• Member Since 11th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen Wednesday


I'm the smuggest horse that ever lived.


Sunset has a problem. It's a problem she's had since she was little, in a sense. She always felt like something was simply not right about her life, something that she can't put her finger on--that nags and pokes and teases at the back of her mind, until it drives her mad.

It's not that she wants to kill herself, really. It's just that it keeps happening, always at the most inconvenient times and in the most inconvenient ways.

Tagged with "self harm" even though technically Sunset isn't hurting herself, Sunset is hurting Sunset. Wait, does that count?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

The idea of Andrew Hussie as a respected scholar of multiversal narrative physics alone is enough to have me hooked. Eagerly looking forward to seeing what else you do with this idea.

(That said, that title might send the wrong message, both repelling your target audience and attracting a different one.)

....Those two audiences may not be disjoint. :twilightblush:

This comment alone immediately has me interested in this story.

I feel like this fic is a dig at Anon a Miss fics. Therefore it gets my upvote until I am told otherwise.

This is well done metawriting so far, and I like it. I'll be tracking this.

*sips tea*
hmmm... you have my curiosity.

I'm not sure what I'm reading, but I want to keep reading it. Consider me intrigued.

You know the trophy I was like, 'wrong word, should be 'best''

"No, it's not God. If my theory is correct...this would have to be the work of..."

Twilight turned and looked right at the fourth wall. "Fanfic authors.

Annon a Miss fanfic's writers in this moment:


That surprise ending.
The blood shedding
A little diversion, a fun little thing.
Not much substance, but has a bit of spring!
Needs more build up, but for a little thing like this, it's good.

Anyone else getting “The One” feeling here or is it just me?

A good parody is simultaneously a send-up of what makes the subject great and a comedic romp through what makes it silly. I don't think it's possible to write a good parody without writing something that looks like a Sunset Suicide fic on the surface.

Oh dearie me! This is gonna be a riot.

I... take issue with suicide being used so cheaply in fanfics, like it's pretty disrespectful and shows how little one knows about people reaching the end of their rope like that.

That's kinda part of the joke. The whole idea for this fic came about as a joke about how many Sunset fics center around Sunset attempting or committing suicide.

I dunno if I'm the one this was meant to call out, but I'm interested in the prospects that this makes possible already. So I'mma be lookin' forward to more of this!

Why does she have an academy award with her in the image?! XD

She won the Oscar for her role as "Worst Human" in the box office smash hit "Anon-A-Miss".

Well, then, STOP, FiMFic Authors!

iji #20 · Dec 4th, 2020 · · 3 ·

That picture somehow does not fill me with confidence that this will be a sober, respectful discussion of the topics at hand.



So I'm guessing the usual horseshit that makes Sunset go suicidal didn't happen here? It sounds like this one follows closer to Equestria Girls canon far more than 99% of what things on this site do with the topic.

Besides the obvious of course.

What is with that, anyway? Did that one single crappy comic somehow manage to do all that damage to the fandom entirely on its own, or was it just a natural rallying point for a trend that was going to happen anyway?


Did that one single crappy comic somehow manage to do all that damage to the fandom entirely on its own,

Somehow I suspect a lot of the fandom has a few unresolved bullying issues they need to work out in various ways, just a hunch but I have a feeling Anon-A-Miss brought back old memories for them.

Yes, well, a lot of Anon-A-Miss isn't really sober or respectful either.

Twilight turned and looked right at the fourth wall. "Fanfic authors."

...They aren't wrong. Anon-A-Miss has made a smorgasbord of times Sunset considered killing herself.

The Hussie Effect has enough to draw on.

Mostly it’s just a terribly written magnet for people to present their high school depression/bullying/self harm fics.

That, and far too many are to lazy to come up with anything original. So why not beat this dead horse? The only good stories using that pathetic excuse for a comic, are the ones making fun of it in some way.

Usually by not having literally eveyone but Sunset be so stupid, that they shouldn't be able to use magic at all. Or like this story. Where it's a meta take on it.

Correct you are. When stories make fun of the tropes or give them a good twist instead of recycling and overusing them, that's when they're good and enjoyable.

And let's be honest. No matter how bad Sunset felt at times during Equestria Girls about what she did or how the school viewed her, she never once got anywhere near suicidal depressed.

Twilight hummed to herself. "That sounds like something I read about once. It was called the Hussie convergence theorem--"

Goddamnit, dawnbreez.


Huh... this is odd, gonna track... :unsuresweetie:

You got me to respond with a full blown DUN, DUN, DUNNNNN out loud with that closer.
Was it the 1am sleep deprivation speaking? Hah, well, hahh, well, hahh, okay yeah, I got woken up a tornado weather warning shortly before this, but anyway you could almost just slap a Completed on this right then and there unless you've got ideas for more homicidal fanfic authors on the mind.

Hm. The way you introduced the HCT reminded me of "The One", the Jet Li film, where the fewer surviving individuals of the same person across the multiverse became more strongly connected to one another (and developed demigod powers?). Just a curious aside to share.

Thank you for writing this. I definitely laughed at the reveal!

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