• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 686 Views, 9 Comments

Shattered Nightmare - Dumium

A story in which Rainbow Dash shatters a nightmare.

  • ...

Waking Up

Celestia’s sun shone its bright rays upon Ponyville, bathing it in a sea of tender warmth that came along with them. The very sensation would remind anypony of a mother’s loving caress; Celestia ensured that.

No wonder why, then, that Rainbow Dash loved taking so many naps given the chance.

It’s Sunday, anyways. I’m entitled to at least three “short” naps this afternoon.

While flying above Ponyville, Dash located her soon-to-be napping spot: a medium-size puffy cloud. Its soft texture and support could not compare to any bed on Equestria—the alicorn Sisters themselves secretly admitted that. Even during the hottest Summer days, a cloud could always keep the pegasi’s coat cool.

Making herself comfortable, Rainbow closed her lids. She let loose of her consciousness, bringing sleep ever so closer.

Everything around her was steadily fading out to oblivion as her mind lost track of spatial awareness. And soon after, she fell—



As soon as Rainbow registered what was happening, her pegasus instincts kicked in, trying to erect her wings wide in order to slow down the abrupt descent.

There was no sign of gaining control over gravity, nor did she feel her wings responding. Adrenaline pumped harder, heartbeats raised frantically.

What is this? Why I’m not slowing dow—Rainbow Dash turned her head to her back.

A part of her wished she had never looked back.

Utterly appalled, she locked her gaze to her back in sheer disbelief, even forgetting she was falling, for a second—her expression frozen, ears pulled back.

“Where are my wings? What is happening?” Rainbow Dash desperately cried out. She then looked down to her ever-approaching demise.

“Somepony help me, now!” she cried her lungs out, hoping that somepony—anypony—nearby could get to her in time.

To Dash’s dismay, her scream for help reached nopony’s ears; her impending doom loomed closer and closer. Tears shed in distress were picked up by the howling wind, enshrouding her as she mutely prayed that she’d get saved as soon as possible.

The unbelievable situation was getting to her. She frenetically looked right and left, then up and down, to see if anypony was reaching to her.

But nopony came.

As her altitude continued to drop, Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, slowly breathing it out. She closed her eyes. Then she spun, facing the sky, limbs extended.

Yet… That was wrong. She wasn’t one to chicken out from the face of danger, however life threatening—or fatal.

No. If I’m gonna face my death, I’ll face it my way—Rainbow Dash’s way! She turned over, angling toward the ground. A familiar, seemingly distant feeling crossed her spine as she was dashing down, a distinctive trail of colors being left in her wake.

Fear was lost to a surge of an empowering feeling, one that roared louder than her self-preservation instincts: awesomeness.

Even in the spite of fate, she still had some ounce of control over it. She wouldn’t give up. Not now. Not ever.

One. Final. Stunt.

As she sped up her descent, piercing down the air, Rainbow Dash started feeling her hooves rubbing an invisible barrier, said extremities heating up in the process. Screaming wind swept by her folded ears. There were just a couple of hundred meters separating Rainbow Dash from the end of the line.

“Just a little more!” Rainbow struggled to utter, yelling the last word against the rushing wind with regained vigour. She could already see colored sparks being emitted from the tip of her hooves. Her last endeavor was nearing fruition: the sound barrier was cracking.

And crack it did.

Time seemed to slow down.

The famous sonic rainboom resounded behind her, an ever expanding ring of colors surging through the sky for all Equestria to see… If it had been Equestria to begin with.

Like glass during the assault of powerful high-pitch sounds, the very fabric of the surrounding landscape fissured, small glass-like pieces raining down. Large invasive cracks pierced further through the sky and ground, resulting into a myriad of void-black ramifications that enveloped the faux Ponyville.

“I did it! I Pulled it off!” celebrated Rainbow Dash, oblivious to the crumbling landscape.

The distanced closed.

A spectral lightning struck. Its thunder roared.

And the world…


Alas, the more one distances oneself from reality, the more they are to suffer when they’re disillusioned. But what if your sense of reality fails you from the very beginning?

Urghh, I groaned as I slowly regained my consciousness. Every inch of my body felt as if it had been tackled several times at a rodeo marathon. Upon weakly opening my eyes, I couldn’t make out anything from the whirling spin my vision experienced; I could only endure it—waiting until the earth stopped spinning beneath me.

I lifted myself carefully—but it was for naught, as I felt a throbbing pain coursing through my body. I shuddered, an electrifying shiver taking hold of me mere seconds afterwards. Adrenaline pumped in my veins to help me cope with my aching body.

Feeling the pain somewhat receding was a welcoming relief. I dared to take a look around me—left and right. Another shiver quaked my body as I took in the surroundings, mouth agape as a dense fog greeted me. I reflexively threw a quick glance beneath my hooves, only to see some kind of hard-battered soil.

“This isn’t Ponyville,” I muttered to myself in disbelief. Even speaking a few words proved to be a nuisance for me.

I tried closing my eyes for a brief moment, hoping for a miracle that I’d find myself miraculously back… opening them did nothing but shatter my feeble expectations. Encircling fog and dimly illuminated ground greeted me coldly.

As if that ever proved to work, I chuckled audibly. As if on cue, a merciless ache impaled my breast, restricting my breathing; heartbeat jumping to a dizzying rate. A moan escaped my lips at the sudden surge of pain. I sat on my hind legs immediately as I put pressure on my chest in order to loosen the tension that caused the nagging pain. Gradually, I felt it dissipate as my hoof ministrations proved effective; my heartbeat stabilizing as I heard the thumping pulse in my ears quieting.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out... That’ll do, I sighed in respite.

Inadvertently glancing at my tail, I noticed the plain contrast of colour between it and the dull and foggy… dimension? What even is this place? I wondered.

Bracing for the incoming pain, I slowly got up to my hooves—to my relief, with little to no strain.

So far so good. I faintly smiled.

I noted that despite the eerie surroundings, I didn’t hear anything besides the sounds I had just made. Everything was dead silent, the only noise I heard, however, was the high pitch ringing from my ears.

At the time the pain leveled itself to merely a mild inconvenience, I started forward into the fog—my gait reduced to a pitiful limp walk. The fog clouded my sight, not that I would have much to see anyway.

I kept a straight trajectory as much as my condition allowed me to. My mind barely registered any thoughts; I merely hoped I’d stumble upon something that would explain my unique predicament. How did I end up in this place? What had happened befo—

I stopped dead in my tracks. Awful memories flashed one by one before my eyes: the napping, the sudden fall, the wings missing, the resounding boom, the—I gulped—crash. Once again, I shivered profusely, as the recollections made me relieve that dreadful scene. Which reminded me of an even more terrible fact, confirmed when I threw a glance to my back: I still bore no wings. How did this nightmare came to be, I’d had yet to get to the bottom of it.

One second I’m nestled snugly, taking a nap, nothing more. And before I know it, I’m finding myself on a collision course with the ground, my wings suddenly missing as if I’d never been a pegasus—what a sick joke! I almost yelled those last words, but I knew better.

At least you’re not dead, Dash. Right? I sardonically assured myself.

I might as well be. This place sure is pretty convincing of that possibility.

I resumed my handicapped gait. I was more or less aggravated by the sheer incomprehensibility of recent events. What was more intriguing was why I couldn’t remember much before that fateful day. Who I’d talked to? Where I’d been? Had I been practicing a cool new trick? What had happened really?

The gray-brown fog seemed unending; I started to wonder whether there was even a way out—to wonder what would happen if I just stopped. However, the lingering pain I had been putting up with told me I was still alive.

My brooding over the issue ceased the instant my ears perked up at a peculiar sound. It came from beneath my right foreleg—a wooden creaking sound. I grazed the tip of my hoof along the ground to confirm my suspicions. Yup, definitely wood.

I pushed myself forward in spite of the sudden spike of pain; the murkiness receded to a scarce mist. The visibility I so longed for steadily increased while I persevered even further.

Right foreleg, left hind leg, left foreleg, right hind leg. I felt the urge to chuckle right there and now, but instead, I just smirked, doing the former mentally.

Upon stepping out in the clear, I took in the dim lit surroundings. It seemed I had stumbled upon some kind of hallway. The walls were decorated with a gold vine-like pattern on dark-red paint. The ceiling had a pair of small candle-lit chandeliers.

As a twinkle caught my attention, I glanced toward the end of the hallway. I noticed there was an oval-shaped mirror attached to it.

I threw a glance behind me, expecting to see that unforgiving fog… which wasn’t there. In fact, there merely was another wall that shared the same pattern and colour as the other ones. I trotted towards it, my body protesting with the pain I’d got accustomed to. The moment I reached it, I put a hoof on it—proving that it wasn’t an illusion.

It couldn’t have been a trap, could it? Nothing—so far—really spoke “threatening” or “dangerous,” more like “unmoving” and “silent.” But I couldn’t deny that I was indeed trapped inside this unnervingly quiet four-walled hallway.

Unless… I glared at the wall-fixed mirror with mild interest.

I started towards it, hoping against hope that that mirror was the key to leaving this Celestia-damned place. Closing in the distance between me and my plain reflection—which shared an expectant and impatient expression—I grew rather eager. If I had still had my wings, I’d be flapping them from the sheer excitement.

I could already smell the scent of grass and feel the gentle warmth of the sun on my hide.

Only two tails in length separated me from the portal.

This is it! I said to me as a blinding white light started to engulf me—mere inches before the mirror.

I leaped forward.

While gazing into your reflection, your reflection also gazes onto you. But closing your eyes brings darkness to your gaze; is the reflection experiencing your darkness too?

“Hahahahahahaa! Where do you think you’re going, Rainbow Dash?”


“You think you can escape my realm that easily? Pathetic.

“Who are you? What is this place? Show yourself!”

“Such eagerness for a pray to know their captor. I assure you I am but an old friend of yours.”

“That voice… You’re—”

“Greetings to you too, my little pony!”

“—Nightmare Moon!”

“Indeed. And you’re stuck in here with me! Alone. No friends. No Elements of Harmony. No escape!… Isn’t it just wonderful, now?”

“If this is all a dream, then I can do this!”


“...Why isn’t it working?”

“Oh, how priceless! This is no ordinary dream, Rainbow Dash! ’Tis a nightmare, which is under my control. I thought you had got it all figured; perhaps I have overestimated your wits.

“Now, they say time is of the essence. How about another helpless scream like the one you made when you were falling, hmm? That was quite entertaining.”

Yip! Let go of me!”

“Sure, Rainbow. Here, just a momen—

“No, you fool! Do you really think I’ll take orders from the likes of you? You are nothing compared to me, especially within my domain!”

“Aaargh!… You’ll pay for that, you—”

Shut your useless mouth! Unless you want unimaginable suffering, show some respect, and I promise I’ll overlook your petty misbehaviour.”

“If I had my wings, I’d show you how ‘misbehaved’ I can be!”



“Looks like you need to be taught some proper discipline, my little pony.”


“Lesson one: punishment!”


“What was that, earth pony? Weren’t you fond of lightning? Perhaps it wasn’t rough enough for you. Let’s give this lesson another try, shall we?”

’Tis Enough!


“We shan’t allow any more of it, Nightmare! Thou shalt not harm this pony any longer!”

“Princess Luna!”

“Greetings, Rainbow Dash. We are glad to see you, too. Let us tend to thy aching wounds.”


“No… It can’t be. You cannot be here! Begone, traitor, this is my world!”

“Thou dost not understand, fiend. Thy world is merely an extension of the vast dreamscape, realm which is under our supervision. Even if thine conceals whoever from dream-walking directly, we may find the pony in question in the waking world and then follow their ethereal link straight to thee. We shall never let any of our subjects suffer ever again because of thee!”

“This is not over, Luna! If you think you can defeat me, think again! We’re still in my domain, and my power reigns superior. I won’t allow you to leave that easily!”

“Rainbow Dash, thou must flee immediately!”

“Where to, Princess?”

“Follow the trail of ligh—”

“Not on my watch, earth pony!”



“Rainbow, go!”



Solitude brings peace to mind and cleanses the soul. Loneliness, however, brings the opposite. The key difference between the two is choice—for solitude is chosen freely, while loneliness is the consequences of bad choices. But what if solitude is the only choice available?

The fauna nearby cricketed and hooted. The night was young, and its sky covered the land below with dim hues of white and blue, full moon gleaming its magnificence. Some milky rays glared through the cracks and openings of the Castle of the Two Sisters, spotlighting inside: the baby dragon and seven mares—two of which were unconscious.

The other five mares and dragon observed in silence the other ponies before them so as to not disturb Princess Luna.

They had tried to bring Rainbow Dash to the waking world, but gave up soon after Pinkie Pie had given it a go. Rarity’s ears were ringing even now.

Applejack decided to break the silence, “Do you think Dash’s all right, Twi’?”

“I do hope so, AJ. But if there’s one pony who can bring our friend back to wakefulness, it’s Princess Luna,” Twilight whispered back with a tint of confidence in her voice.

“I really wish we had the Elements of Harmony now,” wistfully remarked the graceful fashionista.

“We all do, Rarity. But thankfully, Luna has been kind enough to help,” added Fluttershy.

“I don’t think it’s just kindness at play, Fluttershy. I mean, sure, Luna would always offer to help if we encountered a problem from her area of expertise. But this time… I really think it’s something beyond that,” commented Twilight.

“Whatever it is, I’m grateful we have Princess Luna by our side,” replied the meek pegasus.

“Yeah...” Twilight trailed off. She then glanced at Pinkie who sat motionlessly and close to Rainbow. She had tried to come up with something to catch the party pony’s attention, but found nothing reasonable; she decided not to press the issue further.

The silence broke in again, and the fauna resumed its ambient echo inside the castle. Pinkie Pie had been unusually silent for some time already. Her coat was noticeably more discolored and her mane lost a bit of her trademark fluffiness. She kept her gaze transfixed on her friend, her own expression betrayed a sad smile, ears pulled back.

“Please come back, Dashie,” was all Pinkie Pie muttered before nopony dared break the silence again.

Unlike the sense of duty which is founded on moral obligation, friendship is completely based on the affinity and bonds shared by one another; it’s the willingness to do something just because it feels natural—it’s really liberating and worthwhile. Friendship is in itself both a means and an end; it has no ulterior motive behind. Through friendship, one finds themselves and helps others find their own self as well. It is humbly weaved through threads of acceptance, care for one another, openness, sincerity, and sharing.

Friendship is beautiful, there’s no questions to be asked.

Everything was happening so fast. I had no time to think. I focused on the one thing I knew I had to do: galloping as fast as my body allowed it.

I was more or less relieved to learn that I was inside some kind of dream-y world, that meant I still had my wings in the real world. What unsettled me, however, was that Nightmare Moon was the pony behind all this madness, and I somehow could fully feel anything that happened to me here as if I was experiencing it first hoof. Now I had no idea what was happening to either Princess Luna or her former, evil self. I really hoped Luna had the upper hoof.

I wonder… does Princess Luna experience things here with the same intensity as I do? I really hope she’ll be all right.

The tendril of light I was following for dear life guided me through the pitch blackness. I didn’t know how far I needed to go; I only knew that soon I’d be out of this totally-not-cool place. That reason alone was enough to keep me going.

I kept my breathing in check, never losing a single breath, lest I tire faster.

A thought randomly crossed my mind, What else did Nightmare moon have in store for me? What kind of unspeakable horrors would she have tantalized… no, tortured me with for her own amusement, especially if she’s able to revert my wounds and bruises, the way Luna did, only to cause new ones. Besides the thrill of running, another shiver struck like lightning through me from the terrifying thoughts.

The twists and turns of the tendril of light seemed to me as if I was turning left and right like in a maze of some sort. Even if a bit dizzying, I could keep up the pace with it.

As I progressed farther, the environment around me began to shift gradually from utter blackness to a dim light room. I immediately recognized said room.

It’s the hallway I thought I’d escape before… my mind trailed off. It had been that the very moment I had almost gone through the mirror, the scenery had suddenly faded to utter darkness, Nightmare Moon immobilising me in place.

Perhaps this time will be different.

I bolted towards the mirror which the bright tendril flowed into.

And jumped.

To my amazement, the transition was almost nonexistent. But this wasn’t Equestria yet; it was a large chamber filled with countless enchanted mirrors of different shapes and adornments, but all not deviating in size. The tendril pointed towards a mirror to my right. As I was about to pass through it, my attention got caught by the faux reflections of the neighbouring mirrors: one was showing a unrestricted view of our planet Equus, the other just displayed the sky filled with twinkling stars. I couldn’t afford dwelling on that revelation—I passed to the other side of the brilliant mirror.

This time, the room had a nighttime pattern and design. For instance: instead of chandeliers, there were light crystals illuminating the chamber—other details slipped from my attention for obvious reasons. I followed my guide to the next mirror, which was in the corner of the chamber. Closing in the distance, I couldn’t avoid glancing at the mirrors in the vicinity.

One mirror reflected the surface of the moon as though a camera took photos while itself on the moon, and the other mirror displayed… a blurry view of our planet? Before I could press the issue further, I bolted through the white-flashing portal.

These reflections… could they be Luna’s memories?

My train of thought crashed as I became aware of the new surroundings.

The Castle of the Two Sisters?

Before me lay two large double doors. Upon seeing the tendril guiding me to head inside, I ventured in, never letting my guard down while following the bright guide.

It was awe-inspiring to see the insides of the castle to their former glory. Several wall-attached torches lighted the room with their yellow-orange flames. Not that I needed them, but more light was indeed a welcoming surprise.

Keeping a hurried gait, I pursued the guiding tendril till the Great Hall. And right at the end of the hallway, there lay the next mirror I needed to pass through.

I galloped eagerly to it.

As I got closer to it, instead of the usual bright flashing light I expected, there was a reflection of the ponies—and dragon—I’d thought I’d never see again. It was a suspended vision, like from the ceiling. I could see myself simply lying on the ground, unconscious, while Princess Luna had a familiar white tendril connected to my forehead. The guiding light merely went through portal, the mirror flashed white and gradually faded out to reveal its former reflection again.

This has to be it! My one-way ticket back to Equestria, I squeaked on the spot.

I was closing in the distance to my final leap of faith. Yet I had a strong feeling of déjà vu.

My celebration, to my dismay, was cut short.

The stained glass before me shattered. Two ponies were made visible. Crystalline melodies filled the room. Shards of glass were being scattered everywhere, coming down like heavy rain.

Time seemed to slow down.

Princess Luna was at gravity’s mercy, her back facing me, wings extended limply—a few torn feathers gliding down beside her. Scrapes, bruises, and even a few bleeding wounds were visible along her back and forelegs—some of the wings’ feathers pointing in awkward positions.

Beyond Luna, Nightmare Moon was making her descent with her wings spread imposingly, a full moon shining its white-blueish rays between her feathers. Her horn looked like she was readying a menacing spell, dark-cyan aura enveloping it.

I simply froze in place. I could only stare at the utterly terrible scenes unfolding before me. What could be done? I had no wings, I was no unicorn to counteract whatever spell Nightmare prepared; I felt downright powerless…

But then I didn’t.

Something sparked inside me: a realization that would ultimately turn the tables in our favor. It was an empowering feeling, one I had recently experienced before. This time, however, there was something new to it, apart from the desire to be awesome. It screamed within me louder than ever, with relentless ardour; it came from this realization: I could do something, I could make it count, I could save Princess Luna.

There was always a choice—there always is.

And I chose Loyalty!

No time to lose.

I started galloping towards the falling princess, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I inched closer to my target. After channeling most of my strength to my hind legs, I made one of my highest, unassisted jump ever—forelegs extended. It felt exactly like taking off with my wings. Strangely enough, I sensed the very magic inside me pushing me closer and closer to Luna—like an invisible pair of wings.

Midair, I succeeded to catch her in my gripping embrace.


Then Nightmare Moon’s spell blasted.

My vision turned a bloody, vein-y red, colorless blind spots popping in and out. Wind was knocked out of my lungs—I really took breathing for granted.

Luna faintly opened her eyes; they went wide as plates, pupils shrunk to the size of freckles. Her face expressed a mix of confusion and plain shock.

I almost forgot about gravity.


We crashed into the ground, but we still continued to roll over. I smashed back first into the wall, absorbing all of Luna’s momentum in my impact. I was squeezed between the crater in the wall and Luna. That was the moment I learned what pain tastes like: overwhelmingly bitter, and strongly stinging. There was another taste that began overflowing my mouth as well; it was less bitter and more irony. My own eyes opened wide as I realized that was blood, my blood.

After that powerful impact, Luna stumbled to the ground while I remained in the now pony-shaped crater. I barely had any energy left to hold my eyes open; every fluttering heartbeat made my vision throb with filling redness.

Luna scrambled to her hooves, trying to stand up. She threw me a weary glance. The next second, I found myself being levitated from the hole I was lying into, to my hooves. Even as my body shivered in pain and yelled at me not to do any sudden movements, I wearily persevered to get closer to her—keeping a determined pose and expression.

“Rainbow… what have th… you done… Why?”

I smiled faintly as I prepared my answer, “I helped you. That’s, ” I stammered, as a pang of pain took over for a moment, ”what friends are for.”


“Yes, Princess. We’re friends, and friends are—” another stab of pain, “loyal to each other, especially through struggles and tough times.”

A thud of hooves resounded from behind her.

Luna and I looked toward the disturbance.

I could also see some scrapes on Nightmare’s hide, but nothing too seriously revealing.

“Awww, and here I thought we were all friends here,” teased Nightmare Moon.

“Drop thy act, foul demon! Thou never had any friends to begin with!”

“Is that so, dear Luna? Weren’t we friends for more than a thousand years, before? Didn’t we both desire dominion over the wretched sun, and eternal night? Didn’t we both wish to be finally noticed by ponykind? Need I remind you we were one and the same, the same pony?”

“Well, we…I-I—” Luna stammered.

“She’s nothing like you, Nighmare Moon!” I stepped in, her slitted eyes now gazing through my soul. “She’s a new pony now! She saw what she did was wrong and asked for forgiveness. She chose to come out and meet new ponies. Now she’s even got friends who care for her, and are grateful to have met her.

“You, on the other hoof, have nopony and no friends, your condescending demeanor doesn’t allow it. And so, you will always be lonely! You can turture me as much as you want, that won’t change a thing,” I finished.

Both Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna looked at me, speechless. While Nightmare Moon looked like she was about to tackle me—but was restraining herself—Luna showed a rather reminiscent look as though my speech struck a cord inside her.

We lay there for some time. Nightmare was still blocking our path, but she didn’t attack. I didn’t have any plan in mind, nor I had the energy or strength to put one into motion—Luna seemed more fit to try something, but I doubt she was considering that now.

As much as I hated to admit it, we were mostly at Nightmare Moon’s mercy.

The stark truth about the past is that it can never be changed. Not even altering time itself, or jumping to an alternate timeline can erase what happened—what one did. Coming to terms with the past means coming to terms with oneself and one’s actions. It means accepting that mistakes—and even wrongdoings—were made, but also learn from their consequences, and improve because of them. It means acknowledging that there is always a choice to be made, regardless of a, otherwise, dissuading situation. But how can one start this journey if they refuse to take on full responsibility for both their past and future actions?

Always Lonely.

Two words that kept echoing in my mind. They were louder than a thousand lightnings striking all at once; for they spoke of a thousand years of utter loneliness.

Up until mere moments ago, I was pretty much victorious. One spell and the fate would have been sealed for good.

That was it, Luna was useless, and Rainbow Dash would forever be mine to toy with—in every way I could think of!

That’s it, this ends now!

Always Lonely.

I hesitated.

On normal circumstances, I would have been ashamed of myself for showing such pitiful weakness.

Always Lonely.

But it was too late to burn the seeds of doubt, for they already claimed most of my certainty.

Much as I wanted to deny it, Rainbow Dash said something too wise to come from a mere fool. I seemed to have underestimated her wits, in hindsight.

Always Lonely.

However, if what she said is true, it means that, like Luna, even I can redee—

No! How foolish does she think I am? It’s an obvious trap set to lure me into. They’ll banish me to an even more elaborate prison than the Elements did. They seriously don’t expect me to just stand there and take it, do they?

Always Lonely.

I still had the upper hoof. They were weakened, especially Luna, I could destroy them and have my victory claimed, and then I…

Always Lonely.

And what was I supposed to do, let them go? After such transgressions against me? Inconceivable!

Always Lonely.

Life used to be simpler.

Always Lonely.

What should I do?

Always Lonely.

I can’t let them go.

Always Lonely.

I cannot let them go!

Always Lonely.

They won’t come back!

Always Lonely.

I can’t…

Always Lonely.


Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.

Why am I Nightmare Moon?

Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.

What’s the point in being a Nightmare, if they all just hate me, and do not want me to exist?

Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.

The inner cacophony echoing in my mind proved too overwhelming. I fell to my hooves pitifully, still speechless.

Always Lonely.

Always Lonely.



“You may go.” The words I had just spoken left my mouth as though some invisible barrier had collapsed.

“What?” responded a raspy voice I immediately recognized.

“Don’t make me repeat myself!” I threatened, glaring menacingly at the blue foo—

Always Lonely.

“But, yes, you heard me right.”

I glanced towards the taller pony. “Luna, you can take Rainbow Dash and leave, I will not stop you any longer,” I said with one of the most humble tone I had ever uttered.

“What kind of sick game art thou playing, Nightmare?” I heard my better self say suspiciously and with a tint of doubt.

Always Lonely.

I started taking off my armour—helmet first, necklace, and lastly my shoes. My flank caught my attention for a second, it was bare of any cutie mark; a painful reminder of an existence without purpose…

“I’m telling you the truth, I won’t stand in your way.” I stepped aside, emphasising my point.

They stared at me questionably, but soon started wearily towards the glistening mirror—the mirror which, formerly, wasn’t there before Luna arrived in my realm.

They bypassed me now, and I could only hear the clopping of their hooves.

Always Lonely.

“Oh, and Luna.”

She and Rainbow stopped, both turning their heads to me.

“Yes… Moon?” she looked at me expectantly.

“Err… never mind. Continue.”

She half closed her eyes suspiciously, but then resumed her walk towards the portal. Only a few meters separated them both from it.

Then I heard the clopping stop again. I heard a whisper coming from the group. Then they looked at me again.

“If you’re saying you’re letting us go… Then why didn’t you give my wings back, or at least heal us?”

I audibly groaned at the remark. She was really pushing her luck with me.

Always Lonely.

“Here.” I charged my horn, not even looking towards them. Knowing Luna, she might have actually raised her guard, in a wary manner. I cast my spell and two green orbs of light floated from my horn and straight to them. I heard them sigh in relief afterwards.

“Uh… thanks for that, I guess… I mean, really,” the pegasus said.

“We… I mean, I share the same sentiment,” my better self said.

“Just leave!” I shouted, my voice rather trembling.

The clopping of hooves started again, and nothing else was heard besides it.

They eventually passed through the mirror, as my ears perked up at the sound of its unique magical zap sound.

I glanced toward the mirror… only to find it no longer there.

It is done.

Even if a decision made in the present might seem naïve or unwise, it is often times that this is proven otherwise, for it may yield an ultimately better outcome overall. Would one dare undertake the risk, however?

Creaking crickets, and other onomatopoeia resounded inside the Great Hall were there still lay seven mares and dragon.

Pinkie Pie, her mane straightened, still lay awake beside an unconscious Rainbow Dash, whilst three other mares and dragon, except for Twilight who sat and watched over them, fell to sleep’s embrace during the uneventful wait—Spike lying beside Twilight’s middle. However, that fact was soon to be changed.

Rainbow dash broke the silence—and refreshed Pinkie’s excitement—as she shifted to wakefulness. She gave out a long, sharp yawn that elicited, aside from the reflated bouncy mane, a long gasp from the mare near her—at which Twilight reacted and began shaking her friends to wakefulness. But Pinkie Pie was already one step ahead.

“Dashie! You’re back!”

Still drowsy, Rainbow replied, “Mornin’ Pink—” she yelped as her wind was knocked out of her lungs upon one of the tightest hugs she got from her party pony friend.

“I was soooo worried when I saw you wouldn’t wake up that it made me all frown-y and unhappy. And let me tell you: nopony, I mean, nopony can not wake up after my super-duper hyper-extra loud guaranteed insta-wakeupper. But that doesn’t matter now, because you’re back with your friends!”

If the formerly asleep ponies—and dragon—were struggling to wake up, now they were more awake than after a cold shower. As soon as they caught glimpse of the awakened rainbow maned pegasus, they rushed toward her to greet her.

Coincidentally, there was somepony else who was brought back from the dreamworld. Princess Luna retracted her tendril of psychical connection, and joined in with the other mares.

“All right, Pinkie, I think that’s enough.” In an instant, Rainbow was laid to the ground, as the party pony let go of her crushing hug. Upon getting more oxygen in her nervous system, she noticed her friends looking at her expectantly.

“Uh… hi, girls. Was I out that long?” asked the dozy pegasus.

“My closest estimation has it that you were out for about a day and a half,” deadpanned Twilight.

“A day and a half?! I barely felt two hours passing by.”

“It may be because time passes more quickly in your peculiar unconscious state.”

“It don’t matter, sugar cube, you’re awake now, and I ain’t complainin’.”

“Indeed, darling. I think we can all agree on this matter, right girls?”

“Yeah,” spoke all other four in unison while nodding.

“Now, Rainbow, you simply must tell us how your predicament came to be.”

“Yeah, Dashie, why were you here instead of somewhere like your house, or… a sleepover!”

“Well… Uh…” Rainbow was struggling to remember, but found no recent memory of how she ended up in the Castle of the Two Sisters. “I… don’t remember… Sorry, gals.”

“Maybe it’s temporary amnesia? Perhaps the place your psyche was trapped had also affected you with a memory erasing spell in order to not realize it was actually a dream-like environment.”

“It is a possibility, Twilight Sparkle. A proper investigation of Rainbow’s mind should be in order,” Luna proposed.

“Uh, gals, can it wait for like… tomorrow? I may have been out for almost two days, but I reeeally think I need some actual sleep. I know it sounds weird, but I’m beat!”

“I agree with Rainbow on that one,” added Spike.

“Who wants to have a slumber party at Twilight’s? I’ve got blankets and pillows!” shouted the party pony while showing a pair of the items she mentioned.

“Err… Sure. I suppose it’s manageable,” accepted the lavender mare.

“What’d ya think, girls?” asked Pinkie excitedly.

“I must say, I have nothing against it,” agreed the fashionista.

“Sounds darn good, Pinkie.”

Yay…” a familiar meek whisper was uttered.

“Count. Me. In!” said Rainbow with renewed vigour.

“Then it’s settled! Let’s go, let’s go!”

The Princess of the Night stared blankly at the party mare. “Were did she procured such specific objects… or kept them to begin with?” asked Luna, dumbfounded. The other mares and dragon already bypassed her and the purple mare, headed towards the castle’s exit.

“Don’t question Pinkie’s ways, Princess. Trust me,” strongly advised Twilight.

“If this thou findest to be wisest… Then we, err… I suppose this means farewell for now, Twilight Sparkle. I look forward to coming to diagnose Rainbow Dash’s mental integrity tomorrow night.”

“See you soon, Luna!” Two teleport spells were lighted, the first was Luna’s marking her departure, the second brought the other mare next to her friends and dragon.

Memory; the only connection one has with the past. Yet it has its limits and faultiness, for every moment not thinking of a memory makes it shallower, more unreliable. It can also grow inconsistencies over time, outlining events that did not come to pass. However, the essential usually remains accurate enough to put faith into. How much does one identify oneself through memories?

I now lay alone inside my unpopulated dimension.

Only me. Nopony else to keep me company. A so-called queen, but with no king nor subjects.

The dreamscape around me began to crack audibly, starting from beneath me, black fissures opening and advancing. The torches from the hall were snuffed out.

I didn’t will it to stop. I hadn’t that intention. It seemed utterly pointless to do anything now.

Devastating sounds echoed. The cracks grew deeper and larger, revealing utter darkness—the darkness in which I belonged and needed to return to.

Perhaps, now that Harmony saw me resigning, it would have pity and put an end to my vain existence. Otherwise, how cruel a proclaimed “force of goodness” could actually prove to be?

The answer was soon to be revealed.

The place looked like a single blow to it would collapse it all. That was my cue.

I readied my horn, conjuring the most powerful blast spell I possessed knowledge of. I charged it as much as I could, and I pointed my horn towards the end of the faux Great Hall.

The moment of truth.

A tenfold-the-power-of-a-lightning spell fired from my horn. In an instant, everything around me fell apart with strong reverberations, letting darkness to be unveiled—or rather, to veil everything.

That was it. Utter and complete blackness. Now or never was I to learn if I were to fade away, or suffer an eternity of pointless existence.

“I’m waiting, Harmony… This is your chance,” I spoke to nopony in particular.

The pitch blackness was all that greeted me.

Seeing as nothing new was happening, I said, “I see… Harmony, this is what you sentence me to. Know that not even I would have done something of this magnitude of evil. You are but the most foul, most atrocious, deceiving, and merciless entity I have encountered within my existence.”

Again. Darkness, and no response.


I now lay on my back, looking at… well, nothing. There was simply nothing. I could make something appear, but I didn’t. I had had enough of self-serving illusions. I decided I would lay limply on my back until my spirit would eventually decay… hopefully. But I knew that this too, was merely an empty and deluding hope.

Then and there, another invisible barrage, I hadn’t known I had, broke down. Tears I didn’t know I could shed left my eyes. I didn’t whimper… at least… not audibly, or so I thought. After some time, I didn’t even care anymore about my so-called dignity. Eventually, I let my cries of misery and pain run amok until I could get no more solace from them.

At least my suffering was due to something true rather than a pleasant lie.

And the truth was simple.

I was lonely.

Bfy waq'k jodhmir nh rpozh, wsr fkv weqg fj yaxi wexicise fysioh xvoiv.

Author's Note:

Checkout aquagalaxyarts' Tumblr for more awesome artworks such as the one above! :twilightsmile:

I, the author of this story, hereby give you my most genuine and honest thanks to you, the reader. Really, thanks, there is a sea of stories to choose from; I feel profoundly grateful that you reached the end of mine. :yay:

As I previously mentioned, I tried experimenting with different sort of styles; I hope I didn’t make it too confusing between transitions. Feel free to leave any comment or criticism. :rainbowdetermined2:

The key is to DREAM.

Comments ( 9 )
Comment posted by -Pinkamena_Pie- deleted Aug 28th, 2020

Great story!

Bfy waq'k jodhmir nh rpozh, wsr fkv weqg fj yaxi wexicise fysioh xvoiv.

What does that translate to?

Comment posted by robert110 deleted Aug 31st, 2020

It's the Vigenère Cipher.

You wanna know what it translates to, ponies?

You won't forever be alone, for the seed of your selfless choice grows.

Comment posted by noah110 deleted Aug 31st, 2020

Dude, I think this was pretty good, I hope this gets a dramatic reading sometime soon

The word to translate it is ‘Dream’

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