• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 399 Views, 13 Comments

A Father's Concern - Kitsune_Kenshi

Terramar wants to join the Navy, Sky Beak became worried about his son's fate.

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Between Sky and Land

Terramar had always admired his father, Sky Beak. Ever since he's a little colt, he listened to his father's heroic storers during the Great Storm War against the fearsome Storm Army. Sky Beak is a veteran of the war, he's the ex-captain of the famous "Jolly Rogers" fighter squadron, rumors said that he shot down more than 20 aircrafts and was feared by his enemies.

But for some reason, which nogriffs ever talked about, his father suddenly quitted the Navy. His mother Ocean Flow told him that it involves some serious military issues that colts like him couldn't understand. And Terramar took it in that way fro the rest of his childhood. But he never give up his dreams of joining the Navy.

13 years later, Terramar just turned 19, and after a series of testing in the collage, he finally earned his degrees. And after that he spent 7 months at the Hippogriffia/Seaquestria Navy Academy. Today is his graduation day, it's time for him to decided whether to continue to become a part of the Navy or to stop his career.

This is also Sky Beak's worst fear.

As a veteran of the fearsome Great Storm War, he was lucky to be alive. To be honest during the war, he thought he'd never see Ocean Flow again. Though it'd been 20 years after their victory and the end of the war, Sky Beak is still haunted by the violence and the brutality of the war. And unfortunately, that's not all.

Terramar wanted to join the Navy.

His son wanted to be like him.

Sky Beak could risk anything, even his own life for his family and the queen, but Terramar risking his life... Hell not.Sky beak had tried to talk some sense into this young stallion, but every time he'd end up receiving a "Oh dad, you're just worried too much." Or, "Dad! I'm not a colt anymore!" from Terramar.

So on this day, the day that determents the fate of Terramar's life, Sky Beak decided to tell him the truth. The TRUE reason why he quit the Navy.


Terramar happily trotted down towards his house on Mt Aris. Sky Beak called him out during his talk with his friends, saying he'd something to talk to him about. Terramar never disobeyed his father. His walked into his father's house and closed the door behind.

"Dad? I'm here!" he called.

"Good, son, I want you to sit down and have a little chat." Came Sky Beak's serious and deep voice. Terramar frowned a bit; Sky beak would only use this tone of voice if there's an emergency or something that threatens his family. What would it be?

He came inside Sky Beak's room, and he was greeted by the serious face of the veteran.

"Hey dad? What's the fire?" Terramar asked.

Sky Beak sighed, "Terramar, first I want to congratulate you for the graduation, and second---"

"Is it about the whole joining the Navy thing again?" Terramar sighed in irritation, "I thought we went over that already."

"No, it's not." Terramar raised an eyebrow.

"Remember what your mother told you about me quitting the Navy?" Sky Beak asked, Terramar nodded, "Well, it's actually not true."

"WHAT?! YOU KEPT A SECRET FROM ME?!" Terramar shouted in anger.

"Settle down young stallion," Sky Beak said, sounding more serious, "you know why I went against the idea of you going into the Navy?"

"Just because you have trouble in the Nay doesn't mean I don't have my choice." Terramar interrupted, which is very unusual for him, "You know what? How about you just put down the stuff that's in the past and get over with it."

"I can't." Sky Beak said.

"And why's that? Cuz you think I'ma coward? Thinking that you'll scare the crap outta me by saying the truth?" Terramar cut him down.

"BECAUSE YOU MIGHT GET YOURSELF KILLED!!!" Sky Beak's outburst made Terramar froze, "LOOK! I LOST MY ENTIRE FREAKIN SQUADRON! LOST MY FRIENDS! LOST YOUR UNCLE! (Terramar's uncle is Sea Spray, in the universe Sea Spray is Sky Beak's brother. And I'll explain the rest later.) AND I'M NOT LOSING YOU!!!"

Silence filled the room, the only sound can be heard was Sky Beak heavy breathing and Terramar's slow breath.

"Son, I must tell you this," Sky Beak said, "you heard rumors about me shot down more than 20 planes... No, I did not, I... only shot down 7. And... they said that I've gone for numerous missions... But the fact is... I've only gone once..."

Terramar frowned even deeper, his vice turned into somewhat a snarl, "One mission," he stared dagger at his father, "so much for volatile veritas."

Sky Beak sighed, he looked guilty and hurt, "Here's the truth then." he began, "My first patrol as the Captain of the Jolly Rogers was at Glendale Coltnal, my squadron were all rookies, all razor-sharp... I should've known, I trained every single one of them... It was supposed to be a routine patrol, a milk run..."



22 year-old Captain Sky Beak is in the cockpit of his F4U Corsair, surrounding him were the rest of the Jolly Rogers. From left to right were Sea Spray, Tsunami, Mist Wave, Aqua, and Current Stream.

The flew in the patrol formation, scanning the waters below for enemy movement.

Suddenly, Aqua exclaimed in the radio, "Look Sky Beak! Enemy ship two o'clock low two miles! Easy Pickings what do ya say?"

Sky Beak glanced at his direction, and shook his head, "Negative Aqua, our orders are to recon and report back."

"Com' on Sky, it'll be a turkey shoot. There's only one of them, ya scared cuz its your first mission?" Mist charmed in. Sky Beak could only roll his eyes at that.

"Let's do it Sky Beak." Current applied.

"Yeah Com' on!" Tsunami joined in.

"Let's give it a shot bro," even his brother Sea Spray said, "you want a golden star in your first mission eh?"

Finally, Sky Beak sighed, "All right, let's take a closer look, but keep your distance."

With that Sky Beak and his squadron each dived towards the enemy ship's location. The clouds were getting thicker, but the view is still fine for them to eye spot their target. Suddenly, thunder-like noises rang around them, then, back clouds of some flared out. Sky Beak's eyes widened. The clouds then came clear, revealing more than ten enemy ships. Some of them were battleships and cruisers, there's even an Aircraft Carrier!

"Holy shit that's the entire enemy fleet!" Aqua shouted.

"God damn! Too late to pull up! FIRE!" Sky Beak shouted as he pulled the trigger, sending bursts of 50 caliber rounds towards the ships. But bullets could barely do a thing to the massive warships. They're soon overwhelmed by the anti-aircraft guns.

Sadly, that's when it happened. Current's Corsair was shot on its engine and was ripped to shreds, killing Current instantly. Next Wass Aqua, who got killed by a shard. Then it was Tsunami and Mist, both were ignited by the leaking fuel, their screams were stopped by two explosions.

"SHIT! SEA SPRAY LOOLK OUT!" Sky Beak screamed.

"SKY! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE! I'LL ATTRACT THEIR FIREPOWER!" Sea Spray shouted before going between the enemy fleet, "SKY! HURRY BEFORE THEY GET----" BOOM!

Then Sea Spray's radio went blurred out. Sky beak's eyes were bloodshot, he don't care for his life anymore. He roared in anger and sadness as he tried to perform Kamikaze while spamming shots at his enemies. Unfortunately that did not save him from getting shot on the wing. It send his aircraft into a spin, crashing down into the water.

Sorry Ocean Flow... That's his last thought before blacking out.



(Present time)

Terramar was shocked, but Sky Beak is not over yet, "I was later rescued by USS Novo... But... My whole squadron... my brother... Under my command, after that... I just couldn't bring myself up into the air again... So... I quitted, wanting to start a new life with your mother and forget about all of this..."

Terramar was kept silence, Sky beak brought Terramar's chin up and looked at his son straight in the eyes, "Now you see why I don't want you to go. I just don't want to lose you like how I did with my brother and the rest of my squadron."

Terramar sighed, "I'm sorry for outburst. I know you loved me, but... I still need to go." Before Sky Beak could say anything else, Terramar continued, "Look dad, you always said that you joined the army to protect the ones you loved and cared, you love our family. Now, it's my turn to do it, to protect my beloved family and the ones I cared about. I'm sorry dad, but that's my final decision." Then he walked away, leaving Sky Beak in deep thought.

The next day is the day when the students of the Navy Academy would depart with their family and serve in the Navy. The dock was full of parents, fillies, colts, teenage soldiers, and the others. Terramar was one fi them.

"I'm so proud of you." Ocean Flow hugged her son tight, she then wiped her tears away. Silverstream also grabbed him in a tight embrace.

Sky beak was there too, "Son, I know I disagreed with this but... It's your choice. Your generation, and your turn to take the job of protecting those you love and cared. I'm so very proud of you son, but keep in mind one thing..." he then whispered into Terramar's ears, "I love you." The he pulled Terramar into a tighter embrace.

"D-Dad!" Terramar protested in a friendly way, face becoming red from embarrassment.

Soon, its time for department. The young marines and naval pilots said their good byes before leaving and boarding the USS Novo. Watching Terramar slowly disappearing into the crowd, Ocean Flow sniffled, Silverstream couldn't;t stop her tears as well, Sky beak pulled them into. family love embrace.

"He will be fine honey." he said to Ocean Flow, before looking at he leaving carrier, "After all, he's the son of Captain Sky Beak myself." he smiled at the distant fleet.

Remember that we'll always love you Terramar.

Author's Note:

I'm planning a sequel, how's the story? Any comments, suggestions and positive criticisms are welcomed below.
Did you enjoyed it?

Comments ( 11 )

I am not a good writer, despite English being my first language. Nor a good editor or critiquer, etc. So besides saying to improve some spelling mistakes, I can only say that I like the story. I haven’t read that much about hippogriphs and such, so this was a nice read. As for a sequel, if you’re feeling up to it, maybe you could write about more Terramar in the navy.

Thank for the comment. Though. :twilightsmile:
And yes, next story would be about Terramar and his military career.

awesome story mate it remind my of my dad and me i cant wait for the next story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Glad you liked it, heads up for the sequel! ;)

Thanks for the fast reply, I am new here so I was wondering how this whole comment thing went down. :twilightsmile:

Planes is one of my favourite Pixar movies, especially / mostly because of the lesson it gives out

It's fine, if you need any help I'm here bud.

It's my favourite too.

Thanks again, rn I’m busy but good to see that I have someone that can help me here!

Thx! It was inspired by the movie! I love the movie and the ost.

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