• Published 9th Aug 2020
  • 1,878 Views, 32 Comments

My Little Midway - Kitsune_Kenshi

Twilight Sparkle friends found themselves on board of an American aircraft carrier during the Battle of Midway.

  • ...

Just a Normal Vocation, Until.....

Twilight finally took some time off her duties and decided to take a break. In the mean time, she received a letter from her parrot friend, Captain Celeano. She's inviting Twilight to come over to her ship for a vocation. Along side with all of her friends she made to defeat the Storm King a while ago. Sadly, Twilight's friends couldn't come along due to their tight business; Rainbow Dash had trainings in the Wonderbolt, Rarity had to go to Manehattan, Fluttershy is currently at Discord's, Applejack is at her bucking season, and Pinkie Pie was busy baking cakes for an upcoming party. Spike have to take over Twilight during her vocation.

Twilight then went on packing her stuff for the vocation.

"Hey Twilight," the little purple dragon saw her, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, Captain Celeano invited me to her trip on board her airship." Twilight replied.

"Well that sound fun." Spike said, "It's a shame we can't come."

"Yeah, everyone had some business to do, but I figured out I could really take a break from all my writing stuff." Twilight said, she closed her suitcase. "Spike, you and Starlight are looking over the castle for me, okay?"

"You have my words, Twilight." Spike smiled.


Captain Celeano told Twilight to wait at the harbor, that's where she'll pick her up. Princess Skystar, Capper, and Tempest are also coming, which Twilight couldn't believe it at first thought.

After a few minutes, a familiar airship approached the harbor. Colorful seals were on the airship, Twilight immediately recognized it.

The hatch opened, and a certain parrot came out. "Heya Twilight." she waved at the princess.

"Hi Cap Celeano!" Twilight greeted as she walked into her ship along side with Celeano. "Wow, your airship is even prettier than last time I've been here."

"Well, I managed to repair my ship after a certain pony wrecked it." Celeano said, "And improved it."

They talked as they walked onto the bow of the ship, and there she spotted a dark purple unicorn with a broken horn, a tall cat, and a yellow hippogriff.

"Hey Twilight!" Skystar exclaimed, "I'm so glad you're here! By the way, where's Pinkie?"

"Hi Skystar, Pinkie's busy, so she couldn't come." Twilight said.

The hippogriff's ears slightly dropped a little.

"Sadly, my friends has tight schedules, so, yeah." Twilight explained.

"It's a shame they can't come," Tempest sighed.

"Maybe they can come another time." Twilight said, cheering them up, "Now com' on."

Captain Celeano nodded and shouted to her crew to start the ship. After a few minutes, the airship raised up into the air, the sails were wide open, as the wind blew through it, it started to move the ship forward. Twilight loved the view, she sighed as she thought of her friends, I wish they can come too. She thought.

They'll be flying across the ocean for a few days before returning home.

A few hours later, Celeano's ship was above the ocean. As the warm ocean breeze blew through the ship, everyone was relaxed. Twilight, spending a lot of her time inside of her castle, relaxed the most. Turning away from her writings and other stuff was quite a relief.

They spend the day talking about their daily businesses and their own time. Skystar was lucky Queen Novo didn't ground her for too long, cause her mom bored the hell outta her already.

As the friends talked, Celeano noticed something unusual was approaching; a massive storm cloud.

"Huh, that's weird," she muttered, "I checked the course today and they didn't say anything about a storm."

Skystar had the biggest reaction; every since the Storm King incident, she had a PTSD in storms, especially massive storms. She immediately ran into the ship faster than Rainbow or Pinkie.

"What's wrong with her?" Capper asked.

"PTSD from the storm king." Tempest sighed, "We should go back too."

The crew went into the cabin, they expected the storm to be a quick pass-by.

Unnoticed by them, flashes of light flickered in the clouds, with sounds that were definitely not thunder....



"Jap carriers! 10 o'clock low!" Dick heard his teammates yelling, "Shit they saw us!"

Just as he spoke, explosions begin to bang around him. The Japanese anti-air guns, god how Dick hated the sound of this.

"All pilots on me!" he spoke through the radio as he turned his SBD Dauntless dive bomber and began to dive. The squadron followed him, one by one the began to dive. Dick opened the speed brake on his wings, he immediately lifted back into the air. His hands were on the bomb lever, finding the right time to drop a 500 pounds bomb onto the Japanese carrier.

As he got closer the the carrier, the AA guns were getting thicker, so thick that he can hardly see the carrier through the iron sight.


An explosive rang next to his plane. H turned and saw a SBD being torn in half by the AA fire, no time to morn, he thought to himself.

One by one, this fellow teammates begin to drop bombs and turning back, escaping the AA fire. Soon, Dick is the only one that's still diving.

The bombs missed though, it only created splashes. The Japanese crew cheered. "あなたが得たのはそれだけですか?! (Is that all you got?!)" one of them teased. But their face turned to horror as they saw Dick's plane coming in. They shouted as the AA guns focused their fire on Dick's dive bomber.

A Japanese admiral was outside the control room, he put on his binocular, seeing Dick's plane came down, not dropping down. It's almost like it's gonna crush them. He was shocked.

"あのアメリカ人は私たちを神風にするつもりです! (That American's gonna kamikaze us!)" he shouted to the AA gun crew, "彼を倒せ! (Take him down!)"

"1500!" the rear gunner shout to Dick, who's focusing his sight on the carrier, looking for a clear shot, "1400!"

Finally, when the attitude reached 1200 feet, Dick pulled the bomb lever, he then reached out and pulled the control lever hard as he could. "UGH!!!!" he grunted as the dive-bomber flew passed the bow, nearly crushing. Luckily, the plane then flew up, both Dick and the rear gunner sighed in relief.


The bomb that Dick dropped pierced through the bow, landing in the carrier's ammunition storage. It ignited the ammo rack. A massive explosion covered the carrier. The strong looking carrier was torn in half by that massive detonation.

"WHOOO!!!" Dick exclaimed, "SUCK IT!!!! THAT'S FOR PEARL!!!!"

Suddenly, he spotted a storm cloud ahead, "The hell?" he frowned, "I don't remember seeing a storm cloud on the way here."

Suddenly, his eyes widened as he saw something came out of hit. A ship! To be specific, a literally floating airship! With wired looking sails on the bow. It's unlike anything he seen before.

Well, it's definitely not a Japanese aircraft, he though to himself. As they got closer, he saw creatures on board. He's jaw dropped. Two of them were weird colored horses, one bird-human like figure, a cat-like human figure, and a... yellow bird-horse thingy?

"Dick?" the rear gunner asked. "What...what are those creatures?"

"Holy shit...." Dick muttered. "We're dead."

The creatures on board of that ship also stared at them. "WHAT IS THAT?!?!" the yellow one shouted.

"Hey Dick!" The rear gunner shouted , " Did you hear something? "

"Uh... I dunno, but I may have heard some voices coming from that airship. " Dick answered.

"Shouldw we go check it out?" The rear gunner asked.

Sick thought about this, he has duty, but leaving those creatures to the Japs? Hell not!

Dick sighed, "Alright, we'll go take a closer look."

Author's Note:

There's my first chapter! Based on the movie Midway. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments to help me improve!