• Published 1st Sep 2020
  • 462 Views, 1 Comments

Quiet Mountain Town - Darth Severus

You've just moved to the quiet mountain town of Ash Lake. The neighborhood is full of friendly people, and it seems they're playing some sort of role playing game, and you've been given the chance to join in. Let the games begin!

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The New Kid

You just finished setting up the last of your things in your new room. You had just moved to a quiet town called Ash Lake. It seemed like a nice place to live, but still, you were worried you wouldn't be able to make any friends, just like you couldn't make any back in Manehatten.

Your mom knocked on your bedroom door and as she opened it she said, "Honey, are you all done unpacking?" When she sees your room neat and tidy, she smiles, "Ok sweetie, why don't you go out an play? I know you had trouble making friends back in Manehatten, but we're in a much smaller town now, and school's out for the summer break, so I'm sure you'll be able to make some friends."

You sigh and get out of the chair in front of your desk and say, "Ok mom, I'll try."

As you exit the front door, your dad, who was reading the local paper called out, "Just remember to be back by dark scamp!"

You nodded, "Ok dad!" before heading out the door. You looked around, it was certainly quiet here, nothing like Manehatten where you could barely hear yourself think at this time of day. You walked out to the sidewalk and saw two kids in costumes fighting.

One of the kids said, "Help!"

As you run up behind the other kid and punch him, he runs off and you ask the kid who you helped, "Hey, are you ok?"

The kid, who had neon green hair stood up and said, "Yeah, thanks. I didn't realize he had a health potion on him. Oh, you're the one who just moved in, aren't you? My name's Spike, I live right next door to you! What's your name?"

You tell him, "My name's Astral Shadow."

Spike smiled, "Well Astral, do you want to play Dungeons and Dragons with me and my friends?"

You raise an eyebrow, "Isn't that a tabletop game with dice?"

"Well, normally it is, but the kids here in Ash Lake aren't really the kind who just sit and roll dice. We like to play for real, makes things a bit more interesting."

You smile and say, "Sounds fun! Lead the way!" before following Spike to a blue house and heading inside. Spike said to a woman sitting on the couch, "Hi Mrs. Stormtalon! Just passing through to play with Gallus!"

The woman smiled, "Good to see you Spike, there's some snickerdoodles in the kitchen if you get hungry. Oh, and hello there, you must be the child who moved in a few houses down. I hope you have fun with my little Gallus."

You smiled and followed Spike out through the kitchen and into the back yard, grabbing a snickerdoodle as you did. As you walked into the back yard, you saw a large cardboard castle, surrounded by what appeared to be a moat made of red Lego bricks. "What's with the Lego moat?" You ask eating the cookie you grabbed.

Spike told him, "That's lava, you can't cross lava, so it's perfect for a moat."

You smile, "That's pretty cool, but how do we get into the castle?"

Spike walked over to the moat and said, "Pefok hto zkixvo! (Lower the bridge!)"

You raise an eyebrow, but when two kids come out of the castle and lay a piece of plywood over the moat, you ask Spike, "You guys even invented your own language for the game? That's so cool!"

Spike smiled, "You really think so? It was actually my idea, and Gallus took to it like a pig to mud. We call the language Arutini. Learning it will be one of the first things to do if Gallus accepts you into the Kingdom of Eorzea."

As you walk into the cardboard castle after Spike, a boy with dark blue hair wearing clothes that look like that of a king says, in what you assume is Arutini, "Jmiro hto xkuven jpuchok, fte ij htij jhkunvok chea tugo zkeavth he quch yujhpo? (Spike the Dragon Slayer, who is this stranger you have brought to my castle?)"

Spike got down on one knee, and gave a look that told you to do the same and said, "Quch rinv, htij ij ujhkup jtuxef, u nofyequok he hto rinvxequ. To fijtoj he sein hto wivth uvuinjh hto uyyakjox vezpin rinv. (My King, this is Astral Shadow, a newcomer to the kingdom. He wishes to join the fight against the accursed Goblin King.)"

The blue-haired boy spoke in normal English and said, "So Astral Shadow, you wish to join my kingdom. Very well, but first, a test to see if you are worthy. Spike, as you are the one who brought the newcomer here, you will be the one to test him."

Spike nodded, "Of course King Gallus. Follow me." before leading you back out of the castle and to what looked like a small shop, also made out of a cardboard box and said to a young girl, "Hey Gabby, we need to equip the newcomer with a weapon. Oh! That reminds me, what class do you want your character to be, a Warrior, a Mage, a Thief, or a Ranger?"

You think for a moment and say, "I think I'd like to be a thief, it's my favorite class in Final Fantasy."

The girl behind the counter of the fake shop said, "It's a pleasure, here you go." before handing you a plastic dagger. "Since you're new here, I'll give you some health potions, free of charge!" before handing you five bags of potato chips. "Those are the cheapest ones I sell, if you ever want the better ones, you'll have to win coin in battles to buy them from me."

You smile and say, "Thanks Gabby, I think I'll enjoy this game."

You follow Spike to an empty section of Gallus's back yard, and he says, "Now it is time for your test, you must defeat me in combat."

Your eyes widen and you say, "But I don't know anything about battle!"

Spike chuckled, "That's not a big deal, each player gets a turn to attack, and it goes in a circle. You can use one item before an attack and still use an attack or a skill. Those potions may come in handy during this fight, so be sure to use them properly." before drawing his plastic sword. "En garde!"

And so, your initiation into the Kingdom of Eorzea begins. You've already made a friend in Spike, and now you have the chance to make more friends. The game has begun, and you have just joined the fun.