• Published 23rd Aug 2020
  • 3,632 Views, 338 Comments

Half-Life: Pastel Paradise - I aint no damn brownie

Equestria is in danger. It’s up to the crowbar-wielding physicist, Gordon Freeman, to save the day.

  • ...


Spike hit the floor with a grunt.

He stood back up, hopped back on the pile of shit, and started climbing again. He climbed up a little, but misstepped and fell back down.

“I don’t think this is gonna work.” I said, doing the exact same thing.

Spike huffed, “Well, to quote the great philosopher Noble Stead, ‘A stallion who does not try is one who is doomed to fail.’ So, yeah!” He said, closing his eyes and crossing his arms, imitating a child.

I smirked. “That quote is really lame. Guy couldn’t think of anything better than that?” I voiced my opinion.

“Well, no, mostly because I pulled the whole thing out of my ass.” Spike explained, jumping back on the pile.

I shook my head, “Clown.”

Why are we jumping on a pile? Well, there’s a tiny little crawl-space up at the top of this pile of debris. If one of us can make it up there, we can bring the others up and all crawl through. But so far it hasn’t been working very well.

I landed right on my back, getting the wind knocked out of me. Damn it, it really did become a habit!

I was about to jump right back on but then I froze, hearing a voice.

“Hey, fellers, I found one of them vents!” Applejack yelled.

Well, that’s good news. I had asked them to look out for anything that could get us out, and I mentioned vents. So good on her.

I jumped off the pile and ran to her. “Where is it?” I asked.

She pointed a hoof to a grate, that of which was rather high off the ground.

“Sweet! That’s what I like to see, AJ!” I exclaimed, putting out my hand for a high-five. She returned the gesture in kind.

“Hey! Spike! Get your fat butt over here and gimme a boost!” I yelled. He nodded, and ran over to us. He got on his knees, put out two claws, and nodded.

I stepped on them and he lifted me up. I jammed my crowbar into the metal bars and pulled, but it wasn’t moving. It was screwed into the wall. Going for plan B, I pulled back and smacked it as hard as I could with the crowbar. It shattered almost instantly, allowing me entry. I climbed inside, immediately shivering at the cold temperature.

“Okay, I’m gonna see what’s on the other side, and then enter back in and pull you all inside. That work?” I asked, turning my head back slightly.

“Yeah, just hurry up!” Spike yelled back, voice slightly muffled.

“Gotcha.” I muttered, itching my nose.

I flicked on my flashlight and crawled through the claustrophobic passage. Not that I have claustrophobia; I’m actually quite used to crawling through vents. Whenever Dr. Kleiner would get locked out of his office, me and Barney would race to see who could get inside first. But the thing is, Barney didn’t know about this one vent that I could use to get in. So, I always won.

I smiled slightly in remembrance, but then got back on track. Right, gotta see where this leads.

I continued moving through the air vent, and eventually did a full stop when I came across a grate. I pull my crowbar back out and pulled it with one hand, while grasping it with the other. Like.. a catapult? Building up pressure to do more damage. I let it go and it thwacked into the metal bars, doing slight damage. I do this one more time and the thing collapses.

I pop out of the vent and into what seems to be a... hallway. There’s a set of stairs at the end of one side, and a fork at the other.

“Okay. This looks good. Spike mentioned stairs, right? And there doesn’t seem to be any-“

I dodged a flying headcrab.

“Scratch that.” I said, smashing it with my crowbar.

I turned around and quickly hopped back into the vent.

“Okay, uh...” I snapped my fingers a few times, “Right. Gotta get everyone else in here.”

I crawled back to the main room and popped my head out of the vent.

“What up?” I asked. They all turned to look at me.

“The ceiling.”

Hah. Hah.

I smiled slightly, as did Spike. “Everything okay on that side?” He asked.

I nodded. “Yeah. There might be an alien or two, but it’s probably nothing we can’t handle.”

He nodded.

I nodded once more.

Applejack nodded.

RD nodded.

We all nodded.

..And then we all started chuckling.

“That was silly.” Applejack muttered, trying to stifle her giggles.

“Yeah. Yeah it was. So anyway,” I said, straightening my face. “Who goes first?”

“Well, I think I should go first because-“ Rainbow started, but Spike cut her off.

“Bros before hoes.” Spike said simply.

I clicked my tongue. “Rules are rules, ladies.” I said, and let out my hand.

What?!” Rainbow and Applejack yelled in unison.

Me and Spike giggled like idiots.

Spike grabbed my hand and I used all of my scientist strength to pull him up. He grabbed the vents edge and was able to pull himself up the rest of the way.

“No offense, but you’re pretty heavy.” I said, trying to catch my breath. That took a bit out of me.

“None taken. I’m a dragon, after all. We’re not really known for being light as a feather.” He shrugged.

Yeah, he’s right. Although, it’s not like I can make a comparison. I’ve never met another dragon, let alone held one. No human has.

But.. does that really mean anything? I’m pretty sure no other human has seen talking ponies, or alien overlords, or climbed through a vent in a castle owned by two horses with unicorn horns and wings, but you know. Semantics.

Again, probably not using that word correctly.

“Uh, Gordon? You gonna get moving?” Spike asked.

Hm? Oh.

“Oh, shit. Sorry, zoned out there.” I explained.

“Happens.” Spike said. We were interrupted when we heard someone speak up.

“You guys making out in there or something?!” Rainbow yelled. I blushed at her accusation, but furrowed my brow.

“Says the pony with a pride flag on her head!” I yelled.

“SAY THAT AGAIN! I DARE YOU!” She yelled angrily.

“She’s pissed! Let’s go let’s go!” I exclaimed, crawling back rapidly, laughing like a stupid teenager. Spike laughed with me as we fell out on the other side.

“Ow, hehe shit!” Spike said, holding his side. He seemed to have a poor landing.

“You chuckle alright there?” I asked, standing up.

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Good. Heh, man, that was funny. Alright, I’m gonna go get the others.” I said, and jumped back in the vent. I crawled out on the other side to see a smiling Applejack and a miffed Rainbow.

“Who’s next?” I asked.

“Me.” Rainbow Dash said through clenched teeth.

I sweatdropped. “Okay.”

I let out my hand, but pulled it back when I realized something.

“Hey, wait! You have wings!” I yelled. Her eyes widened and she looked at her back.

“Oh, yeah.” She whispered.

“How could you forget?!” I yelled, more exasperated than angry. “This whole time.. you could’ve entered the crawlspace!” I pointed to the pile of debris.

She rolled her eyes, “No, dude. I couldn’t. I told you I couldn’t. I went up there and it was too small for me to squeeze through. Do you not recall?”

I began thinking back on it.

“Hey, Gordon. That space is way too small for me to fit inside. I wouldn’t recommend trying to get to it.” Rainbow said, landing next to me.

“Yeah, got it.” I said, not really paying attention.

Rainbow Dash sighed, and started looking for another exit.

Oh yeah.

“Oh my god, you’re a bucking idiot..” she muttered, putting a hoof to her forehead.

“I resemble that remark.” I quipped. She connected the dots in her head and smiled at my joke. Good sign.

“Okay, now can you actually fly up here? Or is your wing broken?” I asked. She nodded and flew up, while I crawled backwards.

While we crawled back, she decided to explain why she forgot about her wings, “I’ve been walking a lot recently. Twilight told me that I should exercise every part of my body instead of just one, so I’ve gotten used to walking more. Guess the whole ‘wings’ thing slipped my mind. Sorry.” Rainbow explained, grinning sheepishly.

“Eh, don’t worry about it. Not like it would’ve changed anything. Your flying hasn’t really been a necessary skill on this journey.” I replied.

She shrugged.

I fell out of the vent and landed on my ass once more. Ow. Rainbow hopped out and walked over to me, putting out a hoof. I grabbed it and stood up.

“Alright, be right back.” I said, and jumped back inside.

I crawled back, let out my hand, and Applejack grasped it with a hoof.

Again.. how are they doing that? Hooves can’t grip things. Unless there’s some mysterious hoof grip thing I don’t know of, I think this is just magic shenanigans. Or plot convenience. Maybe both.

I pulled her up and into the vent. I began crawling backwards, as she began crawling forwards. I was getting a little better at this.

“Thank ya kindly, Pardner.” She said, tipping her hat.

“Yeah.” I said, and popped out on the other side.

I landed on my feet this time! Improvements. Applejack fell out herself, and nearly slammed headfirst into the floor. Well, nearly.

“Woah!” Spike yelled, grabbing her. She yelped, and Spike slowly righted her.

Had Spike not been there, that would’ve been pretty disastrous.

“You alright there, AJ?” He asked. She nodded.

“Thanks, Spike.” She says, wiping her forehead. “Gosh, I almos’ took a major hit there.”

“Thankfully not.” I said. The group nodded. “Okay, so.. do we go upstairs, or do we see what’s down those hallways?” I asked, pointing to each location respectively.

Spike put a claw to his chin. Yep, there it is.

“Upstairs. I don’t know where that hallway leads, and frankly, I don’t wanna find out.” Spike wiggled his hands nervously.

“Okay.” I said, and turned to face the staircase.

Nobody moved.

“Well what are we waiting for? Come on, we have a world to save!” I exclaimed, pointing to the door at the top of the stairs. They all kicked into overdrive and started moving.

I took a step onto the staircase, and then another.

I walked up the stairs.

But it was cool, because I was convicted and determined.

I grasped the door handle with all 5 fingers, and slowly turned it. It opened up and I pushed forward. The door swung wide open, allowing me entry to the next room.

I immediately ducked under a crossbow bolt.

“Cease fire! He has the two civilians!” Someone yelled, presumably a captain of the guard. Hell yeah, they’re back.

The military sure does hate me, I’ve noticed.

I quickly shut the door, turning to the others. “What do we do?” I asked.

I looked around for a convenient solution. I can’t go in there, guns blazing. That’s stupid as fuck.

If I was still in Black Mesa, I could use a grenade. But I don’t have one. I don’t think they even exist here..

Time seemed to slow down.

”For one.. play-coin I can- give you a grenade.”

That god-damn suited asshole. Why does he keep talking? Showing up?


He’s helping me. Why is he helping me? He never did that before.

”Well, I kind of-like this place... I wish to see you-succeed.”

Bullshit. That’s bullshit.


‘How many.. uh, coins do I have?‘ I thought.


“Just gimme the damn grenade.” I muttered. I felt something materialize in my hand, and there it was. Time resumed.

“Oh, Gordon! Where’d you get the grenade? That’s really useful!” Spike said, pointing to the bomb in my hand.

I stared at it, but eventually looked up at him.

“I...I don’t care.” I sighed. “But yeah, it’s useful. Let’s do this.”

I pulled the pin, and waited.

“What are you doing?! Get rid of it or you’ll kill us all!” Rainbow yelled. I looked at her, and pointed to my hand.

“The grenade cannot explode if the hammer is still in place. The pin being pulled isn’t what triggers the countdown, it’s this little metal part.” I said, pointing to the (seemingly useless) piece of metal that my finger held in place.

Her eyes widened slightly. “Woah, neat.”

“Yeah, so, let’s do this.” I kicked open the door.

“Throwing a frag!” I yelled, and wound up my arm. I faked a throw and they all dropped to the floor.

I then casually tossed it in, near where they were all hiding. I closed the door quickly and heard a large explosion soon after, followed by the screams of many ponies.

“Flush ‘im out!”

I panicked as the grenade flew from up from below, and landed right in front of me. Thinking quickly, I kicked it back to whence it came. It blew up in midair and all I could hear over the ringing in my ears.. were screams. The screams of people. Poor people.. that I just killed. People just. Doing. Their. Job.

As I was.

I don’t want them killing me over the resonance cascade.. so why am I killing them over practically the same thing?

They didn’t ask to be roped into this. This is the fault of Black Mesa. Of ME. Not them.

And.. here I am. Just brutally.. attacking them. Violently killing these people. People with lives. People with families-

“Gordon!” Spike yelled, snapping his claws in front of my face.

My eyes widened as I snapped out of my stupor. “Huh? What?” I asked.

Applejack took off her hat, “You okay there, Son? Once the grenade wen’ off.. ya wen’ quiet. Ya shivered, and it looked like you were about to break down. Is everythin’ okay?” Applejack asked, putting a hoof on my shoulder. I only then realized that I was on my knees.

Standing up, I brushed myself off. “I’m okay. Nothing to worry about.. Come on, let’s go. You get.. you get used to it.” I whispered that last part.

The group looked at each other, concern present in their expressions.

I opened the door back up and surveyed the destruction. A big piece of the floor was destroyed, and bodies were strewn about the room. Any stragglers were clearly not going to be moving anytime soon, so it allowed a clear passage through. I have respect for the dead, but.. not enough respect to not steal their ammunition.

I put the extra magazines in my holder, and continued walking. I opened the door at the end of the room and saw that it lead to a two-way split hall. We can go left or right.

I looked around both corners, and after seeing that the coast was clear, told the others to leave the room.

“So.. left or right.” I asked.

“Left.” Applejack said, not missing a beat.

I turned left and began walking that way, the group following. The hallway was simple in design; white corridors with some tapestries on the wall, maybe a few standing drawers, some ugly paintings. Nothing too fancy, but fitting for a castle. I noticed that the lights in the ceiling aren’t actually lightbulbs or anything, they seem to be stationary flames. That’s really cool. I wonder how they- magic. They did it with magic.

Just ruin any sense of wonder, why don’t you.

I reached the end of the hallway, and was at another crossroad. Left or right.

“Spike, do you know where we should go?” I asked.

He shook his head. “I don’t. I know what staircases to take, but I haven’t memorized the layout of this place. I did at one point, but that was years ago, when I actually needed it. I don’t know where we are. There are maps of the interior placed about the castle, but until we find one.. we’re lost.” Spike explained.

I nodded. “Okay. Well, let’s just.. find a map?”

“Find a map?” Spike said, imitating my questioning tone. “Why was that a question? Yeah, we’re doing that.”

I frowned.

Celestia forced her wings into a stationary position, in order to slow her acceleration. The wind pushed back against her body as she slowed down rapidly. She liked to imagine the squealing of brakes as this happened, but now was not the time for jokes.

She put out a hoof to stop her sister, who had done the same as her.

She watched as a giant.. manta-ray, thing.. flew through the air. She held her breath as it passed in front of her harmlessly, apparently not seeing her. She exhaled, relief flooding through her body. She needed to pay more attention to her surroundings, or she could become mush on the road.

“Well, let us continue, Sister.” Princess Luna said, starting to fly again. Celestia followed suit.

They had to get back to Canterlot. This sudden invasion was not something she appreciated, and she needed to give everypony hope. Well, that’s what she wished to do.

In her castle, she has a large satellite that can be used to telepathically communicate to everybody on the planet. Yes, you heard that correctly. Everybody will hear her voice.

This can lead to bad relations with the dragons, griffons, etc, which is why she never, ever uses it. But this is a national emergency.

This isn’t something that friendship can solve, or the elements. These creatures.. they’re mindless. They don’t have the brain capacity to understand pony speech, griffon speech, anything. It’s like they were made to harm. Made to.. kill.

So.. she didn’t have much of a choice. She had to kill a few on her way out of Griffonstone. It took a lot of will to do so.. but she had to.

And she needed to tell her little ponies the solution.

She.. she needed to tell them. To kill. To kill these creatures. To not let them get close.

She saw what those tiny ones can do to somepony. Turn them into a mindless.. beast!

An innocent pony had their life taken away, and they couldn’t even have it done peacefully. They were a monster in their last moments.

She could not fathom why anypony would do something like this. To.. attack, with such forces. She needed to find out who it was.

And judging by a letter Twilight sent her..

The one who did this.. was a Free Man.

Author's Note:

Title reference: claustrophobia - fear of tight, cramped places

Title significance: vent

Thanks for reading! I had fun with this chapter. I was kinda just able to bang it all out in two sessions, which is pretty good for me. I didn’t really have to do any padding for word count this time either, so that’s good.

Please tell me of any mistakes, and..

Thanks for reading!