• Published 20th Jan 2021
  • 1,617 Views, 154 Comments

Danganronpa vG: Goodbye Magic - witegrlninja

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Monokuma Theater: Interlude 1

Princess Twilight Sparkle shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

She had thought nothing of Starlight asking her to use the Crystal Mirror over a week ago to take her vacation. In fact, she had been relieved, thinking that she was working herself to the bone and deserved some time off. She had even told her to say hi to Sunset for her.

But that was over a week ago. At first she thought she'd just missed her coming back through the mirror's portal on her way home. But then Trixie and Sunburst both had written her, asking if Starlight was feeling well - she hadn't returned to the School of Friendship, nor could they reach her. And after teleporting herself into Starlight's room at her old crystal treehouse palace just next door and looking around, it was clear that Starlight hadn't returned at all.

She must still be in Human Equestria, Twilight reasoned. The portal had been stabilized long ago, so there was no danger of her being trapped there for years and years, but it was still unlike Starlight to overstay a vacation.

She knew she could take care of herself.

But she still worried.

"Hey, Twilight! It's your turn!" Rainbow Dash suddenly punched her shoulder, knocking her out of her thoughts. Her friends from Ponyville, the other Elements of Harmony, were here for their monthly get-together, currently playing a card game.

"Oh, sorry!" she sheepishly grinned, setting down a red numbered card.

"Y'all've been pretty distant tonight, is somethin' on yer mind?" Applejack asked, drawing cards until she could match Twilight's.

"Well... it's about Starlight," said Twilight. "She hasn't returned from her vacation... I'm worried something might've happened to her."

"Oh, I'm sure she's perfectly fine. Isn't she staying with that Sunset mare?" asked Rarity, who played a card that dictated that everypony's hands and the discard pile should be flipped over. "...Er, I suppose the correct term is 'woman', if this is that parallel Equestria we're talking about."

"She is. I've tried contacting her, too, but she hasn't written anything in her journal for days."

"Um... do you want to look around for her?" Fluttershy offered, playing a purple card. "Oh... sorry, Pinkie."

"Aww..." Pinkie giggled as she drew five cards.

"I do... something just doesn't feel right to me. But I can't just up and leave for another universe these days... I have a nation to run, after all," Twilight sighed.

"Bah! You're the mother-buckin' Princess of Equestria, of course you can leave for a day or two!" Rainbow huffed, covering Twilight's teal card with an orange card with the same number on it.

"Go again, Dashie," Applejack smirked, setting down a card that reversed the order of play.

"Nah, you go, babe," Rainbow smirked back, playing the same card. Twilight was still reeling from the shock when she found out Rainbow and Applejack had gotten engaged to each other - she never saw that coming, even if the rest of her friends had. But she was happy for them and supported them nonetheless. It was already settled that she was going to officiate their wedding.

"Why not get Spike to take over while we're gone? He's definitely capable of handling it, especially with all of the lists you've left him," said Rarity. "Oh, and yes, we're coming with you. Starlight is just as much our friend as she is yours, after all."

"...He will be back from the Dragon Lands tomorrow," Twilight mused.

"Ooh... sorry, Pinkie." Fluttershy stifled a giggle as she played another "draw five" card that had been stacked on top of two others... which meant "draw fifteen".

"Oh come on!" Pinkie yelled good-naturedly as she drew fifteen cards, holding her thirty-two cards in a spiral pattern only she could read.

"But... don't you guys all have your own things to do?"

"Eh, I'm just third in command at the Wonderbolts, Soarin' and Spitfire can get on without me for a bit," Rainbow waved a hoof.

"Cheese'll be home for a while, Li'l Cheese will love the extra time with his daddy!" Pinkie grinned.

"And there's a lull in mah farmwork fer a bit... all that'll need to be done is some weedin' and minor chores, and Big Mac n' Applebloom can handle that," said Applejack.

"I am in the middle of preparations to open my new Las Pegasus location..." Rarity began slowly. "...Buuut I could definitely make myself... extremely fashionably late to the grand opening."

"I'm free whenever," Fluttershy offered, quietly snickering again as she played another "draw five".

"How many of those do you have?!" Pinkie yelled.

"That was my last one," she smiled.

"Well, if it's okay with all of you guys... then I guess we'll head out tomorrow after I brief Spike on the situation," said Twilight.

"Nice! It'll be just like old times, huh?" Rainbow pumped her hoof in the air.

"Ah could definitely go on another adventure, it's been a while," Applejack nodded.

"Yea! We'll find Starlight and Sunset real quick! Ooh, and it'll be fun turning into humans!" Pinkie beamed, bouncing in her seat.

"And since magic has been slowly leeching from our world into theirs, it'll be even easier to track them down," added Rarity.

"...Just kidding," Fluttershy tittered as she played one last "draw five". Pinkie stared at the card with a look of angry disbelief for a few moments, then stared at Fluttershy with the same intensity. "...That really was my last one."

"Don't worry... we'll go back to the nice side," Twilight laughed, playing her next card.


Spike returned from his journey bright and early, leaving Twilight plenty of time to brief him about their sudden departure. Thankfully nothing too diplomatic had been scheduled for the next few weeks - mostly just nobleponies presenting bills and an open court where the civilians could come in to discuss their problems.

"I trust your judgment," Twilight patted Spike's shoulder as they all stood in front of the Crystal Mirror. Lately the young dragon had hit a growth spurt, and his formerly small frame was now twice as tall as he used to be. Muscles began filling out his body, which Spike had been most excited about.

"Sure thing, Twi... feels kinda weird not being able to go with ya, still, but I guess somebody has to rule Equestria in your stead," he sighed, although smiling fondly.

"We'll be back before you know it, Spikey-wikey," assured Rarity. Even after all these years, a faint blush spread across Spike's cheeks.

"Yea! Just don't piss off anything evil... I won't be here to kick its butt!" Rainbow winked.

"I'll write you if it takes longer to find Starlight than expected," added Twilight. The ponies and Spike each said their final goodbyes, and Spike watched as all six of them leapt through the portal. He let out a long sigh, one full of contentment and a hint of longing.

"Man, I miss adventures like that..." he mused to himself. "I'm sure they'll find Starlight real quick. Now, what gems do I want for lunch...?"


To Twilight's relief, nobody was around when she and her friends stepped out of the portal. She reared up onto her hind legs... which were her only legs, now. "You guys okay?" she asked as she glanced behind her.

"Yeppers!" Pinkie answered first. The outfit that had appeared on her body took Twilight by surprise - Pinkie was dressed in a white chicken costume for whatever reason the portal had deemed. She seemed perfectly okay with it, however, happily pretending to preen herself.

Hmm... we're gonna have to fix that.

"Whoa... this is weird," Rainbow breathed as she looked at her new hands. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and she wore a sleeveless hoodie in a nebula of rainbow colors, black yoga pants and white sneakers with purple laces.

"These are 'hands', correct? Ooh, these 'fingers' are so awkward," Rarity's lips thinned. She was dressed in a very stylish light blue asymmetrical top and skirt set, decorated with white rhinestones. She also had a large white leather bag with her Cutie Mark slung over one shoulder, matching her gladiator sandals.

"Weak, too. Ah don't see how them humans can do any hard work with 'em," nodded Applejack. She was dressed in blue jeans and an orange T-shirt with a red-and-black buffalo plaid jacket tied around her waist, along with brown leather boots and her hat. Beside her, Fluttershy simply looked herself over quietly - she was dressed in a long-sleeved, spring green tunic with dark blue spandex pants and pink sneakers. On her hip was a fanny pack in a lighter shade of pink than her Cutie Mark emblazoned on it.

"You should get used to them pretty quickly... at least, that was the case for me," said Twilight, who frowned at what the portal had decided to dress her in: a sparkly, indigo evening gown with matching stilettos. "...Well, this isn't gonna work."

"I disagree, I think you look lovely!" beamed Rarity.

"True, but it's not exactly practical," Twilight grumbled, closing her eyes to focus. Though some ambient magic was now available to call upon in this world, she still found it quite difficult to conjure herself a new outfit. To make it a little easier on herself she envisioned a more adult-sized version of the clothes she'd worn when she came to this universe the first time.

"Hmm... a bit young, maybe..." Fluttershy commented.

"Pretty nerdy, too," added Rainbow.

"Perhaps... but that's not important right now," Twilight shook her head. "We're here to find Starlight and see if she's okay."

"Yes, we can go clothes shopping later," said Rarity. "I can feel the inspiration flowing for my next clothing line already!"


After using a newfangled invention found within Rarity's purse called a "smart phone", the group eventually managed to find Sunset's apartment in the middle of town and catch a taxi there. Pinkie's chicken costume drew a few weird looks, but nobody seemed to care enough to pry. Scanning the parking lot, Twilight noticed Sunset's motorcycle still in its parking spot.


They trudged up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Hello? Sunset? Are you home?" Twilight yelled through the door. A female voice yelled back, though muffled.

"Well, someone's home, anyway," said Applejack. A few moments later the door opened, and Rainbow gasped.

"Sweet Celestia!" she exclaimed.

"What the hell?" the human Rainbow Dash recoiled in shock. "What are you guys doing here? ...And what am I doing with you guys?"

"Oh, um, it's me, I'm the Twilight from pony Equestria," Twilight put her hand on her chest. "And these are my friends from there, including my universe's Rainbow Dash."

"Yo," Rainbow waved.

"Whoa," human Rainbow blinked. "...Ya know, seeing two Twilights was pretty trippy before, but now there's two of all of us? That's... something. Anyway, uh, hi! What's up?"

"Have you seen Sunset or Starlight lately?" asked Twilight. The human Rainbow's face drew into a concerned scowl, sucking her lips into her mouth.

"Well, no... Sunset said about a week ago that Starlight came over and was gonna hang out for a while - I was coming home from work Saturday so we were all gonna surprise her and go out for the night... but when I came home neither of them were here. Which, fine, but they didn't leave a note or anything. Haven't heard from Sunset since then."

Twilight frowned in concern. "You haven't?"


"Well... perhaps something happened to them?" offered Rarity.

"Don't get me wrong, I called the cops and filed a missing person's report yesterday," human Rainbow shrugged. "I took a look around the house and nothing's missing or broken, and Sunset's room looks normal enough. Whatever's happened to them, though, I'm sure they'll be fine. Sunset's one tough babe, and so is Starlight, if I remember right."

"Ah sure hope so," said Applejack. "Ah'm gettin' a bad feelin' 'bout this."

"Do you think you could help us search for them?" Twilight asked, hopeful.

"Oh, yea," human Rainbow waved her hand. "We're all worried about them. The plan was to first get emergency time off from work, then we'd get together and figure something out. Sci-Twi's already putting something together that'll track down Sunset's geode."

"Sci-Twi...?" Rainbow cocked her head.

"The other me, from this universe," Twilight explained.

"Yea... we just need our Fluttershy to get off work, and then we should be set-" As human Rainbow spoke, however, the TV in the room suddenly flashed on. "What the...?"

"Greeeeetings and salutations, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and everyone in between!" a voice shrieked from the speakers as a black and white robot bear leapt into the picture, its jagged left eye glowing red.

"Rise and shine, ursine!" four voices shouted as four more bears in varying colors joined the first, standing to its sides.

"I am your humble host Monokuma, and welcome to the hottest new reality show on the planet!" the black and white bear bowed. "Now, as we all know, some of us humans on this wonderful planet Earth have suddenly begun to manifest magical abilities! They can range anywhere from the lame and mundane to the truly extraordinary!

"...But these powers have clouded the minds and consciences of those lucky or cursed enough to receive such gifts," Monokuma's cheerful tone darkened. "They lust for power, for fame, for money... and murder."

"What is this?" Twilight shivered as everyone gathered around the TV. Something about these bears rubbed her the wrong way.

"We all know that absolute power corrupts absolutely... if these magical freaks are allowed to run free and use their powers on the rest of society, chaos will ensue!" the red and white bear now spoke.

"Entire governments will be toppled overnight! Anarchy will run wild in the streets! All of humanity will become their slaves as they alone sit atop a throne of infinite wealth and unstoppable power!" added the yellow and white bear.

"...I can't turn it off," human Rainbow grumbled, hitting multiple buttons on the TV's remote.

"But our brave and wise father has come up with the perfect plan to prevent the rise of these bastards to prominence!" the pink and white bear joined in, her voice the only female one so far.

"So tune in and watch as these murdering assholes murder each other for shits and giggles, and show the world their true intentions!" the blue and white bear shouted last, strumming the electric guitar it held wildly. A large, yellow ball lowered into view and split apart, showering the bears with confetti as the background behind them changed.

"Ooh! I like the characters so far!" Pinkie grinned as she plopped down on the couch, holding a massive bowl of popcorn. The camera zoomed in on what appeared to be a campground in the middle of a forest. A number of people were wandering around various buildings... some of them looked familiar to Twilight.

Too familiar.

"...Hey, wait a minute..." human Rainbow squinted at the TV. "...I know some of those people."

"Y-You do?" Fluttershy gulped.

"Yea," human Rainbow continued, her face growing more concerned with each realization. "...That looks like that Sugarcoat girl I knew in high school... and Indigo, too, they went to Crystal Prep... shit, is that Soarin'?!"

"Soarin'?" Rainbow jogged in front of the TV. "What's he do in this universe?"

"He's one of our city's best soccer players!" gaped human Rainbow. "And... oh shit, is that Flash?!"

"Flash...?!" Twilight gasped. Memories of the young man trickled into her mind... he was one of her first friends in this world, and was always very nice to her. It had made her happy when Sunset had written her that the two had made up and become friends again.

And then, on the TV, the camera panned over to two girls. Two terrifyingly familiar girls. Everybody gasped in horror as they recognized their fiery red-and-yellow and cool purple-and-ice-blue hair.

Sunset and Starlight were a part of this TV show.

"...Found them..." Pinkie singsonged half-heartedly, the bowl of popcorn sliding out of her lap. She scooted over as Twilight and the rest flopped down beside her in disbelief.

"We begin by setting up our hidden cameras in an isolated commune, where a group of these magical miscreants live in secret," Monokuma's voice narrated. "...They have gathered to hone their skills and increase their powers, but even with similar goals in mind, they can't help but stab each other in the back!"

"...Hey, weren't we gonna put the title card in before the introduction?" the voice that belonged to the yellow and white bear interrupted, followed by what sounded like something being smacked with a blunt object.

"Don't interrupt your father!" Monokuma hissed before clearing his throat and continuing. "Now, let's introduce these terrible terrors, hmm?" The scene changed to a shot of sixteen people sitting at a long table in what appeared to be a dining hall, with Sunset and Starlight among them.

I'm Starlight... Starlight Glimmer... Uh... I dunno if I'd call it 'leading', but I am the headmistress of a prestigious school in... another city... Yea.

I'm Sunset Shimmer... uh... apparently, I don't have an Ultimate...? Or they don't know what it is...

Twilight watched the TV with singleminded focus, analyzing everything she possibly could: the other people with Sunset and Starlight, their location, what they seemed to have access to, Sunset's apparent lack of magic-

She blinked, then shuddered. "Hey, Rainbow...?"

"Yea?" Both Rainbow and human Rainbow answered at the same time, then facing each other in amusement.

"Human Rainbow... uh... does Sunset have her geode with her?" Human Rainbow hesitated for a moment.

"Um... good question," she mumbled as she leapt off the couch and jogged over to Sunset's room. A few seconds later she came out with a deep look of concern, holding the geode necklace in her hand. "...She does not."

Twilight hummed. Things were quickly growing more and more serious. They continued to watch the show in silence... and then the first murder happened. As Sunset and Starlight gazed in horror at the corpse of Dr. Hooves, everybody realized that this was no mere reality TV show.

"Shit... this is real!" human Rainbow shouted. "They really did kill that guy!"

"H-How terrible!" Fluttershy began to cry. Her cries morphed into full-blown hyperventilating as Monokuma went over the so-called rules of the compound: if the culprit was found out in a trial, only the culprit would be executed. If the culprit was not found... well, the first time nothing would happen to the rest, but after that... everybody else would be executed instead.

"My word..." Rarity breathed quietly.

"This is bad, guys... this is really buckin' bad!" Rainbow trembled. They continued watching with trepidation as the investigation gave way to the trial, where Button Mash was found guilty. And then...

...The execution. The entire thing was filmed live, from multiple angles, in all its brutal and gory glory. Twilight felt her heart drop into her stomach as she watched the poor boy's shattered body bounce off the ground.

She couldn't take her eyes away from the sight. The body of that boy kept morphing into that of Sunset or Starlight, or Flash, or any of the other innocents.

If she didn't find them... if she didn't find Starlight or Sunset in time... they were going to die. Horribly.

"...Well, wasn't that enlightening?" Monokuma's voice taunted to hook his viewers in as the credits rolled. "Tune in next week for another installment! What will these horrible people do to each other next?!" And then the TV powered off all on its own, just like before.

Twilight and the others stared in horrified silence for what felt like an eternity.

And then human Rainbow's phone rang. She checked the screen, seeing that it was Sci-Twi, and answered it.

"...Hello? ...Yea, I saw it, too... No shit, we gotta do something! ...On it, and I'm bringing friends! ...Uh, you'll understand when you see 'em... Right. Bye," she nodded once as she hung up, then stood up quickly. "C'mon, we're going to Sci-Twi's place!"

Twilight and her friends nodded. They needed to act, fast.