• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 1,791 Views, 69 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?: Volume 11 - SuperPinkBrony12

The eleventh installment of What If series that involves the rewriting of episodes. This one involves eight rewrites of episodes from Seasons 1-3 plus 8, and four from Season 9. (Warning!: Rewrites based on personal opinion. Please respect it!)

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S8 E5: Grannies Gone Wild (What If?) (Bonus Chapter)

Despite Twilight tapping her to teach at the School of Friendship, Rainbow Dash still found time to be a Wonderbolt. Though she was the primary teacher for many classes, loyalty chief among them, plans had been made early on to find suitable replacements whenever Rainbow Dash needed to be called away on Wonderbolt duty.

So it was that Rainbow was hanging up her Wonderbolts flight suit after another stretch of having to stay on the academy grounds, and was just preparing to head home when she overheard some of her fellow bolts having a conversation.

"So you just got back from Las Pegasus, huh?" Misty Fly could be heard asking. "You're so lucky, Soarin! That place is the ultimate vacation spot. I've been dying to go there!"

Soarin nodded as he and Misty Fly alongside a few other un-suited Wonderbolts came trotting through the locker room within earshot of Rainbow. "Honestly, I'm just lucky I made it to Las Pegasus before the fastest, most thrilling ride of all time closes for good! I guess when the new managers took over, it was only a matter of time."

Rainbow quickly intruded upon the scene, having heard everything. "Wait. The fastest, most thrilling ride of all time? What are you talking about?"

Misty Fly let out a gasp, as did Soarin and the other Wonderbolts! "You mean, you haven't heard of the Wild Blue Yonder after all this time?" And she snorted. "Rookie. Even Thunderlane knows it."

Trying not to lose credibility with her teammates, Rainbow tried to insist. "Of course I've heard of the Wild Blue Yonder. How could I not have? I mean, it's the one where you, uh..." But she quickly realized that nopony was buying her argument. So she sighed in defeat. "All right, you got me. What is it?"

"Only the coolest rollercoaster ever!" Soarin boasted as he showed off several pictures of various Wonderbolts on the rollercoaster. "It's a true Wonderbolt rite of passage to ride it, even if Spitfire doesn't see it that way. It's even kind of related to how she got her nickname, though you didn't hear it from me."

Misty Fly scoffed. "You can't really call yourself a Wonderbolt if you haven't been on it. If you don't ride it soon you'll be missing out on the experience of a lifetime."

"It looks incredible!" Rainbow exclaimed as her eyes observed all the exciting photos different Wonderbolts had snapped of them riding the coaster! How had she not heard of it until now?!

Soarin nodded as he put a hoof around Rainbow. "Trust me, words can't do it justice. But I'll try. Basically, it works like this. First, you strap yourself into the cloud rocket car, and then you're catapulted straight through a..."

Rainbow Dash would go on to relay all the information she learned about this incredible coaster to anyone who would listen. "...Series of daring dips and terrifying turns! Flipping you upside-down so many times that you don't even know which way is up! 'Til finally you climb to the highest peak on the rails! Then drop towards the ground at lightning speed before coming up to a screeching halt! It's the coolest ride ever to exist in the history of Equestria!"

Applejack was the last to hear about her friend's newfound interest, and with a smirk she just teasingly asked. "Uh-huh. So when did you get a chance to ride it, sugarcube?"

Rainbow confessed. "Oh," And after a weak laugh she added. "I haven't."

The farm mare just grinned. "I thought so." Then mere seconds later, her cutie mark began to glow alongside her fellow athlete's! Both knew what this meant, and without saying a word they immediately rushed to Twilight's castle to find out where they were being called to!

What neither could suspect was that the friendship problem they were going to be tasked with solving was going to be rather complicated, and in Applejack's case kind of personal.

The map as it turned out was doing something rather unusual. The cutie marks of both Rainbow Dash and Applejack were currently displayed over Ponyville, but they were also somehow appearing over the city of Las Pegasus as well.

"How very unusual," Twilight observed. "The map's never done that before."

"Ya sure it ain't on the fritz, somehow? Maybe as a side effect of whatever it was on our journey beyond Equestria that made it expand?" Applejack pondered. "Just because the map's never been wrong before doesn't mean it's gonna be right all the time."

Rainbow Dash, however, was practically ecstatic at this discovery! "Sweet! I was planning to use up some of the vacation time I'd been saving up so I could go to Las Pegasus and ride the Wild Blue Yonder while I still had the chance. But now I can go on official map business!"

"Work comes before fun, sugarcube," Applejack cautioned her fellow athlete, and then looked to Twilight. "Ya sure it's okay for us to just up and leave? We have classes to teach ya know."

"Don't worry, Applejack. I already have substitutes lined up and ready. I specifically prepared for any kind of emergency: Map or otherwise," Twilight replied with a smile before pondering again. "I just wonder what the friendship problem could be that's somehow connected to Ponyville and Las Pegasus at the same time. Still, flanks don't lie. And you two have worked well together in the past."

Reluctantly, Applejack agreed as she let out a sigh. "Then I guess it's off to Las Pegasus we go. This actually works out in my favor though, because that means I'll get to take over from my brother in supervisin' the Golden Horseshoe Gals on their retreat."

Rainbow blinked in surprise. "The Golden what now?"

"Golden Horseshoe Gals," The farm mare answered and explained. "It's the name given to a little rag tag group of the oldest Apple family members: Goldie Delicious, Apple Rose, Apple Sauce and of course Granny Smith. It's like a mini reunion of sorts. They do these kind of retreats every other year or so. Apple Sauce got to pick this time, and she's always a fan of magic shows."

"Then why not just get her tickets to Trixie's next show? I'm sure she'll offer a family discount." Rainbow protested.

Applejack shook her head. "These magicians are top notch, the best at their craft: Jack Pot and Big Bucks," Then she commented. "And they seem to have quite a few admirers, Apple Sauce included."

"Great, stuck with a bunch of old ponies." The brash speedster frowned.

The farm mare just grinned and giggled. "Did I mention that the Golden Horseshoe Gals have all the best connections? This ain't the first time they've been to Las Pegasus, they're practically VIPs by now. I'm sure if you ask nicely they'd be willin' to use their connections to get you tickets for the Wild Blue Yonder, as long as it ain't torn down by the time we get there."

"And what do you get out of this?" Rainbow inquired of Applejack.

"Just makin' sure Granny and the gals get along. They do a good job of maskin' it, but they ain't exactly the best of friends," The farm mare explained before hanging her head. "It all stems back to things they did when they were young. You thought Granny Smith had it out for Grand Pear after what he did, this is even worse. I just hope they can get through a trip without them bein' at each others' throats by the end."

"Do you suppose that might be the friendship problem?" Rainbow pondered aloud.

Applejack nodded. "Sounds like a possibility. Speakin' of which, I reckon we should head out to meet up with the Golden Horseshoe Gals now. The balloon flight to Las Pegasus will be leavin' shortly."

The Golden Horseshoe Gals were indeed waiting, and with a wagon load of travel supplies to boot when Applejack and Rainbow Dash joined them at the balloon port. Granny Smith in particular was quite surprised by this development! "Applejack, what in tarnation do you think you're doin'?! Your brother's supposed to be the chaperone, you both agreed."

"Sorry, Granny, change of plans," Applejack answered. "Big Mac's takin' over for me at the school. Rainbow and I here just called by the map, to the same place you ladies are headin'."

Granny Smith was quite skeptical of this claim. "Ya sure that's the only reason you're taggin' along on this trip, Applejack? I can take care of myself, you know."

The farm mare nodded as she began loading suitcases into a waiting hot air balloon. "Yeah, yeah. But you can afford to tone it down just a bit. You're only stayin' at the hotel Apple Sauce booked for you and the other gals, and you're only stayin' for a few days."

"I know the importance of pacin' myself. You might wanna loosen up on the brakes on that there buggy of yours, Applejack." Granny Smith scolded.

Meanwhile, Apple Sauce just called out. "Hurry it up, girls! The day is young and I am not. I wanna get there in time to unpack before the magic show tonight. No way am I missin' out on seein' Jack Pot and Big Bucks."

"And you can't forget about the Wild Blue Yonder!" Rainbow pointed out. "It's gonna be gone forever in a matter of weeks, maybe days!" And she started thinking to herself. "What will the Wonderbolts use as a right of passage after it's gone?"

"Hold your horseshoes, we're comin'." Granny Smith huffed as she climbed into the hot air balloon, and Applejack followed a few seconds later after loading up the last of the suitcases. It was a miracle the balloon was able to take off at all with how much it seemed to be weighed down.

Apple Rose smiled sincerely as the balloon rose high into the sky. "Las Pegasus, here we come!" And as gusts of wind blew past her she openly remarked. "Wow! This must be what it's like to fly like a pegasus! Now if only there was a way to experience what it's like to walk on clouds as well."

Applejack and Rainbow exchanged glances and snickers, both deciding it best not to mention the cloud walking spell to Apple Rose or any of the other Golden Horseshoe Gals. Some things were better kept a secret.

On the subject of secrets, Applejack then found herself gulping as she realized there was a secret about the likely destination in Las Pegasus that she had neglected to tell Granny Smith about. Namely, who the hotel's owners were. "I hope there's not a lot of bad blood left between them," She thought to herself. "I didn't exactly forgive the two the last time we met, either before or after I teamed up with 'em."

The balloon (similar in color to the one often rented out for flights) was eventually brought to a slow and controlled halt as it landed on a small airstrip on the outskirts of Las Pegasus. Everypony got out once the balloon had been tied down, suitcases and saddlebags in tow.

A familiar, towering set of hotels and luxurious living spaces soon greeted the eyes of Applejack and the Golden Horseshoe Gals. But this was Rainbow's first time seeing the premiere vacation spot and self proclaimed 'Playground of Equestria' in pony. It was overwhelming to say the least.

The group eventually made their way to a hotel at the edge of the block. Upon entering they all saw a huge rollercoaster track running throughout much of the building. It had to be the Wild Blue Yonder the Wonderbolts had been gushing about it! There was just no way for it to be anything else! Rainbow was in awe from the moment she lay eyes upon it. "I hope I can find a way to wrap up this map mission fast and get my ticket for a once in a lifetime opportunity!" She thought to herself. "Then I'll truly no longer be a rookie."

A bellhop stallion clad in a red uniform with bright yellow trim came trotting up, tipping his hat as he introduced himself. "Ah, you must be the lucky prize winners here for your trip," He declared. "My name's Tip Top. Please, allow me to show you to your room, ladies. The owners spared no expense in renovating it."

"Wait? Owners? As in more than one?" Goldie Delicious spoke up. "And uh... do they have any sort of policy against cats?" As soon as she finished saying this several of her cats spilled out of her saddlebags.

"As long as you clean up after them, you may keep them in your room and we'll scrub the whole thing down after you leave. Just be sure they don't scratch up the curtains," Tip Top nodded in obligation. "Now if you'll follow me..." And he led the Golden Horseshoe Girls away, leaving Applejack and Rainbow Dash alone in the hotel entrance.

Immediately, Applejack turned to her fellow athlete and inquired. "You were thinkin' of makin' a beeline straight for the Wild Blue Yonder, weren't you?"

"Only to check out the line! It's bound to be out the door," Rainbow commented and groaned. "If I'd know I was gonna be coming along on a trip, I would've thought to make a reservation. I hope they still have ride passes or something so I can come back later."

The farm mare encouraged by putting a hoof around her speedster friend. "You go do that, sugarcube. I ain't see hide or hair of Flim and Flam yet, so I'm gonna try to talk to Granny Smith about them before they meet so she's prepared. Meet me on the dance floor in about half an hour. And remember, we're here on map business first. We can have our fun only after we sort out the friendship problem."

The brash speedster groaned in annoyance. "You're no fun, Applejack. No wonder Granny Smith is so suspicious of your claim."

"Just makin' sure we all stay focused," Applejack pointed out. "But I'm confident everythin' will work out in the end, it always does. We ain't met a friendship problem yet that we couldn't solve."

"Let's hope this isn't the first." Rainbow replied and then zipped away, while Applejack trotted after Tip Top and the Golden Horseshoe Gals to find out where they'd be staying.

The Golden Horseshoe Gals were led up several floors via elevator to extremely lavish and elegant rooms! Velvet red curtains and matching bed sheets, sparkling red carpets, beds big enough to fit a princess and even a window with which to look out at the greater hotel area if one wanted to.

"You lucky ladies are considered honored guests of the owners. They made all the arrangements upon finding out you'd chosen our venue to stay at despite it still undergoing renovation," Tip Top once more tipped his hat. "Please enjoy your stay, and if there's anything we can to do make things even better for you please let us know."

Apple Sauce then smiled, taking out a bit to pay the hard working stallion. "Thanks a bushel in the peck for all you do," With a wink she then asked. "Say, you available tonight? I'd love to invite you to see the magic show with me."

"Sorry, ma'am. It's against company policy to accept favors from guests, especially VIP guests," Tip Top replied by shaking his head. "Still, I can accept the bits as payment for a job well done." And after taking the coin and pocketing it, he trotted away.

Apple Rose couldn't help but remark. "You always have a way with the stallions, Apple Sauce. You always scare away the best ones too."

"I just carried away sometimes. It gets a little lonely living by yourself," Apple Sauce grinned. "But you're right, I do need to tone it down. Just bein' with you girls is enough," Under her breath she added. "Most of the time, anyway."

Granny Smith, meanwhile, just went about unpacking as she huffed. "Just look at you two, arguin' like a bunch of school fillies. We're not gonna have a good time if you two keep fightin' like this. The whole reason we go on these retreats is to unwind and get away from it."

Goldie Delicious could only chuckle. "You're right, Smith. So loosen up. Don't wanna be a stick in the mud when we haven't even hit the dance floor yet. It's your granddaughter who's supposed to be the one who spoils all the fun."

"I do not!" Applejack pouted. "For the last time, I didn't come on this trip just to be a downer. I came here on a legitimate friendship mission with Rainbow Dash. And since she's currently off checkin' out the Wild Blue Yonder, that means it's up to me to make sure y'all check in okay."

"Well as you can clearly see, we're settled in just fine," Granny Smith declared with a frown and swished her tail to show off her disapproval. "Right fellow Golden Horseshoe Gals?"

Apple Rose nodded. "I'll say we are. And in record time to boot. The owners of this hotel really know how to treat ladies."

"I'll say," Apple Sauce smiled and winked. "Wonder if we'll get to meet them at some point?"

"Didn't you say you knew the owners, Applejack?" Goldie Delicious then asked. "I mean, you and Fluttershy came here once before, didn't ya? Granny Smith said somethin' about it, but you never offered details."

The farm mare answered while trying not to gulp. "Well, I did meet the new hotel owners. Though they weren't really the new owners yet when Fluttershy and I came here. We sort of ended up helpin' them kick out the previous owner, but only because he was usin' friendship for his own benefits. Fluttershy and I left shortly afterward, though I didn't expect the hotel to still be goin' through some renovations even now. It's got to have been the better half of a year at least since the last encounter."

"Well, if it was really important you'd have told me their names by now," Granny Smith replied to her granddaughter. "But unfortunately, I don't have all day to wait around for you to decide you wanna tell me. The girls and I are gonna get our groove thing on. You're welcome to come watch us," And she warned. "But only the watch part, nothin' more."

"Yes, Granny, I know," Applejack sighed. "Besides, I have to meet up with Rainbow again anyway to see if she's figured out where our friendship problem's supposed to be in this hotel." And she trotted after the four old mares as they departed their VIP suite.

Applejack and the gals soon reached the dance floor, just as a downtrodden Rainbow came flying over to them. "Just my luck that all the ride passes for the Wild Blue Yonder are sold out. And it's only a matter of weeks before it closes for good too. There's no way I'll be able to ride it now."

"I reckon the gals could probably get you a front row seat if you asked nicely," Applejack suggested to her unhappy friend. "They're gettin' the kind of VIP treatment I've never seen them get otherwise. And three guesses as to why that is."

"You mean, you haven't told Granny Smith yet?" Rainbow questioned aloud and received confirmation in the form of a firm shake from her fellow athlete. "You know she's going to find out sooner or later, right?"

Applejack let out a sigh. "Yeah, I know. The only thing is, I'm not sure she'll believe me when she doesn't seem to believe me on the whole map business thing either. Besides, it looks like she's currently occupied with other things." And she gestured a hoof over to the center of the dance floor. Lights were shining brightly, music was blaring from loudspeakers and two stallions were conversing with the Golden Horseshoe Gals.

One of the stallions was a unicorn who looked so much like Trixie that it was uncanny. He had the same light blue coat as Trixie and the same light gray and light grayish-blue mane and tail done up in curls. His eyes were a moderate violet and his cutie mark depicted three yellow stars. He wore a yellow top hat with a purple stripe near the bottom, and had a dark purple button vest and matching bow with a yellow jacket underneath.

The other stallion was an earth pony that looked to be slightly taller than his partner. He had a light purplish-pink coat, green eyes, a very light green mane and tail in small curls with the occasional darker green streak, and a cutie mark depicting a white star popping out of a magic hat. He had similar attire to his partner, except his top hat was white with a purplish-blue stripe near the bottom, he had a similarly purplish-blue colored button vest and a white jacket underneath.

"I must say, you ladies have some smooth moves," The unicorn stallion declared as he tipped his hat to them. "I hear you're the famous Golden Horseshoe Gals that are considered honored guests of the hotel's owners."

Apple Sauce grinned as she shook the unicorn stallion's hooves. "Whoever tipped you off is right. And you must be our favorite magicians: Jack Pot and his great and powerful assistant Big Bucks."

"Indeed that is so!" The unicorn stallion grinned. "Though it's been ages since I've used the 'Great and Powerful' part in my performances."

Big Bucks just commented with a smile. "There's no need to be so modest, Jack Pot. It's your magical prowess and know how that's made our shows such a success. Though I'm honored to be not just your assistant but also your great and powerful friend," Then he inquired. "May we know the names of the lucky ladies that will be attending our show tonight? We have something special reserved for admirers such as yourselves."

"I'm Apple Sauce," Apple Sauce answered before gesturing to each of her travel companions. "This here's Granny Smith, Goldie Delicious and Apple Rose. And Apple Rose is the one who's big into magic shows, she was the one who insisted we come here."

Jack Pot flashed a smile while tipping his hat, before placing it back atop his head. "Fabulous! Fantastic even! We'll be sure to keep an eye out for you tonight. We might even be willing to let you up on stage for one of our volunteer acts."

"Don't worry, the only thing we ever made vanish was the audience's boredom," Big Bucks joked. "If you want to know a real vanishing act, you should talk to my ex-wife. Wherever she disappeared to it's a place even I can't reach her."

Jack Pot then instructed. "Enough talk, Big Bucks. We must begin rehearsal for our next show. After all, not only will it be packed full of ponies but it will also include some not so secret admirers of our talents." He proceeded to throw down a smoke bomb as he and his partner disappeared.

Rainbow and Applejack spoke not a word as they witnessed the whole display, but they were both thinking the same thing in their minds. "Are we sure Jack Pot and Trixie aren't related somehow?"

After that unexpected "encounter" with the magician duo, the Golden Horseshoe Gals occupied themselves for a little bit with some arcade games throughout the hotel. All the while the sounds of the Wild Blue Yonder zooming up, down and all around filled the air every so often. And it only served to further remind Rainbow Dash of what she wasn't going to be able to experience. She knew about Applejack's suggestion but she wasn't sure how to ask in a way that wouldn't sound desperate.

In the end, the gals managed to pool together enough tickets from their various games to obtain a stuffed kitten plushie. Goldie Delicious proudly claimed it. "This'll be just the thing for my little darlings. They'll love it to pieces!" And she was all too happy to take it back to the VIP suite and place it atop her bed.

"You know, this trip is proceeding a lot better than you made it sound like it would progress." Rainbow commented to Applejack as the two accompanied the gals to the banquet hall for a long overdue lunch.

Applejack only replied. "Well that's only because Granny Smith hasn't met you know who yet. And I think she may be tryin' to get along with the other gals just to try and get rid of me," She unhappily sighed. "I guess it's my fault for bein' so overprotective so much."

Rainbow did her best to reassure her friend. "Hey, you're just trying to look out for your family. So maybe you overdid it sometimes. Big deal. You don't do it anymore because you know better now, and that should be what counts."

"I sure hope you're right, Rainbow, for both our sakes. I get the feelin' that part of our mission is for me to convince Granny Smith that I ain't hoverin' over her like I did Apple Bloom that one time." Applejack commented before making her way over to Granny Smith and the other gals.

But they hadn't been eating for very long when at long last the hotel owners decided to make themselves known. Two two very familiar unicorn stallions with light yellow coats and red manes and tails approached the table where Applejack, Rainbow Dash and the Golden Horseshoe Gals were currently seated. The stallion on the right had a mustache, whereas the one on the left did not. But both wore matching yellow hats along with blue and white striped uniforms.

Granny Smith nearly jumped up in surprise when the familiar stallions greeted her by tipping their hats. "What in tarnation?! Just what do you two no-gooders think you're doin' in a place like this?!"

Flim immediately moved to try to clam Granny Smith down. "Now now, Granny Smith. It's nothing like that. My brother and I have renounced our salespony ways of old for good. Isn't that right, dear brother of mine?"

Flam nodded and smiled. "Indeed, oh brother, you speak the truth," And to Granny Smith he sincerely answered. "You should know that we haven't pulled off a con once since we took this hotel away from its previous owner, Gladmane. He deserved no less for all the horrible lies he fed to the both of us to turn us against each other."

"So, what, now you just give away a whole bunch of stuff for free and expect me to forget what you used to do?" Granny Smith huffed and frowned. "Fat chance!"

"Oh come now, Granny Smith. Why not let bygones be bygones?" The mustached Flam proposed. "After all, we're going to need a lot of good publicity to turn this place around. The Wild Blue Yonder has seen better days, and it's just too expensive to keep it operating."

Flim then boasted. "It sure is a good thing we've got the hottest magical acts in all of Equestria performing in our theater. Jack Pot and Big Bucks really live up to their names."

Rainbow immediately flew over with a gasp! "Whoa whoa whoa! So you're closing down this awesome, one of a kind roller coaster and in its place you're charging outrageous prices for some magicians?! This sounds just like that fake tonic scheme Applejack told me about from when you two were previously in Ponyville."

Both Flim and Flam seemed to look sincerely ashamed as they blinked in mutual agreement, and Flam spoke up. "A scheme we regret ever trying. We initially really did want to help Granny Smith feel younger. But we let ourselves get swept up in the marketing."

"In fact, it was because we'd struck out twice in Ponyville that we even decided to come here in the first place," Flim explained. "Then we met Gladmane, and Applejack can tell you the rest. As for the Wild Blue Yonder, it's regrettable that we have to close it for good. But we have to get with the times, if we continue to operate it this hotel is going to go under. We haven't ruled out reopening it someday, but that'll have to wait until we can find somepony who can keep it running without charging too much."

Flam pointed out. "In the meantime, we need something to fill the void. Magic acts seemed like the perfect thing to put into the old theater that used to house the finest entertainment and musical acts in Equestria. Jack Pot and Big Bucks are hardly the only performers we have lined up though," And he grinned. "We've got a hot new act we're just waiting to debut who comes all the way from Klugetown. Let's just say his cunning ways would put even our old salespony selves to shame."

Granny Smith, meanwhile, turned her attention to Applejack as she narrowed her brows. "No wonder we've been gettin' such special treatment. This was all part of your plan, wasn't it? When you found out the gals and I were headin' to Las Pegasus you put in word to Flim and Flam to treat us so lavishly we'd be too distracted to fight."

Applejack defensively retorted. "That wasn't my plan at all. I never would've even come here with you if the map didn't insist," And she pointed out. "I reckon you and the Golden Horseshoe Gals have to be part of the friendship problem. You always promise me you're not gonna fight, but that's exactly what you end up doin' anyway."

"We can deal with problems like that on our own!" Granny Smith grumbled as she got up from her seat. "If anypony should be worryin' about family, it should be me! You're always galavatin' off on your adventures, travelin' to the farthest reaches of Equestria. But you seem to think you need to look out for me all the time like you used to do with Apple Bloom. Honestly, Apple Bloom was better than you when she was goin' through this."

At that, Applejack stopped and nearly gasped. "You're worried about me?! I never knew you felt that way, Granny Smith. Why didn't you ever say somethin'?"

"Didn't think I had to, until now. I figured you'd be smart enough to know that for yourself," Granny Smith shook her head. "But you seem to still think the horseshoe's on the other hoof. Well, if this 'friendship problem' of yours is so dang important, why don't you just get on with it and get out of my mane?" And she turned and trotted off with her back turned to Applejack.

Rainbow Dash could only sigh as she hovered near Applejack, having witnessed everything. "I guess stubbornness runs in the family, huh, Applejack?"

The farm mare just remarked to herself. "I probably deserved it for not bein' honest with her up front about Flim and Flam. Should've told her the moment I got back from Las Pegasus. And I probably should've considered what all my journeys across Equestria and beyond would do to her."

"Why do you feel like you have to watch out for everypony all the time anyway?" Rainbow questioned. "That's something I've always found odd. I mean, I'm pretty much hooves off when it comes to the sisterly stuff with Scoot, but you almost make me feel bad with how much you seem to care for others. When you really get protective, I swear, you give Fluttershy a run for her money."

Taking off her trusty stetson, Applejack confessed. "It's 'cause of my parents. Even though I ain't the oldest siblin', ever since they died it's felt like I've had to step up and fill the role they left behind. Probably 'cause Big Mac started closin' himself off and not speakin' much until recently."

"We... had no idea, honest," Flim sincerely apologized to Applejack. "We figured your parents were no longer around, but we never suspected you lost them at such a young age."

"Still, you always had your family. And we greatly admired that," Flam pointed out. "Flim and I, we've only had each other for as long as we can remember. Maybe we had parents and they got taken away from us, or maybe we've always been orphans. Either way, Flim and I had to fend for ourselves from an early age. And after Gladmane nearly tore us apart for good, being able to reconnect felt all the sweeter."

Rainbow Dash then suggested. "Well, I think Granny Smith would really like to know that. Know that you two understand the importance of family I'd think that's something even she would have to respect."

"If it helps," Flim proposed. "We could agree to end the VIP treatment and offer a full refund for the price of the trip. We never wanted to be accused of favoritism. But having Granny Smith as our guest, we obviously felt the need to go the extra mile and pull out all the stops."

But Apple Sauce protested. "Hey, we don't want you to stop now. We are contest winners, and this is the most fun we've had on a get away since we started doin' these many years ago. Ain't that right, gals?" The rest of the Golden Horseshoe Gals all nodded their heads in agreement.

Flam, however, hesitantly replied. "Well, we won't be able to make a decision until we talk to Granny Smith. I just hope she's willing to listen." And he and his brother went to find the lone isolated member of the gals.

It took a little while for the brothers to find Granny Smith, but they eventually caught up with her back at the VIP suite as she was beginning to pack up her suitcases. "Oh, it's you two. Come to try and talk me out of checkin' out early, no doubt." She frowned anew.

The non-mustached brother tried to propose. "Listen, Granny Smith. We're sorry for any misunderstandings or disagreements from the past. Yes, there's no good reason why you should trust us. But do you think we'd be able to survive for long in this 'Pony eat pony' world of Las Pegasus if we were still up to our old ways?"

And the mustached brother added. "If you're not willing to accept our forgiveness, that's fine. I honestly don't think your granddaughter forgives us so much as she tolerates us. She minds her own business and we mind ours, simple as that. But you should be lucky to have a family that you're able to stay in touch with. That's something Flim and I have always admired about you Apples."

After a long, drawn out and awkward silence, Granny Smith reluctantly conceded to the brothers. "I know everypony else would want me to forgive Applejack and get back to the vacation. And I suppose you're right, family is somethin' to treasure and value while you still have it," She then cautioned. "But my forgiveness is going to have a price. One of the first conditions is that after tonight you boys have to stop tryin' so hard to impress me. If you really want me to believe you're sincere about your change of heart, I don't need a bunch of fancy favors."

So it was that Granny Smith rejoined her fellow Golden Horseshoe Gals, and then she and Applejack after a bit of silence shared in a hug. The hug conveyed more than words that all was forgiven, for the most part. Granny Smith was quick to warn Applejack. "You need to stop hoverin' over me so much. If this friendship mission of yours ends soon, you let the Golden Horseshoe Gals and I enjoy the rest of our stay on our own. We know our limits."

"And I promise that from now on, if I'm doin' somethin' that worries you you don't have to be afraid to speak up to me," Applejack vowed. "And, if I can help it, I ain't gonna be drawn into crazy adventures without first makin' sure you know not to worry."

"Speaking of worry," Rainbow spoke up once the hug ended. "Is there any way I could..."

Goldie Delicious just grinned. "-Ride the Wild Blue Yonder? Because that was part of our trip here too, even if the magic show was the biggest reason for comin'. We've got all the best connections. I'm sure we could arrange for you to get a ride too."

"Awesome!" The brash speedster smiled, before noticing something else. "Hey, Applejack! Look at your flanks for a moment!"

Applejack did so, and sure enough she saw that her cutie mark was glowing, and so was Rainbow Dash's. That meant the friendship problem had been solved!

"Please tell me my eyes aren't playin' tricks on me again!" Granny Smith exclaimed as she shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

The farm mare just grinned. "Sorry, Granny, that's just how the map works. Told ya I wasn't pullin' your leg about it."

The brash speedster, meanwhile, just declared! "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get my ticket for the Wild Blue Yonder! I may even go down in history as the last Wonderbolt to ever ride it!"

"If you're looking for the ride entrance, it's just down the hall and up a flight of stairs," Flim instructed as he used his magic to float over several gold tinted passes. "Just show these to the ride attendant and you're good to go."

Flam then advised. "But you'd better hold on tight! We don't call it the Wild Blue Yonder for nothing!"

Applejack just commented. "You girls go ahead. I ain't much for rollercoasters. This is one experience I don't mind missin' out on," And she proposed. "See you all tonight for the magic show?"

Rainbow Dash and the Golden Horseshoe Gals all nodded in agreement, and then trotted away to find and board the Wild Blue Yonder.

Author's Note:

Bonus chapters, for those who don't already know, are where I take an episode or episodes and re-focus them on a different set of characters that weren't in the original episode. In this case, Applejack had only an implied presence and Flim and Flam weren't even in the original episode. So I decided to add them into the rewrite here.

The main problems with the original episode are Applejack's overprotectiveness and Rainbow Dash's following of it constantly putting a damper on any possible plot points. It really doesn't make sense for this to just be ignored, especially when this was also one of the first episodes to show the School of Friendship restricting instead of enabling plots. And it's never really explained how Applejack can teach Rainbow Dash's class when she already has her own to teach.

Making this a map mission was a bit of a personal choice, but I wanted it to follow a pattern. A pattern I mentioned in my rewrites of "Canterlot University" in Volume Eight and "Sounds of Silence" in Volume Ten (the latter of which I reworked into a map mission with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy). In keeping with that pattern, the "Sounds of Silence" rewrite would come first and then this episode, so this would probably be pushed back to about six or seven episodes in instead of being the fifth in the season.

And for Flim and Flam, considering I rewrote all their other appearances, I wanted to try and bridge the gap from their appearance in "Viva Las Pegasus" to "Canterlot University". The nod to Capper is tied to his appearance at Flim and Flam's resort during the recruitment process depicted in IDW Comics' Nightmare Knights.

Applebuck Season
Party of One
Baby Cakes
The Crystal Empire Parts 1 and 2
Grannies Gone Wild (Bonus Chapter)
The End in Friend
Road to Friendship
She's All Yak
The Last Crusade (Bonus Chapter)
The Last Laugh
Daring Doubt