• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 814 Views, 60 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy II - Vimtrust5

Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, and Princess Cadence take on the Palamecian Empire.

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Chapter 3: The Search for Mythril/Battle in the Crystal Empire

Going down the steps, our heroes found themselves in a cavern not quite unlike the waterfall cave they went through in world that was once ravaged by Queen Chrysalis and Chaos.

"Has everyone checked their equipment?" asked Firion. They all nodded. Before leaving Salamand, the party made sure to visit the stores and purchased even better weapons than the ones in their inventory including a longsword for Firion, a longbow for Maria, a battle axe for Guy, and a mace for Minwu.

After checking their inventory, the group began their trek through the cave. Along the way, they encountered more goblins, a goblin guard, and two new monsters: both of them were green fireball-shaped beings with arms and a face.

"Balloons!" Minwu gasped.

"What now?" asked Twilight.

The white mage answered, "Those creatures you see there? They're called Balloons! It is a member of the Bomb family of monsters that can self-destruct before they are defeated."

"Uh-oh," said Spike.

"It's best to take care of these things first," Firion surmised.

Twilight conjured shields around everyone to protect themselves just in case. Guy struck the explosive creature with battle axe. Fortunately, the Balloon didn't explode as it faded into nothingness. The other one, however, quickly self-destructed, forcefully pushing our heroes away. They got back up and proceeded to do battle with the goblins.

Maria shot an arrow at one of the creatures, sending it to the ground.

Firion slashed one of the others with ease, while Twilight cast a Fire spell on the last goblin.

The goblin guard was quickly taken down by Minwu's mace.

With the monsters gone, our heroes grew even stronger as Twilight's magic power increased.

*music stops*

On the second floor, the party had to wade through shallow water on order to press on.

If Rarity were here, Twilight thought, she'd hate this. Good thing it's just a little water, though.

In the northeastern section of the area, they opened a treasure chest containing eye drops. Twilight and Fluttershy looked at each other, knowing exactly what to expect the minute they found them.

As they went further, the party encountered imperial soldiers and more monsters, but they were no match for the combined strength of the ponies and humans. As a result of their victory, some of the group grew even stronger. Minwu and Maria's magic powers had increased with Firion and Guy becoming more adept with their weapons; the Equestrians had become more agile.

The group came across four doors. Not knowing what to expect, they split into three groups and found two of the rooms were traps set up in order to ambush any intruders. Twilight, Spike, and Minwu fought off four goblins and an Imperial grunt with ease, while Firion, Fluttershy, and Guy took care of several Balloons. Cadence and Maria defeated several sasquatches and lopers.

Reunited, the heroes went through the fourth door and went down the stairway.

As they reached the third floor of the cavern, they ran straight for the treasure chest in front of them and found 200 gil. Going back, they went west and made a left turn, seeing three doors in front of them. Not wanting to take a risk this time, they all chose to open the door on the left and found several humans exhausted and panting. Among them was a familiar looking ninja.

"Hey, you're Firion and Twilight Sparkle right?" he said. "Remember me? It's me, Paul!"

"What...?" said Twilight quietly. "What are you doing here?!"

"Maybe you all could help me out," he answered, looking over to the girl on his side. "This is Nelly, Josef's daughter."

"His daughter...?" asked Cadence. "Oh, no..."

"Oh, yes. Borghen took her hostage and threatened to kill her unless her father did as he said."

"So that's why he was hesitant..."

"Did you say, 'Borghen'?" asked Twilight. "As in the same Borghen who betrayed Fynn?"

"Yeah. Where'd you hear that?"

"From Prince Scott of Kashuan, just before he passed away..."

"I... I see..." Paul said. "Anyway, you're right. Borghen, the man who's holding this girl hostage, is the same rat who destroyed our home. I'd like to get my hands on him myself. Next time I see him, he'll pay."

"I think that's something we all agree on," said Twilight.

"Depends on what you mean by 'pay,'" said Firion. "So, Paul."

"Why am I here, you ask?" said the thief, already ahead of him. "Well, I learned this place bore mythril ore, so I came to get some for myself. But, wouldn't you know it, they caught me, so here I am."

The others weren't sure if this man was either brave or foolish, given his current predicament.

"That's... uh..." Twilight said, not knowing what to say. "...really bad."

"That's it?" said Paul. "That's all you have to say?"

"Yeah... sorry..."

"That's... not all..."

"Oh, my. What else could it be?" asked Fluttershy.

"I saw several other ponies being overworked two floors down."

The Equestrians gasped.

"Those must be some of the Crystal Ponies!"

"Come on!" said Firion. "We have to rescue them!"

"That's the best course of action. You distract the guards and save those ponies, while I get Nelly and the others out of here!"

Going down the stairs led our heroes to the fourth level where the humans walked along a wooden bridge and found a treasure chest in the small room in front of them. They opened the chest and found another Fire tome.

"Don't we already have this?" said Spike.

"I guess there are several magic tomes that teach their readers the same spell all over this world," Twilight thought aloud.

"Never mind that," said Firion. "Let's move on." Everyone nodded. Going back to the foot of the bridge, they turned left and found four more bridges connecting to one platform. The three ponies who could fly did so and found that two of the structures led to dead ends. Spike, who rode on Twilight's back, suggested that they take the one path that did not have a dead end.

Everybody agreed and went through a narrow pathway leading them right to the stairs. The humans leading against the wall, making sure their quest wouldn't end right then and there. They went down the stairs reaching the last level of the cavern. There, they went right and found themselves in a section containing two doors, one on the left and one on the right. They opened the left door first and came across three non-crystalized Crystal Ponies exhausted from being overworked. In front of them stood a Palamecian sergeant in dark armor torturing the poor equines with a whip. Near him was a treasure chest.

"Get back to work!" he commanded.

"You stop that!" Guy shouted.

The sadistic soldier turned around and received quite a shock. "Rebel scum. And more ponies!"

"You let them go now!" Cadence exclaimed.

Seeing their saviors in front of them, the ponies' coats regained their crystalline colors.

The evil soldier laughed. "How cute. Some hideous creatures think they can order me around."

One of the ponies could no longer stay silent and spoke up.

"How dare you talk that way about Princess Cadence and her friends! They are--"

"SILENCE!!" he said, whipping the poor mare, causing her to scream in pain.

"That's enough!" Twilight declared. "You've left us no choice!"

"Insolent fools. You have sealed your own fate." He put away his whip and drew his sword. "You will not leave here alive with the mythril!"

The sergeant went to a battle stance and fiercely taunted the group.

"No one opposes the Emperor and lives!" he said.

"Wanna bet?" Spike retorted; he spewed several fireballs at the evil soldier, but every single one was slashed with ease.

Although she was intimidated by the man's stature and would under normal circumstances avoid fighting, Fluttershy attempted to strike the sergeant in the armor, only to sprain her hoof.

"Ha!" the sergeant laughed, backhanding the poor pegasus down to the ground.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight gasped.

This action infuriated Guy. The giant charged with his axe in tow.

"You hurt friend!"

Cadence tended to Fluttershy's wounds, her horn flaring a light blue aura. Minwu, too, took care of the poor yellow pony.

Firion and the sergeant crossed each other's swords, their blades locked until the former knocked his adversary off balance and kicked him in the chest. Maria and Twilight each cast Fire spells on him, but to their surprise he wouldn't relent and charged right at them.

Cadence, who successfully healed Fluttershy with the help of the white mage, intercepted and gave the cruel human a strong buck, almost knocking him off his feet.

"You wretched equine!" he exclaimed. "I'll bring His Majesty your head!"


Guy rushed towards the sergeant, chopped his blade and delivered a strong uppercut sending him to the ceiling.

"Nice shot, Guy," Firion commended.

*music stops*

A few minutes later, the ceiling started to crack, and the sergeant fell into the water near the Crystal Ponies.

"All... hail... Emperor... Mateus..." And with those words, the soldier perished and disappeared.

"We did it!"

*music stops*

Twilight's body began flashing rapidly, and soon as it stopped, everyone gasped in awe.

"Does this mean...?" she asked. The sound of wings opening got her attention, and she bounced around in joy, saying "yes" multiple times just like when she received her cutie mark and was made Princess Celestia's personal student.

"Twilight...?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes..."

"Twilight?" Cadence said.

But it was futile. Twilight continued to hop around happily until she flew and shouted one final "Yes!" At that point, she opened her eyes and found everyone (except Fluttershy, Cadence, and Guy) in the room looking at her like she was crazy.

"Are... you okay, Twilight?" Firion asked out of concern.

The alicorn only chuckled nervously and said, "Yes," one last time before landing back on solid ground and folding her wings. The Crystal Ponies came up and smiled.

"Thank you, Princess Twilight! Thank you, Princess Cadence! Thank you, Spike! And thank you, humans!"

"I'm glad you're all safe now," said Cadence. "Do any of you know about the other Crystal Ponies?"

The former slaves' happy mood diminished at that question, however.


The look of worry on each of the ponies' faces made everyone assume the worst.

"They're not..." Cadence said quietly.

"No, they're still alive," said one stallion. "But they're being forced to work on something horrible called the Dreadnought."

"DId you just say 'Dreadnought?!'" said a surprised Firion.

"Yes, he did," the mare from before added. "The one taking charge of this project is the Emperor's Dark Knight, his second-in-command. I heard he's brainwashed several citizens in another town along with our fellow Crystal Ponies. You must save them!"

"We will," said Twilight. "I promise you that."

"Thank you."

"I think you'd better head for Poft and wait for us there."

"How come?"

"We'll tell you later."

"Well, thank you again. Thank you very much!"

The three Crystal Ponies, hearts filled with hope and joy, finally left the area and our heroes next to the treasure chest the sergeant was guarding. In the treasure chest was the very element they had sought: mythril! With the mythril now in their possession, there was no need to stay in the caverns any longer, and so our heroes left the way they came and went back to town.

As soon as the party went back, the villagers showered them with praise, thanking them for saving the men.

They went back into Josef's house (with Fluttershy doing her best not to look at the antlers) and met with him and Nelly. "You saved my daughter and the other villagers. How can I ever repay you?"

"Actually, it was that Paul guy who saved them," said Spike.

"But he was a prisoner along with her, and if not for you all, I never would have seen her again. Borghen coerced me into lying, so I just couldn't tell you the truth."

"We know, sir," said Fluttershy. "Paul told us everything."

Josef sighed in relief, his conscience now clear. "Now then, if I may ask again: How can I repay you all?"

"Well, to start with..." Firion thought. "Can you tell us about the warship Palamecia's working on?"

"Yes. Ever since the Dark Knight took command, the Dreadnought's construction has sped up. It will be finished in no time."

"We can't let that happen," said Cadence. "We won't. They're even using my subjects from the Crystal Empire against their will."

"That's terrible."

"We've found some mythril, finally. What do we do with it?" asked Spike.

"Simple. You must hurry and bring it to Princess Hilda. She must be waiting for you!"

"Indeed," said Minwu. "Thank you, Josef. Well then, everyone. Shall we go?"

Fluttershy, however chose to stay inside, wanting to discuss something.

"Mister... Josef, sir?"

"Yes?" he asked, kneeling to bring himself to her level.

"What are those... antlers... doing on your wall?"

"Oh, those? Not to worry, my dear. Those are faux antlers."

"'Faux antlers?'" she repeated. "Oh, you mean..."

"Yes, they're just for decoration."

"It's true," Nelly confirmed.

"Oh, my. I'm so sorry. You see, I thought..."

"Yes, I understand. I can tell you're quite fond of animals."

"Well, at least I'll rest easier tonight. So long."

And so, the heroes left Josef's house and Salamand altogether heading all the back to Poft.


As they finally re-entered the town, they found the Crystal Ponies standing by the entrance.

"We've been waiting for you all," said the mare.

"Sorry it took a while, everypony," Cadence replied. "But I think we're all ready to get to Atlair."

"But... why aren't you teleporting us back home?" asked the stallion.

"Because we're not sure if that last attack they made on the Crystal Empire will be their last," Twilight added. "Who knows if they'll attack again?"

The Crystal Ponies knew that the Princess of Friendship made a point. If they were to be teleported back home, they would most likely be abducted once more, or worse. Knowing that now, there was only one other option.

"Princess Twilight?"


"Will you... um..."

"Take you with us to Altair? I think that can be arranged."

"Huh?" said Spike.

"Are you sure?" Firion asked. "The Empire could be..."

"I know the risks, Firion. But if we don't do something now, that Emperor's going to win."

The bandana wearing youth couldn't argue against that. "Alright. We're taking you all with us."

"Thank you," the Crystal Ponies said in unison.

And so our heroes went into the pub and paid 700 gil for a ticket back to Altair. As they boarded the airship with the others, Twilight and Fluttershy couldn't help but feel nostalgic flying on a similar vessel. Their memories of traveling with the Warriors of Light--Setro, Zauver, Flora, and Teol--would always live in their hearts.

Still, Twilight couldn't help but worry. Her sister-in-law took notice.

"Twilight?" asked Cadence.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I hope they're alright. Shining Armor and the others..."

"Me, too..."

*music fades out*

Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire...

Everything was quiet since the last raid. Soldiers were patrolling the streets, keeping a wary eye out for any more of the unholy beings that captured several inhabitants as well as the young Princess Flurry Heart.

"Any disturbances?"

"No, sir!" the guard responded. "We've checked every inch of the Crystal Empire and not one of those fiends has returned."

Unfortunately, the soldier spoke too soon. For as he was about to return to his post, the guard spotted a swirling portal of darkness and out came several fiends!

"Ready yourselves!"

Shining Armor and his soldiers fought against a pair of goblins; after dispatching the fiends, ran into two ogres ready to smash them with its club. The stallions dodged sideways and successfully bucked one of them into a wall but were caught in the grasp of the other. The white unicorn flared his horn and fired a beam piercing the creature's eyes, freeing him and his troops.

"That was a close one, sir," said one of the guards. But just then, three more ogres appeared.

"You were saying?" said the other troop, raising his eyebrow.

"Attack!" Shining Armor commanded. They did so and went on the assault. However, they found themselves almost overwhelmed when one of the creatures grabbed them, intending to crush them. That is until, Shining Armor fired a powerful beam that sent one ogre to the wall, freeing himself and his troops. Its disappearance, as well as Shining Armor's aura, struck fear into the monsters' souls. They panicked and fled though the portal whence they came.

*music fades out*

Even with the monsters repelled, it still felt like an empty victory.

"We... We did it, Your Highness..." the soldier said, exhausted.

"Yeah..." Shining Armor said. He looked toward the sanctum of the Crystal Heart in the hopes that he would be reunited with his family once again.