• Published 4th Sep 2020
  • 2,134 Views, 4 Comments

Warm Cuddles - Nido_King

Luster Dawn and Potion Nova have been dating for some time now, and their relationship keeps growing stronger and stronger the longer they spend together, especially whenever they both engage in a rather odd part of their relationship together...

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Warm Cuddles

Walking up the steps, Luster Dawn knocked three times against the wooden door and stood back to wait. You wouldn’t know it by looking at her, given how calm and collected the unicorn mare appeared on the outside, but on the inside Luster was positively bubbling with excitement. It was Saturday, so she didn’t have to worry about class or homework for the time being, even if she did adore every minute of it. Instead, she was here to visit a very special pony, one she had missed dearly over the course of the week.

Several moments passed before Luster could make out the faint sound of hoof steps rapidly approaching the door before it opened up to reveal a unicorn mare with a white coat and tri-coloured purple mane and tail, the cutie mark of a bubbling potion flask visible on her flank. Upon seeing Luster standing on her doorstep, the other mare broke out into a wide smile as her blue eyes positively lit up.

“Ah, Luster! You’re here! It’s so nice to see you again!” Leaning forward, the mare pulled Luster Dawn into a hug before planting a kiss on both of the mare’s blushing cheeks.

“P-Potion!” Luster whined as she pulled away. “Not… not where other people can see!”

“Why, are you ashamed of me?” Potion Nova asked with a pout before her cheery smile quickly returned. “I’m just teasing, and can you really blame me? It’s so nice when my sweet marefriend comes to visit!”

“Y-Yeah… Same here…” Luster mumbled, her face still bright red as her heart hammered away in her chest.

“Well, don’t just stand there! Come in, come in!” Potion Nova said as she stepped to the side to allow Luster Dawn to come inside.

Walking inside, the pair headed straight for the living room. “Would you like some tea?” Potion had offered, to which Luster had accepted with a nod. “Great, make yourself at home while I brew us up some real quick."

As Potion had departed into the kitchen, Luster took a moment to look back on the situation she had found herself in.

Since arriving in Ponyville many months ago and being enrolled in the School of Friendship by her mentor, Princess Twilight, Luster Dawn had been able to special experience so many moments she had once scoffed at. Even with the Princess of Friendship as her teacher, Luster had always thought that friendship was just a passing fancy, since time and age would ultimately cause those same friendships to decay and vanish completely. A meeting between Twilight’s friends had proven Luster Dawn wrong, solidifying the idea that friendships didn’t have to end with time and could last a lifetime, and thus inspiring her to begin studying about the true magic of friendship.

And while she had made many friends amongst both her classmates and the townsfolk since then, she had also found something she had never even considered she would encounter during her studies:

That being a loving and caring marefriend in Potion Nova.

Thanks to a fateful meeting one day in the Ponyville Markets, the pair of ponies had instantly hit it off, talking on and on about magical theory and potion making for hours and hours and leaving with promises to meet again the next day. At the time, Luster had assumed that the warmth she felt in her chest and face whenever she spent time with Potion Nova was simply another feeling of friendship, even as their relationship grew to be a bit more touchy feely over time. However, those same feelings only increased by the day, resulting in Luster daydreaming about Potion Nova constantly and even, worse of all, affecting her studies! Luster knew she had to get to the bottom of this, so the next time she saw Potion Nova she’d asked her about it.

Potion Nova had giggled and explained that she had been experiencing the same feelings as Luster had for some time as well, and that these feelings were more than just friendship. Ever excited to learn something knew, Luster had demanded Potion tell her what it was.

Luster would never forget what had happened next.

Potion Nova had smiled before leaning in close, so close in fact that Luster could feel the other mare’s warm breath on her face, a feeling that sent her heart all a flutter and her face break out into a blush. Then, Potion Nova had whispered into her ear two words that had rocked Luster Dawn’s world to its very core.

“It’s love.”

Luster’s brain had momentarily shut down, likely as a defence mechanism as she desperately tried to process this new information, standing there with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open before the sound of Potion Nova giggling again had snapped her back to reality. She had muttered and stuttered out something that could have maybe sounded like words for several moments before Potion had taken the lead and helped calm the poor girl down. After a nice cup of tea, Potion had offered her a solution: if she wanted to, the two of them could try and pursue a relationship together and see where it lead them, but only under the condition that they remained as friends no matter the outcome.

Despite still being a whirlwind of emotions, the thought of losing Potion Nova as a friend hurt more than anything else, so after thinking it over Luster had decided that she would do her best to pursue this new level of friendship she now found herself in, and the pair had been together ever since.

Course, Luster would never tell Potion about how after that she had camped out in the school library until the sun rose the next morning, frantically reading through every book she could find on love and being in a romantic relationship.

Still, she wouldn’t trade the time she’d spent so far with Potion for anything in the world, though there time spent together had become less and less as the semester progressed and Luster needed to focus more and more on her studies. Potion Nova hadn’t minded though, saying that just meant they had to make the time they did spend together all the more memorable.

“It’s ready!” Potion Nova called from the kitchen, snapping Luster from her thoughts as she watched Potion stroll into the room with a tea set held aloft in her magic. After pouring the two of them a cup, Potion hops up onto the couch beside Luster. “So, how has school been since we last spoke, my dear?”

Taking a sip from her tea—Jasmine, her favourite—, Luster delved deep into the lessons she had been learning about friendship in school, the essays and assignments she had written, and everything she had done in the week since they had last talked.

Potion Nova remained silent for most of this, occasionally asking questions when she needed clarification on something, but more than happy to let Luster talk endlessly about her life over the last week. Potion Nova knew that she was no stranger to talking somepony’s ears off when it came to potion making, so seeing the sheer excitement in Luster’s face as she continued to talk away.

Eventually, Luster actually ran out of things to talk about and it was Potion’s turn to regain her marefriend about how her week had gone in Luster’s absence. Luster listened attentively, occasionally taking sips from her tea or asking for a refill. As she listened, Luster felt a sense of fatigue that had been pestering her all day make an unwelcome reappearance. Sure, Luster hadn’t gotten much sleep, both from working to finish her latest essay and due to excitement of getting to see Potion Nova again, but nothing was going to keep her from spending the say with her marefriend. And yet, the fatigue would not give up so easily, as Luster felt her eyes drooping ever so slightly as she continued to listen to Potion spin a tale about her latest potion concoction.

Without warning, Luster was unable to stop herself from letting out a loud yawn.

“Oh my…” Potion said, noticing for the first time how tired Luster looked. “Are you alright, dear?”

“Y-yes!” Luster hastily replied, shaking her head to try and dispel the tiredness settling over her. “It’s not because of your story, I was listening, I swear! I just didn’t get the usual amount of sleep I normally do, nothing to worry… worry about…” Again, Luster was unable to suppress another loud laugh.

“Tired?” Potion said with a giggle. “It seems my little one is in need of a nap. True be told I could use a nap as well, so…” Batting her eyes, Potion leaned in and whispered, “… shall we depart for the bedroom and have ourselves a little fun?”

A fresh blush broke out across Luster’s face as she understood the true meaning behind Potion’s words, gulping loudly, but still nodding her head slightly to indicate she was okay with the idea of partaking in a rather recent addition to their relationship, one that they had only started to partake in a few weeks prior.

“Excellent! Come along then, dear!” Hopping off the couch, Potion strolled across the house with Luster tagging behind her, eventually stopping at a seemingly innocent looking locked door. A quick glow of magic from Potion’s horn resulted in the clunk of the lock releasing as Potion pushed the door open.

It was almost like walking into a completely different house. Instead of a typical bedroom, the entire room had been redesigned in a massive nursery, complete with all the fixings you would typically find in a foal’s nursery such as a filled toy chest, a fully stocked changing table, and a crib with a mobile hanging above it. However, what made this room different from a typical nursery was that everything was bigger than you would expect, big enough to accommodate a fully grown pony.

Or two fully grown unicorns to be exact.

Luster knew exactly where her fascination with diapers and Adult Foal play had originated from: a book she had been reading in her spare time about various lesser known subcultures and how they interacted with various aspects of life. When she had first read the chapter on Adult Foals, she couldn’t deny that the idea, while incredibly odd, had sounded strangely intriguing at first, but she had simply brushed it off as a momentary interest from discovering something new. However, unlike the other articles she read before and after this, this one managed to stay with her even after she had put the book back on the shelf, regularly popping back into her thoughts when she least expected it and even resulting in a few, admirably pleasant, but still unsettling dreams.

Luster had pushed it all down, ashamed that a pony like her, the sole student to the Princess of Friendship, was even considering something so unusual. And so, outside of a few random moments where the thought reemerged from the recesses of her mind, Luster had largely forgotten about her curiosity towards diapers and all that.

Until she had started going out with Potion Nova, that is.

Early on in their relationship, the two of them had agreed to sit down and have a sharing session between them, just so there were no secrets that could possibly come up and ruin their fledgling relationship. The pair had spent some time sharing the many embarrassing secrets and moments they had gathered throughout there lives, until Potion Nova had finally revealed her biggest secret to Luster Dawn.

As far back as she could remember, Potion had always been interested in the Adult Foal lifestyle, everything from acting like a foal to wearing, and even sometimes using, diapers as a means to relax and destress from a hard day. Hearing all this had sparked the reemergence of Luster’s repressed curiosity, so much so that she had admitted to Potion how she had always had this desire to try and experience being an Adult Foal for herself, but had always been too afraid and ashamed to try.

Potion had practically lit up like a tree on Hearth’s Warming upon hearing this, even going so far as to say that it “must have destiny that we met.” With the excitement more befitting a child, Potion had dragged Luster to her secret nursery she had made and asked Luster if she wanted to finally get the chance to live out those fantasies Luster had always been too ashamed of to admit to anyone, even herself.

Luster had been unable to find it in her heart to say no.

Getting to indulge in something she had only thought about had certainly been an eye-opening experience, one that had resulted a large chunk of the shame and guilt she had built up and carried along with this secret all this time being lifted off her shoulders. And while she still heard a lingering voice in her head telling her how wrong and ashamed she should feeling, having Potion there to offer her support had made ignoring that voice easier and easier with time.

Which was why when Potion trotted over to the changing table and gestured to Luster with a knowing smile, Luster only briefly hesitated before climbing up onto the table and laying back on it to await being changed into something a bit more fitting for her in this room.

“Aww, I think I see a little foal who’s excited to be changed!” Potion cooed as she stood over Luster, leaning down and blowing a loud raspberry onto Luster’s belly and resulting in a fit of laughter from the unicorn mare. With a caring smile, Potion reached under the table and pulled out a thick violet coloured diaper, the same brand as the one Luster had chosen the first time she had gone through this. Unfurling the diaper, the loud crinkling of the plastic causing Luster’s ears to twitch in anticipation as she lifted her plot up without even being asked so Potion could slip the diaper underneath her with ease and thread her tail through the back. Just resting on the soft padding that was about to envelop her behind prompted Luster to giggle as her mind began to slip into a more foalish headspace, something that had also been becoming easier and easier with time.

Reaching under the table again, Potion pulled up a large bottle of foal powder and began sprinkling a cloud of talcum powder onto Luster’s nether. While Luster had yet to work up the courage to take the next step and actually use her diaper for its intended purpose, the act of putting on foal powder had become synonymous with the entire diaper changing ritual, so much so that a stray whiff of foal powder had conjured up memories in Luster even during times when her and Potion were apart.

All powdered up, Potion gently pulled up the front of the diaper and made extra sure to tape it on nice and snug as to not to upset her little Luster. Once the last tape was finally done up, Potion patted the front of Luster’s diaper with her hoof, causing a puff of foal powder to squeeze through the leg holes. “There, all nice and padded! Now, you wait quietly while Momma goes about changing into a fresh diaper of her own.”

Rolling off the table and onto her hooves, Luster only briefly stumbled as her body became accustomed to the new bulk she was wearing. The first time she had been so unprepared for the pronounced waddle the sheer bulk of her diaper caused that she had promptly fallen flat on her butt, causing several clouds of foal powder to poof out of her diaper. Now though, she felt a strange calm fall over her that she had began to feel every time she wore a diaper now, one followed by a pleasant warm and tingly feeling in her chest every time she heard her diaper crinkle with each movement.

After changing herself into a thick green diaper of her own, Potion hopped off the table and just strolled around the room for a moment as she shook her diapered behind again and again. “Ahhh… nothing like the feeling wearing a comfy diaper brings you. Only better feeling than a clean diaper is a used one.” Turning to face Luster, a thoughtful look came over her face as she said, “You know… I have a potion that’ll help you take that next step. All you have to do is ask…”

Luster nervously chuckled, unable to admit that the offer was sounding more and more inviting every time Potion brought it up. “Thanks, but no. Maybe someday I’ll take you up on it, but not today.”

“Aww…” Potion pouted. “You always say that!”

“And one day it’ll be true, but right now…” Yawning again, Luster rubbed at her eyes as her weariness reasserted itself. “… that nap you mentioned sounds real good right about now.”

Potion pouted for a moment longer before snapping back to excited as she waddled over to the crib and pulled down the bars. Gesturing for Luster to climb up first, Luster’s hooves had barely touched the mattress before she felt Potion’s hoof press against the back of her diaper and shove, forcing soft padding against her rear as she flopped up over onto the mattress. Luster just rolled her eyes as she felt the mattress shake as Potion hopped up beside Luster before raising the bars again and securing them in. Taking a second to reach up and switch on the mobile above their heads, a soothing lullaby began to drift down towards them as Potion plopped down onto her padded rump.

“Nap time!” Potion proclaimed as she rolled over onto her side and stretched her body across one half of the crib.

Rolling onto her side as well, Luster took the other half as she felt her eyes growing heavier and heavier, the lullaby becoming her more and more to dream land. And yet, in that moment, a flight of fancy over took her as an idea came to her. Would she mind? She wondered for a moment before peering over her shoulder at the mare laying next to her. “Potion?”

Potion didn’t reply, the only sounds coming from her the sound of her breath as she breathed in and out.

Biting her lip, Luster wondered if she should just forget the whole thing and go to sleep, but the idea sounded far too appealing to give up on so easily. Potion is always saying I should be more comfortable around her… So, rolling over onto her other side, Luster scooted closer and closer to Potion until the two of them were practically pressed together, their diapers crinkling together as Luster rested her arm across Potion’s side and lay her head beside Potion’s, close enough to catch a whiff of the unicorn's raspberry scented shampoo. Now cuddled together, Luster whispered a quick, “Good night, Potion. Love you…” before sleep finally overtook her and she fell into a comfortable slumber, the kind reserved usually for foals without a care in the world.

Unbeknownst to the sleeping Luster, a smile spread across Potion’s lips as she whispered back, “Good night, Luster. Love you too…”, before letting the warmth of her partner mixed with the soothing melody of a foal’s lullaby sweep her away to dream land, where she would dream of more days spent cuddling together with her marefriend, the two Adult Foals safe in their crib with the knowledge that they were together.

Comments ( 4 )

Very cute! I commissioned the picture of these two together and this is pretty much what I had in mind.
Thank you for taking the time to write this!

So happy to hear you like it! And thank you for commissioning such a cute scene!

This is a lovely read! And characters I’ve not read about before as well.

I love this story. I've never watched but maybe one episode of Pony Life, which just so happened to be "Meet Potion Nova." Is the way she speaks in your story how she does in other episodes? Just curious.

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