• Published 15th Nov 2020
  • 523 Views, 3 Comments

Speedwriting Anthology - AuroraDawn

A collection of my submissions for Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contests

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Princess Celestia and Princess Luna Are Caught Attempting to Steal From a Bakery (Feb 9 2021, "Failed Heist")

“Do you think they saw us?”

Celestia looked over at Luna, her face incredulous. Her sister was next to her, tucked down as far as she could get behind the dumpster that separated the two of them from the alley exit.


“Well? Do you?” She looked up at Celestia and offered a cringing smile.

“Luna we’re six hooves taller than most of these ponies.”

“Some ponies say you blend in the most if you don’t pretend to be the same as everypony else.”

Luna we are Princesses of course they saw us.

“Shoot,” she sighed, before snapping her back to the wall quickly as a dozen pounding hooves echoed from the street beyond. “Well, you don’t have to be so snippy about this. This was your idea, anyways, Sister. I hardly even like those cakes.”

Celestia recoiled as if Luna had struck her. “How can anypony not like Cakerlot Cakes’ brand cakes? I cake bel— sorry, I can’t believe it. They’re practically addicting.”

“Only to you,” Luna grumbled. “We should maybe get out of here before they come back. Although I do wonder how you plan to explain this.”

“I was thinking we wouldn’t get caught, and I wouldn’t have to explain it. Would you be willing to take the fall for me?”


“Just like, say you were upset about the whole moon thing. Wanted to frame me.”

“I am not taking the blame for you destroying those cakes. If you loved them so much, why did you knock the shelves over and smash them?” She sniffed, craning her neck to check the street behind Celestia. “We’re really exposed on that side. You should leave.”

“I didn’t mean to! There was a particular espresso creme-filled caramel-coated three-tier on the fourth shelf, and I didn’t think the shelves wouldn’t be bolted down, and—Wait, I should? You mean we?”

“No, I mean you. Either they’ll spot and follow you, and I’ll be free to go home and pretend I was sleeping; or they’ll notice me and you can get away while they chase me.”

“That’s awful kind of you.”

“I’m going to tell them that you forced me to help you at hornpoint.”

“That’s awful of you.”

“What possessed you to rob a bakery, anyways? It’s not like the royal stipend couldn’t afford it.”

“They increased the prices on me.”

Luna was quiet for a long moment while she stared blankly into Celestia’s eyes. Celestia tried a coy smile, but Luna’s judging, stoic glare remained. Celestia added a head tilt to the smile and fluttered her eyelashes.

“I am not one of your harem ponies. Stop this ridiculousness.” Luna rolled her eyes. “They increased the price and your first instinct was to rob them,” she said, sighing.

“It was robbery on their end first! They doubled the price after an article came out that I liked them! And they wouldn’t give me a discount for giving them all the free advertisement, either,” Celestia said, splaying her lower legs out and pouting.

“I… see,” Luna said, still judging her sister as harshly as she could.

“Hey! They’re over here!”

The two alicorns leapt up from their collapsed positions into the air in fright, each staring at the exit to their side of the alley. Both of them were suddenly packed with a dozen ponies and even a couple guards.

“Halt! You’re under arrest for breaking and entry, and impersonating the Crown!”

Luna and Celestia blinked, and then looked at each other with devious grins.

“Changelings rule, ponies drool!” they both shouted, flapping their wings hard and rocketing off in different directions. They cackled together as they flipped and rolled around the cracks of magic that shot past them, some missing them by a feather’s width.

“I’ll see you at the Cast— er, the Hiiiiiveeee!” Luna shouted before diving and following up with a gleeful yell as she skimmed one of the groups of officers, diverting their fire from Celestia.

“Buzz buzz, Sister dear,” Celestia replied, zig-zagging her way wildly off into the night, heading towards the edge of Canterlot Mountain. As she left the guard’s range of fire, she let out a deep sigh. They had their fun, and they had their excuse.

But she never got any of that cake.

Author's Note:

Written in 35 minutes as part of a Panic contest.