• Published 21st Dec 2020
  • 742 Views, 9 Comments

Phantom Beast - Slendy

A freak blizzard has descended across Ponyville, and while most residences believe it to be an accident, another thinks otherwise.

  • ...

A Hero's Icy Test!

"So this is Hearth's Warming?" My brow quirked at the display, tilting my head to one side. "Sure you guys aren't just ripping off Christmas?"

"Isn't Christmas about some religious symbol in your world?" Yui replied back, her hoof poking out from behind her work almost mockingly. I pursed my lips, thinking back on that explanation given how Japan usually celebrates the holiday

"Eh, not Christain so that side of the holiday doesn't really matter to me. Typically we still follow the culture of exchanging gifts, cards, decorating, like right now," I loved this time of year, and Yui was big on the celebration too since this is the first Christmas/Hearth's Warming we've spent together, man have I got my hands full with this. "Most celebrate that portion on Christmas Day, though we do it on the twenty-fourth,"

"Why's that?" A hoof popped out. "Hold this." I held the strand of silver tinsel while she skipped around the other side, not noticing the sly smile tugged at my lips.

"Because it's seen as more romantic for couples," I felt the sharp tug on the other end as I continued on casually, feeling her aura simmer. "Typically the pair would go for a walk to see the many displays around their city or town, then top it off with a meal at a restaurant and exchange gifts," Then I shrugged, seeing her lilac eye peeking around the edge with surprise. "Hmm, what say you, love, feel like delving into my culture in a few weeks time?" My humor was dripping and Yui could see it.

"Y-you mean it?" She flicked the end of her decoration onto the tree, popping out with a bright smile, if Yui had one weakness it was her inevitable curiosity toward new cultures, my world, and Japan in particular. "I was thinking of doing something like that, b-but with how busy we've been I didn't know if you... um," She's a complete dork herself when she's flustered.

Kneeling down, I ruffling her mane with a wink and smile. "I don't mind, sure, our job can be a wreck but that doesn't mean I'm ever too tired to spend time with you," I pecked her lips gently, then sat down on the carpet to admire our work with a chuckle, herself pressed to my side warmly. "In other news, I believe the two otherworldly views on this culture turned out better than I anticipated!"

Our small home outside of adventuring was the perfect size for decorating. With a little bit of creativity and colorful crystals, we had lights to decorate the rim of the walls with magically enchanted glows of red, yellow, green, and blue, sparkling in the dim light of an open fireplace. Tucked safely away from said flames was the Christmas tree, a real one I... had issues collecting thanks of a few... dozen Timberwolves out for revenge. Using gold and silver tinsel we wrapped the tree with only a few strands to keep some of the emerald green free, even among the decorative ornaments and crystals used to light it up. The cherry, or star in this case, on top, was the few wrapped gifts nestled underneath, despite it being only the two of us we did intend on returning to Blackrock to see Yui's family again, and I had a select few gifts for some around Ponyville and even up in Canterlot for a probably stressed Royal Guard mare in need of coffee.

"We rock," She held her hoof out while leaning against me, and I kindly bumped it, the pair of us exhausted after going all out with our decorating and shopping. Despite the numerous adventures, life-threatening situations, and Monster Hunting this was actually nice. Spending time away from all the fighting is rewarding in itself, not just due to the cute bat pony beside me, I felt I had the sense to push forward for days like this, even if only for a while. "Hey, Zen?"

"Aye?" Looking down at the sudden wave of unease I spotted Yui's ears folded back, herself shivering a little as she scooted closer to me and in turn the fire. "You still cold?" Even with her own fur that's surprising.

Nodding she craned her neck toward the window, and to my curiosity, the snow was falling slowly but a sharp wind carried it in the roof above, an eerie howl nicking in the wind. That's strange, not to discredit Dash but her weather team needs some serious reworking. Quirking my brow I muttered out. "So much for dark clouds only."

"More like a blizzard," Yui nodded alongside me. Oh, idea. Perking up I pulled away from Yui, much to her protest as a wing curled around my wrist. "It's cold enough..."

"Whining isn't going to work this time," I booped her snout, grinning as she recoiled from the touch, freeing my wrist. Clapping my hands I proclaimed my plan. "I'll just go see if our resident prism wants me to give a little Sunny Day, that ought to clear up the majority of this weather." Yeah, I learned Sunny Day a while ago. Turns out Dash really didn't like the idea of someone beating her weather clearing record with a dance of all things, in layman's terms, I wasn't allowed to use it less I wake up with a lightning bolt to the face, not cool.

Yui snorted at that, grabbing a blanket from the sofa while passing me a humorous look. "You mean that dorky dance of yours that makes you look like a Diamond Dog slipping in mud?" My immediate deadpan caused her to snort a laugh, flopping down beside the fireplace, curled under the blanket. "Go on then, clear this troublesome weather with your witchcraft, good sir!"

Dryly I saluted. "Sure, anything else, your Heiness?" This was followed by a flick of my iced nail slithering across her exposed neck, hearing her squeal while her body leapt backward, flopping amongst her blanket with a flabbergasted expression. "Didn't think so, love you~" I waved away while evading a pillow that struck the side of the door. "Your pouting is only matched by your poor aim!"

"And your abilities are only matched by your terrible references!" That physically drained the color from my body at the door, then I heard her sweet voice sing across the room. "Be safe~"

"Uh-huh... jerk." I quickly left with a small smile and tucked my red scarf close to my muzzle, intent to find the cause of this sudden snowfall before I freeze to death with my pride shattered in the snow behind me.

It was peaceful this afternoon across Ponyville, everything was coated in an abundance of snow, casting the once pastel streets in a blank canvass of white. There were decorations and lights dazzling this template, streets cleared with mounds of snow tucked between buildings or laying atop the roofs, if not for the growing howls of nature above the gentle snowfall might have added a layer of serenity. Sadly, I didn't hold a smile as I tucked my muzzle into my scarf, the temperature was chilly and in the air was something unnatural, whatever this feeling was pulled at my soul, even my aura sense was fuzzy, tracking the source everywhere.

"Now, if I was a multicolored pegasus with an ego bigger than a planet where would I be...?" That meant literally everywhere. Slouching I stopped at a crossroads, gaze drooping into a deadpan. "This may take a while."

"Yo, wolf!" I retract my former statement for revision. Turning to look to my right I found that pegasus sweeping down from a few tails and hooves bobbing within the clouds, attempting to soothe the storm. Blowing her mane from her face, Dash bumped a hoof to my waiting fist. "Just the wolf I wanted to see - Slash, only 'wolf' I know that talks and stands on two legs."

"Duly noted," Nodding away I motioned up at the clouds. "Hate to cut our little chat short but... the clouds seem... grumpy?" I think that's the right word here? With my left, I swung it at the snow around us. "I'm not one to work on my off days buuuut this whole distortion is startin' to be very agitating."

Dash herself snorted, looking jaded herself while flapping in place, forehooves crossed. "Ya think? Everything's been out-of-whack today, ponies complaining about 'the weather is all wrong' or 'I have places to be' blah-blah-blah, look, if I could I'd report this back to Cloudsdale's Weather Factory but noooo, I got to hold down the fort against a storm so uncontrollable that it might as well have come from the Everfree!" After that literal meltdown, she sighed tiredly, rubbing her eyes slowly. "I'm really considering just moving my holidays to this week."

"Don't blame you, I would," Looking around, I pointed to the storm above, noting how this distorted energy gathered from among the clouds then was dispersed by the snowfall and wind. "Hrm, this might be a 'Me' problem."

"How come?" Now I held her attention, but given the sudden spike in emotions from afar I say we didn't have much time to chat

"To make it short, I think this is another Rift, it's been a while," Blinking I pivoted on my heel. "I did come to offer up a dance-routine to clear the skies but now I believe you may want to do the same for your team, chief, things are about to get spicy."


My ears flicked upright. "Dash, leveling with you here, you maaay want to get your team outta here," I quickly pivoted on my heel, feeling the unnerving chill from down the street. "Oh yeah, this is one of 'My' problems to clean up." I popped the 'P' while hearing her wings flap

"What the heck's that thing?" My thoughts exactly, don't believe I've seen this one before...

"A good reason to go, now." I insisted, bracing my paws against the cold that followed the clop of hooves as they dug against the dirt.

From the large equine body and elegant posture, it was a Kirin, only not a Kirin exactly. Its body is mainly a dark navy blue, with violet stripes throughout. Its mane is black with light purple tips and its eyes are a luminous red. In addition, its horn is larger, has a pinkish color, and features a spiraling ridge from base to tip. Maybe a subspecies? And from how cold the air suddenly got this wasn't one that dealt in lightning.

Glancing at the unmoving pegasus I deadpanned. "Remember that 'Elder Dragon' I sorta totally kicked the ass of? Meet another monster in the same category," I nonchalantly poked my thumb toward the neutral creature as it stalked toward us, snorting at both mine and Dash's presence. The very colors of her mane drained at my words, and her wings flapped sharply. "Ta-ta, now."

"R-Right, yeah, gotcha, bud!" That sent her scampering away from danger. 'Course, I neglected to mention the fact Kirins aren't as powerful as most Elders, they were just put there because no one in the Old World knew exactly 'where' a Kirin stood in terms of the standard categorization of monsters, that and they are rare, this one especially from the looks of things.

Now, both I and the Kirin stared each other down, a wail in the wind passing between us as that majestic mane bobbed in the breeze, a hiss and crackle of frost gathering at the base of the horn, looks like I called it. "Your move, Frozo."

Bucking its front hooves high, the Kirin gave a loud neigh as white winds gathered, freezing the ground under it while whipping up the snow, forming small columns of ice that shattered moments later. I cracked my knuckles and felt nothing but rage flow from those scarlet eyes that lunged toward me. This Christmas is about to get a 'continue'...

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

I feel like I'm one of the few that really likes Kirin, and I sighed when I saw Oroshi wasn't added to Iceborne, but I digress, time to kick this holiday season off once more with an ice-shattered battle! I hope you enjoyed, appreciate the support as always, seeya in the next chapter tomorrow!

Next Chapter: Phantom Beast
Zen faces off against the unfamiliar ice counterpart to Kirin in an attempt to end the blizzard surrounding Ponyville.