• Published 5th Oct 2020
  • 1,100 Views, 24 Comments

Alexis 10 - Chaos Nightmare

You never think about what you have, till it's all taken from you.

  • ...

To Ponyville with love

Author's Note:

Just as a heads up I'm making Alexis a reverse Duck Shine (From this story)... you'll see what I mean in this chapter

As the night came and went I met with Celestia who had gotten my measurement for my clothing and had managed to get a bunch of clothes for me. Now Celestia was seeing me off. “Okay Alexis as you know I’m sending you and Spike off to Ponyville, It should be a two-day trip so you both should be fine, Spike knows who you're looking for and. Here is a little something for you to spend on food. Oh and don’t open this till after the Raising the Sun part of the Celebration”

“So why are we here I thought we would take a carriage or a train or something?” I asked while wondering why we were in a courtyard.

“Oh, your ride is there.” She said pointing to the two muscular pegasi hooked up to a chariot.

“Oh, you can’t be serious.” I said, having a fear of heights.

She was serious. I held onto the front of the chariot with all my might and screamed in fear for about half an hour. Until Spike noted that we were about to land. I sighed in relief as all that screaming couldn’t have been good for my lungs. “Sorry about the screaming.” I said to the guards as they rolled their eyes.

“I’m going to guess it's your first time flying like that?” The left guard spoke.

“Yeah, but It's also the fact there is nothing really to keep me from falling out from the back.” I answered as the two looked at each other.

“There’s an enchantment to prevent ponies from falling out.” The guard on the right answered in a deadpan voice.

“I tried to tell you.” Spike said.

“Hehe sorry.” I said sheepishly with my face turning red.

“Does your face do that often?”

“Do what?” I asked.

“Turn red.”

“Only when I’m embarrassed or something you're not ready to hear about.” I said it was made clear to me that he was a baby dragon so I probably should keep my talk PG. “Anyway thanks for the ride...but I might take the train back to Canterlot. No offense.” I said to the guards as they just shrugged and began to fly with the chariot. “So Spike who do we need to find?”

Spike pulled a list out of his bag. “Okay, we need to find Applejack who is doing Banquet preparations. She will be at Sweet Apple Acres, Rarity who will be doing the décor. She will be at the town hall, Fluttershy, who will be preparing the music. She should be near her cottage on the edge of town. Rainbow Dash who will be doing Weather management, She should be somewhere in town. And that should be it.” he finished putting away the list.

“Okay Let's head to Sweet Apple Acres, with any luck they'll have some lunch for us.” I said confidently.

“Okay, but do you know where to go?” Spike asked.

“Uuuuuh? Let's ask that Pink pony over there?” I said walking up to a Pony wearing a T-shirt one size too big and short shorts. I was getting some wholesome Party girl vibes off her...as well as maybe some yandere vibes too and honestly, I just wanted her to do adult things to me. But I brushed off my feelings and asked her “Excuse me can you tell us where-” and mid-sentence she jumped up and gasped before fleeing. “Hey, Spike...do I look ugly by Pony standards?”

“No?” He said, confused.

“Okay, so there is a chance.” I said, confusing him more “Well anyway I think I saw a farm on the outskirts of town maybe that's it.”

The walk to Sweet Apple Acres was a good twenty-minute walk. “Man I hope the food will be good.” I said to Spike.

“Well, Celestia chose this place for a reason.”

As we got to the main gate I was greeted by an orange Pony with a cowboy hat and some western clothing. I got some kind of homegrown feeling off her. “Howdy, y'all must be the inspector for the Summer Sun Celebration.” The Orange pony said before introducing herself “I’m Applejack nice to meetcha.”

I stood there in silence while Spike tapped my side sending me out of my imagination “I’m Alexis and this is Spike we’re here to see on the food.”

“Ah of course.” Applejack said as she rang a bell and shouted “Soups on!” as about a hundred ponies flooded out of the farm, some came from the barn while others came from the apple orchards. It was a sight to see. I was starving so when she laid about a bunch of apple treats on the table. Oh boy, it was chow time.

“I can’t believe you ate 20 pies.” Spike said in amazement as we walked towards town.

“Eh, I’ll let you in on a secret. But don’t tell anyone else, I was in a coma for two years, so any food is divine enough to eat till you're sick.” Spike stopped when I said that.

“What?” He asked, shocked.

“Yeah I woke up yesterday, It's a long story and I don’t want to tell it.” I said in a serious tone. “Anyway, we need to find Fluttershy next right?” I asked as I was tackled by a blue streak.

“What do you want with Fluttershy you monster!?”

“Are you an angel come to step on me?” I asked while I was dizzy so I didn’t really have time to think about what I said.

“What?!” She asked confused...and a little red in the face.

“Hey get off her.” Spike said pushing the pony off me.

“Ugg what hit me...and more importantly can I threaten a lawsuit so I can have enough gold to buy Sweet Apple acres and-” I paused and said “Nevermind,” I said getting up. “So who tackled me, Spike?”

“Some punk with a rainbow haircut.” he said dryly as Iooked at the Blue pegasus wearing a sports jacket with a tank top underneath and sports shorts.

“Hey the name’s Rainbow Dash!” she said, offended.

“Oh, we were also looking for you. You’re supposed to be managing the weather for tonight...whatever that means.” I said not quite getting an understanding on how this stuff works.

“I will, I just got to rest up.”

“Oh and tackle cute girls? If you wanted a date you could have just asked.” I said making her face red again.

“Whatever, Why are you looking for Fluttershy anyway?” She asked.

“We need to make sure her stuff is ready for the celebration.” Spike said as we began to walk away.

“Whatever.” She said flying up and doing her job.

“Well that was weird” I said

“What the fact you asked her to step on you?”

“I did?” I said, embarrassed putting my face in my hands.

“Oh and your watch beeped a few times, once when you shook Applejacks Hand and again when Rainbow tackled you. I thought it only beeped for lies?” Spike asked confused.

“Oh, that was a lie to make Twilight angry.” I said as he was even more confused.

“Then why did it beep?” He asked.

“You’ll find out eventually,” I told him as we came across a cottage near the woods. I stopped and asked, “Do you hear that?” Spike paused and nodded as we went to see behind a bush as Yellow pegasus in a turtleneck that was probably one size too big and pink jeans was floating near some birds.

“Oh my. Um, stop please, everyone, umm. Excuse me, sir? I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny-tiny bit off. Now, follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one two three-” she stopped as I accidentally stepped on a twig. “Eep!” she said retracting into her sweater as the birds flew away.

“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m Alexis I'm supposed to get a status on the music for the celebration. It looks like your birds are back so I’ll let you go back to your work.”

“Okay.” she said meekly before Spike came out of the bush and she shouted in glee “A baby dragon!”

“Hi,” Spike said, confused.

“I’ve never seen a baby dragon before!” Fluttershy said happily.

“Umm if you want you can come with us while we check in town. We only have one stop left till we head to the library for the night.” I said hoping that this angle would follow me.

“Sure.” She said happily as we walked to town.

Twenty minutes later we were back in town and I was tired of hearing Spike talk about himself “And that's my entire life story.” Spike finished.

“Okay, this is the town hall and where we part ways for now. Spike, you head to the library with Fluttershy, I’ll deal with Rarity.” I said.

“Uhh sure.” Spike said as he started to head to the library and kept talking to Fluttershy.

“Finally.” I muttered to myself as I walked inside the town hall. “Hello?” I shouted as I saw the place decorated in ribbons. “Wow,” I said as a unicorn in a light blue vest and a purple skirt walked in with a basket of ribbons.

“Ah you must be the one Celestia sent to make sure that everything is perfect.” the Unicorn whom I assumed was Rarity said.

“I’m guessing you’re Rarity.” I said.

“Yep, also what happened to you, your clothing is ruined and your hairs a mess.” She said as I noticed that the back of my jacket was covered in mud.

“Aw man, I just got these too.” I said disappointed before Rarity grabbed my hand.

“Come on I know a place where they can fix this.” She said dragging me someplace.

“But what about the decorations?” I asked following her.

“We were nearly done anyway so Derpy and BonBon can take care of the rest.” she said.

Two hours passed as Rarity took me to a spa, it was super relaxing...and a little stressful, ironically. Considering I gained yet another crush today, seriously how have I fallen in love with five different people...er ponies in the span of an afternoon.

“Thanks for that.” I said as I got a fresh set of clothing.

“Oh, its wasn’ problem.” Rarity said as we walked to the Library.

“Umm, this tree is the library right?”

“Yes?” Rarity said, confused.

“Nothing it is... I just find it weird that a tree is a library instead of something less” I paused looking for the right word “flammable.” I finished.

“Well, I do see your point. Anyway, I think we shouldn’t keep Pinkie waiting any longer.”

“Who?” I asked, opening the door as the lights were off. “Rarity?” I asked as a flash of light blinded me for a second.

“Surprise!” a group of ponies shouted as I was surrounded by a party.