• Published 25th Aug 2020
  • 401 Views, 14 Comments

The Feather Bangs Fanfic Club - BrawnyBold

Feather Bangs' fanmares read their Feather Bangs fanfictions to each other.

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Double O Bangs

Feather Bangs enters a room while he wears a tuxedo. As Feather walks, a wide piece of lens was watching him. The lens moves to follow along Feather until he reaches the center of the room. At that moment, Feather pulls out a laser gun and fires at the lens. The lens' vision turns red and everything goes black.

During the night, there was a large factory located on the top of a tall mountain. Something was flying towards the factory. The moonlight reveals the flying object to be a black hang glider that was flown by none other than Secret Agent Triple 7, a.k.a Feather Bangs. He flew down lower to avoid getting spotted by the guards who were monitoring the skies. It wasn't long until Feather Bangs landed softly on a spot far from the factory. Once Feather landed, he checked himself to see that he had everything with him. On Feather's body was a full-black bodysuit that had pouches full of gadgets that could help him get out of any situation. Feather pulled out a pair of hi-tech binoculars and scanned the area and then the factory itself. Feather brought up his hoof and pressed a button on his watch. The watch's face lit up and it revealed an image of a cream-colored mare with pink and dark blue manes.

"Agent Sweetie Drops, this is Agent Triple 7." Feather said to the watch. "I have arrived to the target point and scanned the perimeter. Everything is fine now."

"Excellent, Agent Triple 7." Agent Sweetie Drops responded. "Now that you have arrived to the destination. Proceed with the next course of actions."

"Infiltrate the factory, stop Gladmane from using his doomsday device, and rescue Dear Darling as she was the one who gave us this intel." Feather confirmed.

"There's one more thing you should do, Agent Triple 7." Agent Sweetie Drops informed. "Don't die."

"Copy that," Feather nodded and his watch's screen shut down. Feather began to cautiously trot up on the mountain until he was getting close to the factory. He looked around until he spotted what he was looking for: a large pipe that was pouring out sewage water. Feather pulled out an oxygen mask and put it on his face. As Feather walked into the sewer pipe, water started to rise above him. Feather took a deep breath before he dived down to swim into the smaller pipe. Feather swam through tunnel after tunnel until he had reached a small light coming from one of the tunnels. In an industrialized hallway, a top was lifted from below. With the top slightly cracked open, Feather scanned the area to see no guards patrolling the area. Feather moved the top to the side and pulled himself out the hole he was in. As Feather replaced the sewer top back on to the hole, he heard the sound of hoofsteps coming from one of the other hallways.

The door opened to reveal one of the armored guards entering the hallway. He could've sworn that he heard some strange noise coming from this particular area. The guard scanned the room to notice that nopony was around. That was until he noticed small puddles of water coming from where the sewer top is. When the guard looked up, he saw Feather holding himself on to the roof. Before the guard could react, Feather let go and attacked the guard. After the scuffle, the guard was knocked out and was tied up while Feather quietly exited the hallway. Feather carefully trotted down a long hallway until he spotted one of the rooms. He looked through the door's window to see Dear Darling wearing a sparkling red dress while tied up to a chair. Dear was also surrounded by columns of lasers. Feather pulled out a small blowtorch and used it to burn off the door's hinges. When Feather was done, he removed the door and entered the room.

"Don't worry, Ms. Dear. I'm here to rescue you." Feather said to the mare.

Dear gasped in excitement. "Agent Triple 7! I can't believe I finally get to meet you!"

"Please, call me Bangs; Feather Bangs." Feather corrected. This made Dear giggle and blush as she was smitten by the spy's charms. "I'll get you out of here as soon as I take care of the lasers."

"Be careful, Feather." Dear warned. "These lasers are very dangerous."

"It's alright," Feather said as he was digging in his pouches. "I came prepared." Feather pulled out what looked like a small compact mirror. He opened the mirror and gently put it on the bottom area of the beams. One of the beams refracted from the mirror and it pierced another part of the room. Feather adjusted the mirror until it hit one of the sources of the beams. Upon the laser's impact, one column of beam vanished and Feather continued to aim the beams at their sources until they were no more. Feather went over to Dear to untie her bondage. This allowed Dear to jump and embrace Feather.

"My hero!" Dear said as she held Feather tight.

"Alright, just stay behind me and we'll be out of here safely." Feather said as he and Dear slowly trotted down the hallways. The couple spotted an entrance to a room larger than any of the doors they passed.

"That room is where Gladmane is keeping his doomsday device." Dear whispered to Feather.

"I'll go in and disable Gladmane's weapon so he doesn't activate it." Feather said.

"Take me with you," Dear suggested. "I know how to correctly shut down the machine." Feather thought about it as he didn't want to put a beautiful mare like Dear in harm's way. But he also needed to destroy Gladmane's weapon without causing too much destruction.

"You can come, but make sure to stay close to close to me." Feather said. Dear nodded and both of them entered the room. It was pitch black inside the room and Feather became more alert as he didn't know what to expect. Suddenly, the lights turned on and Feather prepared for any incoming attacks.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Feather Bangs." A voice said from above. Feather looked up to see Gladmane standing on one of the high catwalks with two mares dressed as showmares. "You should've called that you were coming, I would've brought out the red carpet for you."

"I prefer to crash most of the parties I attend, Gladmane." Feather replied. "Especially when the parties involves doomsday weapons."

"I believe the correct term is a revolutionary device." Gladmane said as he signaled his guard ponies to pull the covers to reveal Gladmane's doomsday weapon: an apple cannon! "With my newly made apple cannon, I can fire a number of massive apples towards any part of the world! I can especially fire apples at any of my competitors. With them gone, my casinos will be the best in Equestria!" Gladmane made an evil laugh that also came with thunder effects.

"Or, I stop you before you fulfill your outrageous plan!" Feather said as he began to run towards the apple cannon. He stopped when some showmares surrounded Feather and Dear. At a close range, Feather and Dear noticed that the showmares look more mechanical.

"I expected somepony to try and stop my plans." Gladmane said. "That's why I made these showmare bots to stop anypony who gets in my way. Ladies, show our guests what pain feels like." With that said, the showmare bots charged at Feather and Dear. Feather fired a grappling hook to the ceiling and grabbed Dear by her hips. The couple flew upwards and swung away from the showmare bots. Feather and Dear landed closer towards the apple cannon.

"Head to the cannon and disarm it!" Feather said to Dear as she galloped to the machine. "I'll take care of these metallic mares." Feather prepared himself for the showmare bots running towards him. One showmare bot kicked with its hind hoof but Feather was able to dodge the attack. Feather then blocked a hoof punch from another showmare bot with one of his forehooves. He then grabbed the showmare bot's arm and he used a judo throw to launch the bot to a far distant. While Feather was fighting the showmare bots, Dear hurried along to the apple cannon's control panel. Dear got startled when she was almost hit by a laser blast, she turned to see some of the armored guards firing with their horns at Dear. Dear used her horn to make a force field while she pressed some buttons on the panel.

Feather was losing his fight as he was pinned to the ground with one of the showmare bots' hoof holding him. Before the showmare bots could strike, Feather pulled out a camera and aimed it at the showmare bots.

"Smile!" Feather said as he pressed the camera's button. The camera flashed a bright light and the showmare bots suddenly went haywire. The showmare bots' heads exploded and they all collapsed to the ground.

"No!" Gladmane cried out. "They were gonna perform at my casino's next show!"

"Magnetic flashes," Feather said as he held up the camera. "disables any kind of electronics. Especially robot mares."

The armored guards continued to fire their beams at Dear's force field. Dear hurried as she didn't know how long until her shield could last. It wasn't until Dear pressed the last button when the self destruct countdown began, causing the armored guards to panic and run for their lives.

Feather ran over to Dear to grab her hoof. "We got to get out of here!" Feather said as he and Dear ran out of the room.

"Curse you, Feather Bangs!" Gladmane yelled out in anger.

The whole factory blew up and fire rose from the structure. Feather and Dear jumped before they fell into the endless abyss. As the couple fell further, Feather pressed a button on his suit and a jetpack appeared on his back. It fired up and flew Feather upwards while he held on to Dear. As the sight of the factory was disappearing, Feather and Dear just looked at each other with passion in their eyes.

"Shall we take to the skies, Dear." Feather requested.

"You could be my wingcolt anytime, Feather." Dear replied as she and Feather kissed each other while flying across the moonlit night.

The End