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Luna after years of abuse was banished to the Moon by her sister- Celestia. There she started planning her revenge, but drawbacks and unexpected problems are bound to appear. The biggest problem and at the same time her only light in her whole life was her newly-born daughter - Twilight Sparkle.

Proofread by Feroso

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 356 )

Already love thz story.

Looks Good so far, Looking forward to see where you take this.

"No, no no no no NO NO NO!" She shouted with all her strange.

shouldn't it be strength? Anyway nice beginning.

pretty good but if i were you i would put the in front of every use of moon also put the in front of every use of sun

Wait. Moon doesn't have an atmosphere! Luna shouted with growing realization.

She tried everything. First, she tried creating a bubble with oxygen inside. While she could create a bubble she couldn't create oxygen. Creating anything from magic was extremely difficult and required an enormous amount of magic power. The amount that Luna didn't have because of Elements and its effects.

in fact, with magic, Princess Luna could easily get oxygen from the moon. even if she could not find deposits of ice on the moon, there is a lot of iron oxide, decomposing it into components with the help of magic should not cost much effort.
let's say that the oxygen obtained in this way will be small, then you can use comets flying by, which in fact consist of frozen ice decomposing which you can get oxygen, hydrogen and water.
the problem is that breathing pure oxygen is life-threatening due to its high oxidizing properties. you need to dilute it with some kind of inert gas (nitrogen or at worst helium). how to get them on the moon, I can not imagine.
another problem is how the exhaled carbon dioxide needs to be converted back to oxygen because doing it with magic is not an option in the long run. ideally, something like a plantation of plants should be created that could solve the problem of lack of food, but this entails a whole mountain of problems with soil terraforming, creating the necessary conditions and protecting which also needs to be solved.
P.S. sorry for my English

good it the small things like that that stand out the most

You are completely right. I just was lazy(don't blame me, please), and didn't write it. And one more. Elements weakened her greatly, and she was not nearly in even her 10% power. Thanks for the comment.

it's just not clear from the first chapter that she is so weak.

Um yeah.. I'm still learning.

Could you do twilight perspectives wen she leaves the moon

You mean when she travels between Moon and Equus or what? Because I don't understand.

Luna was banished falsly to the moon by her sister.

How was she “falsely” banished to the moon?

Only alicorn foal could survive there, but it was impossible. Nopony could give birth to an alicorn. To become alicorn you must earn it. This was common knowledge.

Those were the good old days.

Every creature has a limit. Even the most powerful don't have infinity power, only immersive.

What does that mean?

It was Element of Magic. The same which helped them with Sombra, the same that her sister wielded while imprisoning Discord. The same which sent her here. One of the five most powerful artifacts known on Equus. Nopony knows the true limit of its power.

Was it teleported?

"What type of magic, dear daughter?"

"'Magic. All magic"

I didn’t even know there were different types of magic.

"You remember what we told you about Celestia, my fight and why we are on The Moon" When Twilight nodded, Luna continued "Excellent. The time of our return is near, and we want immediately confront Celestia to get the throne after we return. To do this we need the strategy to eliminate our enemies, so we asked you to help us"

Is Luna still Nightmare Moon?

i Hope she is ready to deal with gravity, For that will be a Pain having to deal with that for the First time in a 1000 years of her life

well you will see in the next chapters

Yes they are different types of magic
Hint Nightmare Moon and Luna are the ones and same mare. Rest you will see [;

this is pretty good so far, I cant wait to see where you go with this.

I thought in 1000 years Twilight and Luna will turn the moon into a blooming planet with forests and fields. Even if Luna was weakened in the beginning, then her daughter is not, her magic as you have shown was quite strong. If I lived on a lifeless and empty rock for 1000 years, but at the same time possessed magic, I would build a worthy house for myself, and then start terraforming the moon.

Well Luna was too weak to do this and Twilight didn't know how

didn't Luna teach magic? In 1000 years you can learn anything.

YOu are right Luna taught Twilight, but to create something you need how.
You can't just simply create grass or glass from thin air without knowing what was it. It is like creating something stable without concept. It is impossible. You need a pattern. And Luna sadly doesn't know these things, because why? She never expected to be sent to the Moon.

this explanation worked if they were on the moon for at least 100 years, but they are there as much as 1000 is too much. If they don't know something, then they essentially have no choice to learn through trial and error. Boredom can be a powerful motivator, and when someone as smart as Twilight is bored ...
In principle, everything I said is not important. I’m just upset that we have been shown so little of life on the moon and the interactions between Twilight and Luna.

I understand. I didn't plan to show much from life on the Moon. More what will happen on Equus and Twilight's adventures.
And you try to draw something you don't know from the story of another. It's hard to reconstruct perfectly, and I don't want overpowering Twilight that fast.

Rows after rows of trees. Big, small, brown and yellow, every shape and size. And every single one was covered in red, oval things. Maybe they were apples. While watching the scenery a new sound reached her ears. It sounds like somepony was hitting something. She decided to see who it was.

Yellow trees?

"Now hold on, sugar cube! I can't let you without checking you for any injuries. And it seems that you don't have anything so you will be our quests."

Does she mean guest?

Twilight wanted to answer, but she found unable to. She was dragged by the tail by a farmer pony. If my mom could see me she will die from laughter. I must make sure that she will never learn of this. Her mind wandered off while she was dragged to the house.

I hope she does.

Also, I just realized. You guys remember when rainbow accused twilight of being a spy? Well, I guess in this alternate universe she’s right.

Yellow trees well.. I don't know what I thought
yes Guest sorry my bad
Mommy luna will have a pretty good time after she returns from the Moon.

When will this be updated

dude, I don't write this is a month old. I can't release a new chapter every day. Sorry.

and you can see when I released new chapters so next Saturday maybe.

Well this was a very interesting start so Princess Luna is not the only one who got banished to the Moon she has a little one with her name Twilight Sparkle I wonder how this will work I guess we'll find out

So even where does nothing to do on the moon they always find a way to entertain themself and each other which that is pretty cute a mother and daughter having fun with each other so Twilight actually had a plan to go down there before Princess Luna arrives down there this should be very interesting

Ponyville was a quiet town with friendly ponies or it looked like it. Lavender mare didn't trust anypony yet. They could be spies in discussed working for Princess. Funny. I think about them like bad guys, but probably in their eyes, I'm a bad guy.

The irony

Smell. It smelled like something died here. Twilight needed to leave immediately or she would vomit on the sight. How anypony could allow this.

Who knows? Maybe someone did.

Well I didn't expect this. Wait... I'm not that young! I'm older than you and I look better too

Is she tryna roast?

"Really?! That's wonderful" Old looking pony was just inches from Twilight face, grinning evilly."It will solve our problem with the library! Don't move. I will return shortly with the contract that you will be our new librarian." With this mare speeded through the door leaving stunned pony behind. This was too easy. And why I feel like I was tricked into this? Twilight wondered if she should just vanish and never return because like her mother said 'if something seems too easy to look closer' and it was too good to be true. It must have a hidden agenda.

Is everypony evil is this alternative world?

"What?" Twilight couldn't decide if revenge in the shape of putting her was good or cursing her to only walk on the ground. No flying.

I think there’s something wrong with the grammar, here.

"Hi. My name is" Twilight couldn't finish her sentence when this pony gasped and speeded somewhere, vanishing instantly. "Well, there go my hopes"

Don't worry Twilight Pinkie Pie just trying to prepare a party for you lol

So Twilight finally made it down to Earth and now she has to find a village not before she got attacked by Timberwolves but she got away from them and now she meet up with the first Pony she meets up name Applejack so Twilight told a white lie about where she come from but as Applejack she wants to help Twilight out which that was pretty cool of her to do that after being in the Apple family for a while she finally made it to Ponyville and she made up with another Pony name Pinkie Pie and always she got excited and she ran off to set up a party for her I wonder what's going to happen next now

Well it looks like things are going according to her plans sort of so Twilight find a library but when she went outside it was a mess so she cleaned up everything inside but the mayor showed up and asked her if she could be the librarian because there's nobody there to take care of the library so twilight was hesitated to accept it but she had to have a home to stay so she agrees to be the librarian and with that she finally got a home so she went outside and accidentally bump into Rainbow Dash but now she wants to get her self cleaned up so now she's heading for the boutique to meet up with another Pony name Rarity I wonder how she's going to respond to that I guess we'll find out next time

I'm not the best with grammar ];

quando esce il prossimo capitolo

scusa sta scrivendo appena possibile

I don't mean to be rude, but you should get someone to help you with that. Your spelling too. Other than that, the story is good.

no one is perfect my friend.
I'm still learning.

Boutique Carusel. What a strange name. Twilight was searching for said building. The previous encounter left her with a disordered mane. She needed to do something with it. She could always use her magic to do it, but it had a risk. The fashion from a thousand years wasn't a good choice, so she needed to get to know the newest trends.

That not really much of a risk.

Some sniggers could be heard from corners but nothing much, maybe it was common for this to happen? Twilight didn't know. She still needed to do shopping after her mane.

Just blast them, that’ll make them stop.

Twilight didn't like it. It could be the end for her illusion, but rejecting her offer wouldn't be clever too and too good to miss. With no escape at all, she did an ultimatum. She sealed temporary her pegasus magic.

It was dangerous. When she would seal her pegasus magic her wings will disappear. It would allow her to do not worry about illusion, but in danger, she could use them too. Unsealing can't be done instantly and right after sealing. Everypony must wait a few hours before it. But it was still better than being exposed.

It was strange to not able to feel wings at her side.

Wait, what did she do?

"Whatcha doing?" Came the voice. Twilight spun around, forgetting her spell. Next to her was the same pink pony with a fluffy mane. She tried to back away, but a magical backslash from her unfinished spell caused her to stop. She lost control of her magic. In the last attempt, she teleported the second pony far away before something could happen to her.

Then her magic went wild she knew no more.

Wait, what?

she sealed her pegasus magic.
well, the end could be better, I know.

Wait, that’s possible?
Yea, it probably could have.

è una bella storia che si può continuare

Unfortunately or fortunately Rarity didn't give Twilight a moment to complain about her life. Twilight found herself being overwhelmed by Unicron's question.

Not Unicron!

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