• Member Since 7th Jul, 2015
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Frozen Feathers



Sunset's life was great. She had been forgiven by (most of) the school, was on track for graduating with honors, and best of all, had five amazing best friends she wouldn't trade for the world. But after the events of Anon-a-Miss, her whole world is flipped upside down and she must rethink her relationships with her friends.

Featured twice in February 2020 and once in March 2021. Thank you!

Cover art done by me.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 178 )

Why do people make so many of these stories? Was the original comic really that bad?

It kinda was yeah. It's entire message and how it was done was just terrible all around. Even worse was that this was the big holiday special with a extra long comic too! Still makes me wonder why its such a popular subject to write about though.

Aha, you had said you were thinking about doing this.

Solid start, let's see how this goes now.

Interesting start.

I remember this story, I hope it better then the last one.
I'm sorry it was going good, but then the last chapter, was all confusing, seem to skip the friendship games i think was weird.

"I can do better" is a powerful motivator.

There's also the fact that, for all it was terrible, the comic was filled to the brim with potential. There's enough raw material in those 48 pages to tell a thousand different stories, and all of it was wasted.

That having been said, the vast majority of Anon-a-Miss stories retread the same territory over and over again, so the fanfiction doesn't really live up to the potential either.

[Added:] Also worth noting that when The End was started, fewer than ten percent of the current Anon-a-Miss fics had been published. It wasn't nearly so well explored a topic.


Welp I gotta say I’m really glad this story is being revived. Plus, it seems to be written at a slower pace, which I think the original story needed. Can’t wait to see more.

Tears flowed anew down her face as she decided to cut her checklist short. She angrily rubbed at them and sighed, leaning her head back against her chair and stared at the ceiling. She was tired. She was so, so, so tired. Her muscles ached from sitting in the small chair for too long and protested as she shifted, sitting up and rotating the chair to face her room. She eyed her bed, and then the door to her bathroom. A nap. A nap would do her wonders right now. Standing and stretching, she crossed her small bedroom in a few short steps and gripped the door handle, turning it and flicking the light switch on, illuminating the cramped room. Not bothering to look in the mirror, she opened her medicine cabinet and reached inside. Her fingers grazed a white bottle proudly proclaiming itself as 'MELATONIN'. The simple, over the counter medicine helped her sleep on regular nights. Before she could commit to grabbing it, however, another bottle caught her eyes. Smaller and bright orange with a white cap and label, it looked harmless. To most people, it would be harmless. A much stronger sleeping medication her doctor had prescribed for her severe insomnia. She only took them when she was really struggling to sleep, as they were quite strong. Sunset paused, holing still for a moment and thinking.

Wait, so she went from the bedroom to the bathroom?

She’s meant to be entering a bathroom that’s connected to her bedroom. I’m sorry, I should’ve made that more clear


Because, most people who like MLP kept it a secret from people they knew, because most people saw any guys who liked the show as pedophiles or worst, and if they were found out they were mocked horrifically.

The comic not only is it just shitty writing all around, but its message is warped beyond all belief, as it shits all over people who actually went through what sunset did because it just sweeps every problem that comes from it straight under the rug like none it matters.

i love this so much! keep up the good work!

? What a strange story.

honestly, I kinda hoped that Sunset would just viciously...HATEFULLY...tell them to leave her alone, just like in the old story.

Still, it's looking good. Keep up the good work!

she can't really say anything 'cause of the stomach acid and i don't think she has had time to process her thoughts and feelings

You can really feel the emotion in their apology. I almost fell apart when it was pinkie’s turn.

Yea that's true. Wish she could vent out her anger and hate on those girls.

Great chapter


Don't worry, she'll have her time to show her anger next chapter :twilightsmile:

You go Sunset, they deserve to be put into place for what they did and made you end yourself.

After a few signatures and one last hug to Dr. Frosted Heart, Sunset strolled out the hotel's front doors.

When was she in a hotel?

"And what gives you the right to talk down to me like that!?" she shouted back at Sunset. The other four quickly stood as Applejack and Rarity each took one of Rainbow's shoulders and Pinkie and Fluttershy moved almost protectively in front of Sunset. Sunset just crossed her arms, glaring coldly at her former friend.

No, don’t hold her back.

"You did." she said, voice chilled and emotionless. "The moment you showed your true colors and threw one of your friends out into the snow with no evidence against her and told her to never come back." Rainbow deflated slightly, but the last blow was a final, scathing comment made over Sunset's shoulder as she turned to leave.

"What a great show of Loyalty that was."

Ok, I know Sunset going through a moment, but she would have to fight me. On top of that I would have said some hurtful sh*t back.

Ahh... Good girl Sunset. Now turn into a demon AND BURN THEM INTO OBLIVION.

Thank you for pointing that out! It’s meant to say hospital lol

"What a great show of Loyalty that was."

Boom goes the cannon.

"You already know what I think. Your refusal to talk to them is just your was of hiding from facing your attempted suicide." Blunt as always, but also painfully .

Is was suppose to be way?
Also really loving the chapter and the realism of it.

(sigh) Rainbow Dash, why must you always be so stupid AND stubborn? I mean Sunset has every right to feel that way towards you and the others!

Really hope they stay unforgiven!

SUnset froze like a deer in the spotlights, unsure if she should try to run or finally face the girls.

You accidentally capitalized the u in Sunset. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it deer in headlights?
Great chapter! I was worried she was just going to forgive them for a second there, but thankfully, this story didn't go that route.

"You did." she said, voice chilled and emotionless. "The moment you showed your true colors and threw one of your friends out into the snow with no evidence against her and told her to never come back." Rainbow deflated slightly, but the last blow was a final, scathing comment made over Sunset's shoulder as she turned to leave.

"What a great show of Loyalty that was."


Now we just need a BITCH SLAP from shy.

"And what gives you the right to talk down to me like that!?" she shouted back at Sunset. The other four quickly stood as Applejack and Rarity each took one of Rainbow's shoulders and Pinkie and Fluttershy moved almost protectively in front of Sunset. Sunset just crossed her arms, glaring coldly at her former friend.

"You did." she said, voice chilled and emotionless. "The moment you showed your true colors and threw one of your friends out into the snow with no evidence against her and told her to never come back." Rainbow deflated slightly, but the last blow was a final, scathing comment made over Sunset's shoulder as she turned to leave.

"What a great show of Loyalty that was."

You want some ointment for that burn, Dashie? :ajsmug:

Well played, Sunset. Well played indeed. :rainbowlaugh:

Welp. Im probably gonna catch some flak for this.

Sunset's choice was made by her and her alone. They did not make her attempt suicide. That is a choice she made on her own.

This does not excuse the actions of the five in the slightest. What they said was unwarranted, baseless, and overall cruel. They do not deserve sympathy for Sunsets completely justified rejection. However, the only person who can control her actions is herself. I think this is an important distinction, because if Sunset can't hold herself accountable for her own actions then she will only get worse in the long run.

Thank you for bringing that up! I'm planning for a main plot point to be Sunset learning to hold herself accountable for what she's done!

Good work! Enjoying the rewrite.

You better have the other hold themselves accountable for being failures of friends.

i don't agree with what was explained earlier.
but that my thoughts, they still hurt her and hurt her good, they shown they they never truly forgave her.
that they lied to themselves.

that's...kinda cold and tactless.

think about it, if Anon-A-Miss event never happened, Sunset would never have any reason to commit suicide.

But the event did happen, the Crusaders, Rainbooms, and everyone who accused her of being Anon-A-Miss drove her to the edge. While it's true Sunset did choose to kill herself, but all it takes is a REASON to do so.

the Crusaders and Rainbooms ARE that reason.

Cold? To be honest yea it kinda is. The sad truth of life is that the people you trust are going to hurt you at some point. We are all flawed and that means we come into conflict with each other for reasons we may or may not consider justified. What other people do doesn't matter so much as your reaction to it.

If everyone who was hurt as Sunset has in this story was to react in such a manner, we would lose a lot of good people. Heck a lot of people already do. But if you can take that pain and move forward you will be a much better person for it. It's not an easy thing to do, I know what its like to lose the trust of those close to you. But in the end,

You are who you chose to be.

Working on the new chapter now. Sorry for the random hiatus!

Wow this is good chapter, really heart breaking to.
I hope to see more, and wonder what will happen next?

She soon found herself back where it had all started, where she had first entered this world. The portal almost seemed to be mocking her, magic pulsating out of it at a steady rate. It set her teeth on edge and kept her heart rate high. Swallowing down her anxiety, Sunset stared at her namesake streaking across the sky. It would get dark soon. Really dark, not like the darkness back in Equestria. Here, the moon lit a pitch black sky. A solitary protector in a sky of nightmares. Grunting slightly, Sunset pushed herself to her feet and pulled her phone from her back pocket. Dozens of unread messages lit the screen, but she didn't open any of them.

Wouldn’t it just make more sense to leave her alone for awhile?

There was so much happening and she couldn't do anything about it! A few small tears traced their way down her flushed cheeks and she tried to remember the breathing techniques Doctor Heart had taught her. Part of her wished she could talk to the doctor about everything going on, but she knew that despite the façade she had put on, the woman didn't truly care about her problems. To her, Sunset was just another damaged kid that she'd get paid to haphazardly fix.

Is that true?

She couldn't talk to any of her friends. Even of the three she was on speaking terms with, none of them would really get it. Maybe Fluttershy could sympathize with her anxiety, but that was where the similarities ended.

I’m guessing rarity, pinkie pie, and fluttershy?

This is told from Sunset’s POV and in her perspective yes, that’s how she thinks she appears to frozen heart. However, it could also just be her anxiety driven thoughts making everything seem harsher. And yes, the three she sees herself on speaking terms with is Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity.

A good chapter, though a few points could've used the creation of a new paragraph - besides that little nit pick, you did a great job once again!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Yeah this one was sloppy and written at 2 am with a glass of wine in hand lol. I’m glad you enjoyed it though!

Part of her wished she could talk to the doctor about everything going on, but she knew that despite the façade she had put on, the woman didn't truly care about her problems. To her, Sunset was just another damaged kid that she'd get paid to haphazardly fix.

As someone with experience as a patient and a worker in mental health treatment, this sentiment always bothers me. I understand why some people think it at first--I used to think it too--and, now I know the reason we chose this line of work is because we do care.

This isn't to disparage your writing. This chapter is written from Sunset's POV and her believing this makes sense within the story. I just want people reading to know that in reality, therapists and mental health clinic workers absolutely care about the people we treat. If we didn't, we wouldn't have these jobs.

Thank you for posting this! I wasn't sure if I wanted to add that bit of this chapter because I was afraid people would agree with it, but I'm glad that hasn't happened. Thanks for sharing your experience <3

Maybe that make her think for once.

Wow, Rainbow Dash, you're PISSED at a girl, who you THREW HER OUT like she didn't matter over some stupid photos and secrets I might add, and trying to FIGHT that girl, trying to MAKE that girl stay?

How stupid can you get?

Good chapter though, I wonder if we get to see the Rainboom's and Human CMC's perspective when Sunset left?

I hope I'm not making Rainbow too hate-able. She lashes out when she's upset and doesn't rationally think things through before she does them, but deep down she feels a lot of guilt and truly wants to make it up to Sunset. It's nice to know people feel so passionately about my story though!

Honestly, I would have been like “see ya, sunset.”

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