• Published 22nd Dec 2020
  • 5,144 Views, 12 Comments

Anon-a-miss: Dream your dream - TheRadioactiveChangeling

Sunset cries herself to sleep listening to her favorite song. Someone overhears.

  • ...

Cause when you're awake, the nightmare awaits...

Sunset was broken down. She was a brick wall before, she was broken down then rebuilt, now she’s being demolished. The worst part? She’s being Destroyed for no reason at all. Everyone thinks that she’s the imfamous cyber-bully Anon-a-miss. Everyone does. Her friends do, Her classmates do, even the school staff does. No matter what, she can’t gain anything because no one wants to give her any sympathy. She had literally nothing...Except herself.

She cried herself to sleep. She had done it ever since her friends ditched her. She had nothing left, so why not? However, if she couldn’t, she’d put on her song. The song that truly spoke to her. It was a song that was slow, sad, and everything for her. A song called Dream your dream.

She’d put it on her phone as she cried herself to sleep. She’d even sing the lyrics sometimes. It was a song about monsters in your mind. It was a song about monsters in your dreams. It was a song that reminds you, that no matter how scary, how sad, or how unfair a dream is, it’s just a dream. It’s not real. It reminds you that these monsters in your dreams are nothing compared to the monsters outside. The people outside. The...beings outside.

“Hush now...Drift off to sleep. Reality a memory,” She sang to herself. She stopped singing to cry into her pillow. Her bed, her pillow, and her mind was her only escape from everything outside. No matter what happens in her dreams, it’s just in her mind. Have a dream. It’s better than crying all night. It’s better than anything else now. It’s better then people. Those people are the real monsters. Not the ones in her head. Her friends have turned into Idle creatures hostile to her, her classmates are all bullies to her, and no one will ever love or like her again. But that might just happen...in a dream.

“So dream, dream, dream your dream, Cause when you’re awake, the nightmare awaits,” She sang again. Her dreams were like the life she wanted. The life she wanted to live. The life that was like the life before. Her life now was a nightmare. Something that happens when you go to sleep.

“It’s a fantasy, they’ll be seeing you soon. Nowhere left to go, terrors keep breaking through,” She sang again. Her dream was a fantasy, and the people in her fantasy were the people that she wanted to see. The people that wanted to see her. The people that wanted to see her happy. But no matter what happens, the terrors of People thinking she’s anon-a-miss kept breaking through her dreams and her life, making it all a nightmare. There was nowhere left to go, except her dreams. The only peaceful place left.

“A music box that creaks. The melody beings a seldom peace,” She sang. This song was her only music box. It was a song that was everything about her, and everything to calm her from her nightmare life and her nightmare of a mind.

“But only for one more breath, the last one you might have left,” She sang. Every since Anon-a-miss showed up, she has had no room for breath. There was no where to hide from all the hate. From all the rage. From all the misdirected finger pointing. Yet, it would never stop. Her last breath was before Anon-a-miss was created. This song and herself was everything she had left.

“The ticking clock, breaks the spell with every beat,” She sang. For every second passing, the hatred from everyone just kept boiling. Kept getting hotter, and hotter, and hotter. Nothing could cool it, and nothing will ever cool it. This was her life now. An endless torment of misdirected hate and rage. From glares and looks, to psychical confrontation and even just punches and slaps.

“Illusion of not, you are safe for now,” She sang. A dream is just an illusion. Nothing in it is real, but it could be the safest place imaginable. It’s all about the dream and what happens outside the dream, and now, a dream, no matter how weird it is, is the safest place imaginable. Nothing can harm you in a dream, so it has no worry about being in a dream. It was peaceful. She finally took the advice of the song, and drifted off to a land of slumber. It was better than the outside..But that might soon change.

Maud Pie. She was Sunset’s roommate. She was another one that believed that sunset was Anon-a-miss, although she was never vocal about it. It's not like she was ever vocal about anything really. She was upset at sunset, but in her mind, it was more so she would get her lesson learned from others. Besides, she wasn't much into drama anyway, but not after tonight. Tonight was the fateful night that everything would change.

Up at night, maud pie was getting food for boulder. What else would she be doing. Heading back to her room, she passed sunset’s. Her blank expression was disgusted by sunset. She was a new person, and then she went back to her old ways. She scoffed, but then she heard something in her room. It was...crying. She was crying? Maud opened the door a crack and saw sunset was crying into her pillow. This wasn’t what maud expected.

More so she expected a bit of a malevolent face on sunset, but the emotion of evil or even just a grin was dissipated from her mind at the sight.

Her eyebrows raised as she heard what song was playing, and even more when she heard sunset singing it. Not loud, but just enough to where Maud could hear the lyrics though the beat and the sobs.

Maud had heard this song before, and she liked it as well, but she also knew the meaning of the song. She then realized 2 things. 1, sunset couldn’t be Anon-a-miss. It doesn’t make sense. If she was crying into her pillow while listening and even singing this song, why would she continue posting? It wouldn’t make sense in any which way.

The second thing she realized was the sunset, was depressed. It was so obvious to her now. Her naturally amber or just orange-ish skin was now a lighter, resembling how cold she was. She had blankets covering her, yet, I guess because of her magical origin, sadness and disharmony changed her. Her red and yellow hair was flat and darker than its vibrant counterpart. Even when she was a bully in plain sight, she still had this loud and proud hair color. She was as depressed as you can get. Maud had to fix this, and she didn't know how to. Hopefully though, something could come up.

The next day, Sunset woke up with a soaked pillow. Or, more like damp.

'I really cried that much, huh?' She thought, feeling around, wanting to return to sleep.

She then smelled...Tea? She opened her eyes and saw maud with a little table with a tea cup on it. Sunset sat up and looked at maud.

“I know you're not Anon-a-miss. It became obvious to me last night as you cried to sleep with that song playing. I am sorry,” Maud said as she showed very little emotion, but Sunset wasn't an idiot. She's lived with maud for at least a month. She wasn’t lying. Sunset now cried. She cried tears of joy. She finally had a friend in this war. She got up out of bed and hugged maud, crying into her pajama shirt.

“Easy there. Boulder is in my pocket,” Maud said. Sunset didn’t loosen her grip, and maud thought, ‘ehh...she needs this,’ as maud sat down her tea cup and hugged Sunset back with a similar Iron grip.

“Thank you maud. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me, to finally have someone else. But how are we gonna convince everyone else?” Sunset asked. Maud sighed sadly, as sunset realized she had no clue.

"I was hoping you would have more of an idea, but we can try to figure something out. Boulder can help too," Maud said, holding her rock closer to her chest as sunset smirked. She always did like the rock's relationship with Maud, even if it didn't really make sense.

"Twilight said that she would be able to arrive in a few days, but until then what should we do?" Sunset asked, as Maud looked at her, same stoic face as always.

"We need some more allies."

Anon-a-miss had struck again. This was about rarity’s dresses, and it was hurtful.

Most people just shunned Sunset, some were vocal, one was even trying to be violent.

But maud scared most of them off with a simple and easy glare.

Still not sure why such a glare is so powerful. It was as powerful as Fluttershy's stare. It can just shut anyone up.

Maud went to the closest office to drop Sunset off with someone who they could actually trust, a teacher, as maud went around by her lonesome on a mission to get a few more people for the cause of, "Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-a-miss."

It took them 17 minutes and 52 seconds to come up with that.

First person was probably the person Sunset should've turned to first, really.

"Hello Flash," Maud said, so emotionless and so random, Flash jumped at the sound. He looked behind him quickly, and seeing Pinkie's sister made him realize that he was fine.

"GA-Oh...oh it's just you maud," Flash smiled in relief.

"Yes it is me. Now come with me," Maud said, pulling onto his jacket as he unwillingly followed.

"Wha-hey! This jacket was costly!" Flash retorted as Maud pulled harder.

"So is rock food. Hurry up," Maud said, leading him to the office of Samael.

"-and it's just weird that anyone would think it's you. You never made it obvious," Samael stated as the 2 travellers walked into the room, one unwilling.

"I know! I just feel like they weren't thinking!" Sunset complained, sitting in a folded back chair as Samael quietly continued typing. No one knew what he was typing in the first place. He was legally blind. He could barely see. "Oh, hey Maud. and...Flash."

"Sunset? What's going on here?" Flash asked both of them.

"You're joining us in proving that Sunset is innocent," Maud stated, as Sunset shyly grinned. Flash looked at her in confusion.

"Innocent of what? What's going on?" Flash asked, as Maud and Sunset looked back at each other.

"What? Don't you know what's been going on here at school?" Sunset asked quickly, as Flash simply shrugged.

"Nope. The football team asked Flash drive to go with them to play at their next game, so I haven't been around the school a lot," Flash explained, as Sunset sighed in relief.

"Ok, good, you'll have an un-bias opinion," Sunset stated, as Flash raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I don't know about the bias part. He is your Ex-boyfriend," Maud stated, as Sunset Blushed and shook her head.

"Nevermind that. Mr. Samael, can you pull up the Anon-a-miss page real quick, please?" Sunset asked the Professor, who nodded and quickly typed the exact link.

"Anything to disprove a false conviction. I hate them," Samael stated, standing up and walking away to a table with a cup of...something.

"Flash, look at this. It's a MyStable account that started revealing peoples secrets and people are thinking that it's me," Sunset explained the situation to Flash, who had a confused expression.

"That...that sounds unbelievable. There's no way every student thinks that you're this dumb Account," Flash stated, with a slight laugh signalling, 'You're joking right,' as Sunset and Maud shook their heads.

"I believed she was it until yesterday. But let's not get into that. Are you on board?" Maud asked Flash, who nodded almost immediately.

"Of course! This is idiotic-ly obvious that it isn't her. At least when she did something sneaky back then, she was good at being sneaky. This is basically a sign outside of someone's house saying, "I live here," with a picture of the person, and it's literally just some random dude...I don't think that analogy works," Flash attempted, as Sunset giggled. She did always love when he tried to be smarter.

"I'll join in your little anti-coup," Samael stated, sipping his...liquid. The crew looked at him in slight surprise, as he raised an eyebrow. "What? I was a medic in Afghanistan. I can stand up to some high school students. Why do you think I teach health?"

"Uhh...ok Mr. Samael," Flash said, as he rolled his eyes.

"Samael is my first name," Samael said, as more eyes widened. "Seriously, why is that the reaction of everyone?"

"So do you think you can help Sunset Prove her innocence?" Flash asked a certain cyan haired DJ, who nodded. "Sweet! Come to Mr. 'Samael's office when you can."

Vinyl lowered her glasses and winked at him, walking away from him as he punched the sky. Another member that wants sunset vindicated. It was something he cherished. Even if they weren't together anymore, they were still together in a different way.

"The Rainbooms agreed to meet at Sugar cube Corner on Saturday," Maud said behind Flash, with the ladder jumping as a result.

"Jeez! Are you always this quiet?" Flash asked, as Maud looked on with the same stoic stare,

"Is there any reason not to be?" Maud asked, monotone as usual. Samael walked towards the two with Sunset alongside him, directing him in the right...direction...sure.

"So what do we do now? The Pony Princess girl is coming on Friday," Samael said, as the two looked towards the other pair.

"I guess we can just relax, see what vinyl is up to, and then just think about what's gonna happen afterwards," Sunset answered.

"Alright then, sweet. My friends Scarlet and Zelo asked if I wanted to play something on Friday. Just let me know if you need me," Samael stated, leaving sunset with the two as he headed back to his office.

"That felt forced," Maud stated, as flash and sunset talked about...something.

Sunset laid down on her bed, thinking of tomorrow.

Tomorrow might be her vindication day.

Tomorrow might be her favorite day.

But no matter what...

This solution...

no matter how happy it makes her...

Will still be with her.

Her friends turned their backs on her faster than deadpool can say chimichanga, and that will never go away.

She learnt how people truly react under such environments.

However no matter what happens...

She'll be fine.

It's just that this ending is certain...

to be bitter...

Author's Note:

Rewrote this story a bit. This is my most viewed story, and I'm honestly not sure how, so I decided, F*ck it. This was bad, and I need to fix this.

I decided to take the comments more seriously on this. After watching more of maud, I decided that I really sucked at writing her. She was too aggressive. I hope that this version was better.

I have done the tradition of doing something with Anon-a-miss like every other writer on here. Look at me mom! I’m just like everyone else.

Dream your Dream and lyrics owned by Tryhardninja
A bitter end owned by groundbreaking.

Comments ( 12 )

im sorry but i like your authors note more than your story, it made me laugh
your story is okay but everything felt rushed after sunset wakes up so didnt feel as real as it could be especially with maud cursing

“Maud? What are you doing here?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m here to show you bitches that sunset couldn’t be Anon-a-miss,” Maud said, which had everyone, especially pinkie, taken aback. No one had heard maud swear before.

“What do you mean. Of course it’s Sunset,” Aj said to her face.

“Sure. Then explain this,” Maud said as she pulled out her phone and showed them the video. It was a 1 minute video of Sunset crying into her pillow and singing along to the song Dream your dream. “She didn’t know I took this until this morning. Me and her wanted you Dumb fucks to know that she couldn’t be Anon-a-miss. It wouldn’t make sense,” Maud said, with everyone now getting cold feet. “If she truly was Anon-a-miss, she wouldn’t be fucking crying into her pillow listening to one of the best songs for depression. Yeah, Sunset’s fucking depressed. Wanna know why? Cause her best friends left her thinking that she’s a monster now. A few little secrets are the things that sent you overboard? Her becoming a literal demon, yeah. I can see that, but even if she is Anon-a-miss, really? A few secrets exposed are the thing that sends you overboard. And I don’t even wanna hear anyone say that they were big secrets either. A nickname and photos of a sleepover are apparently enough to abandon your friend. Now, I don’t know you 4 that well, so who knows. Maybe that’s just how you 4 operate. But pinkie? Pinkie pie. My sister who has a party planned for literally any occasion. My sister who can cheer anyone up with just a look. My sister who would never give up on a friend. I’m disappointed in you.” Maud had gone on a rampage. Pinkie was flat now with a river of tears, Fluttershy might as well be the ocean, Rarity’s mascara was running, Rainbow was trying to be tough, and Aj was sitting down, crying into her arms.

“Maybe if you’d just listen to her, she wouldn’t bE FUCKING WORRYING AND STRESSING AND NOT BEING ABLE TO SLEEP AT NIGHT!” Maud expression had changed, and the entire school was silent. “Me and sunset will be a sugarcube corner if you wanna talk later,” Maud said before walking away. The girls were now stone. They had no idea what to say. There was only one thing to do. Meet them both.

:pinkiegasp: Holly shit! I never expected to see this part of Maud Pie. :pinkiecrazy: You tell them girl!

Is this a one shot?
Anyway, a good story, though everything happens a little fast. And, why do Sunset live with Maud?

I liked the story, but you wrote Maud so out of character, it makes me cringe every time she speaks, I mean really, read mauds lines again outloud to yourself in her voice, and tell me it doesn't make you cringe at how shabby she's portrayed in this story

I think your right and she is out of character but I think it was on purpose because by having her out of character so much it showed how much this situation bothered her. It was something where her acting the way she did is part of what got through to the girls because she never acts like this.

I’ll be honest, everything maud, sunset, and twilight said would’ve went in one ear and out the other.

Honestly, to me I felt like maud was being a hypocrite.

But, what’s with the hypocrisy?

The second thing she realized was the sunset. was depressed. It was so obvious to her now. Her amber skin was now a very light white. Her red and yellow hair was flat and darker. She was as depressed as you can get. Maud had to fix this, and she knew how to.

Old Gacha logic??

There are slight grammar errors and the ending "Don't fuck it up" part was a little funny, but overall the story is awesome!:pinkiehappy:

I have done the tradition of doing something with Anon-a-miss like every other writer on here. Look at me mom! I’m just like everyone else.

Lmfao :rainbowlaugh:

”Don’t fuck it up.” ”Don’t fuck it up.” ”Don’t fuck it up.”

I would like to add my own “ Don’t fuck it up. “ to the mix.

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