• Published 27th Dec 2020
  • 4,488 Views, 111 Comments

Equestrias Wild Card - KarasAdamas

If you where to find out that certain rumors you've heard about turn out to be true and you are aware that you're going to die anyway, why would you not welcome it with open arms to escape this boring world?

  • ...

Chapter 8. Shingeki no Shadow (unfinished) + Important announcement!


Golden Oak Library

"Come on! Come on! Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?!" a panic induced lavender colored unicorn mare with a dark blue mane with purple and pink streak, said as she tore through the library that she and two others had recently moved into.
She wore a white dress shirt, dark blue skirt, black stocking and shoes. She was currently rushing through every book in the Golden Oak Library, looking for clues on the location of the Elements of Harmony, as if her life depends on it. That is because her life did depend on it! Every window, door and other openings were being swarmed by shadows of varying sizes, trying to get inside and grab her.

"Can you find that stupid book already Twilight?!" a purple and green teenage dragon shouted in panic, running from window to window as he *clonked* another shadow with his frying pan. He wore blue shorts, a dark purple hoodie and sandals.

"I'm looking everywhere but I can't find it!"

"Did you check the E section!?"

"Oh, here it is!" Twilight said suprised as she just found the book, under E.

"Are you kidding me Twilight!" Spike shouted enraged.

Suddenly, a window from the second floor was broken and a shadow shaped like a giant white glove with a mask head on top fell in.

It instantly stood up and began crawling towards Twilight like a demonic spider, causing the unicorn to freeze in place. But before it could get too close, a male pegasus with brilliant gamboge coat and two toned blue mane dropped down and stabbed the shadow in the mask with his spear, causing it to dissappear in black smoke. He wore enchanted golden armor, similar to the romans, with the Canterlot Royal Guard sigil on it.

"You found the book! Now read it so we can get out of here!" Flash Sentry said as another hand shaped shadow crawled towards him.
"I'll hold them off, you figure out were we need to go from here!"

"Here! I found it!" Twilight said with glee.
"The Elements of Harmony were last seen in the Castle of the Two Sisters, located in the Everfree Forest!"

"Oh, that just perfect! It's just located in one of the most dangerous areas in all of Equestria." Flash yelled with sarcasm as he stabbed another shadow.
"Aim for their masks, if they're destroyed they turn to smoke."

"Hmm," Spike thought as another shadow popped it's head through the window, "I wonder what happens of you rip it off."

"Wait, Spike, don't!" Twilight screamed, but it was too late as Spike ripped off the mask, causing black smoke to be released from it's face. The shadow's body began to bloat and bubble, turning into liquid and grow in size, taking on a new larger appearance.

"Well that didn't help at all." Spike spoke with a deadpan as the other two frowned at him.

"S-Stay away! Go a-away!" a pale magenta early teen earth filly shreaked in fright. She had a pale violet mane with white streaks, brilliant blue eyes and a tiara on her head. She was wearing a golden yellow jacket with a black shirt underneath, a light gray skirt and expensive looking golden yellow boots. She and her friend was being backed into a corner by a shadow.

Her friend was a cornflower gray early teen earth filly with a two toned lighter gray mane and a pair of blue framed glasses in front of her moderate violet eyes. She wore a light violet dress shirt, dark pink skirt and expensive looking purple boots. She also had a pearl necklace.
The shadow that was baking them into a corner looked like a giant japanese rhinoceros beetle with a crown on it's pronotum and it's mask on the horn.

"Diamond," the gray filly wimpered out, "what are we suppose to do?"

"Silver Spoon, thank you for being my friend." Diamond Tiara said as she hugs her friend and close her eyes just as the shadow began to pull back it's head to bash them with it's horn. But before it could.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" a young but still adult sounding voice shouted.

Three small and faster than the eye can see projectiles, impact the shell of the shadow. Making it turn away from the fillies and towards the one who dared attack it. The teenage fillies followed the voice and saw a girl holding a giant slingshot taking aim at the shadow.
The shadow shakes it's head before it immediately charges towards the girl, but it seemed to sway and zig-zag slightly in it's movements, as if it was dizzy. The girl just smirk and lazely leans her slingshot to her right shoulder, before she holds out her left hand and a the Lovers arcana appears in her palm in blue flames.

"Show time, Undine!" she shouts as she crushes the card in her palm. Water suddenly appears around her and splashes to form a female creature with pointy ears and red eyes.

Her summoning seem to have caught the attention of some other smaller shadows.
This included shadows that looked like living wigs wearing crowns

and some that looked like masked birds with royal dress collars.

The shadows all close in on Sonata from both high and low, the beetle is still clearly dizzy and the others are rushing side by side with it. Sonata only smirks as this just makes it easier for her to take all of them out all at once.

"Magarudyne!" she shouts as Undine stretches it's arms forward, green swirls quickly forms in her transparant arms before both her palms explode like a cannon, releasing powerful gusts of wind with multiple light green twisters, catching all the shadows and launching them into the air.
The shadows are spun around and crash into eachother, resulting in many being crushed by the collisions and dissolving to black smoke. The giant beetle shadow is launched skywards so high, that it passes the clouds. Sonata, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon all look up to were it dissappeared before it eventually came back down like a meteor and crashes into the ground, forming a giant dust cloud along with black smoke. Giving the signal that the fall killed it.

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" Sonata says while doing a V sign with her right hand, while Undine is mirroring her from behind.

Unfortunately, Sonata was unaware that her attack had not killed all of the shadows and one of the eagles was currently falling towards her like a bird of prey diving towards it's prey.
Luckily however, someone intervened.


A black and red fireball collided with the shadow mid-air right as it was about to hit Sonata behind her head. The collision sent it flying towards a building wall, before it's body was consumed by the flames and turned to smoke.

"Thanks for the save Ari!" Sonata squeeled.

Aria casually walks towards Sonata with the Dainaraka Whip in her right hand and Forneus circling around her from above. A shapeless blob-like shadow crawls towards her faster than one would think possible, but she simply slaps it with her whip, causing it to freeze before she stomps on it and shatters it like glass.

"You need to be more aware of your surroundings Nata," Aria scolds her little sister as Forneus disappear in blue flames, "me and the others won't always be available."

"But I know you'll always have my back when you are." Sonata says with a teasing tone as she leans closer towards Aria.

The older siren blushes before crossing her arms and quietly says "Shut up" while looking away.
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon finally shook themselves out of their shock and approuched the sirens.

"Who are you two?" Silver asked in disbelief.

"We're sister obviously." Sonata answered like it was obvious.

The fillies were going to say more, but a sudden scrambling noise from an alley further away caught the groups attention. All turn towards the sound and sees several shadows rushing out of the alleyway, pushing carbage cans out of the way while the bigger ones were topling over the smaller ones. They gurgled and growled with a small hint of words behind the thoughts that they spawned from, negative thoughts of shattered dreams and broken hearts that would make anyone feel worse just from their imagination alone.
Aria smirks as she sees them scrambling around, she brings out the Emperor arcana and shatters it with a punch.

"We got this," Aria speaks with a voice filled with confidence and power, "Forneus!"

Author's Note:

Important message below, so please read it all the way through.

If any of you remember, or bothered, I said a long time ago that I’ve lost interest in this story, or at least the original concept. But I decided to at least post how long I got with this chapter before I officially cancel this fic. There are multiple reasons as to why I’m doing so?
First off, this was one of my first fics I made and as I’ve read a lot of fanfiction and grown as a writer, my standards have gone up a lot and this story, the displaced genre and OP-OC/MC’s just aren’t appealing to me anymore, at least not as much as it was in the past.
Second, I started forgetting important details while I was writing this fic. Like, I nearly forgot, the ponies in this story are level 4 anthro with feet. Meaning they have human faces, but pony ears, tails, wings and horns. Does anyone else that read this story a while back remember that? Because for me, as the author, forgetting such a detail is a big sign that the love just isn’t there anymore.

Third, I was also starting to lose some of the love I previously had for MLP in general. So I decided that the best thing to do was to take a break from it. Cause back when I was writing stories here, it was literally the only thing I was doing as a hobby, and it made me depressed since I had no family members or friends that shared the hobby or love for MLP. So I decided that I needed to separate myself from it for a while and broaden my horizon, so to speak.

I will say however, this isn’t the end for me as a writer here on this site. I’ve come back, but I’m going to change somewhat.
This story is going to get a revamp or rewrite, eventually, called The Messiah of Cantelot High, and as the name suggest, it’s going to take place in the Equestria Girls world instead, and it will also be a lot simpler with less things to remember, as I felt and have grown to hate crossover fanfics that add WAY too much in the beginning of the story, like list of abilities and powers that the MC possess, like they are giving the readers homework to remember as the story progresses.

I’m also going to make it clear, that I have no plan for a schedule for my uploads, I will upload a new chapter when I feel like it. As I have more than one hobby now, that being miniature painting and just reading. I’m also studying things like History, Mythology, Folklore, Philosophy, and Archaeology, and I’m going to try to use writing as a way to improve the writing in my assignments and hopefully, turn it to something that I will enjoy again, to let my creativity flow.

I’ve also learned or rather discovered, that I have “High-functioning autism”. Which isn't really an official diagnosis. But rather an informal one people use when they talk about people with autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, who can speak, read, write, and handle basic life skills like eating and getting dressed. In other words, they can live independently while still being within the spectrum.
For those curious, here’s a list of some of the common signs adults with High-functioning autism may show.

  • Inability to maintain eye contact without discomfort
  • Trouble assessing social cues
  • Anxiety in social settings
  • Has a hard time with the nuances of verbal communication and trouble understanding jokes and sarcasm
  • Rituals and restrictive habits
  • Easily overloaded by sensory input or overwhelmed
  • Trouble with making decisions
  • Adherence to strict routines
  • Noticing sensory input (sounds, smells, etc.) that others don’t
  • Difficulty speaking in a two-way conversation
  • Ability to “hyperfocus” on work or a specific interest
  • Experiencing emotions more intensely than others
  • Frustration with even small changes or disruptions
  • Sensitivity to light, noise, or smell
  • Difficulty with transitions; frequently late
  • Would prefer to listen and observe than speak and interact
  • Often accused of being rude or blunt.
  • May have perfectionism in certain areas.
  • Prefers to work at home or away from others
  • Avoids stressful social situations such as parties
  • May be seen as “selfish” due to being overly concerned with oneself.
  • Has a hard time tracking when more than one conversation is occurring at once
  • Has a tendency to take things literally.

All of these signs describe me perfectly as a person, as I have an extremely difficult time when it comes to change, don’t like social interactions and have difficulties to when it comes to paying attention and focusing on things that don’t interest me. So when I suddenly start to lose interest in one franchise, obviously, it’s going to become difficult for me to continue writing.
But, after my long break, I’ve finally returned to MLP fanfics and I will try to update some of my other story at some point in the future. But as I’m a perfectionist, it may still take time until I decide to upload. So please be patient with me.
But for now, this is the last chapter I will upload of Equestrias Wild Card and hopefully, the readers of this fic will understand. Thank you all for taking the time in reading this long message and I hope to see you soon in one of my other fics.

Comments ( 7 )

Damn what a shame to see this story go. It's understandable regarding both the world building and some more creative issue with this, but still a shame.

Shame this got cancelled but at least your writing here again! What miniatures you paint? Also cant wait to see the new story come out.

Warhammer 40k, mostly Chaos Space Marines. Making two chaos armies, Iron Warriors for 10th Edition and Emperor’s Children for 9th Edition. I also have Salamanders for regular Space Marines, as well as some Eldar models from the Eldritch Omens box.

Dude, you just described me to a T. High functioning autism, So that’s what I have.

It is WAY more common than people think, like I’m not kidding. My mom brought up this topic with her work colleagues after my session with the doctor, and one of her friends that she has worked with for 10-20 years said “Wait, that sounds like me!” and another said “That sounds just like my daughter!”, said daughter being a highschooler. Both of them were in their 50’s, so people that haven’t been diagnosed could live out their entire lives without ever knowing they were in the spectrum. Both of my parents now suspect that they and several of their friends and colleagues might have some form of autism.

I’ve always known that I’ve had autism I just didn’t know what kind. I’ve just been more occupied with my chronic disease, than my mental disease.

A shame that you've lost the spark for this story, but as the writer it's entirely your prerogative. Thank you for what you've given us so far, and I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

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