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Prehistoric Reunion Part 6: Rage Unleashed and Backup Part 3

"Godzilla?! What's he doing here?" Cozy Glow shouted.

"I don't know, but that overgrown, fat lizard is going to pay!" Tirek promised.

Godzilla looks toward the Dinosaurs on his left. Next, he saw Shiny impaled by several spearhead and hoof printed in the center of her chest. Then, he looks at Tirek and and growls in anger. Then, he raises his right arm above his collar bone, twists his paw, closed all of his claws... and pulled up his middle finger at Tirek.

Tirek and the other villains gasped. Derek and Valerie stared blankly and emotionless.

The dinosaurs went "oh" and "ooh."

Godzilla then smiles as he evilly laughed at Tirek.

Tirek was pissed as air clouds started puffing from his nostrils twice, followed up with streams of smoke fuming out of his ears like steam from a train. He started digging his right forehoof into the ground; challenging the King of the Monsters. Tirek took all of the Changeling Magic and Alicorn Magic and Dark Magic, as well as Daedric Magic and Cybertronian Magic and started growing until he was the same height as Godzilla.

Godzilla accepted as he raised his fists and pulled them back down and released a roar; accepting Tirek's challenge.

The giant red, black and gray centaur reeled himself up and started kicking his legs in the air and to charge at Godzilla. Godzilla held his ground as he went into a defensive stance. Tirek was about to ram his horns into Godzilla's chest only to be stopped by the king's paws. Tirek started to get desperate to get out of his claws, so he slammed both his fists at the same time in Godzilla's belly. Then, he started rapidly punching him in the belly one punch at a time with a total count of ten, which the 10th one being a hard right gut punching uppercut, one that caused the King of Monsters to let go by force. Next, Tirek turned around to his right and bucked him with his back legs, pushing the Alpha Titan to the ground on his left side. Tirek started to power up another attack with his fireball move yet again, only this time he was aiming for Gojira. His attack was about to produce a heavy assault on the King of the Monsters until he was yet again interrupted -- by a giant boulder hitting square in the chest.

The dinosaurs and villains were once again dumbfounded and then discovered who threw a boulder that size at Tirek. It was a giant dark brown-furred gorilla walking on two legs.

It was none other than Kong; King of the Apes.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! NOW KONG'S HERE IN THIS WORLD, TOO!" Cozy Glow screamed in annoyance.

But that was not all, Kong came with a vine-made harness stretching from his left shoulder to his hip. He pulled his hand up and reached for what was hanging from his back. The villains saw him pull out what appeared to be a femur of the Gojira species. They chuckled, thinking that Kong was going to use a giant bone to whack them. But, they soon worn shocked expressions as they saw that there was reptilian skin wrapped around a giant dorsal plate tied to the femur.

It was Kong's battle axe.

Godzilla woken up in time and stood on Kong's left. The two looked at each other and started smiling. Godzilla then started looking down at Kong's axe, which got Monkey-Boy to look down at his axe as well. Godzilla looks back up at Kong while Kong followed up with looking at his former rival. The two had an ancient rivalry going for years, and after teaming up against MechaGodzilla, the two titans stopped fighting; ending their long rivalry. Now, the two kings will work together once again to stop another titanic foe.

It will be a battle between a Lord against a God and a King.

But before it commences, Kong raised his axe high into the air. Next Godzilla raises his tail up and then slams it back to the ground right behind Kong and starts glowing blue from the tail, which starts to pick up speed as it climbs his back and stops at his head, making his eyes glow, too. Then, with a flaming roar, Godzilla breathes his atomic fire at Kong's axe and stops. Now, the King's axe is now charged with a little boost of "firepower." The dinosaurs and villains were shocked again as they witnessed the team-up between the two Titans.

Kong placed his axe into his other hand raised it up, and then started roaring as he beats his chest; challenging Tirek as he readies up for battle as Godzilla unleashed another iconic roar for battle.

Thurston started to speak with the Conductor which got the others attention. "Is there ANYTHING we can do to help Kong and Godzilla?" He asked.

"No. This is a fight between Titans. In other words..." he starts.


"...let them fight," he finished.

Godzilla and Kong roared at the same time and then charged at Tirek, who also charged at the two. He lowered his head hoping to pierce Godzilla's belly. But he was stopped by Kong, who jumped in front of Godzilla and used his axe to block and parry Tirek back with a right backhanded parry. Godzilla appreciated the thought and used it to his advantage to run by his ape friend and rammed the centaur lord with a running headbutt of his own, stunning Tirek in the process with Godzilla being stunned for a quick second and quickly started to recover. The giant radioactive lizard heard rapid footsteps and looked behind to see Kong running behind him. Godzilla looks back in front of him and lowered his torso a bit as Kong jumped on his back, and with a little courtesy from the King of the Monsters, Godzilla pushed himself up, giving a boost to Kong's jump as the King of the Apes twists his body to the left in midair, and dropkicks Tirek square into the chest and gut as it pushes him back a few feet from the two kings.

Kong landed on the ground with ease and smiled while Godzilla laughed.

Tirek struggled to get up from the attack that was laid upon him.

"Decepticons, ATTACK!" Chrysalis commanded, and soon all Decepticons started flying and hitting the two Titans with rockets. The Kings were being heavily damaged as the rockets started hurting. Godzilla, seeing Kong getting more hurt by the barrage of missiles and rockets due to not having thick scales like he does, walks over, pushes him under his chest and shields the giant gorilla with his own body as he tries to stop most of them. The Earth needs Godzilla and Kong, after all. Godzilla painfully roars along with Kong until the barrage stopped, leaving them with charred fur and scales.

As the jets fully reloaded, they continued their assault on the two kings. But, after a few moments, a few jets were exploded by a volley of color assorted fireballs as a lavender blur along with a blue blur crashed into a few and making it out alright. The two blurs slowed down and stared at the dinosaurs.

"Hello, dinosaurs!" The blue blur called out on the lavender blur's left.
"Long time no see!" The lavender blur called out on the blue blur's right.

"Ember! Spike!" Tiny shouted in surprise and happiness.

Then, the Pteranodon Family and friends saw a strange being floating high above the clouds carrying a big box over his head with just one lion finger levitating it. Don remembered the creature for his deer antler and long, snaky body.

"It's Discord!" Don yelled.

"Special Delivery!" Discord said as he tilted a cardboard box which dropped a spinning green ball hurdling through jets and landing on a pile of Decepticons. As the smoke had cleared, a T-rex made of green, black and gray metal started roaring.

"Grimlock!" Buddy shouted excitingly.

"Let's RUMBLE!" Grimlock yelled out his catchphrase and then started bashing and smashing more Decepticons.

The Vampires started charging at Grimlock, only to stop and cover their ears as they heard a quartet of bloodcurdling howls. Soon, four blurs of light green, sky blue, brown, and light blue ramming through many soldiers and leaving a few soldiers that were either bruised or killed with huge scratch marks. The blurs stopped in front of Grimlock and were revealed to be the Tribal Werewolf Pirates; Jonathan Claw, Michael Ba'kar, Saivon Rey, and Luke Reese.

"Oh, yeah! Now we got Werewolf Power!" Tiny shouted as she fist pumps the air with both her hands.

The Wolves continued speeding through enemies, stunning the Ornithomimus Twins.

"Whoa! That is fast!" Oren and Ollie said at the same time.

Chrysalis points her left hoof at Derek and Valerie. "You two, get 'em!" Chrysalis commanded both Dark Derek and Dark Valerie. The two raptors ran at top speed until they were stopped by Luke's blow darts, one shot shot both at the left side of their necks. As soon as they fell on their tummies and skidded on the ground and stopped in front of Jonathan. The green Werewolf walks over to the two with Michael and Saivon. Saivon on Jonathan's right walked over to Valerie and twisted her body as he held her head in his right paw. Mike on Jonathan's left walked over to Derek and twisted his body as he held his head in his left paw. Jonathan raised his right and left paws on top of his heart with his index and middle fingers closed, and then pushes them out in the form of peace signs as yellow magic starts flowing to their bodies after saying "Misha He'la." The dinosaurs watch him work his magic and saw the yellow mass encompassing both Valerie and Derek. Soon, the yellow evaporated from Valerie and Derek as their black scales returned back to their original colors. The Velociraptor Family and Deinonychus Family were very happy. Michael and Saivon brought the two back over at the dinosaurs as they were happy to see them freed from Chrysalis's control.

"Don't worry; they're going to be okay," Mike said.

"They'll be out for a few hours, though," Saivon told both families.

"Thank you," Derek's father said while his mother holds him.

"You four are good dogs," Velma said.

"No problem," Mike said.

"Why don't you beautiful creatures go find a place to hide?" Jonathan asked.

Gilbert walks in front of the crowd of Dinosaurs and in front of Jonathan and started to speak.

"But... what about Shiny?" Gilbert asked.

"What about her?" Jonathan calmly asked.

Gilbert pointed to the right, causing Jonathan and the other Werewolf Pirates to turn their heads to the left, only to see WereShiny impaled through many parts of her body.

They gasped. "SHINY!" All four of them said at the same time and ran over to her. However, WereShiny started to growl in anger, causing the four to use their paws to a skidding halt.

"WereShiny remember you. WereShiny not like you," she said.

The Werewolves craned their heads to the right and said, "Huh?"

"Um, how much did we miss?" the green Werewolf asked.

Tiny walks in between the Weredragon and the Werewolves. "Ever since you left, WereShiny has become more like a puppy that wanted a lot of attention for several nights. But for tonight, we thought she was going to eat me, but instead started tickling me... by licking me. And we just discovered that she can almost talk in complete sentences," she explained.

"That much, huh? Wait, back when we first came here, you said that Shiny painfully transforms and develops an uncontrollable body right?" Jonathan asked.

"Right," Tiny quickly replied.

"But back in Skylands, she was able to experience a painless transformation and was able to control herself. But here, and only here, it would seem that after her first transformations, WereShiny became a split personality that doesn't feel the need to prey on the innocent, a second mind that takes full control after painlessly transforming into her. A mind that knows right from wrong. A mind that shares the same love for you and your family. A mind... that still remembers our first fight between her and us," Jonathan explained.

WereShiny starts to growl again.

Tiny turns around to WereShiny.

"WereShiny, please. I know you don't like them, but Shiny does. And they want to help you."

WereShiny growls again at the Werewolves, but only for a few seconds and looks at Tiny.

"I know you don't trust them and you wanna keep us safe, but they wanna protect us, too. I trust them. Can you please do the same?" Tiny pleaded with her hands cupped together.

WereShiny growls for 5 seconds; deciding whether to trust the four wolves or not. After 5 seconds of growling and deciding, she decided to trust them... for her sister's sake, by bowing with a single nod with a single grunt.

After that, the Werewolves went to each spearhead and pry them out, with what little pain they tried to not cause to WereShiny, who was crying in pain by growling and roaring.

"I know, Sweetie, I know," Tahlia said as she held her daughter's head with WereShiny's mouth being held by her mother.

"There's one more," Mike, standing at WereShiny's left shoulder, said as he points his right finger at one more spearhead that impaled the Weredragon's back, just five inches to the right of her spine.

Luke, who stood at WereShiny's left thigh, placed his left paw over her spine and grabs the long weapon and tried pulling it out, but it wouldn't budge. So, he tried to pull it out with both paws, causing a little bit more pain to the creature that was once Shiny. However, it still wouldn't budge. "It still won't budge; its too deep. But I can sense that it didn't hurt many internal organs, at least," he clarified.

Saivon, who stood at WereShiny's right thigh and beside Jonathan, started to speak. "It looks like we're gonna have to pull it together," he said.

"Okay guys, grab the spear," Jonathan Claw, or Rex the Extreme Werewolf said to Saivon and Mike.

Luke has kept both his paws on the spear. Saivon placed his paws four inches over Luke's, Mike placed his paws four inches over Saivon's, and Jonathan placed his paws four inches over Mike's. Then, after a little telepathic talk between the four, they start to count. "Alright guys, on 3. 1...," Jonathan said and soon he and the other three Werewolves yanked the spear out of her back, causing immense pain only for a second to the blue weredragon and letting out two tears from her eyes as she roars in pain.

"What happened to 2 and 3?" Peter asked in disbelief.

"...2, 3. There! That wasn't so hard, now was it?" The lime green Werewolf replied and asked.

"But you said, "on three?" Tiny said.

"Do you really think we were gonna pull it on three, which would cause your sister to cringe in fear?" He asked.

"WereShiny not scared!" She shouted while turning her head to the lime Werewolf. Rex, however, raised his right eyebrow at her. "WereShiny... a little scared," she admitted. Then, she starts trying to get back up on her feet.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on," Rex said, stopping WereShiny from progressing further. "Just cause the spear is removed, doesn't mean you'll start to regenerate your health and skin back. Unlike our first battle, we never cut through your hide, so it will be a while before you heal up. See?" He said as he points his right paw at her back, as it slowly starts to regenerate muscle tissue. "So, in the meantime, as an alpha Werewolf, I'm ordering you to stay down," he ordered.

WereShiny gave a stern "hmph!" as she returns her head back to her mother's arms as Tahlia goes back to smoothly rubbing her daughter's head again. This time, without the spear, she can slowly heal and enjoy her mother's embrace.

The four Werewolves started to look back at the battle and see that their side was winning.

"ENOUGH!" Chrysalis shouted. "You may have won this battle, Fusionators, but we'll come back stronger than ever!" She promised and started to cast a spell and soon, she, Cozy Glow, Tirek, and the evil Vampires and Decepticons have vanished.

Soon, Godzilla and Kong started roaring in victory along with Spike, Ember, and Grimlock, as the Werewolves started howling in victory.