• Member Since 5th May, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Jarvy Jared

A writer and musician trying to be decent at both things. Here, you'll find some of my attempts at storytelling!


On the day of his breakup with yet another mare, Braeburn finds an eye in his bathroom mirror. Naturally, this leads to speaking to an eldritch abomination, a ritual, and... even love?

This story was written as part of a gift exchange by reviewers for the Reviewer's Mansion group, as a gift for Firefoxino.

I'm not sure what Lovecraftian fever dream induced this story, but I apologize in advance.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Sniff such a wonderful love story :raritycry: I love it :pinkiehappy:

Oh my gosh. *dies*
That was certainly entertaining. Though it doesn't surprise me at all, the way you write can convey such deep and genuine emotions. This was a really heartwarming gift, and while that ending certainly didn't surprise me, it was still good.
*pats mane* Good job with this! <3

As the being stood and extended a hoof and tentacle to greet her, Little Strongheart thought back to the town’s worries that Braeburn had changed. He hadn’t, thankfully. At the end of the day, the adage still stood: Braeburn was indeed mare-crazy. Maybe a little more crazy now than before.

Hey, at least he gets tentacles now every night to smuggle with.

I bet beings like Cthulhu give great hugs too


I'm glad you guys enjoyed!

Huh. Isn't the weirdest special somepony I've heard of.

Quite a fan of the characterization you do here - if mysteriously disembodied mares in mirrors are that nice, it almost makes we want to try what Braeburn did for myself :pinkiecrazy:.

I love the suspense building up to the final reveal, which was ... interesting. Yep. Nothing out of place there. Quite happy for the chap, actually. :derpytongue2:

Much like Braeburn, we all could use a relationship with the unknowing elder gods lying beyond the realm of understanding. :raritywink:

what Lovecraftian fever dream induced this story

The funnier ones

Penny Licker

Ok, I love where this is going and it’s only the first sentence.

This was a masterpiece. I wish only the best for Braeburn and Goiza.

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