• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,693 Views, 965 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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One For My Baby Part 2

Twilight winced and recoiled her hand, the deathclaw sporting a new and unpleasant bruise but that was it. Before Boone had a chance to fire again, the ex-pony stood between him and the person he was attempting to murder.

“Get the fuck out of my way you overgrown lizard,” Boone spat angrily.

“Hey, hold on a second,” Janey interrupted. “I think Princess here is trying to settle things peacefully.”

Twilight grabbed a peice of scrap metal and was about to tap out her response when she saw Jeannie lurch toward the exit. Boone’s gun swung around, but Twilight was faster, grabbing the skinny middle-aged woman around the midsection and slamming her against the wall with bone-rattling force. Pinned against the crumbling drywall and several hundred pounds of angry deathclaw, the human could do little but stare up at her captor with wide, horrified eyes.

“Just hold her there for a second longer,” Boone muttered.

Twilight spun around and glared at the man, uttering a low, threatening growl. The human stared back at her, matching her intensity with a quiet hatred the likes of which Twilight had never seen before. They held their staring match for a few seconds longer before the man cursed and lowered his weapon.

“You better not be thinking about letting her go. Because if you do so help me god I will hunt you both to the ends of the earth,” Boone remarked, his lip curling into a snarl.

Twilight snorted, and wrapped her claws around Jeannie, carrying her like an oversized dog. The deathclaw walked over to the discarded hunk of metal that had covered the safe and extended a single digit.

“Someone grab the mayor, or whoever serves such a function in this settlement,” Twilight began.

“You-” Boone began again.

Twilight roared at him, stopping his comment before it could be uttered.

“We are not letting her go,” Twilight hastily tapped out. “She shall be questioned, publicly, tried, and if convicted, hung for her crimes.”

“I…” Boone breathed in, and out in a long, slow motion. “I’ll get things figured.”

The man slipped his gun into his back holster and stomped out of the room, leaving Twilight, Janey, and Jeannie alone.

“A public execution? I’d say that's harsh, but I’d do worse,” Janey remarked, kneeling in front of Jeannie and staring the other woman in the eye. “Lemme guess, short on caps and thought selling someone to the legion would help round out the budget?”

Jeannie seemed ready to talk, only to clamp her mouth shut and glare in silence at the courier.

“Augh figures. Only now does she get some sense,” Janey murmured. “What's the thought process on depriving the sniper, his vengeance? Doesn't seem very friendly of you.”

“Her death can serve a greater purpose,” Twilight replied. “Showing what happens to legion sympathizers will help create unity and stop anyone who may wish to follow in her footsteps.”

“A brutal way of creating unity,” Janey remarked in a low tone.

“She will die. Either at the hands of the mob, the wasteland, or Boone. This is the only way to gain some small benefit out of her end,” Twilight declared, her finger hesitating near the end.

“Well,” Janey began, holstering her weapon and standing back up. “Either way my part in this misbegotten saga is over. I’m going to go finish up our business dealings. See ya when I see ya.”

Twilight watched her human friend go. Once gone, the deathclaw’s gaze settled on the motel owner still trapped in her grasp, the woman’s mouth still clamped shut. Twilight wanted to demand an answer to the question of why, to ask if it had been worth it but without Janey, Twilight's questions would fall on deaf ears. While she waited, Twilight considered skipping to the end of this sordid affair and simply killing the woman but chose not to. Though indeed quite brutal, Twilight's chosen course of action was at least the most justice she could deliver.

Several minutes later the door to the motel office opened, and Boone alongside a pair of Novac residents appeared.

“Take her. I’ll make sure she don't run,” Boone ordered, pointing to the pinned motel manager.

Twilight could see the fear in the two men’s eyes but despite their trepidation, they approached her all the same. The moment they got close, Twilight released her grip on the woman, allowing her to be grabbed by the pair of humans that had just arrived. Jeannie tugged on her arm and muttered bitter curses under her breath but made no attempt to fight back.

“You should try to run,” Boone remarked, unholstering his rifle and pointing it at the woman. “I’d love nothing more than to gun you down.”

Jeannie snarled bitterly, but held to her silence, allowing herself to be hauled out of the room by the two men. Following behind was Boone, and finally Twilight, the deathclaw holding the door open for the former sniper. Giving the towering lizard a small nod, Boone stepped out into the open, his gun barrel pointed firmly at the back of Jeannie’s head.

Emerging out into the town once more, Twilight was a bit surprised to see that a makeshift stage built from a pair of carts had been erected, alongside a gallows. Little more than a noose hanging over some metal pipe jutting out from the dilapidated overhang that would have sheltered anyone filling their cars with fuel in a bygone era. Now, it served only as an anchor point for a length of rope dangling over a tall stool.

Just about the whole town was present with only a select few either staying home or remaining at their stands. Twilight could also see that Dusty McBride was standing on the small stage built from two carts pushed together. Jimmy stood far off to the side, the super mutant wearing an uncharacteristic frown on his wide face.

“Now I know technically its been a while since I’ve had to serve as mayor in any official capacity but unless there are any objections, I’ll be leading this little kangaroo court,” Dusty McBride declared, his voice wavering slightly but becoming more confident as he spoke.

There were murmurs of discontent, but no one dared speak above a whisper. After it became apparent that there was no true opposition to his statement, Dusty gestured to the stool, where Jeannie now stood, a noose around her neck, and her hands bound behind her back.

“We are gathered to judge a one Jeannie May Crawford for the crime of selling Carla Boone into slavery,” Dusty began, pacing back and forth on the stage. “Now I know normally there would be some kind of statements, examination, and whatever else they may do in the city but from what I’ve been told the evidence is rather damning.”

The crowd fell silent, and all eyes turned to the cowboy hat-wearing man standing atop the stage.

“Boone. What exactly is this evidence of yours anyhow?” Dusty asked.

Boone retrieved the scrap of paper from his pocket and shoved it into the mayor’s hands before gesturing towards Twilight.

“She found it in Jeannie’s safe. We saw it there with our own eyes,” Boone spat bitterly.

“Objection,” Jeannie shouted.

“This ain't no fancy NCR court, your objections don't mean more than a hill of brahmin dung,” Dusty retorted, glaring at Jeannie until he was certain she wouldn't speak again. “Now then, let's see this paper.”

The man cleared his throat, and extended his arm, holding the paper out from himself.

“We, the representatives of the Consul Officiorum, have this day bargained and purchased from Jeannie May Crawford of the township of Novac the exclusive rights to ownership and sale of the slave Carla Boone for the sum of one thousand bottle caps, and those of her unborn child for the sum of five hundred bottle caps,” Dusty paused, his voice wavering slightly. When he spoke again, a deep disgust slipped into his tone and the veins on his neck bulged. “The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. We warrant the slave and her young to be sound, healthy, and slaves for life. We covenant with the said, Jeannie May Crawford, that we have full power to bargain and sell said slave and her offspring. Payment of an additional five hundred bottle caps will be due pending successful maturation of the fetus, the claim to which shall be guaranteed by possession of this document. M. Scribonius Libo Drusus et al.”

A hush fell over the crowd, and though a few people whispered, no one dared speak loud enough to be heard.

“I will now show the crowd the document so you may see for yourself the fancy legion seal present and the signature of this slaving bag of cow manure,” Dusty continued.

He then turned around the note, and slowly panned it from right to left, allowing the crowd to gaze at it for themselves. From her spot at the back of the crowd, Twilight could see that what little doubt remained was stamped out as they saw just how official the document appeared to be.

“I suppose that explains why she kept it instead of getting rid of the evidence. Probably wanted that last five hundred caps,” remarked a voice.

Twilight snorted bitterly. The deathclaw couldn't help but feel slightly amused by the fact that the accused had likely kept the bill of sale to receive the second half of her payment. Without it, there would have been very little evidence to go on. It was ironic and rather funny but Twilight couldn't laugh at something so grim.

“I’d say this case is about closed but I figured we should at least give Jeannie a chance to speak in her defense,” Dusty remarked, his voice falling. “Not that I think it will do her any good.”

All eyes turned to the motel owner.

Jeannie stood there, her eyes flicking back and forth and her mouth opening and closing. She struggled to find any words before her shoulders finally slumped.

“I just did what we were all thinking,” Jeannie muttered bitterly. “That Carla was a bitter, angry nuisance that did everything she could to make the good folk of Novac as miserable as she was.”

Twilight could sense Boone’s rising anger, but to the man’s credit, he kept his gun lowered.

“There wasn't a goddamn person who met her who didn't want to see her gone,” Jeannie continued. “And with the slump in customers, I had to do something to support the motel and the town. Without those caps we wouldn't have gotten that shipment of food, or that fool doctor!”

“What I did was necessary and we’re all better for it,” Jeannie concluded, stomping her foot in emphasis.

“Carla Boone may not have been the most pleasant of neighbors but I for one can refute the assertion that we wanted her done in,” Dusty shot back. “Not everyone is as cruel as you are.”

“Yeah!” Shouted another person.

Yells of agreement were had, and soon the crowd became a writhing mass of insults and thrown projectiles. Rocks or other random objects flew through the air, and though most missed, one struck the woman in the face, the beer bottle shattering on impact. The assault didn't seem as though it was going to end any time soon, and upon realizing this, Twilight stepped up. Releasing a titanic roar, she silenced the crowd, allowing a slightly shaken Dusty to take the lead once more.

“I think we’ve heard what we needed to. Boone?” Dusty remarked.

The former sniper raised his rifle, and shot out one of the legs of the stool, causing Jeanie to tip forward unexpectedly. The woman managed a cry of confused rage before the noose tightened around her neck, cutting off her response, permanently.

Dangling from the rope, her legs kicked and her body twisted, eyes going wide as she looked around in a panic. Gurgled gasps could be heard and though they ended quickly, Jeannie continued to fight, to struggle. Swinging this way and that, she tried to find something, anything to stand on, but the stool was too far away and too damaged to help her.

Minutes ticked by as she swung, her eyes starting to bulge as her face turned an unpleasant shade of purple. Twilight's stomach began to turn, and though she wanted to look away, she refused to do so. She had condemned this woman to death, and though the deathclaw wasn't sure if she was still a princess, a princess wouldn't look away. She would take responsibility for her actions, she would take this moment as a lesson and she would never forget this day.

After nearly fifteen long minutes, Jeannie fell still, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. No one moved, the crowd staring as the body twitched and spasmed a few more times before mercifully it stopped moving. Only then, when everyone was certain that Jeannie was truly dead, did Boone step forward, rifle raised. A single shot cut the rope, allowing the corpse to hit the ground with a dull thud.

Twilight half expected to see the human get up, but that didn't happen. The body just lay there, as inert and as stiff as a board.

Quietly, a few of the men brought a burlap bag over and stuffed the corpse into it. Once out of sight, they dragged it away from the town square The moment the body was gone, the crowd started to disperse as if the removal of the body had broken some sort of spell. Though in the ensuing minutes after, the stage was dismantled, and the space cleared, Twilight remained until it was only her and Boone present.

“That wasn't how I woulda done it,” Boone muttered. “But, I suppose it's for the best. It's gonna be harder for the legion to find anyone willing to sell them slaves if they know what happens should they do.”

Twilight nodded.

“Still don't feel quite right,” Boone remarked. “I keep telling myself that at least this way her death hurts the legion but I felt like I shoulda done it.”

“You did,” replied Twilight, tapping out her response on a spare peice of metal.

“I suppose. Just ain't quite as visceral as putting a hole in her head,” Boone muttered absently.

The pair stood there in silence for a few more seconds, Boone puffing on a cigarette while Twilight stared off into the distance.

“I’ll get over it,” Boone declared suddenly, spitting out the stub of his smoke and stomping on it. “Maybe it won't be tomorrow, or the day after that but I’ll thank you for this. Eventually.”

Twilight smiled faintly.

“I’m gonna be leaving town shortly,” Boone proclaimed. “There ain't nothin' here for me anymore, not even spite.”

“What will you do?” Twilight inquired.

“Gonna check on a friend I saw briefly when she was passing through town a month or so ago,” Boone remarked. “Can't even remember her name, just that it sounded like something off one of them old world cereal boxes.”

The man chuckled darkly.

“It ain't much but I think she was gonna base at the one eighty-eight for a bit while she was looking for something,” Boone continued. “Figured I’d pass along the assistance along. Help her, since you helped me.”

“I’d like that,” Twilight declared.

“Don't suppose you’ll accept a reward for what you did,” Boone remarked.

Twilight snorted and shook her head.

“You’re an enigma you know,” Boone pointed out. “You got a big heart. Make sure you don't let anyone take advantage of that. Plenty of folk out there are probably already itching to do so.”

“I’ll be careful,” Twilight stated.

“I’m sure you will,” Boone concluded. “Meet me at the one eighty-eight, just up the road, we’ll talk again there. And good luck in vault eleven. Not many scavs are brave enough to try lootin the place so god knows what still lurks down there.”

“Good luck Boone. I’ll see you soon,” Twilight offered.

Boone nodded and walked towards the motel. Along the way, he passed by a grinning Janey who was no longer carrying around duffle bags full of scavenged loot. Her duster was patched, she had a new gun, and under the layer of cloth was a new shiny suit of reflective armor.

“Here,” Janey exclaimed, tossing a backpack at the deathclaw. “The guy mentioned a trader found this on a super mutant. Figured it would come in handy.”

Twilight took the offered pack and raised a non-existent eyebrow at her companion.

“Oh, that’s not everything. Just look inside,” Janey retorted.

Twilight gently pulled open the flap to find that the inside of her pack was stuffed full of food. Not only that but there were hundreds of caps sitting loosely inside.

“Better?” Janey retorted.

Twilight nodded.

“Good, now let's get rolling. This town ain't gonna be the same for a while, and if we move quick and hit vault eleven soon we may be able to reach the one eighty-eight trading spot for supper,” Janey offered.

“That would be a good idea. We’ll be meeting Boone there,” Twilight explained.

“You know what they say, three’s a crowd, but that's a bridge we’ll cross when we get to it. Come on,” Janey declared. “Unless you wanna stick around here for some reason.”

Twilight glanced over to the spot where Jeannie had hung only a few minutes earlier. The image of the dangling woman sat heavily on the deathclaw’s mind. It felt wrong to leave, to just go back on the road after everything that had happened.

Yet, what else could she do at this point?

Shouldering her large, deathclaw-sized bag, Twilight turned and nodded to her friend.

“Good. Let's get to it. I’m tired of being your translator,” Janey muttered.

Twilight rolled her eyes.

Author's Note:

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