• Published 10th Jan 2021
  • 490 Views, 16 Comments

Spiders and Loyalty: Deadly Vengence - Alvaxerox

Spider-Tsundere comes to Equestria, and will soon face a familiar foe along with the villains of Equestria

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Chapter 8: The Deadly Alliance is born part 1...

Spider-Tsundere has left back to her world with her family. The celebration was over. Things in Equestria have been going okay so far.

But far away from Ponyville, Black Fox retreated back to Mysterious, who was tending to a unknown looking pod. "Mysterious, I'm back."

"Black Fox, you have indeed returned. What is the status of your mission?" Mysterious asked. "Why hasn't Kit responded?"

"I know why, the sun and moon princesses formed a celebration for one mare. Or in this case, one girl from our world." Black Fox explained.

"What are you talking about?" Mysterious asked.

"To put it more bluntly, it's because of Spider-Tsundere. She's here, in Equestria!" Black Fox exclaimed.

"WHAT?" Mysterious said. "Impossible, how did she found us?"

"She didn't. The princesses Celestia and Luna created the celebration so they can thank Spider-Tsundere for the saving their world." Black Fox said. "She must've defeated Kit when she came to Ponyville."

"Dang it. Maybe that's why Kit couldn't answer her comm link. Spider-Tsundere must've sent her back to Earth." Mysterious assumed.

"Indeed. We better be prepare for when we see her. She doesn't know we're here." Black Fox said.

"You have a good point Black Fox." Mysterious said. "But with our boss weak, no doubt Spider-Tsundere will be making allies in this world, we'll be outnumbered."

"You're right. Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends might try to help Spider-Tsundere find out about us. We'll be compromised. We gotta surprise her." Black Fox said.

Just then, a voice from the pod started talking. "Listen..." The pod said. "I heard talking... Coming from that direction."

"You sure my love?" Black Fox asked.

"Yes. Come." The pod sprouted robotic spider legs and walked towards the sound. Mysterious and Black Fox followed it.

They reached what looks like a campfire. And they noticed a small pegasus filly arguing with what looks like a bull centaur. The supervillains hid in the bushes. Watching. "Is that a... Centaur?" Black Fox asked.

"Looks like it." Mysterious said.

"But aren't centaurs supposed to be half human?" Black Fox asked again.

"No. There are no such things as humans in Equestria." The pod voice said. "This one looks like a bull's head mix with a centaur's body."

"... This is NOT THE REAL ME! I'M CUTE AND LOVABLE!" The filly said.

"Pffft, no you're not!" The centaur said. "You're annoying and you sore."

"Oh wait, I think I heard of them somewhere while investigating Kit's disappearance. That small filly is name Cozy Glow, she acts all sweet and cute, until she sent Princess Twilight and her friends to hell for a wild goose chase." Black Fox remembered. "She was then exposed for the psycho child she was until she was sent to prison. Kinda harsh since she's a kid."

"You're right. And it's Tartarus." Mysterious pointed out.

"Same thing, membrain!" Black Fox stated.

"Whatever." Mysterious replied, rolling his eye. "What are they arguing about?"

"I have no idea." Black Fox said.

"At least I don't talk to my gram-gram in my sleep." Cozy Glow said with a smug grin.

"DON'T YOU DARE BRING GRAM-GRAM INTO THIS!" Tirek yelled in embarrassment.

Suddenly, a serpent like bull creature emerged from the bushes and it roared at Tirek and Cozy Glow. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Both Tirek and Cozy yelled at each other.

"What the heck is that thing!" Black Fox yelled as she trips from the bushes.

Tirek and Cozy and the creature see the mare fell in her body.

"Who are you?" Both Tirek and Cozy yelled again. "STOP REPEATING EVERYTHING I SAY?" They then slowly step away at the creature.

"You idiot!" Mysterious said, emerging out from the bushes. "You compromised us." He then sees the creature as it looks at him. "Fascinating... It's an actual ophiotaurus." The creature then attacked Mysterious with it's tail and tried to bite on its body. But it was harden. "Nice try you algamational beast! But I'm not even flesh and bone." He blasts the ophiotaurus with his hailstorm attack. But all that did was anger the ophiotaurus and it hits Mysterious with it's horns.

"Is that a... Robot?" Cozy Glow asked.

"I have no idea." Tirek said. "I literally have no idea what's a robot."

Black Fox then tried using her knife to stab the ophiotaurus on its back. But it's skin regenerates cause it's part reptile. "Should've known." She said, but before she had time to get another gadget from her harness, the ophiotaurus grabbed Black Fox and slammed her to the ground.

"Quickly, now's our chance run away." Cozy Glow said.

"Not yet. We need answers to who are these creatures." Tirek said.

"Duh, that one is a mare, and the other is a robot." Cozy said.

"I am not a robot! Well, sorta speak." Mysterious said.

The ophiotaurus then went back to eat Tirek and Cozy, until a beautiful female ophiotaurus appeared and flirted with the male ophiotaurus.

The male one slithered towards the female. "Quick, it's fully distracted. Let's go!" Cozy said.

"Wait!" Tirek said.

The female ophiotaurus then roared as it switched back into the changeling queen Chrysalis, and drained the male ophiotaurus of it's love essence.

Chrysalis reveled in her satisfaction. "Mmm, so much love, I haven't eaten this well in ages." She said, licking the deliciousness of the ophiotaurus' love.

Cozy felt like throwing up her lunch. "So gross."

Chrysalis then turned towards the fully brat and the centaur. "Just so we're clear, I didn't save you cause I like you, I did it because.... because...I..."

"Need us?" Cozy asked, finishing Chrysalis sentence with a cute little smile.

"Yes." Chrysalis shamefully admitted.

"Clearly, I was right to wait " Tirek said proudly. "Now tell me everything you learn today. Leave nothing out."

"What about those 2?" Cozy pointed at Black Fox and Mysterious.

"I got a few ideas." Chrysalis said, spitting out some green sticky gunk on the two supervillains.

"Ewww, ewww, ewww." Black Fox said.

"You're going to tell us who you are and why are you here?" Chrysalis said.

Tirek then look at Mysterious. "And what are you?" He added.

"Then you should know, learning about me will also be your regret." Mysterious said. Although his robotic body didn't change when coming to Equestria, only one piece of his human body did change.

"We've seen worse." Tirek said. "Do your worse."

"As you wish." Mysterious replied. He then took his his dome eye head, revealing what appears to be a brain with an eye ball.

Cozy Glow did not feel so good, looking at the brain, and the eyeball moving. She screamed and then flew to the bushes to hurl. "That is disgusting."

"Your a stallion brain in a metal body?" Chrysalis asked.

"Robot body." Mysterious corrected the changeling. But yes."

"How is that even possible?" Tirek asked in shock.

"It is a long story. But you don't want to know." Mysterious said.

"Good, cause I don't want to know." Cozy stated.

The robot brain put back his dome eyeball. "All you need to know is, my name is Basil Covax, but you may call me... Mysterious."

He introduced himself. "And this is my partner... Black Fox."

"Why are you dress in a weird costume?" Chrysalis asked.

"Oh, I know." Cozy said. "Mask, cool costume, your a supervillain."

"Well... Yeah." Black Fox said. "And from the looks of you, your villains too."

"That's right." Cozy said. "I'm Cozy Glow, Empress of friendship. That's Lord Tirek, and that's Queen Chrysalis."

"Fascinating, I've heard about you across Equestria. You were all... Defeated by these horses correct?" Mysterious asked.

"Not horses, ponies. There's a difference." Tirek stated. "And it's Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends that have defeated us. Twice."

Chrysalis snarled when Tirek pointed at her. "Why don't you tell us everything." Black Fox said. "We promise we won't fight."

As much as the mean 3 didn't trust the freaks, they reluctantly agreed.


Chrysalis had placed the ophiotaurus in a chrysalis like cocoon of hers. Cozy Glow and Black Fox, while enjoying their marshmallows, were disgusted but a little confused. "Why are you doing that?" Cozy asked. "Didn't know drain it of love?"

Chrysalis got off the cocoon and crawled back to the fireplace. "I always leave a little for the next day." She replied.

"You cocoon all of your... meals?" Cozy asked.

The changeling simply replied, "Of course."

"That is fascinating. Like a fly." Mysterious muttered.

"You call a fascinating, I call it disgusting, bleh!" Black Fox added.

"So when you pony out Twilight and the others, you cocooned them?" Cozy asked again.

Chrysalis shamefully remembered that day. "Yes. Until that sour Starlight Glimmer freed them, corrupted my subjects and stole my hive!"

"Huh, I guess that explains why you haven't blossomed like the rest for your hive. Unless that's the corruption form." Black Fox said with a smug said. But then she saw Chrysalis growling at her.

"Those ponies have weaknesses, I used that turncoat Discord." Tirek added, air quoting with his fingers. "Tricked him into capturing his so called... Friends."

"Discord?" Mysterious asked. "The definition of Chaos itself?"

"I guess where your from, its different." Cozy said to Mysterious. "Discord is a dracodaques, and he is the lord of Chaos and disharmony. He's a very powerful creature that can do anything with just a thought."

Chrysalis then giving a brief sigh. "Discord was really something into friendship ruined him."

"Guess he 'redeemed' himself thanks to Twilight's friends eh?" Black Fox guessed.

"Pretty much." Cozy replied.

"Speaking of Twilight, you should've seen her face when her friends appeared on bubbles around me, she was all..." Tirek then started reenacting Twilight's reaction but smooshing his face.

Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and Black Fox laughed. "She's so stressed out all the time." Cozy said.

"When I pose as her former foalsitter, I thought she was going to implode!" Chrysalis added.

Then Cozy Glow, Black Fox and Tirek started laughing. Mysterious did not laugh. But he does find the deception amusing. "I wish I could've seen the look on her face when I nearly erased l the the magic from Equestria." Cozy stated

"Wow, you did that, and your just a kid?" Black Fox asked.

Cozy Glow then nodded. "Not bad for a filly, huh?"

"All the magic seems a bit excessive, don't you think?" Tirek asked.

Cozy just brush off the comment with a reply. "Meh, I think big." She said, she then gives an evil look. "Besides, it would've been worth it to see Twilight and her friends bow down to me!"

"Indeed it would." Tirek agreed, giving an sinister grin and his fingertips touching each other like a villain planning a diabolical plan. "Who wouldn't love to see those prissy ponies realize they lost everything."

"From the sounds of it, pure satisfaction." Mysterious exclaimed.

Then Chrysalis changed into Twilight Sparkle, mocking her. "I'm a pathetic pony princess. I need a detailed list of all the ways I'm a failure!"

Tirek, Cozy Glow and Black Fox laughed hysterically at Chrysalis's impression of Twilight Sparkle as transforms back. "You know, working with you two may not be the worst thing." Tirek stated. Kinda realizing Gorgar was right about them working together.

Chrysalis also realizes maybe Tirek as a point. "Perhaps, as long as it results in the complete destruction of our enemies." She said.

"I would have it any other way." Cozy Glow said with a cute demeanor. She then looks at Black Fox and Mysterious. "Say, Mysty, Foxy. You heard about us and our encounters with Twilight and her friends, have you dealt with them before?"

"If they didn't know Discord, then it's possible no." Chrysalis added.

"Well, the bug pony is right. We never really fought Twilight Sparkle and her friends before." Black Fox said. "But there is one enemy that we can't seem to beat. Not on our own anyway." She then looked at Mysterious.

"Your right." Mysterious said. Understanding what Black Fox was signaling.

"Well, if this enemy is not Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, or any of the other ponies, then who?" Cozy asked. "Judging the fact that you are supervillains, it's more likely your enemy..."

"... Is a superhero." Black Fox finished Cozy Glow's sentence. "Of course. Mysterious, show them."

"Very well." Mysterious then showed a hologram from his eye. It surprised Tirek and Chrysalis. Unfortunately, the hologram shows the enemy in the form of a pony.

"This is our enemy." Black Fox exclaimed. "Her name is Spider-Tsundere. She's a cute yet dangerous enemy. Mysterious and I have fought her before, but unfortunately, she keeps finding ways to beat us, even with help from others."

As Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis see what Spider-Tsundere looks like, then laughed, that's what she looks like?" Cozy Glow asked. "What kind of superhero wears a onesie that looks like a pillow or a potato sack?"

"And here I thought I would be like some kind of mutated pony, but it looks like a small filly." Tirek added, laughing historically.

"Don't judge her, she's very dangerous." Mysterious said. "She was an experiment, powered by insanity, until she escaped my former associate, didn't let her psyche breakdown, and return to fight people-" Black Fox smacked the robot scientist's body to shut him up about them being humans in pony bodies. "... Ponies like us."

"A filly posing as a bug, playing the hero, judging from her height, you being thwarted by her sounds too embarrassing to be true." Chrysalis said with a smug glare.

"Shut up." Black Fox said. "Listen, now that you know about our enemy, maybe we can agree to something."

"Oh really?" Cozy asked.

Black Fox replied, "Yes really. You see, we lost one of our comrades who went scouting in Ponyville, and I found out it's because Spider-Tsundere was in Canterlot."

"No doubt she became friends with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, so maybe we should team up. We can work together to destroy Twilight, her friends and allies and Spider-Tsundere." Mysterious added.

"We're already have our hands and hooves full with this stupid simple task Grogar has given us." Tirek said.

"What is it that this Grogar wanted you to get?" Mysterious asked.

"It's a magical bell." Cozy Glow said. "It has all of his ancient magic in there."

"You see, thousand years ago, Gusty the Great defeated Grogar by draining him if all his magic into the Bewitching Bell, and hit it in a burial on top of that mountain over there. Mount Everhoof." Chrysalis said, pointing her hoof to the biggest mountain in Equestria.

'Wow, so it's basically Mount Everest.' Black Fox said in her thoughts.

"Grogar expects us to settle our differences and work together to retrieve this bell." Tirek said.

Cozy Glow then flew towards the two supervillains. "But, since your here with out, how's this for our wager," She offered. Help us get Grogar's bell and we might consider your proposal on attacking Twilight, her friends, and this Spider-Tsundere filly your so scared of."

"She's 14." Mysterious said. "The chemicals that altered her structure made her slow her ageing."

"Whatever." Cozy said, flying back to her seat.

"What if we refuse your counteroffer?" Black Fox asked

"Then it's simple really..." Chrysalis said.

"I will drain your magical essence dry." Tirek said, looking intimidating.

"And I will drain the love from inside you and eat your remains." Chrysalis added.

"By doing both at the same time, you could drain a pony's life force completely." Mysterious said. "Leaving them as lifeless husks."

"Oooh, why didn't you two thought of that?" Cozy pointed out at the centaur and the bug pony.

Tirek and Chrysalis pounder at the idea. The Black Fox changed the subject. "Okay, you know what, best not to know, and... Fine, we accept, we'll help you get that bell. But consider our offer carefully."

"Sure thing." Cozy Glow said. She then pointed at Chrysalis. "Hey Chrysalis, do the pathetic princess thing again." Chrysalis then turn into Twilight Sparkle as Tirek, Cozy and Black Fox laughed. If Mysterious and her want the Mean 3's help to destroy Spider-Tsundere, they'll have to help them with their task.

To be continued...