• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 409 Views, 4 Comments

The Legend of the Alicorn Sisters - KingYakko5991

Seeking power, the Alicorn of the Night strikes down her older sister, the Alicorn of the Day. Overtime, she comes to regret her mistake and now must accept the past.

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In the Secrecy of the Night

There is an ancient legend about two great Alicorn sisters, the Alicorn of the Sun and the Alicorn of the Moon. For centuries, the two sisters worked together to keep peace and harmony all across the land as they raised and lowered the sun and moon respectively. However, there came a time where the two were not in agreement with one another. The Alicorn of the Moon was displeased with creatures of the day sleeping through her glorious night. She felt that she did not receive the honor she deserved and was insulted. The Alicorn of the Sun tried to convince her sister that both day and night were equally important, that rest was a necessary part of life that only the night could bring to the creatures of the land, but it was of no use. The Alicorn of the Night was blinded by her arrogance and fury. Soon, the sisters' bickering had turned to rage that fueled a long and violent struggle that had darkened the skies. Eventually, the Alicorn of the Moon had reigned victorious, striking down her sister, causing her to fall to the Earth below and shatter the land.

As time passed, sweetness of victory had soon turned to ash, as the Alicorn of the Moon realized her solitude. Her triumph had transformed to sorrow. She was distraught, as she knew only bitterness and sorrow. For years her grief had brought discord upon the world. One day, a stranger called up to the Alicorn and asked "Oh, great Alicorn of the Moon, why do you fill our lives with such sorrow?"

The Alicorn told her, "Seeking power, I struck down my only sister. But without her, I am lost."

"You have inflicted wounds upon yourself," the stranger replied. "But now, you must heal. Walk the Earth on two feet, as I do. Find value in humility. Then, you will find peace."

The Alicorn knelt upon the ground. For the first time, she was able to clearly see the world around her, and she became human. The stranger revealed herself to be the her fallen sister. Now reunited, the two set out to rebuild the world they had once destroyed...


Deep in the mysterious Everfree Forest lies the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters, a site centuries old that had attracted the attention of a particular woman who visited frequently. No one knew the true identity of her, as she always traveled at night and made sure as to not interact with anyone, but many speculated that she was somehow related to the royal family that had once resided in the castle. Regardless, many felt that the integrity of the site was at stake and as a result night guards were set in place in attempt to deter the mysterious woman.

In the middle of the exposed courtyard stood many guards, both human and sentient machine. Some more nervous than others as the full moon in the sky meant the mysterious woman was more likely to appear. As a result, the castle was more heavily guarded than usual.

Across from the courtyard, out of sight from all who guarded the castle, a hooded, shadowy figured lurked in the trees, watching and taking in all there was to see. The faint light from the full moon slightly revealed the face of a woman underneath the hood, a determined expression on her pale blue face as her turquoise eyes took in all there was to see. Making sure to stay hidden in the shadows, she quickly but quietly made her way over to the courtyard, where the majority of the guards were stationed. Finding a closer place to perch, she quietly grabbed her bow from off her back then took an arrow from her quiver. She drew the arrow in her bow, and aimed for one of the robot guards. Omnics, she thought to herself. The dime a dozen bots. She then loosed an arrow at the Omnic guard, disabling it. The fall of the guard got the attention of everyone in the area as they began to panic. Without a moment to lose, the woman dropped from her perch then made her way to the next guard she saw, a man unaware of her presence. Quickly she grabbed him by the neck with her bow, muffling him so that he would not be heard. She dragged him into the shadows where she finished him off, then once again looked out to the courtyard.

Seeing that confusion was still amongst the guards and that she had not yet been spotted, she loosed a few more arrows to take out more guards, drawing attention away from her destination, a gateway that lead to the entrance of the castle. As space cleared up for her, she quickly made her way to the gateway and into the unguarded castle. Knowing her way through, she hastily made her way to the throne room, where there were two thrones each with it's own matching banner. The throne on the left was dark, themed after the night while the one on the right was bright, themed after the day. She took a bag that she had been carrying off her back and from it she took a sunflower, which she placed before the throne on the right. She then went down on both knees before it, placing her bow to her side. She then closed her eyes to meditate, reflecting over her past mistakes.

However, the hooded woman soon realized that she was not alone in the throne room, as she felt the presence of someone else. "You are not the first assassin sent to kill me," she said coldly. "And you will not be the last." Suddenly, a figure dropped from the ceiling onto the ground, without making a noise. The figure had the shape of a human, but was nearly unrecognizable as one, as their entire body was covered from head to toe with cybernetic parts. If the figure was ever once human, it was certainly now more machine now than anything.

"You are bold to travel to the Castle of the Two Sisters, the den of your enemies." The figure emitted the voice of woman. Perhaps there was a human soul inside after all.

"This was once my home," the kneeling woman said, opening her eyes. "Did your masters not tell you who I was?" She quickly grabbed her bow and fired an arrow at the cyborg assassin behind her, who dodged the arrow with ease.

"I know who you are, Luna." The hooded woman's eyes went wide at the sound of her name. She then shot another arrow at the assassin who again dodged it effortlessly. "I know you come here every full moon." Luna grunted in response and shot three arrows in quick succession but the assassin dodged each arrow with ease, but retreated to take cover. "You risk so much to honor someone you murdered!" The assassin then summoned three shurikens from her cybernetic arm and jumped from her cover to throw them at Luna. Now it was Luna's turn to avoid an attack. As she rolled from the shurikens, she drew another arrow.

"You know nothing of what happened!" She exclaimed as she loosed the arrow at the assassin. The assassin unsheathed a katana and used it to deflect the arrow, but the force of the arrow sent her flying to a lower level. Taking the advantage of the opportunity, Luna drew an arrow with a splitting head and fired it. As it impacted on the ground, it sent several projectiles flying around the lower area. However, the assassin managed to successfully deflect each and every one. She then leapt back to the main level, then dashed over to an opening to the side that lead to the outside. Filled with fury, Luna quickly followed after, with an arrow drawn in her bow. She went outside to see that the assassin was out of sight.

"I know that you tell yourself that your sister dishonored the family named." Luna quickly shot an arrow at the source of the voice, only for it to hit a wall. "That you had to kill your sister to restore balance, that it was your duty."

"It was my duty," Luna said slowly, hesitantly drawing another arrow. "And my verdict!" She then loosed the arrow, only for it to be deflected once again. "But it does not mean I don't honor her!" Luna fired her last arrow at the assassin, who only ran forward and sliced the arrow in half with her katana. Now enraged, Luna ran forward at the assassin, attempting to use her bow as a melee weapon. But the assassin proved to be better at close quarter combat, besting Luna and sending her towards the side of a nearby cliff. The assassin went to strike Luna, but she managed to hold the blade back with her bow, the two struggling, but reaching a stalemate with neither able to obtain an advantage.

"You think you honor your sister Celestia with simple material offerings?" the assassin asked, a sense of anger almost detectable in her voice. "True honor resides in one's actions!"

"You dare lecture me about honor?" Luna spat, now offended. "You are not worthy to mention her name!" With newfound strength, Luna pushed the cybernetic assassin to the side. She quickly ran to one of her arrows stuck in the wall and grabbed it. She drew it in her bow then focused her energy. Speaking in an ancient tongue, she pointed her bow at the assassin and exclaimed, "Sit noctem universa consumas!" As she spoke, she summoned two dark blue alicorns that followed the trajectory of the arrow as it flew towards the assassin.

In response, the assassin sheathed her katana, but then grabbed a longer blade that was sheathed on her back the whole time. "Carpe diem!" she exclaimed, as she summoned a bright yellow alicorn of her own that surrounded her. Luna's eyes went wide in shock as she saw this. The assassin used her long blade and her alicorn to turn the twin dark alicorns to turn back and head straight towards Luna, who stood still as the mythical beings phased through her. She then fell to her knees, completely void of all strength.

"Only those of royal blood can summon the alicorns..." she said. "Who are you?" The assassin did not respond, but instead dashed towards Luna, placing the blade against her neck. "Do it then," Luna said. "Kill me." The assassin jus paused, but then turned to look at the fallen archer.

"No," she lowered her blade. "I will not grant you the death you wish. You still have a purpose in this world... sister." Luna's eyes then went wide. She quickly grabbed her bow then looked at the assassin in disbelief.

"No," Luna slowly backed away. "It can't be... My sister is dead!" The assassin merely reached towards her face, removing what appeared to be part of a cybernetic mask. Doing so, she revealed her purple eyes, gazing at her sister. "Celestia..." Luna said, still in disbelief. "What... what has become of you?"

"I have accepted what I am," Celestia replied, returning her mask back to its original state. "And I have forgiven you. But now, you must forgive yourself. The world is changing again Luna, and it's time to pick a side." She then leapt to a tree. But Luna then grabbed one last arrow and drew it, pointing it at her sister.

"Real life is not like the stories our family told us!" She exclaimed. "You were a fool to believe it so!"

"Perhaps I am a fool to think that there is still hope for you, sister. But I do. Think on that." And with that, Celestia disappeared into the night. Luna lowered her bow as she watched the spot her sister last stood on. She then turned to head back to the throne room and returned to her spot in front of her sister's throne.

Author's Note:

Just a "silly" little story I decided to slap together while waiting for the Overwatch League matches to start lol. Crazy still loving this game in 2021. Personally I love the idea as Luna as Hanzo, but really have a hard time seeing Celestia fit Genji's character. Uh, suspension of disbelief maybe? :twilightblush:

Also the language that the two spoke was Latin, in case you couldn't tell. I took Spanish in hs so I had to use Google translate to get Luna's line. If anyone knows how to properly translate "Let the Night consume all," I'd greatly appreciate that as I know Google translate can be pretty inaccurate at times.

Anyway, with all that being said, I hope you all enjoyed! Again, if you haven't seen the animation this story is based on, I highly recommend it! Alright, Fusion is playing now, gotta rep the Philly bois lol. Late gamers! :heart:

Comments ( 4 )

“Dragons” is hands down on of the best overwatch animations.

Honestly it just may be my fave

Definitely understandable.

Why did you write Luna as Hanzo? Her story very closely resembles Genji's, Celestia should be Hanzo. Here’s my reasoning.
Celestia locked her sister away for 1000 years of torture for both of them, not a second passed that she didn’t regret doing that. Hanzo, stabbed and cut his brother to death, not a second passed that he didn’t regret that. Luna, got locked up for rebelling against her family legacy. Genji was killed for rebelling against his family legacy.

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