• Published 12th Nov 2020
  • 4,785 Views, 777 Comments

Mark My Words - Goldfur

Prince Mark Wells may now be an alicorn and the coruler of Equestria along with Twilight Sparkle and his wife, Trixie Lulamoon, but that doesn't mean that his life has gotten boring. Something always comes up, whether he wants it or not!

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A Week In The Life - Tuesday

Today was unusual in that all three Triarchs attended Day Court. The reason soon became apparent to anypony with ears… or who didn’t have good balance.

The session began with Prince Rutherford stomping noisily into the throne room – I swear he set off a minor earthquake in the process. He then proclaimed his personal admiration for the “Kingdom of Tiny Ponies” and announced the Mutual Defense Pact between our nations. With great fanfare, the Triarchs signed the ceremonial scroll, followed by Prince Rutherford inking a forehoof and smashing it through the scroll and the table underneath. This brought forth much cheering and jumping from the assembled yaks. Twilight, Trixie, and I shared knowing looks and smiles. It had taken a while, but we had finally learned that providing the prince with something to smash was essential to good relations.

What Rutherford did not announce was a key side benefit of the alliance. One of the recently discovered dimensions contained yaks just as obsessed with cooking as our yaks were with smashing. Even the otherwise xenophobic zebras in that dimension had fired all their native chefs to replace them with yaks… with black stripes applied to their fur. The newly signed treaty gave our yaks full access to that dimension thanks to a pair of very, very sturdily built dimensional portals.

Following a brief recess for minor repairs, the remaining time was dedicated to petitions from the Council of Nobles. The highlight was Baron Chrysanthemum attempting to bamboozle the Triarchs with an obscure aspect of maritime salvage law. Smolder laid into him so hard I’m surprised his mane didn’t catch on fire. Not only did she know all the case law in question, but she also picked apart his specious attempt to claim sunken treasure off the coast of his barony. Instead, any valuables would be divided equally between the descendants of the ship’s owners and the country with dominion over that area of the sea, in this case, Seaquestria. My daughter-in-law then named the sunken galleon that the Baron had hoped to keep secret. It had been discovered over a century earlier by the seaponies but left undisturbed. As a result, if it ever was excavated, the Baron would not even get the 10% finder’s fee.

I asked Smolder to join me in my office for lunch. Entering, I saw Rosa use her talons to mix a favorite drink of hers called a virgin Michelada. Meanwhile, her dexterous wings wet the rims of the margarita glasses then pressed them into a dish of coarse salt. To her right, Phil levitated chips, guacamole, and fish tacos from a red and white cooler and onto my desk. These came from the appropriately named Taco Chance On Me food truck that visited Harmonic Composites’ Charlotte office weekly. Mexican fare was my daughter-in-law’s favorite cuisine from my home dimension, as evidenced by her happy cry of “Taco Tuesday!”

After everyone got their servings and the dragoness added her standard condiments of green chili salsa and fire opals, I got down to business.

I said, “Smolder, we’re wondering if you are up for a new challenge.”

She frowned, glanced between the three of us, then applied a dash of crushed emerald to her taco. After taking a bite, Smolder poured a slosh of alcohol into her drink, stirred it with a claw, and offered it to Penny.

My bodyguard made a show of glancing at her bare wrist… er… fetlock, tapping it twice with her other forehoof, then looking back at Smolder and shaking her head. The message was clear even in a dimension where wristwatches were a rarity: No alcohol during work time.

Smolder shrugged her shoulders, downed the entire glass, and blew a gout of flame toward the ceiling. I rolled my eyes and smiled. None of the rest of us could similarly dispose of the alcohol. While grabbing a second taco, Smolder finally said, “Explain.”

Rosa said, “Equestria shall make itself known to our homeworld muy pronto. For this, we need someone with your qualities: ability to plan and lead, decisive, long-term vision, and excellent interpersonal skills.”

“And not a transformed human, I gather,” Smolder stated rather than queried.

Phil used his magic to wave his taco in her direction. “This is in preparation for becoming the Equestrian ambassador to Earth. That means you get to say ‘no’ when humans offer a basketful of beads and trinkets in exchange for a metric ton of flawless gems and thirty metric tons of gold.”

I said, “The politicians and powerful businessmen on my planet will expect you to be intimidated by them.”

My daughter-in-law threw back her head and laughed, exposing a mouthful of teeth that could crush rocks. She wiped a tear from her eye. “Still waiting for that to happen here in Equestria. I can’t see how it could in the future. Just not in my nature as a dragon.” She cocked an eye ridge. “I would use the adaptation spell to take human form to gain familiarity with that world, correct? An executive position at Harmonic Composites with a disguise charm applied to mask any features too similar to my true self. That would last until the day of ‘the big reveal’.”

I nodded. “Twilight and her hive will control the portals and step-up security measures severalfold. We will start out with economic relations. You would negotiate commercial ties with a few companies on Earth, one of which will of course be Harmonic Composites. A student-exchange program and cultural exchanges will follow later. You’ll be the face of Equestria for government relations as well. Requests for military ties will be politely but firmly rejected. You will be on the front lines of protecting our world from the worst my old world has to offer. Overall, the benefits for both our civilizations could be enormous.”

Smolder pursed her lips and considered for a couple of minutes. Then she smiled. “This will be an excellent challenge! It has been getting too easy to put those noble fools in their place. I accept, but under one condition.” After I nodded, she said, “The Triarchs are the ultimate authority on how quickly or slowly relations progress between the two worlds. I want an equal say in the matter.”

Penny laughed. “Princess Trixie guaranteed that you would say exactly that. Twilight Sparkle thought you probably would. Prince Mark was skeptical.”

I took the ribbing with all the good grace I could muster. “Never too old to learn, I suppose.”

What I did not say was that I didn’t mind having both of my co-rulers say, “I told you so.” One of my first jobs in Equestria was facilitating Trixie and Twilight to work well as a team. I still did so on occasion, with the easiest way involving them both being on the winning side of a disagreement.

We spent the rest of lunch discussing Smolder’s role at Harmonic Composites. Afterward, we all parted ways. As Penny and I walked back to the Throne Room, I couldn’t help but smile. No date was set for the official unveiling of Equestria, but another milestone along the way had been achieved.

Afternoon Day Court fell to me this time. Today was a meeting with the Manufacturer’s Coalition. Each representative discussed the health and latest developments of their industries. Notable this week was a complaint brought by several members regarding the Hermit Alicorns’ dimension. The xenophobic unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony settlements had started regular raids on outposts, immigrants, and even sightseers. As before, attempts to placate the natives had been unsuccessful. I promised to discuss the matter with Princess Twilight and General Crushing Blow. Between the ‘carrot’ and the ‘stick,’ I was confident a solution would be found.

The meeting allowed me to steer investment into areas that would expand once relations between my old world and this one began: metallurgy, clean energy sources, and tourism.

Every second Tuesday of the month was gaming night. Phil had brought decks of Magic The Gathering cards to Equestria a couple of years back and that had captured the attention of a few dedicated players. The Triarchs’ Royal Guard details had first access to the game and several were hooked on the strategy aspect. I suspect Spike would have been hooked on the collecting aspect if his wife Sweetie Belle didn’t keep a tight leash on anything that could trigger his hoarding instincts.

Tonight’s players were me; Pearl; Phil; Spike; Lieutenants Ebon Flight and Solid Grasp; Sergeants Storm Flag, Eventide, and Staunch Bastion; and Corporal Soup Sandwich. Tonight’s playing format was Emperor. Pearl and I were the ‘emperors’ of each team and seated in the middle of our sides of the table. The remaining players were lieutenants whose job was to protect their emperor while attacking the nearest opponent.

As the game progressed, Phil and I entertained everyone with our typical boasting, posturing, and highly embellished retellings of past victories. That ground to a halt when the play likewise bogged down into a stalemate with large regenerating monsters in play that absorbed all damage.

That changed when it was Pearl’s turn. “I cast Wrath of God to destroy all creatures in play.”

My closest right-side lieutenant Spike said, “I cast regenerate on my Craterhoof Behemoth.”

Phil corrected him. “Pearl’s card text says creatures can’t be regenerated.” Dutifully, everyone moved their veritable armies of creatures into their respective graveyards. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck start to rise, though I didn’t know why.

Pearl said, “I activate my planeswalker’s special ability: Put all creature cards from all graveyards onto the battlefield under your control.”

Ah – that was why.

Spike asked, “Don’t planeswalkers count as creatures?” This was answered by everyone else shaking their heads.

Phil levitated all the designated creatures from the ten graveyards and placed them where Pearl indicated, in front of him and two lieutenants away from me. He cocked an eyebrow. “I see that Spike’s Craterhoof Behemoth gives all creatures trample.”

Eventide said, “And Hellraiser Goblin gives them haste so they have to attack this turn.”

Ebon Flight frowned. “After bonuses, I count 198 damage this turn of which 32 points are absorbed by your lieutenants.”

I turned to my teammates. “Anyone have a counter?” Spike and Ebon Flight were tapped out.

Staunch Bastion shook her head. Soup Sandwich held up a card. “I can reverse damage from one source?”

“Can that source be Pearl’s machinations?”

“Nope!” chorused everyone on the opposing team.

I sighed, put down my cards, and looked at Pearl. “I concede.”

She beamed. “Good game, dad!” Pearl gathered up her deck while sharing fist to hoof bumps with her teammates. That left the rest of us to sit around and look at each other, feeling like we had been steamrollered.

“I require you to fertilize my eggs, husband.”

“Your wish is my command, dear,” I replied as I embraced Chrysalis.

Sex with my changeling wife differed from that with all my other mares. Chrysalis had two modes, neither of which matched normal lovemaking in the royal suite. She was generally disinterested in the love-play on the mattress, preferring instead to imbibe our love and lust from her nest at the foot of the bed. When she did want sex, it was either passionate or broody. The former only happened after a particularly strong stimulus left her in the mood for sex, in which case we retired to someplace which could survive her ardor with minimal damage. When I say ‘passionate’, I mean that if I wasn’t an alicorn with earth pony strength, I might not survive it. As it was, if she did not come out of a session with several contusions and a minor injury, she felt that I had not performed hard enough. What can I say? Bug queens are weird. Interesting and fun, but weird. I wondered how the other-dimensional Shining Armor coped with his Chryssy.

However, when she was ready to lay a clutch of eggs, it was completely different. She would join me on the bed while the others politely let her monopolize their stallion. Chrysalis put her heart and soul into our hive and the changelings she hatched to fill it. It was at times like these that her true emotions were laid naked and her genuine love for me shone through, and I responded in kind. I fertilized her eggs not only with my sperm but with my wholehearted love for my changeling queen. That was what made the Canterlot changelings different from all the other hives (not counting Thorax’s evolved kind). No other queen had their eggs fertilized, so the drones hatched from them were infertile too. But every single one Chrysalis laid was first fertilized by me and infused with love, and that was why ponies were discovering that their Canterlot Changeling mates could give them foals. It was also almost certainly why the Companion breed started appearing due to my magically warped genes. Chrysalis was justifiably proud of her superior offspring, and I can’t say that I wasn’t equally chuffed to be the sire of hundreds of beautiful and amazing changelings.

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Author's Note:

Do you reckon Smolder will make a great ambassador?