• Member Since 11th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Some trust in chariots and some in horses.

Comments ( 8 )

Disabling the ratings is never a good sign for the story. No matter what kind of story it is.

This is pretty good. It really earns its first person pov.

Equestrian biologists thus have no compelling reason to excise the instinct from the genome

Hold up. Which ones have they tried to excise from it. And can you even pinpoint instinctual behaviors on the genomic level?

In any case, excellent portrayal of Moondancer's mental state at the start of "Amending Fences," burying herself in her work so as never to be hurt again. This would be painful to read if I didn't know it had a happy ending. Thank you for it. I just wish you let me upvote it.

I was going to leave Equestrian eugenics as fridge horror. But I reason if Equestria manually controls the weather, the sun and moon, etc, controlling their own reproductive process isn't such a stretch. There is definitely room for a "GATTACA except ponies" fic but I am not the pony to write it, only casually drop it in for worldbuilding in a completely unrelated story because I'm cruel :twilightsheepish:

Thank you :)

---Yeah. I wrote this in one sitting past my bedtime and uploaded essentially unedited and didn't really want to compete in the running, so to speak. But that's a bit silly. Ratings reenabled.

Great speedwrite! You did a good job getting us into Moondancer's headspace.

Agreed, this is a great speedwrite. You got Moondancer's rationalizing and heartbreak down really well in such a small amount of words. Excellent!

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