa! That doesn’t look good—wait... why are they in a circle?” He walked in the middle of the floor to see a tiny hole. “Hmm, I think it may be the key to something... perhaps the very thing that could have something to do with this,” he finished as he stared at the staff.

“Bruce, are you reading this? Bruce?” The com link went static. “This dimension may be blocking the signal to the bat cave somehow. I guess I’ll try this myself.”

Batman impaled the hole with the staff’s blue crystal. At that moment, the entire room glowed white and magic began to swirl around the throne room. He looked on in wonder as the magic did its job. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight came back to life as well as regaining their magic.

“I... am back! Princesses!” Twilight cried.

“Twilight! I’m glad you’re okay!” Cadence said, releasing her from the cage.

As all four of them hugged, they cast their eyes on the dark stranger in the midst of the room.

“Whoa! Who is this creature?” Twilight asked.

“I’m Batman. I... come in peace,” he said, still amazed at the sight of the restoring magic.

“I take it you’re the one who freed us?” Celestia asked.

“Yep, it wasn’t easy, but... here you are.”

“Where is the enemy?” Luna demanded.

“All taken care of. I hope your prison cells are enough to fit a whole army,” Batman smirked.

The magic restored all the lands of Equestria and freed the ponies from their stone imprisonments, chains, and cages; the Mane Five and Spike were also restored.

“Oh yeah! We’re back again!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

The rest of the Storm army fled in terror as they saw all the ponies and Royal Guards glaring at them in battle stances. Then they all celebrated the defeat of the Storm King. Suddenly, Tempest’s stone form was taken up by Twilight’s magic and carefully landed it before the rulers.

“I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn’t listen. I really want to give her another chance at redemption so she can have friends again,” said Twilight.

“That’s really nice of you, but she also needs plenty of therapy and some form of rehabilitation. She needs to suffer the consequences before she receives the proper treatment she fully deserves,” Batman sternly advised.

“But what about friendship? She needs—,”

“She needs help. Nothing more, nothing less. That’s just how it works... at least in my world,” Batman spoke.

“I’m afraid he has a point, Twilight. Tempest may have some friendship issues, but the fact still remains she assisted a power-hungry tyrant to conquer Equestria. If she is to gain friendship once more, she must work hard in regaining the trust of the ponies she terrorized,” added Celestia.

“Both she and the Storm King will be sent to Tartarus for their crimes. After a certain period of time, we will give her the said rehabilitation she needs in order to be better,” Luna said.

“Glad you ponies can see reason,” Batman remarked.

“(Sigh) You’re right. I just hope Tempest gets better sooner or later,” said Twilight, looking down on the floor.

“So do I, Twilight. So do I,” Batman said, looking at Tempest’s stone form with some compassion.

He grabbed the staff again and created a portal from its blast. “Wait, where are you going? Don’t you want to stay?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back... soon. Besides, I have now this world and Gotham to watch over. Plus, I’ll be needing this thing,” said Batman. “It was a pleasure meeting you... princesses.” Thus, he entered the portal with the Staff of Sacanas before it closed up.

“My, that Batman fellow would get along with Luna quite easily,” said Cadence.

“You... think so?” Luna asked, blushing.

“Creatures of the night always gotta stick together... if you catch my drift,” Cadence smirked, winking.

“I’m sure it would be... interesting,” said Luna, giggling.

“Still, I am glad we have a new creature who saved us. He will become a great ally,” Celestia smiled.

“I didn’t even know there’s such a thing as a bipedal bat! I’m gonna ask him so many questions once he comes back!” Twilight squealed excitedly.

“Let’s just hope we can extend our friendship beyond our worlds and boundaries. The magic of friendship has so much more to offer,” said Celestia.

The End

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed this crossover story.

Stay tuned for more stories to come!

Comments ( 4 )

This story ended sooner than I expected. Oh well, hopefully there will be a sequel to this story or another crossover with DC.

nice story

The Dark Knight wins the fight and finishes the Storm King’s rain of terror. We need a squeal story aka a Batman Beyond Season 4 where equines are brought to Neo Gotham City by Cobra and Twilight in her post Season 9 appearance sends her oldest daughter or son with the children of the Main 6 to go to Earth to rescue everyone and team up with Terry aka Batman to save Earth and Eques. Not to mention face enemies that faced and battle the original Batman aka Bruce Wayne like Clayface, Killer Croc, Penguin who is still alive somehow, and others including the enemies that Terry faced in the past like Shriek, Spelldlbinder, the minions of the Joker, and others including Cobra.

“Get ready for the Dark Knight of the new era to return! Warner Brothers and Hasbro Studios are proud to present…”

Batman: I’m back boys…

“The return of the hero for the new era!”

Cobra soldier (running for Batman and his new equine Allies with fellow members to stop them): Get the Batman!

Batman: Ok let’s see what you got.

“Batman Beyond Season 4! Watch it on Discovery Family and on Cartoon Network during Toonami. Return to Neo Gotham.”

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